MTL - What’s Wrong With Seeking Death?-Chapter 127 【Minor Repair】

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The location of Xu Tuoran's trip was a small park designated by Pu Han.

This small park is located in the city next door to City C. It looks like it has been around for a while, and the gate is old. Because of the rain, there are no people in the park. Xu Tuoran was still a little worried about not bringing an umbrella, but at the moment the taxi stopped, the heavy rain happened to stop suddenly. Only the faint sound of thunder rolled on the thick clouds.

This made Xu Tuoran feel a little better. She quickly got out of the car, and according to the previous agreement, she found a grove in a corner of the park, and waited for a while, but she did not see Pu Han, but instead received a message from him.

"Inside the grove, there is a gazebo... Concentric locks are hung on the pillars of the gazebo..."

Xu Tuoran carefully read the message sent by Pu Han, and at the same time followed the path to find the gazebo he mentioned. According to his description, he picked out the innermost one from the concentric locks hanging on the pillar.

The style of this concentric lock is obviously different from the others, and it also looks much worn out, with the surface fading. Standing in the pavilion, Xu Tuoran, under the gray light, took a lot of effort to finally make out some writings that were almost obliterated:

"Pu Han...will always like...Qiu Feifei...?"

After Xu Turan finished reading the above words, he raised his head in a daze.

What does it matter to her? Why did you point her to this one? What does Pu Han want to do?

Before she could figure it out, Pu Han sent two more messages. This time it was a set of rune patterns and a simple ritual step—

Well, if playing a set of Baduanjin on the spot is considered a ceremony.

Xu Tuoran hadn't practiced this thing before, so he urgently searched for a teaching video on his mobile phone. Shaked out a new tablecloth and spread it in the pavilion, carefully drew the runes, followed what Pu Han said, put the found concentric lock in the middle of the runes, and followed the video, and typed it carefully A set of Ba Duan Jin…

Although it was quite outrageous to say this, she did feel that the air around her seemed to vibrate the moment the fight was over.

The rune, which was only shining with a faint light, suddenly burst into a dazzling halo. The sense of shock in the air is more obvious. Everything in the field of vision is like a muddy palette. All the scenes are spinning and blending together. In the haze, a white single door appears out of nowhere. The door Gently turning the handle, a shallow gap was pushed outward.

A foot stepped through the door. Followed by a hand.

The next moment, a complete figure slipped out of the door. The moment his feet landed on the ground, it seemed as if the music played by the clock on the hour sounded around him.

After that—everything suddenly became calm.

All sights returned to normal, and all sounds faded away. The only difference is that there is one more person in the rune in front of Xu Tuoran.

"Hey!" The man held the concentric lock with one hand, happily raised the other hand, and shook it slightly at Xu Tuoran.

As for Xu Tuoran, he frowned involuntarily, stared at the people in the rune array for a moment, and then asked half-believingly, "You are... Pu Han?"

No wonder Xu questioned in vain. After all, the "Pu Han" in front of me is indeed different from the common version.

He looked like a complete human being, but his face was much younger than the one Xu Tuoran knew, and he was wearing a school uniform like a sack, and his bangs were spread down like money, covering almost half of his face.

Most important was his hand—his right hand.

She looks like an ordinary person, without carefully protecting her with gloves, without wearing beautiful decorations, and seeing Xu Tuoran, she will not happily show her heart to her.

That's not Fifi.

This made Xu Tuoran's attitude a little curious. That Pu Han, who fell from the sky, seemed to take it for granted:

"The me you see now is me who hasn't graduated from high school. At this time, Feifei is still fine. Of course she won't be on me."

"High school student?" Xu Tuoran showed a little surprise in his eyes, "What do you mean?"

"To put it simply, I gave full play to my omniscient Chen-level ability, and managed to transfer my consciousness out." Pu Han's tone could not hide his complacency, "Look at the runes on the ground? Have you never seen them before?" Have you ever seen it? This is my own rune, it was specially designed for 'me' after I was promoted to Chen level..."

Including that sloppy Baduanjin ceremony. It was also conceived urgently by Pu Han. And the combination of these two is equivalent to sending an online request to his body.

This method came to him suddenly after he heard Xu Tuoran's description of Jiang Siyu's "domain". For a newly promoted Chen-level omniscient, it is not difficult to figure out the principle behind this and apply it.

The only problem is that he still can't own his own domain - he has just completed the upgrade not long ago, and his strength is not stable enough to support him to do this.

Fortunately, Pu Han doesn't need these for the time being. As long as he can get in touch with Xu Tuoran and perceive the thing she put in the rune, that's enough.

"Put it in the rune... Do you mean the concentric lock?" Xu Tuoran gradually understood, "It means that I was offering sacrifices to you just now, and now you are responding to me?"

