MTL - When God Begins To Evolve Again-Chapter 140 Quanba Proving Ground

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A few people carefully looked at the ruby ​​on the golden mask, and soon discovered that there was indeed something wrong.

Most of the gems are the bigger the better, the less inclusions the better, but this ruby ​​is quite big, but the interior is not particularly clean, you can faintly see some color paste-like interiors. Inclusions.

"Is this a fake pigeon's blood ruby? Burned or colored?" Kunsa asked.

In the past, the ruby ​​was heated to reduce the inclusions in the ruby, making the color of the ruby ​​more beautiful.

This heat-treated ruby ​​is called a burnt ruby, and a ruby ​​that has not been heat-treated is called a burnt ruby.

Having burnt rubies is not considered fraud, but the value is much lower than unburned rubies. There are also unscrupulous profiteers who sell burned rubies as unburned rubies, which is fraud.

As for processing such as color injection, it is a real fraud, and it is an extremely bad behavior.

How could such a rich ruby ​​be used on such a precious gold mask, so Kunsha thought it was a fake ruby. The ruby ​​originally on the gold mask may have been replaced.

Who knew that Shalai shook his head and said, "No, this is a real ruby, and it's also a pigeon blood ruby. The current standard for pigeon blood red is that the cleaner the better, but in that ancient country, the real pigeon blood red was like this."

"Is that ancient country's standard for pigeon blood red so low?" Kunsha was surprised.

"Then you are wrong. At that time, the standard was not low, on the contrary, it was very high. Don't think that any inclusions and ribbons can be called pigeon blood rubies." Shalai said, took out He turned on his mobile phone, turned on the flashlight function of the mobile phone, and illuminated the ruby ​​on the gold mask.

Several people were surprised to find that under the irradiation of light, the magma-like color in the ruby ​​actually showed the effect of flowing fireworks.

The ruby ​​in the shape of a horse's eye, with red light flowing through it, is like a burning flame.

"In the legend, the princess bride already had a sweetheart, but was forced by the emperor to marry a powerful man. On the day of her wedding, she wore a golden bride mask and jumped into the raging fire, defending herself with her own life. My own love and dignity. After the fire was extinguished, people only found the golden bride mask among the ashes. The original pure ruby ​​on the mask became like this. Later, the pigeon blood red standard of the ancient country became This, only this kind of ruby ​​can be called pigeon's blood red in that ancient country, representing the top ruby." Shalai stroked the golden mask and said, "Although it's just a legend, is there a golden bride mask and that person? It's hard to say for the princess, but the ruby ​​on this is indeed invaluable, and it is not comparable to a pigeon's blood ruby ​​in the ordinary sense."

When Li Xiu heard this, he already understood why Qin Shi had a high fever.

It's just that Li Xiu didn't quite understand why Qin Shi had a princess mask and why she collected rubies.

Although the ruby ​​on the princess mask is precious and the story behind it is very poignant and moving, but in terms of the legend of the story, the Diamond of Doom is no worse than it.

Why was he able to contract the Doom Diamond, but was resisted by this ruby?

Qin Shi's high fever does not subside, and his body temperature is still slowly rising. If this continues, in a few days, I am afraid that he will be familiar with it. If he cannot make a contract with Ruby, Qin Shi will be helpless.

In fact, Li Xiu was very suspicious. Even if Qin Shi was saved now, her brain might have been burned out.

How could an ordinary human body survive a high temperature of more than 50 degrees.

Li Xiu stretched out his hand and asked for the golden bridal mask in Shalai's hand, and then plucked out the ruby.

"Don't, this thing is sold together with the golden mask, and the price is higher." Shale said with some distress.

Li Xiu ignored him, turned around and put the golden mask back into the box, while quietly stuffing the ruby ​​into his mouth and swallowing it directly.

Since blood is not easy to use, you can only use the original original


The ruby ​​was forcibly swallowed by Li Xiu. Fortunately, his body was strengthened enough, otherwise such a large ruby ​​would not be easy to swallow.

What's more, this ruby ​​is sharp at both ends, and if most people swallow it, it may scratch the esophagus.

Li Xiu suddenly felt as if he had swallowed a fire, and there was a burning sensation in his stomach.

Li Xiu's thoughts moved, and his body emitted white fluorescence, which was the light energy from the Forbidden Spear.

Under the blessing of light energy, Li Xiu suddenly felt that the burning sensation in his stomach was relieved a lot, and it gradually eased.

As the burning sensation in the stomach eased, everyone was pleasantly surprised to find that the high temperature on Qin Shi's body began to drop slowly.

"Li Xiu, you can, is this the light of your symbiosis contract? It can even save people and treat diseases?" Shalai looked at Li Xiu in surprise and asked.

"Ordinary people can't be saved, and ordinary illnesses can't be cured, but it just happens to be able to help Qin Shi." Li Xiu didn't have the heart to chat with Shalai.

Although the burning sensation in the stomach was gone, the ruby ​​hadn't turned into a magic ring and appeared on Li Xiu's fingers. It seemed that it had not been completely tamed.

Li Xiu's actions were more effective than the special antipyretics, but after a while, Qin Shi's fever subsided, and his body temperature quickly returned to normal.

