MTL - When God Begins To Evolve Again-Chapter 311 tunnel

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"Xiao Cui, what did you do?" Jiang Linglan stared at the Emerald Demon King coldly.

The Emerald Demon King trembled, and suddenly withdrew his palms, holding Li Xiu who was originally held in his palms as if grabbing a ocean, leaving only one head outside, and raised it up to face Jiang Linglan.

Li Xiu was depressed, he said it well, but because of one sentence, he became a hostage.

"Curiosity killed the cat. It's okay, why don't you ask that baby girl about it." Li Xiu knew what was wrong with him, he was too curious about everything, but he didn't feel regretful.

At this time, he was caught by the Emerald Demon King, and he couldn't move his whole body. The palm of the Emerald Demon King had a strange emerald light, and it seemed that any slight movement would crush his body.

Of course, this change did not refer to Li Xiu himself, but Jiang Linglan's change.

Although Li Xiu possesses a super bottle-boosting body, it is a pity that his physical fitness is not strong enough. If he directly absorbs the emerald light, his body will probably explode. Otherwise, he would not have taken the Lightspeed No. 3 and the Lightspeed Gun first. , Use them as a buffer to dare to absorb the emerald divine light.

The Emerald Demon King held Li Xiu in front of him, but his footsteps were retreating. Obviously, it just wanted to use Li Xiu as a hostage to escape.

Jiang Linglan looked at the Emerald Demon King, but asked again coldly: "Xiao Cui, do you think you can blackmail me like this?"

The Emerald Demon King didn't answer, and suddenly turned around and ran wildly. His huge body ran wildly on the ground, and the emerald light on his body rose like a bonfire. The speed was incredible, like a meteorite flying against the ground with a green tail flame.

While running away, the Emerald Demon King roared, and the Emerald Warriors from all directions rushed over, blocked behind the Emerald Demon King like a flood, and all drew their swords and pointed at the Emerald Castle.

The emerald warriors all over the sky surrounded the emerald castle, and the city was even more crowded with emerald warriors.

Li Xiu couldn't understand it. Before, the Emerald Demon King and the Emerald Warrior were as obedient as Jiang Linglan's pets. How could they all betray him because of one word in a blink of an eye, and betrayed so thoroughly.

Li Xiu couldn't figure out what the relationship between these demon spirits and Jiang Linglan was.

The Emerald Demon King held Li Xiu in his arms and continued to run wildly. He rushed out tens of miles in a short while, ignoring the emerald warriors behind him, and just ran blindly away from the Emerald Castle.

Standing on the balcony of the tower building, Jiang Linglan watched the Emerald Demon King gradually go away, her eyes gradually turned cold.

She raised her right hand slowly, and with the raising of her palm, a bit of emerald color gradually spread from her fingertips. In just a moment, her whole body turned into an emerald statue, which looked weird and beautiful.

The next second, Jiang Linglan's fingertips suddenly burst out with a little emerald light. The emerald light didn't look scary, it was just a little bit thinner. It passed through tens of miles in an instant like a laser, and was directly printed on the Emerald Demon King. on the back of the head.

A small emerald light spot appeared on the back of the Emerald Demon King's head, and disappeared in a flash.

It wasn't that the small emerald light spot disappeared, but that the emerald devil's head was directly penetrated by the laser-like light, and the thin emerald green light beam continued to extend into the distance, I don't know how far it extended.

But all the demon spirits blocking the light beam, including the Emerald Demon King, were directly penetrated through the body without even a sound.

The Emerald Demon King's body fell forward like a mountain collapsed. Li Xiu was horrified. Such a powerful Emerald Demon King was pierced through the head by a single blow. Jiang Linglan's terrifying strength is simply unimaginable.

Li Xiu couldn't figure out why Daddy Wu and Shadow Swordsman, both from the Demon Kingdom, who were known as the Fifth Heavenly King, were not so strong, but this Jiang Linglan was so strong that it was unimaginable.

When the Emerald Demon King fell, his palms were still tightly gripping Li Xiu's body. The moment he fell, he swung his palms like throwing a baseball, and threw Li Xiu out.

