MTL - When the Empress Dresses Up As a Female Trainee-Chapter 40 Bundle, bundle play? ? ...

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/ Mo Baqian

Qi Mo No. 1, good at Dacne; Lan Muzhou No. 2, all-rounder;

Jiang Ning ranked 9th, good at Vocal; Fengyuan 12th, good at Rap.

The ranking numbers add up to exactly 24.

Jiang Mingchen watched Qi Mo pass him by, looking for Feng Yuan.

It couldn't be that he was targeted because he broke the "good deed" between the big devil and brother Zhou.

Otherwise, why didn't the Great Demon King bring him one!

He was cursing in his heart, mainly cursing himself for running into him by such a coincidence.

But he didn't dare to make a sound.

As soon as he made a sound, he might just bald out everything he saw.

When Bald went out, the others disappeared immediately.

Qi Mo felt pitiful and envious gazes, and when he turned around, he saw Jiang Mingchen staring at them non-stop.

"Don't look at it, you are good at dance, and it conflicted with me, so it is impossible to take you with me."

Jiang Mingchen blinked, "Isn't it because I saw it that I couldn't say it...?"

It feels more like finding a high-sounding word to perfuse him :)

Jiang Ning is also a talkative person, so he immediately became interested.

He put one hand on Jiang Mingchen's shoulder, and said in a low voice, "What? Tell me."

Lan Muzhou's face immediately became hot.

"Tell me, you know as much as you can."

He glanced at the other trainees who were chatting with the team.

"The remaining people are divided into two teams, you might as well hurry up and see which side to choose."

"I'm eleventh, so I don't have the right to choose. I'm waiting to be selected."

Jiang Mingchen scratched his head and stared at Qi Mo.

"I also want to be with Qi Mo, there is no choice."

Jiang Ning interjected jokingly, and lamented, "It's a pity you haven't let your thighs be hugged yet."

Jiang Mingchen let out a snort.

"It's not that I want to hug my thighs. I am ranked 11th. If I hug my thighs, I won't be able to enter the top 5."

After a pause, he seemed a little embarrassed.

"I just want to be friends with Qi Mo, and I feel comfortable getting along."

"Oh, I'm sorry, I'm just joking, I didn't mean to say that you hugged your thigh."

Seeing that Jiang Mingchen was quite serious, Jiang Ning waved his hand quickly.

He really didn't mean Jiang Mingchen. After apologizing, he said, "I also want to be friends with Qi Mo, hahaha."

"Who doesn't want that." Feng Yuan shrugged.

It's okay to have good looks, strength and personality, but the key is to be absolutely reliable.

To have such a friend is to move the world.

The little ones are really welcome.

Lan Muzhou pouted secretly.

When Cheng Zhuo appeared in the studio again, the three groups had already been divided.

Qi Mo, Lan Muzhou, Jiang Ning, Feng Yuan.

He Ruilin, Wang Changyan, Cao Jun, Jiang Mingchen.

Qin Yu'an, Fu Luoyan, Ye Yuanyang, Fang Luoyu.

Qin Yu'an's group was the most balanced in strength, and He Ruilin's group ranked relatively high except for Jiang Mingchen.

Only Qi Mo's group jumped directly from the first and second place to the ninth and last place.

The span is so big.

Cheng Zhuo couldn't help but sized them up a few more times.

However, everyone's position is clearly defined, and the cooperation may not be bad.

After a few seconds of distraction, he coughed lightly.

"Everyone is divided into groups. Next, we will officially announce the final singles."

There is an electronic display screen on the wall of the studio, on which three songs are played in turn.

The first is "Single Ladies".

This is a very obvious boy group song, with an excellent sense of rhythm and a European and American style.

Then came "Elephant".

The lyrics are written about resistance, struggle, and hope, which makes people's blood boil.

The last song is "Love".

It is obvious that this is a song about love. It is soothing and sensational before and after, with a tune with a strong rhythm in the middle and a cool Rap.

"The song "Elephant" made my scalp tingle. It feels like the kind that can bring courage to people!"

"I still like "SingleLadies", the European and American fans are so cool!"

"The last song has a big contrast and is pretty good, but there must be someone who is good at Vocal in the group."

While listening to the song, the trainees have already started to discuss with their teammates.

It’s not enough to like a certain song by yourself, the preferences of everyone in the team, and which song is more suitable for the team’s performance are the most important.

In a team competition, it is necessary to show the audience what each person is best at.

"Okay, now the three songs have been shown to everyone."

Cheng Zhuo made a "stop" gesture.

"Now everyone has 5 minutes to discuss with the team members which song to choose."

"After five minutes, if two groups choose the same song, we will enter the stage of grabbing the song."

The trainees gathered together in groups.

Jiang Ning looked at Qi Mo, "Qi Mo decide."

Feng Yuan nodded and echoed, "Well, Qi Mo will decide."

Lan Muzhou: The fist is hardened.

"Hey, hey, can you give me a little look too."

Anyway, he is also the second place, although he is a bit behind Qi Mo in the ranking...

But Qi Mo's dance was still taught by him.

It feels like he taught Qi Mo to dance, and he can talk about it for a few years.

"Which one do you like?" Qi Mo asked.

"Well, just..." Lan Muzhou paused, suddenly feeling a little uncomfortable, ""Lover."

"Oh, very good." Qi Mo nodded.

She looked at the other two.

"I also think "Lover" is better, how about you?"

Feng Yuan agreed, "I think it's pretty good, there have been changes."

Jiang Ning laughed loudly, "Hahaha, our group has a tacit understanding. This song was my favorite."