"I'm so thirsty..." Qin Shi miraculously woke up from the coma. His brain didn't seem to be burned out, but he looked very weak, pale and bloodless, like Lin Daiyu who was seriously ill. Looks very different.

Several people were busy pouring water for Qin Shi, and then brought gruel. Qin Shi drank some water and ate a little gruel, and his mental state was obviously much better, at least he was able to sit up by himself.

"Li Xiu, why are you back?" Qin Shi was a little surprised when he saw Li Xiu.

"If it wasn't for Li Xiu's return, your life would have been lost." Kunsha recounted what happened.

Qin Shi was fine at first, but when he heard Li Xiu take out her golden bridal mask, his face changed greatly.

"You go out first, I have something to tell Li Xiu." Qin Shi bit his lip and said.

"What can Li Xiu listen to and can't we listen to?" Shalai teased.

"I'll have a few words with Qin Shi, and we'll catch up later." Li Xiu knew what Qin Shi wanted to say, and said to Shalai.

"Okay, I'll go get someone to prepare the food and drink first." Shale obeyed Li Xiu's words, and immediately turned around and went out.

When Kunsha finally went out, he closed the door with care.

As soon as they left, Qin Shi immediately took the box and opened it to see that although the golden mask was still inside, the ruby ​​on it was gone, and his face suddenly turned even paler.

"What happened to that ruby?" Qin Shi looked at Li Xiu and asked while biting his pale lips.

"I don't want to get rid of it, can you be okay?" Li Xiu was a little surprised. It seemed that Qin Shi knew that her illness was related to the magic gem, but she didn't know how much she knew, and whether she knew the magic gem. matter.

"It's over, it's over." Qin Shi muttered to himself with a face ashen.

"What's going on? If you believe me, you can tell me, maybe I can help you." Li Xiu said.

"You can't help me." Qin Shi's face was full of bitterness, but he continued: "Do you know why I have been collecting rubies all these years?"

"Could it have something to do with that ruby?" Li Xiu said following her words.

Qin Shi nodded: "Almost, I collect those rubies to feed the princess's golden mask."

"Feeding?" Li Xiu was a little puzzled by the word.

That ruby ​​hasn't turned into a demon yet, how will she feed it?

Qin Shi sighed and told the whole story.

Qin Shi's father was also a costumer, but he wasn't very good at it. He was just an ordinary E-class costumer, a kind of cannon fodder.

During a battle with a demon, Qin Shi's father unfortunately died.

Originally, it was only natural for the magician to die in the hands of the devil.

But later Qin Shi learned that the reason why her father died was because he was deliberately abandoned by the commander, just because his father had offended that commander, so when fighting the demon, the commander who should have given the order to retreat , but deliberately did not give Qin Shi's father an order to retreat, which caused Qin Shi's father to die.

Qin Shi knew the truth of the matter, but he did not have the ability to seek justice for his father, so he could only leave his hometown to avoid being persecuted by that commander again.

Although Qin Shi also has the talent of a magic dresser, but without the support of financial resources and major forces, and lack of systematic training, she relies on a set of spare E-level magic clothes left by her father, and she can only take care of her private life and barely make a living.

He couldn't even get a high-level magic outfit, let alone get justice for his father.

Until one time, Qin Shi took a job and joined a team of gem hunters to explore the ruins of an ancient city.

Among the ruins of the city, they found the ruins of an ancient palace where the Golden Mask of the Princess Bride was found.

While discovering the Golden Mask of the Princess Bride, the team of gem hunters was attacked by demons and the entire team died.

The magic suit left by Qin Shi's father was also damaged in that battle. At that time, Qin Shi thought he was doomed.

Strangely, the demon glanced at Qin Shi, who fell to the ground, and turned away without giving her the final fatal blow.

When Qin Shi came back to his senses, he crawled out of the tattered magic costume, only to find that the golden mask had been pressed under her body, covered with her blood, and the rubies on the golden mask shone like flames. Bloody splendor.

Since Qin Shi got the golden mask, it has suddenly become a lot smoother. Every time he takes on private jobs, he can save the day and earn a lot of money quickly.

But Qin Shi soon discovered a serious problem. The ruby ​​on the gold mask would get very hot every time, and sometimes it could burn your hand.

Only when the ruby ​​and the gold mask are put together, its temperature will gradually decrease, and the ruby ​​that is put together with the gold mask will disappear out of thin air after a while.

Since then, Qin Shi has been feeding the golden mask with rubies, and she has also tried to sell the golden mask, or even bury the golden mask.

But once she leaves the golden mask, a lot of unfortunate things will happen around her. Until she gets the golden mask back, those unfortunate things will stop happening, and then she will start to become smooth again.

For so many years, Qin Shi has been feeding the golden mask with rubies, but the appetite for the golden mask is growing.

At the beginning, an ordinary one-carat ruby ​​can satisfy it, but later ordinary rubies can no longer satisfy it, and it must be a high-quality ruby.

In the past two years, pigeon's blood red gemstones have to be used to cool the rubies on the golden mask, which is why she only accepts pigeon blood rubies as payment.

