MTL - When Does This World Have a Blood Bar Displayed?-~ Gugu... Late internal friction

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  Cuckoo… Late stage of internal friction

   can't do it anymore, I've been struggling until now, and it feels like my brain has been hollowed out.

  Kavin feels really like the phone becomes stuck when using it, I don’t know when it suddenly stops moving (desperate(@_@;)

The state of    is a bit poor, and it is really disturbing to repeat it this way. It will probably take a year. Maybe the focus is gradually shifting to reality, and the time and energy cannot be well coordinated.

   And the long-term existence of internal friction is really exhausting... Affects emotions and overdraws mental effort. It's like a vicious circle - the more you procrastinate, the later the later you procrastinate (bushi... Now think about it carefully, although it was always those sudden troubles at the beginning, and they kept popping up frequently and irregularly, which made me more and more Anxiety and irritability, but now, it is really just the beginning of the day, even if I do nothing, I will feel tired and tired.

  Maybe in the past, chopping wood was chopping wood, and cooking was cooking…

   And now, when I’m chopping wood, I’m worried about cooking, and when I’m cooking, I’m worried about chopping wood… That’s probably how it is.

So after thinking about it, I feel that maybe I need to be more decisive, and I can't continue to maintain this ineffective torture of my body and mind. Let's stop for a while and give myself a real vacation...Relax your brain completely, Take a good look at the mentality, and by the way, focus on the things at hand first.

   I also hope that everyone will not encounter such a situation, will not be confused, and be full of motivation at any time. After all, this state is really suffocating... Thank you. (ノへ ̄,)

   (end of this chapter)