MTL - When the Empress Dresses Up As a Female Trainee-Chapter 21 ……Ferris wheel?

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/ Mo Baqian

Seeing Lan Muzhou's complacent and arrogant appearance, Qi Mo's mood suddenly became joyful.

When she spoke, the corners of her mouth turned up unconsciously, "Is anyone so happy to become a fan?"

Qi Mo is indeed as the netizens said, always lazy, but when she smiles, it makes people feel that everything is under her control.

Looking at Qi Mo's half-smile face, Lan Muzhou seemed to feel that he had been seen through by others, and uncontrollably flooded his mind with the fan comments of "everyday young master x cynical boss" .

Anger and embarrassment rushed up, and her face flushed red like a boiled shrimp.

Heh, Qi Mo is chasing after He Ruilin to give up dancing and go to vocal. Netizens really don't know the truth!

His ears were hot, but he put on an uncle-like look on his face, "Whether I'm happy or not doesn't seem to be your business? If you don't practice more in your vocal group, what are you doing here?"

Obviously that kind of joy and complacency almost overflowed from his face, but he was still so stubborn.

The smile on Qi Mo's face widened, neither protruding nor pressing, he just said: "After practice, I have to go back to sleep, so..."

A slender and beautiful hand stretched out from the pocket and swept aside.

"You're blocking my way."

To go back to the trainee dormitory, you need to go through the practice room of the Dacne group.

Lan Muzhou & Jiang Mingchen: ...

Lan Muzhou's face turned black, but it was Jiang Mingchen who chirped and said, "This is too fast, why don't you come to our Dance for a while? Brother Zhou is quite..." I miss you.

Lan Muzhou suddenly realized what Jiang Mingchen was going to say, and immediately said, "Jiang Mingchen...!"

Reflexively calling out Jiang Mingchen's name, the volume was much higher.

Didn't he remind Jiang Mingchen that he can't talk and talk less?

This temperament of remembering to eat but not to fight is also... very optimistic.

"Go back to dance practice." He turned around and left.

"Brother Zhou, there are six more Qi Mo dances, it would be good to help our group take a look..." Jiang Mingchen followed.

Lan Muzhou stopped in his tracks, turned his head, and pulled 250,000 to 80,000 yuan, "Isn't it because I helped him dig?"

The subtext is, no matter how good he dances, can he surpass me?

It's not enough to have me, our group still needs help from outsiders?

Qi Mo was also not angry, and nodded with a smile, "It's all taught by Lan Muzhou."

It was like hitting cotton with a heavy blow. He spoke with a certain momentum, but the other party followed him lightly. He suddenly felt that his momentum was gone, as if... a child is making trouble for no reason, but an adult has a good temper Like coaxing a child.

It may be that the descriptions of netizens are too deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and he always has a strange feeling in his heart.

"Tsk, as long as you know." Lan Muzhou said angrily.

Not wanting to face Qi Mo again, he entered the practice room without looking back.

"Brother Zhou thinks it's a pity that you didn't choose Dance. I hate iron but steel."

As soon as Lan Muzhou walked away, Jiang Mingchen uttered the words to Tulu.

He reached out and patted Qi Mo's shoulder, "Let's go, you're fine anyway, it's only past eight o'clock, and there is still more than an hour before your old man's sleep time."

Qi Mo hesitated for a while.

Her she really old?

Lan Muzhou saw Qi Mo's figure in the mirror and let out a "tch".

After choosing Vocal, why come to their Dance?

If it wasn't for He Ruilin, that kid would still ignore him and tell him to put a cold face on his hot ass.

The trainees in the dance group were also tired all day, and they were all a little tired at this time.

Seeing Qi Mo walk in, he immediately thought of what happened a few days ago.

It would be a lie to say that I don't envy him, but not many people greeted Qi Mo with a sour heart.

Lan Muzhou ignored him, and practiced his solo part in front of the mirror in the middle of the practice room.

Their dance together was very exciting, but it lacked a big climax. After the discussion of the team members, he added a personal solo.

Among all the dance types, if we want to talk about bombing the field, it has to be breaking①.