Li Xiu's body was covered with a layer of emerald divine light, his body streaked across the sky like a meteor, the scenery in front of him was constantly changing, because the speed was too fast, the scenery flowed like a tunnel of time, he couldn't see clearly at all, and he didn't know how far he had reached. times the speed of sound, it even made him feel that his current speed might be about to catch up with the speed of light.


Li Xiu could only be thankful that when the Emerald Demon King threw him out, there was a layer of emerald divine light protecting him, otherwise it would have been just the force of friction between the body and the atmosphere, which might have killed him.

Now Li Xiu can only pray that there are no mountains or anything like that in front of him, otherwise, if he hits it at his current speed, he will be smashed into dregs, and his body will explode like a bomb.

Whatever he was afraid of, Li Xiu flew out like a supersonic shell, and saw a black shadow like a mountain appearing in front of him.

Before he could see what it was, he had already bumped into it.

"I never dreamed that I would be killed like this..." Before Li Xiu could finish his thoughts, he bumped into him.

The light energy of Li Xiu's whole body exploded, and he wanted to try to see if he could survive the impact, although he felt that it was useless.

What made Li Xiu feel strange was that he didn't feel the shock caused by the impact. Before he hit the mountain, the mountain cracked open.

Li Xiu, who was surrounded by the emerald divine light, obviously felt his speed slow down after crashing into the mountain, and it became slower and slower.

It feels like a bullet shot into water, because the speed will decrease rapidly due to the resistance of the liquid.

As the speed decreased, the emerald divine light wrapped around Li Xiu's body became weaker and weaker, until the emerald divine light disappeared completely, and his body finally stopped.

"I survived!" Li Xiu touched his intact body, and even he couldn't believe that he had such good luck.

Looking around, I found that there is no liquid here, it looks like a straight cave, like a train tunnel.

It's just that the walls of this tunnel are all emeralds, emitting a soft green light. Those green lights are like water waves, slowly rippling and undulating in the tunnel.

Li Xiu secretly guessed that maybe it was because of the existence of these green lights that his speed slowed down and he was not killed directly.

"This can't be a coincidence. The Emerald Demon King threw me out on his deathbed. It definitely didn't just throw me here. It should have thrown me here on purpose." Li Xiu knew that there is not so much luck in the world, everything has its own reasons because.

It's just that Li Xiu still can't figure out why the Emerald Demon King threw him here before he died.

There is no doubt that the emerald devil fled in this direction at that time. If it hadn't been killed by Jiang Linglan, it should have fled here with Li Xiu.

Li Xiu has always been calm when he comes, looking around, the tunnel in front of him can't see the end, looking in the direction of travel, there is no end there.

Because it is impossible to judge how fast the flying speed is, Li Xiu can't estimate how far he has flown in the tunnel.

Now Li Xiu is faced with two choices, whether to go forward or return in the direction he came from.

It is unknown to go forward. If you go back, you may get out of the hole you were thrown in.

Of course, it may not be possible to go out, because Li Xiu didn't see the entrance of the cave before, but only saw a huge black shadow like a mountain.

After hesitating for a while, Li Xiu decided to go back the same way and look for the exit.

What Jiang Linglan wanted to kill was the Emerald Demon King, not Li Xiu. Now that he was going back the same way, even if he ran into Jiang Linglan, Jiang Linglan probably wouldn't kill him. Things are being sent out.

Of course, the possibility of Jiang Linglan wanting to kill people cannot be ruled out. The origin of that baby is really weird. Li Xiu still can't figure out what is going on.

If he didn't meet Jiang Linglan after leaving the tunnel, Li Xiu planned to find a way to go back by himself, and it's better not to see Jiang Linglan, that woman is really weird.

The tunnel really looks like it was built artificially, the ground is very flat, Li Xiu simply summoned the masked emperor, and rode the masked emperor quickly along the tunnel.

Soon Li Xiu discovered that the tunnel was not straight, but had some arcs.

"When the Emerald Demon King cast me out, it turned out to be the song I cast

Line ball? This is too accurate!" Li Xiu was a little skeptical. Under such circumstances, could the Emerald Demon King be able to calculate so accurately? Even the arc was calculated to the exact point, and he didn't hit the stone wall.