Qin Shi also thought of many ways to solve the problem of the golden mask, and she also inquired about the origin of the golden mask.

In the area where the ancient country used to be, Qin Shi learned a legend about the princess mask from an old man.

A woman who wears a princess mask must find a man who truly loves her in order to defuse the curse of the golden mask.

Otherwise, the golden mask will haunt the host until the host dies.

Before the curse is lifted, if the golden mask is damaged, the host will also suffer misfortune.

Qin Shi had already tasted the misfortune brought to her by the golden mask, not to mention the damage to the mask, even throwing it away would be misfortune.

Now that Li Xiu had lost the gems on the golden mask, Qin Shi thought that he was in trouble.

Qin Shi is not afraid of death, she is just afraid that she will die before she can get justice for her father


"Don't worry, with me here, you won't suffer any more misfortunes." Li Xiu knew very clearly that Qin Shi's misfortune was not because of the golden mask, but because of the demon in that ruby.

Now that the ruby ​​has been swallowed by him, although it has not been able to turn it into a magic ring, it has been suppressed, and Qin Shi should not be affected by it in the future.

Of course, Li Xiu is still not sure whether Qin Shi is completely unaffected, so he plans to let Qin Shi stay with him for a while, so that he can continue to observe, after all, this ruby ​​is the first one that has not been directly contracted by him. of magic gems.

Qin Shi heard Li Xiu's words, his pale cheeks were slightly flushed, and he obviously misunderstood what he meant.

She just told Li Xiu that she must find a man she truly loves to be able to defuse the curse of the golden mask.

Li Xiu told Qin Shi with certainty now that with him there, Qin Shi would not suffer any more misfortunes.

This is not a confession, what else could it be? Li Xiu was implying to her that he was the man Qin Shi truly loved.

"Just in case, you can follow me for a while." Li Xiu said to Qin Shi.

"I see." Qin Shi lowered her head and said, now her face is blushing fiercely, her heart is beating fast, and some are afraid to look at Li Xiu.

Li Xiu didn't see Qin Shi's face. Seeing her bowing her head, he thought she was tired, so he said, "You rest first, and come back with me tomorrow."

"Is it a bit too fast?" Qin Shi's heart was a little flustered: "Is it about to establish a relationship with him? Is this too fast? We don't seem to know each other very well... But if the curse is really lifted ...that means he really loves me...even that's a bit too fast...if he wants to do something with me...what should I do..."

"No way, I still have a lot of things to do on my side, I can't stay here for too long, I can only take you back. The conditions on my side are a bit more difficult, if you don't mind, you can sleep in my room , the bed and furniture are all left by the former city lord, they are all high-end goods, and the bed is big and soft." Li Xiu said.

"Then how can..." Qin Shi's heart beat even more fiercely, and he couldn't help complaining in his heart: "How can you say such a thing to me, do I look like that kind of casual woman?"

Seeing Qin Shi's appearance, Li Xiu immediately realized that what he said seemed to be somewhat ambiguous, smiled and said, "Nothing is impossible, you sleep in my room, I can sleep in the guest room."

Qin Shi heard the words and realized that he was wrong. He was a little embarrassed. He was about to say something, but before she could say anything, he heard Li Xiu take it again: "Of course, if you are not used to sleeping alone, I can do it too. I will give up my life to accompany the gentleman, but I have to say it first, the gentleman can only speak, not move, just chat, and if you have other requirements...then you will have to pay more..."

"Go away!" Qin Shi's apology just now turned into a full of shame and anger, and he grabbed a pillow and threw it at Li Xiu.

"Let's get out of here, you should have a good rest." Li Xiu caught the pillow, placed it on the edge of the bed, turned and left Qin Shi's room, closing the door outside.

"Will this person really be the one who can lift the curse of the princess mask for me?" Qin Shi looked at the closed door with a complicated expression. He didn't move for a while, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Sha Lai has prepared food and drinks and waited for Li Xiu. Kun Sha and Pa Shan were also sitting. They hadn't seen each other for a long time, but they were not unfamiliar at all. Drinking and eating meat and bragging were so Xiu , are you interested in going to the proving ground with me? Luck is really not ordinary lately. During this period of time, I have entered the trial field no less than 20 times, but I have not encountered a single admission ticket. I have not yet become a real trial person. "Shalai had already drank a bit too much, and said with his shoulders hooked.

"Which test field? Crazy ball test field?" Li Xiu immediately became interested when he heard Shalai mention the test field. Apart from Black Dead City, he had never been to other test grounds. In case of luck Well, if you can meet the admission ticket, you can see other places of trial.

"No, mad

The ball proving ground is not suitable for me. I am still suitable for a more wild test. Recently, I have been to the Quanba proving ground, which is much more interesting than the crazy ball proving ground. "Shalai laughed.

"The boxing trial ground, I don't seem to have heard of it before, what are the rules?" When Li Xiu was in Tailuo City before, he hadn't heard of this trial ground.

"Rules? There are no rules at all, the only rule is to see whose fist is hard..." Shale said with bright eyes: "That thing is much more interesting than playing football. There are not so many rules and regulations, and it's over."
