MTL - When God Begins To Evolve Again-Chapter 160 stone breaker

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Both of them were disappointed at first glance. The bandit didn't dig up the original stone at all, and her Black Death Demon just dug up a strange thing.

"What is this?" Chu Jun looked at the contents of the pit with doubts in his eyes.

Li Xiu was also looking at the thing, but he didn't see what it was.

The Black Death had just dug a pit more than three meters deep, and there was a red ball about the size of the big yoga ball that women use to practice yoga.

The ball wasn't artificial material, it was covered in scales, but those scales looked more like metal.

To say that this is a demon, several people have not sensed the aura of a demon in it. Chu Jun has inspirational skills. If it was a demon, he should have discovered it early.

If it weren't for a demon, what would this be? New species undiscovered on Earth? Or something made by humans?

The bandit instructed the Black Death to move the things out, and the three of them looked at it carefully for a while, but they didn't come up with a reason.

There is no gap on the ball, which first ruled out the possibility that something had shrunk into a ball.

They haven't heard of any creature's egg that has scales on it, and to lay such a big egg, how big a creature is possible? Even if the dinosaurs are resurrected, it is hard to say whether they can lay such a big egg.

"Is it a man-made thing? Who would make such a thing, what's the use of burying it here?" Chu Jun touched the scales of the thing, and when he started it, he felt nothing, and the texture was similar to normal metal.

"You said, is it possible that this is a fruit?" The bandit pondered.

"Fruit? What kind of fruit can grow in such a deep underground?" Chu Jun felt that the bandit was just imagining it.

"Maybe my expression is wrong. I mean, is it possible that this is a plant, like lotus root buried in the mud, or sweet potato or something." A bandit explained.

"Then you have to cut it open to find out." Chu Jun thought it was unlikely that someone's fruit had a metal shell and scales on the outside.

After researching for a long time, I couldn't figure out what it was, and finally decided to cut it open and take a look.

The three ran far away and hid behind a big rock. Chu Jun controlled the dark blue knight and stabbed the metal ball on the ground.

With a bang, the metal ball was smashed by the dark blue knight's sword and rolled out, but it was not damaged.

"It's so hard, it doesn't seem to be fruit." Chu Junzheng was talking when he suddenly saw that the thing moved by himself.

The scales on the outside of the metal ball folded down and contracted piece by piece, and soon revealed the contents inside.

There are still the same scales inside. When the outermost scales are folded and shrunk to the bottom of the sphere, the second layer of scales also begins to fold down and shrink.

Layer after layer, this thing is like an onion, the scales are constantly peeled off, but the same scale structure is still inside.

"It's more than a dozen layers. How come this thing has more layers than an onion? What is it?" Chu Jun stared at the metal ball that was about the size of a blue ball, and said with a strange expression.

"If I knew what it was, I wouldn't be hiding here." Li Xiu said, staring at the thing.

The metal scales peeled off several layers, and the scales below were folded and stacked to form a cylinder, which looked like a pineapple, and the sphere on the top continued to peel off the scales.

Finally, after the last layer of scales was folded down, the three of them were surprised to find that inside the layer of scales was a fist-sized, jelly-like translucent white sphere.

The bandit suddenly seemed to have thought of something, pointed to the thing and said, "I remembered, just now I thought this thing was like a fruit, you see, this thing doesn't look like a large lychee, but the outer skin is thicker. Inside is its pulp."

After being told by the bandit, Li Xiu and Chu Jun really felt a bit similar, but the skin was thick and the flesh was less, and such a big thing was peeled off layer by layer, leaving only the pulp of the size of a fist.

"This thing can't really be a fruit, can it?" Chu Jun swallowed.

"You won't know if you try it." Li Xiu smiled.

"How to taste it? The ghost knows whether that thing is fruit or not. Even if it is a fruit, what if it is poisonous?" Chu Jun is not stupid, so how could he taste it.

Three people, you look at me, I look at you, no one dares to be the first person to eat crabs.

After waiting for a while, no danger was found. The three people came out from behind the big stone and came to the vicinity of the thing to look.

"I'll go, there's still the sweet smell of fruit, shouldn't it really be a fruit?" Chu Jun approached and smelled it, and immediately called out.

Li Xiu also smelled it, nodded and said: "It's really a bit like the sweetness of lychees, and it seems to be mixed with the taste of pear and banana. Maybe it's an undiscovered fruit species. Would you like to try it?"

"Forget it, it's too risky, let's keep digging. Are the demons reliable? We dig like this. If there is a ruby ​​mine in this valley, we should have dug it long ago." road.

No one dared to taste the thing, Li Xiu controlled the demon, took the thing to the corner next to it, and continued digging holes with the bandits to find the ruby.

Who knew that the ruby ​​was not dug up, and the red ball was dug up again after a while.

The ruby ​​was not dug up, but seven or eight red **** were dug up, which made the three of them a little depressed.

The outer shell of these red **** is really hard, and Li Xiu intends to bring them back to Ximen Officer to see, maybe they can be used as materials for magic outfits.