The masked emperor galloped through the green light tunnel, and after running for an hour, there was no sign of reaching the exit.

Li Xiu already felt that something was wrong, but he had no other choice but to continue riding until a few hours later, he had to stop.

Li Xiu remembered that after entering the tunnel, his speed decreased rapidly, so he should not have rushed too far into the tunnel.

Even if the speed is fast at the beginning, the distance of rushing in is far away. At the speed of the masked emperor, it has been running for several hours, and there is no reason to see the exit.

He hasn't gone out yet, which can only show that there is a problem with this tunnel.

And he rode the masked emperor speeding through the tunnel, and didn't feel any resistance from the ubiquitous green light. Why did his speed drop quickly when he flew in.

"What the **** is this place?" Li Xiu looked around. There was still an endless emerald tunnel, but there was nothing else.

"Since we can't go out this way, we can only make our own way." Li Xiu pulled out the Fire Lotus Sword and slashed wildly at the emerald mountain wall.

The fire lotus sword with twenty-four light veins in the land of sword soul before, the burst of sword light cut on the emerald mountain wall, leaving four or five centimeters deep sword marks, but those sword marks But it quickly healed automatically. The speed of Li Xiu's chopping was not as fast as the automatic healing of sword marks.

Li Xiu stopped and sat on the ground to rest. He knew that it was useless to chop like this, it would only waste the light energy of the Fire Lotus Sword.

"The Emerald Demon King threw me here, there must be a purpose for it, it can't be as simple as trapping me here. It really wants to kill me, just squeeze me to death, there is no need to be so troublesome, dying He brought me here." Li Xiu closed his eyes and thought to himself, "What the **** did he bring me here for? Jiang Linglan hasn't found me for so long, there must be something wrong, otherwise even if she didn't want to save me , Those two emeralds should also be taken back.”

Li Xiu rested for a while, opened his eyes, and rode the masked emperor again, but this time he didn't go back, but went forward.

It took Li Xiu several hours to get here. He didn't see anything all the way, but after riding inside for more than 20 minutes, he saw a bright light ahead.

"There is indeed a problem with this tunnel." Li Xiu slowed down and continued to ride forward, and soon he saw clearly what the bright light was.

It turned out to be a small train parked in the tunnel, and the light he saw was the taillight of the small train.

The reason why it is called a small train is because the train is so miniature. A carriage is only as big as a tin bucket. Counting the locomotive, there are seven sections in total. The length of the entire small train is only about ten meters, but It was suspended in the air strangely, and the wheels did not touch the ground.

The whole body of the small train is also carved from jadeite, and there are people in the carriage.

If you look carefully, who are the people in the trunk? They are all emerald dolls carved from emerald.

The shapes of those jade dolls are very strange, and they are quite beautiful at first glance. Some are wearing dresses, some are wearing skirts, and there is even an old man smoking a pipe, and a mother holding a baby.

It's just that these jade dolls seem to have defects. The jade dolls in tuxedos and high hats have only one eyeball.

The emerald doll, who was dressed like a noble lady in a skirt, was supposed to be where the mouth was, but it was so smooth that there was not even a single crack.

The old man has no ears, and the mother has a bare head, neither hair nor hat.

What's even more weird is that the baby doll's eyes are open like dead fish, but there are no pupils.

Every emerald doll in the carriage has some flaws. Such a carload of dolls appearing in this kind of place makes people feel more and more creepy the more they look at them.

"The Happiness train is about to leave... Please get on the train if you haven't got on it..." Li Xiuxiu was looking at this strange emerald train

Suddenly, I heard a weird voice like a circus clown.

At the top of the car, something like a police light flickered, flashing like a police light, but the light was green.

"The Happiness train is about to leave... Please get on the train if you haven't got on it..." As the eerie green light kept flashing, the voice kept ringing, repeating the same sentence mechanically.

"Excuse me, where is this car going?" Li Xiu walked to the front of the car vigilantly, looked at the front of the car and asked.

