MTL - When a Fanfic Protagonist Transmigrated into the Original Novel-Chapter 3

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Grandson Sun Zijun was in a bad mood. He has lost count of Yi Xichen's first miscarriages, and on several occasions he was too unrestrained to do too much to kill the child. (He didn't want to, but the author gave him a glimpse of Yi Xichen. (On the setting of 100% incarnation of beasts and animals), there are several times when the villain's supporting actress is drained of medicine. Fortunately, Yi Xichen is a very ploughed land, sowing will have a harvest. But always tossing like this, Chang Sun Jun is also annoying. If it is to be born, whether it is a ball or an egg, it is born quickly. If you do n’t want to give birth, why should Yi Xichen keep getting pregnant?

Although the grandson Sun Zijun suffocated the fire, Yi Xichen's own child, he ... Mom. Now the child is gone, and the miscarriage is quite hurting. Although Yi Xichen can be used for a few days every time, it looks like a okay person, but his grandson Zi Jun is upright and responsible. Picked him up and prepared to take him to see the elders in Yaoge.

Yi Xichen felt frightened. Grandson Sun Zijun must be joking, put his hand on his stomach and say what child, God, he is a man, where can I get a child and stuff his own belly? !! Really stuffed in, where should I hit? !!

"Ah, ha ha." Yi Xichen burst into a dry laugh and put his hand on Chang Sun Zijun's forehead. "Zi Jun, are you feverish?" An iceberg face like Chang Sun Zijun made such a joke, not funny It's a bit scary. Even more frightening is that Grandson Zijun looks serious, without any jokes at all! !! !!

Long Sun Zijun didn't like his physical contact. Every time Yi Xichen put his cold hands on any part of his body, it was like adding firewood to his heart. Although he didn't like this feeling, he couldn't restrain it. Once things went on, they would be left in bed all day long. He glanced down at him and said coldly, "Man, don't play with fire."

Yi Xichen: "..."

"Zi Jun! Zi Jun! Long Sun Zi Jun!" Yi Xichen struggled and jumped out of Long Sun Zi Jun's arms. If other disciples and elders in Tianjian Gate saw elder Grandson Jun hug him around, he would have no idea where to put his face.

"I'm wrong, I know it's wrong! I won't tease you any more!" Yi Xichen stepped back while apologizing. He knew that it must be his grandson Sun Zijun, who teased him with some frivolous words, annoyed his brother, and came up with such a method to avenge him!

Long Sun Zijun looked at Yi Xichen with a faint expression on his face: "Tease me? You lost our child. What a serious matter, do you mean to tease me?"

Yi Xichen's goosebumps were almost standing up. He now knows that making an iceberg face a joke is really a terrible thing. If he becomes the head of the Tianjian school, he must issue a new door rule: People who are not kidding will absolutely No kidding!

"Is you crying and begging me to give you a child!" Changsun Zijun took a deep breath and said indignantly, "You said that you have a child, you are a complete man!"

"My day, you are not over!" Yi Xichen was about to collapse. Don't always say that he has children! !! Inexplicably, my **** hurts! !! !!

Just then, a gentle voice came into their ears.

"Brother Changsun, Brother Yi, what are you doing?" A disciple in a disciple suit walked over.

Yi Xichen was like seeing a savior, and rushed to grab someone's arm: "Brother Lu! Good morning ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

The person named Lu Zizheng was the most powerful disciple under the seat of Elder Jianlian Pavilion. At Tianjianmen, there are four cabinets, namely the Jianjian Pavilion, Shoujian Pavilion, Xiujian Pavilion and Yaoge. Other Xiuxian schools are similar, with similar establishments. As a sword repair school, Tianjianmen is naturally the most powerful in the Jianjian Pavilion. All the disciples in the Jianjian Pavilion are dragons and phoenixes. And the most troubled is the disciple of Yaoge. Because everyone is not serious in medicine practice, alchemy skills are not common, and they have delayed practicing sword practice.