"It seems that we have been deceived by that unparalleled king in all likelihood. There is no ruby ​​mine in this place." Chu Jun just looked at the stones that were dug up, and he was so tired that he slumped on the ground and said.

"That's not right. If the King of the World is really so scheming, he must have a purpose for him to lie to me here, and it should be good for him. What good can we do for him by digging a hole here? It can't be It wants to eat fruit, and tricked me to come here to dig these fruits and bring it back?" Li Xiu felt that this should not be the case.

"Then what do you say? Do you continue to dig?" Chu Jun said.

"Let's do it, get all the demons here, let's dig a big hole in the depths and see, if there is no gain, let's go back." Li Xiu also felt that the chances of digging out rubies were unlikely.

A few people put the demons into a pit and dig down, some digging, some transporting the excavated soil and rocks, some picking up stones, some taking out the garbage, these demons work non-stop all the time, more than blood and sweat. Factory workers have to work hard.


When the big hole was dug more than 20 meters deep, a black death devil sank under his feet, as if stepping into the air, and suddenly disappeared, only to see a hole in the ground there.

"No, is there a cave demon here too?" Li Xiu was shocked. After confirming that there was no problem with the ground nearby, he hurriedly came to the edge of the cave.

Looking down, I found that the depth below is about two meters, and a tunnel-like channel extends to both sides.

Li Xiu jumped down and looked at both ends of the passage, and was immediately taken aback.

I saw a huge creature squirming at one end of the passage. It looked like a huge earthworm, but the outside of the body was covered with red scales, and it was constantly drilling holes.

"What's going on down there?" Chu Jun asked at the opening above.

Li Xiu hurriedly made a mute gesture, and then motioned for him to come down with the bandit.

After Chu Jun and the bandit came down lightly, their expressions changed slightly when they saw the giant Earthyin that was digging holes in earth and stones.

That thing is like a burrowing machine. It has a mouthpart like a lotus flower, which continuously swallows earth and rocks, and then the earth and rocks are discharged from the hole at the rear end of the body, and the drilling speed is very fast.

That thing didn't seem to notice Li Xiu and the others, and kept drilling holes there.

Chu Jun hurriedly used the Inspiration skill, and then lowered his voice and said to Li Xiu: "This thing is a demon, its name is Stone Crusher, a Grade A demon. I guess there may really be a gem mine here, but the gem mine in the The ruby, I am afraid that it has been swallowed by the filter, so we can't dig the ruby."

Li Xiu thought so too, and was about to summon the Jedi Knight to kill it, but saw the stone crusher suddenly stop.

The three thought that the stone breaker had discovered them, but who knew that after the stone breaker's body shook for a while, a red sphere was squeezed out from another relatively small hole in the back, and then they continued to drill.

The three of Li Xiu looked at each other, feeling disgusted for a while.

No matter how you look at the red ball, it looks like the excrement of a stone crusher after eating it. Thinking about the three of them being so close to smell it, and saying that it smells like this, I feel a little sick and want to vomit.

Li Xiu directly summoned the Jedi Knight and rushed up. The Jedi Knight chased after the stonebreaker's body, and a **** slash went out, directly cutting the stonebreaker's body with a big hole, almost breaking into two pieces. Duan's body was still moving, struggling to escape.

This demon is also strange. Although its body is quite large, it is not good at fighting. It is chased by the Jedi Knight and chopped its body into sections. After a few chops, this guy is completely motionless.

When the stonebreaker struggled to escape, he collapsed the tunnel, and the three of them dug out all the soil and stone that had collapsed, and only then did they find a magic core in its broken body.

That magic core is nothing, it's an ordinary A-level magic core, and it doesn't even have a quality.

But in addition to the magic core, they also found a ruby ​​in the stone crusher's body.

"Is this thing a ruby?" Chu Jun widened his eyes, looking at the crystal ball in front of him in disbelief.

In fact, it is crystal clear and does not seem to have any impurities. The ruby-like ball is only the size of a basketball.

But if it is really a ruby, it is no exaggeration to describe it as huge. Such a ruby ​​must weigh dozens of pounds. Compared with a ruby ​​that is weighed in carats, it is a giant.

"It looks a bit similar, but such a big ruby ​​is so pure, I have never seen or heard of it." Li Xiu looked at the ruby ​​ball from a close distance, and couldn't see any inclusions from it. So pure it's hard to believe it's a ruby.

"Let's get it back first. I don't know if there are any other stone crushers below. If there are more of these things, it is estimated that this ruby ​​mine is almost finished, and it is impossible to dig up rubies." Li Xiu was helpless. said.

I originally thought that I would finally have money, but I didn't expect it to be empty.

Now he can only hope that there are no other stone breakers below, and that the gem mine here has not been eaten up.

Li Xiu himself didn't plan to dig any more, so he asked Sha Chu to find a few professional prospectors or gem hunters to come and have a look.

After hesitating for a while, Li Xiu still transported the red **** back together, and asked Officer Ximen to test them to see what they were.