In 1v1battle, if other dances of the same level encounter breaking, breaking must have a greater chance of winning.

Following the rhythm of the music, Toprock② went down to the ground, spun two windmills③ and then took a few laps of Thomas④, stretched his legs upwards, exerted strength on his waist and abdomen, and spun a few Airflares⑤ in the air one after another!

The movements are flowing like clouds and flowing water, so that people can't feel a little effort.

"Damn it! My brother Zhou is still my brother Zhou! This set is absolutely explosive!"

"It's amazing...! I'm in admiration of every bboy⑥."

"If you really want to blow up the field, you have to break!"

"Those who didn't know thought they went to "Ilovedance" next door by mistake!"

Qi Mo saw Lan Muzhou's hoodie falling down, revealing his well-defined and beautiful belly, and turned his head quickly.

She couldn't help but imitate the netizens and let out a "squeak" in her heart.

Can men in this world keep their virtues?

When the stuck point landed, Lan Muzhou panted slightly, and lifted up his sweater to wipe the sweat from his forehead.

Jiang Mingchen smacked his lips enviously, "We didn't know Brother Zhou would be able to break before, but we didn't expect such a big trick to be hidden until now. Before Zhou Cheng competed with Brother Zhou for the C position, Zhou Cheng also learned it for two years Breaking, I thought that if I transferred to Thomas, I would be able to blow up the field and get the C position, but Brother Zhou directly came to Airflare, booming the field, Zhou Cheng was dumbfounded."

After he finished speaking, he suddenly paused, narrowed his eyes and stared at Qi Mo, "Why do you both like to hide your big moves!"

"The action is really cool, with a bit of kung fu." Qi Mo had never been in contact with breaking before, so he boasted.

Lan Muzhou turned his back to Qi Mo, but listened to their conversation with his ears up.

Hearing Qi Mo's praise, he couldn't help but curl his tail up - that's because Jiang Mingchen, who could save money by showing his hands, thought it would be great if Qi Mo learned a few tricks.

But before he could be complacent for too long, he heard Qi Mo say again: "It's just too revealing."

He made a move.

It's not over yet, Jiang Mingchen also said, "That's right, it's all revealed."

Lan Muzhou staggered at his feet.

Airflare is doing handstands in the air, and there is no way for the top to slip off!

His ears turned red physiologically, and he turned his head and said, "There will be clothes on the stage, thank you for your concern!"

Jiang Mingchen said "Oh", "Actually, fans may prefer that Brother Zhou, you don't wear underwear."

Lan Muzhou: ...Jiang Mingchen, can you say a few words less!

"What's the situation, why did the people from the vocal group come to our dance?"

Zhou Cheng returned to the practice room, and found that Qi Mo ran to their territory when he went to the bathroom, and his expression immediately turned down.

Qi Mo humiliated him several times, and now he hates Qi Mo even more than Lan Muzhou.

Thinking of what Jiang Mingchen said just now, Qi Mo smiled lightly, "I heard that Lan Muzhou won the C position by breaking, so let me learn from it."

Zhou Cheng was choked as expected.

The entire dance group witnessed the whole process of Lan Muzhou slapping his face without saying a word after Zhou Cheng's harsh words and being cool. Naturally, he could tell that Qi Mo was deliberately stepping on Zhou Cheng's pain, so they all shrugged and did not dare to speak.

Zhou Cheng has a fiery temper, and his personality is not very good. However, his parents are good-looking, and his strength is indeed not bad. In addition, the company praised him so much that he asked the program crew to cut all the bad scenes, and then bought the navy to shop "really." Temperament" character design, there are still a lot of fans, and many fans are as hot-tempered as their masters, and their fighting power is extremely strong.

Because of this, trainees seldom confront Zhou Cheng.

Zhou Cheng didn't get the C position and was overwhelmed by Lan Muzhou. He was already angry, but Qi Mo deliberately mentioned this, which made him suffocate, "Isn't it just knowing how to be an Airflare? What's the big deal!"

Lan Muzhou felt that Zhou Cheng was like a dog's skin plaster that couldn't be shaken off, and he got annoyed when he found fault.