"Almost." Pu Han nodded, and proudly raised the concentric lock in his hand, "But this is not just a sacrifice."

This involves another ability he gained after he rose to the Chen level—time retrospective.

Pu Han's original quality was a "journalist", with a single omniscient tendency, and his main ability is to read from a distance. He can directly read the current state or past deeds of the related person by touching specific objects or signs. Most of the content appears randomly, but it can also be read in a targeted manner. And in random content, the probability of reading other people's secrets is high.

Generally speaking, the skills of the ability user will be fixed when they rise to the candle level. After that, no new skills will be acquired with the upgrade, only continuous strengthening. However, when Pu Han reached the Chen level, he added a "time regression" that had nothing to do with his original quality.

"The 'backtracking' here refers to the time of individual existence. In layman's terms, I can make the state of the designated existence go backwards and return to a certain point in time before." Pu Han said, turning his fingers, moving the A small concentric lock was collected in the palm.

And when he opened it again with five fingers, the copper lock that had been severely damaged was now shiny and clean, and the name and wish engraved on it were clearly and vividly remembered.

Xu Tueran took the brand new concentric lock, looked at it curiously for a while, then glanced thoughtfully at Pu Han: "Then you now..."

"Don't get me wrong. I don't have the ability to rejuvenate a living person. At least not now." Pu Han raised his hands, "The me you see is not the real me. It's me extracted from a certain point in the past. It’s a replica of it. It’s just that I can synchronize my current consciousness to this body.”

Xu Tuoran: "?"

She glanced at the concentric lock in her hand, and suddenly realized: "No wonder you asked me to find this thing. Are you relying on it to determine the timing of the re-engraving?"

"That's what it means." Pu Han nodded earnestly, "History reenactment, this is also one of the effects included in 'Time Rewinding'. But this effect only works for me, and its use is very restricted."

He can't reproduce himself who is closer in time. At least four or five years away. And if you want to "reprint", you must use a special medium—such as the concentric lock that Xu Tuoran is holding.

This lock was bought when he went to the park with Feifei before he graduated from high school, and it was very commemorative to him. So it can become his "medium". And with this medium, he can reproduce himself at the corresponding point in time.

That's why, standing in front of Xu Tuoran now is an onion boy version of Pu Han wearing a sack school uniform.

Xu Turan: ...

"Sorry, wait for me to take a look." She closed her eyes, "That is to say, the person standing in front of me now is Pu Han from ten years ago. But your consciousness belongs to the current Pu Han."

"That's what it means." Pu Han snapped his fingers, "How about it, isn't it amazing?"

Xu Tuoran: ...

Well it's kind of magical.

But what is even more amazing to her is that the padlock that appeared ten years ago has not been disposed of by the park ranger until today.

"I didn't buy this lock here, I bought it in another big scenic spot." Pu Han took the small copper lock from her hand, and hung it on the pillar in the park very carefully, "After a few years , Feifei had a premonition that our copper lock was going to be disposed of in that scenic spot, so she secretly went to get it back.

"Since I got it back, I have to find a place to hang it. She attaches great importance to this sense of ritual. I can only hang it in this park for a while, and take it away when it is almost processed, and hang it in another park for a while..."

Trouble is trouble, but Feifei always enjoys it. Until the accident happened five years ago, she could no longer go to any park alone.

"This is the last park she came to." Pu Han pointed to the ground under her feet, "I was also ill for a long time. After recovering from the illness, I came here on purpose and moved some hands and feet on the copper lock... "

He modified other people's perception of this copper lock. Except for those who have been guided by him, no one else will be able to discover the existence of this concentric lock. It no longer needs to change places, it can stay here forever, quietly and for a long time.

Pu Han said lightly, his fingers gently stroking the surface of the copper lock. Xu Turan looked at him silently, somehow, he suddenly remembered the huge wooden man far away in the camphor forest.

She sighed silently and opened her mouth to say something when Pu Han's eyes turned and she suddenly said:

"I know what you're thinking. I can probably guess."

He glanced at Xu Tuoran: "Fang Ke just returned to the Charity House yesterday. I also learned something from her."

He can only say that there are some things that he may be able to understand intellectually, but emotionally speaking, he will never forgive.

…Too. Expected result.

Xu Tuoran wisely did not bring up this topic again. As Yang Buqi once said, there are some things that outsiders are not qualified to comment on.

Pu Han closed his eyes, exhaled deeply, and when he opened them again, he had that kind of smile that was not a smile: "Okay, let's not talk about this. Hurry up and move on to the next step. The domain of your long-night friend, you Where did you get in before? We'll go there next."

Xu Tuoran responded, took out his mobile phone and began to look at the ticket. After looking at it, he suddenly realized an important problem.