Although it is highly suspected that these red **** are the excrement of the gravel, the scale-like shell is more like metal, and it may be useful.

When Li Xiu held a ruby ​​ball that was a little bigger than a basketball and put it in front of Officer Ximen, Officer Ximen glanced at it and frowned, "Why did you get a glass ball here?"

"What glass ball, this is a ruby." Li Xiu said.

"Ruby, are you sure?" Officer Ximen looked at the ruby ​​ball in disbelief. Even if it was a synthetic ruby, it wasn't easy to get such a big and such clarity.

"You won't know if you test it." Li Xiu actually didn't have a clue in his heart. The ghost knew whether the ball on the stone crusher's body was a ruby.

If it was a ruby, Li Xiu felt that his trip was not in vain, just such a big ruby ​​ball could sell for a sky-high price.

Officer Ximen didn't believe that this thing would be a ruby ​​at all. After taking it for testing, he found that it was really a ruby, and there was no trace of artificial synthesis. All the indicators were the same as natural rubies.

Officer Ximen thought that the test was wrong, so he adjusted the instrument himself, and re-tested it with several different types of instruments. The result was still the same. This is a natural ruby, and it was pure and scary, with almost no impurities visible to the naked eye.

"How could there be such a big ruby?" Although Ximen still couldn't believe it, the test results were there, and he couldn't help but believe it.

"Where did you get such a natural ruby? It's very valuable. Why don't you sell it for some equipment?" Officer Ximen had no interest in gems, and just wanted to use it for equipment.

"I'm still useful." Li Xiu immediately took the ruby ​​ball back, joking, how could this thing be sold casually.

In order to comfort Ximen Officer, who was a little upset, Li Xiu let Chu Jun and the bandit waiting outside bring in a large box, which was filled with those red metal balls.

"Old official, I found some good things for you. See if you can use them." Li Xiu pointed to the red ball in the box and said.

"What is this?" Officer Ximen obviously didn't recognize what it was.

"Good stuff." Chu Jun controlled the Black Death Demon, placed a metal ball on the table in front of Officer Ximen, and smashed it hard against the metal ball.

In the next second, the scaly shell opened layer by layer, and finally revealed the fist-sized thing inside, like the pulp of a lychee.

"Is this an artificial device? It doesn't look like it. Isn't it some kind of plant? That's not right." Officer Ximen approached the fruit-like thing and sniffed, as if thinking of something, he suddenly stretched out his finger, There was a scratch on the thing, and some clear liquid stuck to the finger, and then it was put into the mouth like that.

This move made the three of Li Xiu disgusted, and they almost vomited on the spot.

After tasting it, Officer Ximen showed excitement: "Where did you find this thing, this is a natural catalyst, which can be used for the extraction of magic materials, I have seen some in the longevity days before, this is the smell. It turns out that the catalyst is extracted from this kind of thing, where did you get it? With this thing, I can save a lot of time when I extract the magic wood. "

"Uh." The three of Li Xiu looked at each other, but no one spoke.

"What are you looking at, tell me quickly, this is a good thing, is there anything else, can you still get it in the future?" Ximen Guan asked anxiously.

"Yes, yes..." Li Xiu saw that Chu Jun and the bandit didn't say anything, completely ignoring his so he coughed lightly and explained the origin of this thing by himself.

Originally, they thought that Officer Ximen would have some uncomfortable psychological or physiological reactions after listening to it.

Who knows that after hearing this, Officer Ximen smiled sarcastically: "For scientific and technological workers, we only see the constituent elements of matter, and nothing else matters, let alone mere excrement, I have not tasted anything for research purposes. However, you are really making a fuss. Such good things can't be taken away by others, you should organize people to continue digging as soon as possible, and it is best to dig back for me if there is nothing left. "

"I see, this is a major, you all learn something, don't be surprised all the time." Li Xiu thinks about it right, quite a few years ago, Ximen Guan was imprisoned for decades, eating and drinking in a sink. I have done everything, what is this, so I said to Chu Jun and the bandit.

Chu Jun and the bandit looked at Li Xiu with contemptuous eyes, and he had the biggest reaction just now.

"It's still the old official who has a pattern, I'm superficial." Chu Jun took the initiative to admit his mistake to Ximen Guan.

"You are still young, and it's normal that you don't have enough patterns. You can learn it slowly in the future. Stop talking nonsense, and organize people to dig it." Officer Ximen urged them to dig the red metal ball quickly.

After the three of them left, the old official closed the door and rushed into the bathroom like a fly, where he vomited so much that he was afraid that he would vomit out his stomach.

He used to eat and drink in a water tank back then, but it was living water. He drank high-quality water, and all of Lazard was dirty. Moreover, it was his own thing, so he could still accept it psychologically.

What's more, now that I'm used to a good life, where can I suffer like that again.

Li Xiu asked Chu Jun and the bandit to dig those metal balls, while he came to the construction site and went deep into the hole again wearing a ghost mask.