He was just about to complain to Zhou Cheng, but Qi Mo next to him answered, "It's nothing special."

Lan Muzhou: …

He felt himself stumped.

I really want to slap him... No, I can't beat Qi Mo.

Should go theory theory.

Qi Mo tucked her shirt into her trousers, making her look thin.

Then, she easily stood on her head, her legs were widely spread, her waist was slightly twisted, and her legs turned half a circle in the air.

The trainees all "wowed", just standing on their head can stand still, not many people in "National Idol" can do it, right?

Knowing that Qi Mo wanted to learn Airflare right away, Lan Muzhou let out a gasp of disdain.

Just about to complain about Qi Mo, telling Qi Mo not to stand on his head before turning around, Qi Mo's legs fell down.

"It doesn't seem to work to turn the legs in the air. You need to have a rotating force like a spinner."

Qi Mo muttered something to himself.

Just now, Lan Muzhou used Thomas to directly connect to the Airflare, so she ignored the rotation required at the start.

Immediately afterwards, the trainees saw Qi Mo take two steps away.

First, use the spinner to generate a rotating force, and then support the ground with one hand. While the legs are rotating in the air, the hand supporting the ground exerts force, and the body successfully flips over!


What the **** is this amazing learning ability and body control ability? !

All the trainees were dumbfounded.

That's it... Learn about the supposedly "every bboy's dream" Airflare? ? ?

Qi Mo only made that one turn before stopping and landing.

This body is still a little weaker, and it's okay to burst out instantly, but it can't be done continuously such as turning several times in a row.

And Airflare is an action she has never been exposed to before. It is different from spinners and mid-air turns, and she does not have that proficiency.

It is already the limit to turn around with force.

Sure enough, this body still needs more exercise, and she still has a lot to learn about this world.

I felt that it was not enough, but it didn't show on my face.

She turned her head to look at Zhou Cheng who was stunned, and smiled meaningfully: "Of course it's nothing special to learn something right away, is it?"

Zhou Cheng swallowed, almost doubting life.

If you say no, it's really embarrassing; but if you say yes, what if Qi Mo also asks him to come on the spot?

He had tried it before entering the "National Idol" training camp, but he came here before he learned it. He really didn't know how to do it.

He felt that all the trainees were looking at him, his forehead was sweating, and he felt dizzy.

Before he could think about what to say, Qi Mo yawned lazily.

"Sleepy, go back to sleep."

After finishing speaking, she completely ignored Zhou Cheng, got a bottle of mineral water from the Dance group and was about to leave.

Qi Mo never took Zhou Cheng seriously!

The trainees sighed in their hearts.

"Qi Mo!" Lan Muzhou raised his voice and called out.

Qi Mo turned around and raised his eyebrows to look at him, "Huh?"

"You... If you want to learn breaking, I can teach you."

After Tulu finished this sentence, he wished he could slap himself.

Whether he didn't think Qi Mo was annoying enough, or that the netizens were not active enough in knocking CP, why did he take the initiative to say such things!

...But Qi Mo is really talented.

The kind of insight that can be disassembled into several steps immediately after seeing a movement, as well as the precise control of his body, is really rare among ordinary people, at least he has never seen such a level of people.

It is a loss for the entire industry if a rare good seedling does not learn to dance.

"Oh." Qi Mo just responded casually, "Let me see the situation."

Lan Muzhou: ...the fist is hardened.

Qi Mo responded so blandly, but he rushed forward, as if he valued Qi Mo very much.

Turning around, Qi Mo raised the corners of his mouth and smiled.

Lan Muzhou's character is really interesting.

The video of the second public is online, and the voting channel for the second referendum on the whole network has been opened.

In the previous Arbor Day event, the winning rewards of the Lan Muzhou team will be cashed in the form of live broadcast.

After the light makeup was put on by the makeup artist of the program group, the five members of the Lan Muzhou group came to the playground in the car of the program group.

It was a working day, and it was only the beginning of spring, so there were very few people in the playground, and it seemed a little deserted.

But the barrage of the live broadcast was enthusiastic enough.