She suddenly raised her eyes and looked at Pu Han seriously. After a second of silence, he hesitated and said, "You said earlier that this body is a 'replica', right?"

"Ah." Pu Han nodded, "What's wrong?"

"That is to say, your body should not actually exist..." Xu Tuoran hissed, "Then do you have an ID card?"

Pu Han: "..."

He seemed to have just realized this problem, and slowly opened his mouth.

Well, that appears to be gone.

Xu Tuoran pursed his lips and silently put away his phone.

Without an ID card, it means that you cannot take most long-distance transportation.

Although using their respective abilities, it is not difficult to try to get into the car. But there are so many people with mixed eyes, who knows if there will be accidents. Especially Pu Han's style is so special now, the school uniform styled ten years ago plus the nostalgic version of Sha Matt's characteristic slanted bangs, it is hard not to attract attention.

If something goes wrong, it will delay people's normal work.

Therefore, Xu Tuoran thought for a while, finally made up his mind, and contacted his adoptive brother's assistant cheekily.

The overbearing president's assistant was still so omnipotent, and it didn't take long for him to transfer a special car to take them to City C.

Xu Tuoran had previously asked his adoptive brother to suspend his studies on the grounds that he had thought about a "gap year". Afterwards, there was very little contact, and I seldom mentioned my own movements. I only reported that I was safe on a regular basis. There is also less contact with the assistant of the Almighty Master. Suddenly taking a trip at this moment, it feels like a world away. Pu Han was quite happy, and was even in the mood to chat with the driver all the way to City C. Xu Turan was amazed at the long battery life.

Their final destination was the abandoned office building on the outskirts of City C, where Xu Tuoran officially met Jiang Siyu. But the kind of place where "I will be haunted" all over the body, let her cheap adoptive brother know that it is impossible to guarantee that he will not think about it, so Xu Tuoran only asked the driver to take them to his residence in C City, and went upstairs to sort it out Take a look at your personal belongings, and then take a taxi again.

When the two of them actually arrived there, it was already very late, and there was no light in the rainy night sky. The headlights on the nearby construction site became their only source of light.

Xu Turan and the two walked forward with the only light source. Xu Turan was curious as he walked: "What are you going to do after you get in? Are you using your new skills to force your way into the domain?"

"That's almost the way of thinking." Pu Han shrugged, "Find the runes that the domain owner has connected to, use time travel back to restore them to the connected state, and add the ceremony, you should be able to enter."

Xu Tuoran seemed to realize something, and glanced at him in surprise: "You don't want to go in with me, do you?"

"If I go back directly, I will be slapped by Feifei again." Pu Han smiled wryly, "It's okay, let's just join in the fun."


Seeing that the office building was close at hand, Xu Tuoran stopped, turned on the flashlight of his mobile phone, and said casually: "You follow me, what about the Charity Institute?"

"Leave it alone." Pu Han said indifferently.

The replica body shares abilities and consciousness with the real body, but at the same time, he can only control one of them. And once the consciousness is withdrawn from the replica, the replica will instantly disintegrate and cease to exist.

The good news is that he has successfully upgraded so far, and he only has time to tell Xu Tuoran. The Charity House didn't know about it yet. Even if they don't move for a long time, they will only think that they are sleeping for the sake of upgrading, and Feifei can help cover it up, so they should be able to hide it for a long time.

Xu Tuoran heard what he said firmly, and didn't say anything more. Turning around and walking into the desolate office building like a skeleton, it didn't take much effort to find a set of runes hidden in the room.

Among those runes, the largest was nearly two meters in diameter, and its structure was exactly the same as Xu Tuoran's drawing in the hotel before. It was completely dim now, showing a strange grayness under the light of the flashlight.

"This seems to be a bit difficult." Pu Han clicked his tongue, squatted down and looked at it carefully, "It may take me some time to return it to a usable state."

"It's okay if you can." Xu Tuoran opened the backpack and took out two exercise books for the ceremony. Xiao Fenhua took the opportunity to poke her head out of the bag, and was gently pushed back by Xu Tuoran.

"What is that?" Pu Han, who was squatting next to the rune and studying it, looked over curiously, "Yang Buqi's cub?"

"Probably." Xu Tuoran said, and was about to zip up the zipper, his eyes turned, and he noticed the silver box next to the little pink flower, and his movements suddenly stopped.

"Why don't you study it first?" Xu Tuoran raised his head after thinking for a while, "I'll hurry up and catch up on sleep."

Pu Han: "...?"

"Seriously?" He was obviously taken aback. "Here? Now?"

"I want to see if I can upgrade to a level first." Xu Tuoran himself felt a little outrageous. But after thinking about it, she still felt that it would be better to upgrade the chaos to the Chen level first.