——Unfortunately, Yi Xichen and Long Sun Zijun are both disciples of Yaoge. Yi Xichen was because the talent was so bad that Tian Jianmen was able to accept him. He was already a net opener, and when the grandson Sun Zijun first entered the martial arts, he was a child of the Jianjian Pavilion, and even in the Jianjian Pavilion, he was outstanding. But he was too arrogant and offended other disciples. Those people used some means to make him break the door, and he was sent to Yaoge.

At that time, Lu Zizhen and Long Sun Zijun entered the mountain gate together. After spending some time in Lianjian Pavilion, he saw the elder Sun Zijun's talents and appreciated him very much. In the past ten years, their identity in the martial arts has become a world leader. No, but Lu Zizheng still cares for the grandson Sun Zijun. In the original setting, Lu Zizheng is a gentle and elegant boy, and is also the most popular warm man nowadays. He helped them a lot during the practice of long grandson Zi Jun and Yi Xichen. It can be said that in addition to the two main protagonists, Long Sun Zijun and Yi Xichen, Lu Zizheng is the most popular character.

However, in the fandom world ...

Lu Zizhen was startled by Yi Xichen's extraordinary enthusiasm, and was somewhat flattered: "Ah, ah? Early, early two brothers."

In order to alleviate the embarrassing scene, Yi Xichen desperately found a topic to talk and laugh with Lu Zizhen. Fortunately, he was cheerful and cheerful, so he just left behind what happened just now.

Lu Zizhen patted his shoulder and said softly: "You two will practice your swords well. After ten days, you will be at the Four Pavilion Disciples Competition. You two will certainly be able to compete for some share. "

Yi Xichen rubbed his hands immediately: "That's for sure!"

He is currently working on an interesting mechanism, and he lacks some advanced gold spirit stones. This time, he has to find a way to win the game anyway.

Lu Zizhen noticed that Chang Zijun was standing still with no expression on his face, and he wondered: "What happened to Brother Chang Sun? It looks like you are in a bad mood. Brother Yi, shouldn't you bully him?"

At this moment, Yi Xichen had been relaxed a lot, his nature was revealed, and Qi Jiner came up again. He pretended to touch Zi Zi's shoulder affectionately, jokingly, "Zi Jun, see if I am good with you, he is jealous. . "

"Hum!" Long Sun Zijun snorted heavily, his nostrils facing up to the sky, "I won't eat your vinegar! Hum!"

Yi Xichen and Lu Zizhen: "..."

A cold wind blew through, Yi Xichen and Lu Zizhen shivered at the same time. Today's wind is a bit hustle and bustle, and today's eldest grandson, some proud. Is this still the grandson Zizijun? What's going on in this tone of silverlessness here? !!

In order to warm up, Yi Xichen laughed twice again: "Brother Lu, look, Zi Jun also learned to speak wrong."

"Huh! I don't know why! Huh!"

Three: "..."

Not to mention the already petrified Yi Xichen and Lu Zizhen, the grandson Sun Zijun himself wanted to find a seam to drill in. Just snoring, why did he sing twice? !! The poor protagonist will not know. In order to increase the visibility of the story, the mad fanatic writer added the setting of "vinegar jar" to "100% arrogant character as long as it involves emotional problems".

The former elder grandson Zijun did not find anything wrong with this, and he was almost backing out the routines. As long as he was proud, the glass-hearted goblin Yi Xichen would shed tears on the spot, crying Say "It turns out that you don't love me at all, you all lie to me, you are cruel, I am sorry, I am helpless, I am lonely, and I need the comfort of a spare tire" and then I run away. After that, he should catch the fleeing little victim with a smile of evil charm and press it on the bed for three days and nights, and then when nothing happened.

But at this moment, the eldest grandson Zi Jun, who is still unable to escape the "100% setting", meets two normal people, and his embarrassing cancer is about to start.

"Brother Changsun ..." Lu Zizhen asked in a puzzled and embarrassed manner, "Are you unwell?"

"Huh! I'm not sick! Huh!"


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