[Ah, ah, Zhou Zhou is awesome! I took everyone to fight for such a live broadcast opportunity, and I am so happy as a fan! 】

[I heard that this is a reward for the Arbor Day event, so it will be released in advance during the Arbor Day [狗头]]

【Why doesn't Mr. Mo go with Zhou Zhou! 】

【Xiao Qi's mother is here! Friends and relatives have already voted for you! 】

[Woooooo Chen Ke is so cute! 】

[Xiao Qi, take a look back, woo woo woo! 】

Qi Mo really came to the amusement park for the first time.

She looked at the tall amusement facilities, and there was a rare surprise in her eyes.

The children in this world are too happy to have so many interesting ways to play.

When she was a child, she only had poetry, books, etiquette and martial arts and sword practice in her life, and she only had a few major festivals throughout the year to rest for a while; it was not until she was a little older that she left the palace to build a mansion, and then she had some free space, but after a while Indulging in the music of the qin will remind people and even criticize them.

"Do you want to play with the facilities here?" Qi Mo asked the staff who came with the program group.

[Wow, I didn't expect the most playful person to be Mr. Mo! 】

[I bet a bag of spicy strips, Mo always wants to play with Zhou Zhou [狗头]]

[Hahahahahaha no gamble, such an inevitable thing is still a gamble? [dog head]]

After getting a positive answer from the staff, Qi Mo raised his hand and pointed to the X tank behind him, "How is it?"

Lan Muzhou frowned suddenly, "What's the fun here, it's boring."

"I quite like the X tank!" Jiang Mingchen howled loudly.

I was locked up at the recording base by the program team for more than a month and haven't come out. This time I finally got a breath.

He immediately tugged Qi Mo's sleeve, "Come on! I didn't expect Qi Mo to play as much as I like to play. Let's play a few more times!"

"You can play this too." Xu Rong neither hated nor liked it.

"I can. If brother Qi likes, you can sit here." Chen Ke followed Qi Mo and walked forward.

Qi Mo turned his head while walking, and waved at Lan Muzhou who hadn't moved, raised his eyebrows, "You can't be...afraid of heights, are you?"

Lan Muzhou was left behind, his face was darkened.

He is afraid of heights, yes.

But on the opposite side was Qi Mo, a nuisance. He couldn't let Qi Mo catch him, or he would definitely laugh at him in the future.

So he gritted his teeth, pretending to be relaxed and said: "Who is afraid of heights, this kind of project is not a small case."

Lan Muzhou's face was clearly broadcast in the live broadcast, and the bullet screen was full of "hahahahahaha".

[Risk and fiery in a trance, I think Zhou Zhou is really afraid of heights, but he doesn't want to show weakness in front of Mr. Mo [狗头]]

[I also think it's hahahahaha, after Jiang Mingchen shouted out, Zhou Zhou's face immediately turned black! 】

[Isn't it because Jiang Mingchen pulled President Mo's sleeve [狗头]]

【Hey, what I said earlier makes sense hahahaha】

There were very few people in the amusement park, and they only queued for a while before getting on the X-Chariot.

The photography teacher also gritted his teeth and followed.

Thinking: Why is he still being abused by game facilities at such an age!

Lan Muzhou slowly followed his teammates up and fastened his protective equipment.

A handsome face was tightly tensed, and it was completely impossible to see from his face that his heart had been severely suspended.

After a while, close your eyes and bite your lips, and it's over, emptying your mind.

Just unzip it.

Just don't show your timidity in front of Qi Mo.

As long as you don't yell out "Aw", it doesn't matter if you look a little grim.

He told himself over and over again in his heart.

After Qi Mo sat up, he was a little happy.

It must be very comfortable in the air, just like flying, feeling the wind passing by your ears.

"Every time I come, I have to queue up for this several times." Jiang Mingchen seemed a little excited.

Soon, the X-Car moved slowly.

There was no way for the camera to keep focusing on the trainees, so the live broadcast streamed across several people's faces one after another.

The sound was bursts of screaming.

The voices of several trainees have long been integrated into the voices of others.