She was going to be promoted last night. Who knew that she entered the Palace of Order inexplicably last night. Because the train did not use chaos props to lead the way, it had to go to the natural disaster first. And when she came by special car, she didn't fall asleep at all because she listened to Pu Han's chatter all the way...

Previously, she didn't know how long Pu Han could stay here, and she only wanted to make a quick decision. There was no mention of stopping to take a nap. Now that the two of them are confirmed to enter the domain together, they are thinking about solving the hallucination first, so as to save trouble later.

It just so happened that Pu Han still needed some time to study the runes, so she happened to sleep for a while.

Pu Han didn't care, so Xu Tuoran took out the tablecloth he used before from his bag, spread it on the wooden sofa chair next to him, said hello to Pu Han, put the chaotic mud block next to him, and closed it Eye.

Because of the uncomfortable posture, Xu Tuoran did not fall asleep quickly. Consciousness floated up and down in the darkness, and he was about to completely sink into a dream, when Pu Han next to him suddenly heard an "oops".

Xu Tuoran subconsciously wanted to open his eyes, but his body seemed to be suppressed by some kind of force, making him extremely heavy. . She tentatively called Pu Han's name twice, and the other party's voice seemed to come from far away:

"I made a mistake, the state of this rune...there was power flowing out of it...forcibly opened..."

? ? ?

what's the situation?

Xu Tuoran's heart sank involuntarily. At this moment, the weight on her body disappeared, she hurriedly turned over and said hastily: "What do you mean, it can go directly into..."


Xu Tuoran looked at everything in front of him, and silently swallowed the last word.

What she saw at this moment was a completely unfamiliar room.

It looked like a multi-person dormitory, with four sets of bunk beds in a room of about 50 square meters. Xu Tuoran woke up on the upper bunk farthest from the door, and there was no one else in the room except her.

However, there were clearly people living in this room. All the beds are piled with a lot of personal clothes and bedding. The three-piece suits were all of the same standard, and Xu Turan's bed was the same. The only difference was that her bed sheet was covered with a tablecloth, and there was a piece of mud held by the cloth in one corner of the tablecloth.

Xu Tuoran pursed his lips, and put the mud lump in his hands first. She went to the side of the bed and looked down, and saw several tables put together on one side of the room. On one of the tables, her own backpack was placed, and on the side of the table was the one with the stone spear. piano case.

The zipper of the backpack opens by itself. The little pink flower poked its head out from inside, and excitedly waved its leaves at Xu vainly.

Nothing was lost, which made Xu Tuoran somewhat relieved. She looked around again, out of vigilance, first set the room as the land, and at the moment the land was rolled out, a familiar voice sounded in her mind—【Congratulations, you got 200 points to die value! 】

Xu Turan: ...

Weird thing.

There is no prompt when entering the domain, but there is when using defensive skills.

Xu Tuoran muttered in his heart, but there was no further reaction. She climbed down the ladder in the midst of the notification sound of the death value, without even slowing down.

Anyway, it's only two hundred. It shouldn't be a big problem.

Under the bed, the feeling of life is even heavier. Daily necessities are piled up everywhere, and some walls are covered with posters and slogans. Xu Tuoran walked around the room a few times, and noticed that there were numbers pasted on the edge of each bed. The numbers seemed to be arranged irregularly, but each number was marked with an F.

I don't know what it means.

On Xu Tuoran's own bed, the number posted was "Twenty Eight". It looks newer than other labels, and the handwriting can even be erased by touching it.

As for the posters and slogans on the wall, they are completely confusing. On the poster are a few people with blurred faces swaying on the stage, and the slogans are repeated "Come on, work hard", "We are the stars of tomorrow", "The stage only belongs to those who are prepared".

...What's the situation, I thought this was a student dormitory?

Xu Tuoran frowned in confusion, and suddenly his eyes fell on a piece of notice paper on the wall.

"Welcome to the Human Growth Variety Show, "Merge, Family"..." She murmured out the handwriting on it, her brows tightened a bit, "Come on, those who participated in the... draft?"

what happened? Why the draft? Did she unknowingly enter which domain? Could this be Jiang Siyu's domain?

Looking further down, the line "This program is sponsored by Old Man Jiang's Taobao store" seems to have answered her doubts.

But Xu Tuoran still couldn't understand why what he saw was such a scene. At this moment, there was a knocking sound coming from the door.

"Has the new trainee arrived?" A gentle voice came from outside the door, "It's time to report."

Xu Tuoran: "..."

She followed the sound and looked towards the door. Through the thick door, she couldn't see the person behind the door, but through the crack of the door, she saw the person's shoes.

A pair of red, reversed shoes.