The front of the car was completely enclosed, so it was impossible to see if there was an emerald doll inside, and it was not known who made the sound.

But Li Xiulian asked several times, but no one answered him at all, but the voice kept repeating.

After the sound was repeated ten times, it didn't sound again. Suddenly, the whistle sounded on the little train, and then the wheels started to move slowly.

Seeing that the little train was about to leave, Li Xiu hurriedly followed the little train on his masked emperor.

But as the little train started, Li Xiu was surprised to find that the little train didn't seem to be running fast, but for some reason, the masked emperor who was already running at full speed was gradually thrown away.

At first, the masked emperor was side by side with the front of the small train, but the small train had just started, and before it started running, the masked emperor was already two carriages behind.

But Li Xiu has already turned the accelerator to the bottom, and has already broken through the speed of sound, but he is still being pulled away.

Li Xiu gritted his teeth, jumped directly from the masked emperor, and jumped onto the top of the small train, as if riding a horse, straddling the small train carriage, with both heels stepping on the windows on both sides, and holding onto the carriage with both hands Where it connects to the carriage.

The masked emperor was also taken back by Li Xiu, turned into a ring and returned to his finger.

The little train started gradually, and soon reached a balance. It seemed that it had reached the highest speed. It was strange that Li Xiu sat on it, but he didn't feel how fast the little train was going. If it is longer, it is estimated that it will be thirty or forty yards at most.

Li Xiu rode on the carriage, just like riding a small train for sightseeing, without the feeling of speeding at all.

"At such a slow speed, why can't the masked emperor catch up?" Li Xiu murmured inwardly.

The little train kept moving forward, and Li Xiu suddenly felt that something was crawling on the ankle of his right foot. Li Xiu felt a chill in his heart, and quickly retracted his legs, changing from a straddling position to squatting on the carriage.

He looked down at his ankle, but found nothing, the white tights were still intact.

Li Xiu turned his head sideways to look into the carriage below, and saw the carriage he was sitting in, and on the right was the emerald doll of a noble lady in a skirt.

Li Xiu took a closer look, but didn't find anything unusual about the emerald lady doll, and her posture was the same as before.

Then I stretched my head to look at the left side of the carriage, and there was that gentleman doll in a tuxedo sitting there, and there was nothing unusual about it.

The carriage was originally small, with only a small amount of space. Apart from the two dolls, there were only chairs, nothing else, and nothing else was found.

Li Xiu frowned slightly. He was sure it wasn't an illusion just now, something must have touched his right ankle, but now he didn't find anything, which made Li Xiu miss Chu Jun again.

If you have Mr. Chu's inspiration skills, UU Reading might be able to figure out what's going on.

It's just that Li Xiu saw that these emerald dolls are dead things at all, without the breath of demon spirits and light energy fluctuations on their bodies, completely different from those emerald warriors, and I don't know if there is something hidden in their bodies.

Regardless of whether there was something or not, Li Xiu didn't dare to stretch his feet down, so he squatted on the carriage.

Fortunately, the speed of the little train is not fast, so there is no need to worry about being thrown off while squatting.

The small train kept moving forward, and the light from the two green lights at the front of the car was very inconspicuous in the tunnel full of green lights.

Such a weird little train, in this mysterious tunnel

Continuously moving forward silently, even the wheels didn't make the sound that a normal train should have. This gave Li Xiu a weird feeling, as if he was riding a train leading to the underworld.

Beep! Beep!

While Li Xiu was thinking wildly, the siren sounded again from the locomotive, and then the green warning light flickered again.

"The Happiness is about to arrive at the Xingfu Home Station. Passengers who get off the bus should prepare to get off the bus in advance, and be sure to bring their own things..." The weird voice sounded again.

"Happy hometown station..." Li Xiu felt a little weird when he heard the name.

There was a faint light different from the green light in front, and Li Xiu saw a platform appearing in the tunnel ahead from a distance, and there was a figure standing beside the platform.

"There are other people here?" Li Xiu stared at the figure on the platform, but couldn't see clearly.

When approaching the platform, the speed of the little train obviously gradually slowed down. Li Xiu finally saw the figure clearly, and his eyes gradually widened.


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