MTL - When an Alien Is Bound to a World-Saving System-Chapter 27 The Zombie World (19th)

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Xu Yuncheng saw the black wire that was the same as the hair but was constantly twisting, and felt only a scalp tingling, and almost did not spit it out. Screamed out:

"Oh my God! What is this! When did you put it on me!"

Dark-haired boy: "Well, the specific attributes of this‘ thing ’are related to my abilities, and I ca n’t tell you. As for time… when I first arrived at the Changfeng base.”

"You!" Xu Yuncheng was surprised and angry.

"Ha! Sorry, at the time I thought you were just an ordinary C world resident. In fact, in order to ensure the safety of everyone's life, I put a few on each Changfeng member ... so I was able to save Li Ze at that time And Zhao Shuxuan.

Later, when you use your time and space power to stagnate time, naturally you also pull the black wire into your space and time domain.

In fact, when you saved the little couple, you set the time at the moment when I cut off the head of the zombies, and when I looked at me carefully, my filaments were watching with you ... "

Xu Yuncheng didn't expect that he had been exposed at that time, and in order to lead Xiaoyi, a suspicious element back to Yuncheng, he got up in the middle of the night to steal the generator! But he suddenly thought of something again, and turned to shout at the dark-haired boy:

"Isn't you able to see every move during this time! Do you know what personal privacy is!" Xu Yuncheng, who has always been calm, got angry for the first time.

"No! I didn't watch it all the way." The teenager explained quickly, "For example, if you take a bath or go to the toilet, I automatically block it. Hey? Do you remember when you rushed out at the riverside base just wearing autumn clothes, I was surprised when I saw the love pendant on your neck? This proves that the black wire was blocked at the time, and I didn't see anything. "

"Oh." Xu Yuncheng was relieved, only a little flushed when the teenager mentioned the pendant.

"Hey? Why were you so nervous just now? It's not just because you thought you were peeked into the shower, did you do anything uncommon during this time?"

Xu Yuncheng's face was black, red, and black and red.

The dark-haired boy had a bold guess in his heart! Is it related to 'cats'? However, due to the loss, he still restrained his gossip and did not ask the bottom line. Instead, he consciously diverted the topic and looked at the tens of thousands of incomplete black silk who had been absorbed by black silk and said:

"There are 2 minutes and 30 seconds left."

"I have one more thing to do, and you continue to absorb it." Xu Yuncheng disappeared out of thin air.

Then the dark-haired boy continued to watch his every move with curiosity in the black wire already lurking in the computer room: I saw Xu Yuncheng appearing in the computer room hall of more than 8,000 thousand square meters, which was filled with a giant electronic device. He Gently stroke on one of them. Then the surrounding scenes are like a holographic movie where the rewind button was pressed, and innumerable flashes of vision about this machine's past flash quickly:

The first few seconds were just images of the machines quietly standing in the computer room. Then, the time came to the end of the last days: hundreds of scientific researchers were alienated into zombies in scientific research clothes within a few seconds under the induction of electromagnetic waves.

Time receded, and before the end, it was peaceful. The staff came and went in this supercomputer being developed, but what they didn't see was that the machine was still quietly flashing the indicator light when it was quiet at night ...

Xu Yuncheng's speed slowed down a little, looking for the beginning of the change. Until one day, the machine did not run out of human control, Xu Yuncheng controlled the time to flow downstream. After several repetitions, he finally fixed the picture in a frame. Just linked to a brand new hard drive on your computer.

Xu Yuncheng took a deep breath and looked slightly relaxed, his face showing the joy of success. He walked to the locker in the computer room according to the track of time, and took out the hard disk that appeared in the ghost in an inconspicuous corner inside. Then he said directly to the empty hall:

"Xiaoyi, I'm done, you start!"

The black silk army that had just digested more than 100,000 zombies has grown unprecedentedly. Under the command of the dark-haired boy, it turned directly into a black vine. The windows broke into each floor of the computer room building, entangled with each electronic device. !! Start struggling to digest plastic and corrode metal.

However, after all, electronic equipment is not pure organic matter. It takes more effort than zombies. Half an hour later, nearly 10,000 tons of black silk destroyed the entire host machine, leaving only an empty experimental building.

The culprit that caused a world on the verge of extinction and hundreds of billions of human lives was finally completely eradicated!

"Well, now the most difficult step to save the world of zombies is finally completed. Next, the nearly tens of millions of zombies around the world, with the concerted efforts of the psionicists and saviors, should be successfully eliminated in 20 years. Xu Yuncheng said to the dark-haired boy who had already entered the main room with the black silk, "Let's return to the position before the time stagnation, and I will stop the ability."

"Wait!" The dark-haired boy quickly avoided Xu Yuncheng, who was about to grab his shoulder when he teleported to him. "Did you forget what I said to everyone when I just counted down for three minutes? I can finish it when the countdown is over. Tasks. I've counted them all to zero, and then you tell me there are 20 years left to complete? "

"So what?" Xu Yuncheng didn't mind. "At that time, we were acting on the surveillance camera of the virus system, not to lie to them deliberately."

"No!" Said the dark-haired boy. "I'm a man of word and faith. The eight abilities have already been spelled that way. Tell me to tell them that they just fought hard just to act to paralyze the virus system. Plus it attracts zombies. I ca n’t say. "

"Then I told them." Xu Yuncheng now did not grasp the point at all.

"No! I mean, since I said that I can complete the task in 3 minutes, I have to say it!"

"What! Are you crazy?"

The black-haired boy looked at Xu Yuncheng without paying attention to him, but carefully observed his facial expression, and then said, "You also have a part in the acting, how long do you have? 10 hours? 20 hours? 30 hours?"

Xu Yuncheng wanted to yell at his mother for the first time in a thousand years! But still silent.