[Why does Zhou Zhou keep his eyes closed? Could it be that he is really afraid of heights? 】

[Jiang Mingchen is really happy! It can be seen that I really like playing this game]

[I played once, threw up, and never played again...]

[Mr. Mo's expression is so calm hahahahaha, if only Mr. Mo was shown the camera, who would have thought that they were playing this [狗头]]

[Why do I feel that Chen Ke's expression is not very good? 】

After a few minutes, the X-Truck finally stopped.

Jiang Mingchen untied the protective equipment with a calm expression, and jumped down all at once.

"What happened to Chen Ke?"

Seeing Chen Ke's complexion was not good, he hurried over to help Chen Ke remove the protection.

Chen Ke was helped down by Jiang Mingchen, and shook his head with difficulty, "It's okay... I remember, when I was a child, I couldn't get dizzy when I sat on this. I didn't expect... This time it's a little disgusting."

"Ah, then you squat for a while, I'll go buy some water!"

Jiang Mingchen was completely fine, patted Chen Ke on the back, and ran away briskly.

Because Lan Muzhou is afraid of heights, his heart is pounding, and he is more or less sick.

He walked down tremblingly, his legs still a little weak.

"National Idol" said that he challenged himself on the show, he really challenged himself.

Fortunately, he persevered without showing any timidity.

As if to prove that he is not afraid of heights, he turned to look at Qi Mo.

In his demeanor, he looked like "you see, I'm okay".

Qi Mo didn't respond to him at all.

He was upset for a while.

Just about to say something, Qi Mo suddenly raised his hand to cover his lower lip, and frowned tightly.

She… retched.

At this time, Qi Mo's stomach was overwhelmed, and it seemed that all the food he ate in the program group piled up in his chest.

Pursing her lips, she adjusted for a few seconds before she felt a little more comfortable.

Lan Muzhou realized that Qi Mo was not used to riding an X-chariot at all, and almost threw up, so he couldn't help but straighten his back even more.

The corner of his mouth cracked, and he raised his eyebrows and exhaled: "Just like this, you still offered to play this? You are so..."

Qi Mo turned his head to the side, his phoenix eyes were dark.


She had never played these before, how could she know that she would be disgusted like this.

She would have the same feeling as a swing.

This feeling of being out of your control is not good at all.

At this time, a hand stretched out.

Lan Muzhou handed over a bottle of water, his brows were still the same, wrinkled enough to kill a fly.

"Here, just drink some water."

The moment Lan Muzhou handed over the water, the bullet screen boiled—

[Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! He said it very disgustingly, but he still took the initiative to care about Mr. Mo! 】

【Ah... the first time I saw Mr. Mo not smiling, I felt... a little scary】

[Last second, Zhou Zhou wanted to laugh at Mr. Mo, but when Mr. Mo turned his head, Zhou Zhou hurriedly went to fetch water for someone hahahahaha]

[I wanted to feel elated, but I still reluctantly brought water here]

Qi Mo slowed down for a few seconds, already feeling a lot better.

When she took the mineral water, she had already returned to her carefree appearance, her thin lips curled up, "Thank you."

"Hey, it's better for you to take the initiative to play this kind of project that you can't stand than anything else."

Lan Muzhou said it rather disgustingly, "What kind of roller coaster, just like you, try not to try it."

The roller coaster is not very dizzy, but he can't stand it again :)

[Mr. Mo: I'm dizzy. Mr. Mo: I pretended:)]

[Hahahahahahaha laughed at me before, and always took the water to come back in a second! 】

[Mr. Mo still looks the best when he smiles! ! ! I am dead and alive again! 】

[Zhou Zhou is always disgusted in his mouth but honest in body! 】

The weekend CP fans in the barrage filled the screen, and the fans of several other people were submerged under the white text.

Qi Mo also felt that he should stop trying indiscriminately and should do his homework in advance.

She raised her head and took a few sips of water.

In early spring, the mineral water was slightly cold, but it calmed the discomfort in the stomach very well.

After a pause, she turned her head and asked, "Is there any... that can reach very high without dizziness?"

Lan Muzhou's brows subconsciously stretched a little, as if a little surprised, "...Ferris wheel?"

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