However, the teenager has seen the clue from his expression, "That's more than twenty hours left? Well, now let's think of a way to destroy hundreds of billions of zombies in 20 hours."

"Are you ill? It's winter, and it will take months for your black silk to spread across the globe! Even if I take the black silk and teleport it tens of thousands of times within 20 hours, it will not be useful to spread them to the world! Do you? Forgot that as long as time starts to flow, in order to avoid the discovery of humans and systems, can Heisi not be able to move on the bright side? "Xu Yuncheng felt that Huo Li's little boyfriend had a pit in his head! But in the face of a friend, he had to look after him ...

"You can teleport tens of thousands of times in 20 hours!" The dark-haired boy surprised.

Xu Yuncheng: "..." The length of time that has always been strictly confidential, and the number of instantaneous movements were missed by a child within a day.

"It's okay, I just need you to teleport three times." The teenager said as he grabbed a handful of hundreds of tons of black silk that had been quietly acting as a small biochemical laboratory. Hold the gray powder, and hand it to Xu Yuncheng seriously.

Unknown Xu Yuncheng stretched out his hands to catch it.

The black silk boy clapped his hands and shook off the remaining black ash before Xu Yuncheng, who held the ash powder, said:

"This is a deadly virus that I have just cultivated. Hey! Be careful not to spill it." The black-haired boy looked at Xu Yuncheng who was almost scared to jump up and said, "It only infects zombies, it is harmless to humans. You are instant Move to the other two continents and just spray it into the air. "

Xu Yuncheng's doubts disappeared, and he appeared in front of the teenager half a minute later: "Is this over?"

"Yeah, what else do you want to do, one by one to inject hundreds of billions of zombies with viruses? If you don't believe it, you can submit a task to see if the main system will determine that the task is complete."

"The system was suspended by me and I couldn't send a signal during the stagnation time." Xu Yuncheng said calmly.

"Okay! What did I shout before the time was frozen? It seems to be 'it is now'. Then we returned to their respective positions and maintained the posture before being still. You can recover time by counting 3, 2, and 1. I immediately picked up a 'submit task.' And then 'now, submit task.' It was barely a sentence. "

"What if the request for the end of the mission is rejected? After all the saviors heard you boast about Haikou:

You shouted 4, 3, 2, 1! It is now, submit the task!

Then everyone's mind will sound at the same time: Ding! The world mission request was rejected! "

Today, Xu Yuncheng, who was in a tragic fire, finally found an opportunity to turn his back on each other:

"Is this very face-saving? SS-level abilities that never let their words go and die as a turtle?" Are you sure you want to do this? "

The little stranger froze a bit, and looked at Xu Yuncheng in surprise: he wouldn't stimulate a thousand-year-old old-fashioned old man into a poisonous tongue uncle in one day, right?

But at the same time, the dark-haired boy was also hesitated by Xu Yuncheng's full distrust. If the mission was not successful, it would be too shameful. Regardless, the extension of the head is also a knife, the reduction of the head is also a knife, just do it!

"I'm sure," said the dark-haired boy.

When Xu Yuncheng heard nothing, he dragged the dark-haired boy to the downstairs. Xiaoyi just wanted to walk to his original position and listened to Xu Yuncheng saying behind him:

"I also spilled the virus for you, and took care of your face. Shouldn't you also make some contributions to keep my abilities secret?"

The dark-haired boy had an ominous hunch in his heart, but still replied, "Yes?"

"After a while, the 8 abilities saw that 100,000 zombies disappeared out of thin air. It is likely that my abilities are related to time. After all, even if I have a teleport ability, I ca n’t teleport away in a flash Many zombies. So, for the sake of confidentiality, shouldn't you use your power to put all the scenes at that time, that is, the positions and actions of more than 100,000 zombies? "

"Are you teasing me?" The brunette teen couldn't believe it.

"Why, can't your power do it?" Xu Yuncheng asked rhetorically.

Dark-haired boy: "..." Damn it! I really darkened the original gangster.

"Come on, if I recover half of my time and run out of time, then you never say the word‘ just submit the task now. ’But you ca n’t shout.” Xu Yuncheng said.

"You wait!" The dark-haired boy gave Xu Yuncheng an indignant glance and began the arduous recovery work. Xu Yuncheng stood by his arms and waited for the show.

Ten thousand tons of black silk brushed down the courtyard and outside the courtyard, and the entire floor was covered half a minute later.

"Wait a minute, I look back at the time, and you put them one by one according to the ghost." Xu Yuncheng's calm voice even brought some glee.

"No," said the boy with a smile.

At the same time, hundreds of thousands of black sculptures rose to the ground, and after a few seconds they were alienated into a variety of zombies, setting up a scene of **** fighting between the two sides, exactly the same as before the time stopped!

Even the zombies that were previously locked in the air are supported by several filaments that maintain camouflage colors, `` flying in the air ''. And several zombies on the big brown bear even stretched their heads, opened their mouths and shoved their teeth tightly into the wounds of the transformed man ...

"It's done." The dark-haired boy looked at Xu Yuncheng with a smile, "Boss, what else do you want? The burning flame of Liu Yan is really difficult to restore, so I don't need to go to get a lighter to charge you one by one." Number? "

Xu Yuncheng still couldn't calm down from the shock at this moment, stuttered:

"How do you, you remember the appearance and location of hundreds of thousands of zombies? Even the tooth structure is tightly connected! How is this possible?"

"I'm not really clever all the time, but now my brain capacity is relatively large. Oh no, it should be said to be weight." The dark-haired boy smiled humblely. .

"How heavy are you now?" Xu Yuncheng asked completely subconsciously.

"280 thousand tons."

The dark-haired boy calculated the approximate value instantly after half a second.