The two songs "Elephant" and "Single Ladies" have slightly lower requirements for Vocal.

And "Lover" has both high-level vocal parts and cool rap parts, which is the most suitable for their group.

The choreography can also be slightly changed according to their habits.

Five minutes later, all three groups chose their songs.

Cheng Zhuo announced: "I have already received everyone's song selection images. Unfortunately, He Ruilin's group and Qi Mo's group both selected "Lover", so these two groups will enter the stage of song competition, and those who failed to grab the song The group will be automatically assigned to the song "Elephant."

Sure enough, the He Ruilin group also chose "Lover".

Although their performance at San Gongshi was pure vocal, it still had tension and relaxation, and it could burst out suddenly at a moment, firmly grasping the hearts of the audience, and making the whole song more memorable.

It is precisely because of this that you can win beautifully.

The song "Lover" is also like this, with obvious relaxation.

It is also a love song, it can be said that it is somewhat similar to their last time.

Is this trying to imitate their last routine to win?

Qi Mo first frowned, and then slightly raised the corners of his lips.

She suddenly didn't want to choose "Lover".

"We have shown the song "Lover" to everyone on the screen before. Next, the method of grabbing the song between the two groups is-each group selects a trainee, and with the memory just now, If you can perform the climax/climax part of this song more completely, you will win. Now you have time to discuss candidates and exchange actions that have an impression in your mind."

"At that time, I didn't think about memorizing the movements and the melody. It would be good if I could jump out five or six movements."

"I'm going, I'm going to read it together and start singing and dancing?"

"Don't tell me, I really remember a little bit, but just for a few moments."

The trainees in the two groups have already started to mutter.

But no one was dissatisfied.

After all, the situation faced by the two groups is the same, and no one can remember this situation.

Qi Mo knew the plot in the book, so he also knew that the competition for the song was such a routine.

During the viewing process, she deliberately memorized the movements and melody of the climax/climax part.

So she said: "Don't discuss it, just let me do it."

Everyone turned to look at Qi Mo.

Looking at the lazy smile on Qi Mo's face, he seemed to be saying, "It's really troublesome, just do it yourself."

If someone else said this sentence, it would be a sound of "wheezing" if it is not complete.

But this is Qi Mo... Let him do it.

Cheng Zhuo got stuck for a while, and asked tentatively, "Is there no... objection? He Ruilin and Wang Chang said you?"

Wang Changyan scratched his head, and exchanged glances with his teammates, " about letting Qi Mo come first?"

He Ruilin also nodded, "Let Qi Mo come first."

When he was in the vocal group, Qi Mo learned the whole dance in a short time, which really impressed him.

Chose the same song as Qi Mo and the others... Sigh.

There was no soundtrack, Qi Mo hummed the tune softly, and the movements recorded in his mind became his own physically.

"Please love me, please love me again.

The sweet feeling attracts me, and I no longer have this loneliness.

In the night sky, please call me—”

The indistinguishable voice of male and female perfectly blends the tenacity and softness of the song.

With the a cappella, her movements are clean and neat, almost turning the recording hall into a small stage.

She only sang one of the two climax lyrics, but she performed perfectly.

In less than 20 seconds, every movement was in place, and the tune did not deviate in the slightest.

"Just looking at this short paragraph, it feels like Qi Mo can go on stage directly."

"I feel like I've been hit..."

"Finally, I know where the gap is. It took me half an hour to learn, and people will be able to read it once."

"It's numb, is there anyone else to compare He Ruilin and the others?"

Not only the trainees were frightened, even Cheng Zhuo looked at Qi Mo in a daze for a long time.

He was about to suspect that the show crew was doing something shady and let Qi Mo learn it in advance.

As a former boy group member who has been learning dance for ten years, if you show him a ten-second video and watch it, you can indeed imitate it, but for a young rookie with little experience, this is not enough. The difficulty can be great.

Oh, it's not a pure rookie, after all, he has 6 years of experience in modern dance.

Thinking about it, he didn't really think it was a shady scene.

In a program with the strongest brain, there are many people with perverted memory.

Maybe Qi Mo's memory is extraordinary.

"Qi Mo's performance is over, the trainees of our He Ruilin group..."

Cheng Zhuo looked at He Ruilin and the others, and stopped talking.

He didn't think He Ruilin and Wang Changyan could perform more completely than Qi Mo.

The group originally wanted Wang Changyan to be on the stage.

"This...I don't think the comparability is too great..." Wang Changyan scratched his head.

"What are you doing, I'm sure you can't compare to Qi Mo." Jiang Mingchen turned his elbows out instantly.

"However, hey, it's not good to be a turtle, so I'll just go through the motions."

As Wang Changyan spoke, he stood up with his hands on the ground.

Standing among the crowd, he also hummed the lyrics softly, and danced the climax/climax part that Qi Mo just skipped.

Wang Changyan's dancing skills are good, and he can follow along with gestures when watching videos.

I watched Qi Mo's live performance again, and I still remember the movements of these ten seconds.

After performing fairly well, he clasped his hands together towards everyone.

He said: "Everyone take a look at it casually, just look at it casually, I'm definitely not as complete as Qi Mo."

"Wow, Wang Changyan, you are so ordinary, you clearly memorized all your movements!"

"Is this the strength of the superior dancer?"

"It's really numb, one or two can remember the movements so quickly."

"But in comparison, Qi Mo's performance is more complete."

"That's right, and Wang Changyan watched Qi Mo's movements one more time."

"The Qi Mo team must have won."

Cheng Zhuo clapped his hands, "Both groups have finished performing the climax of the song "Lover". The song was successfully snatched by the Qi Mo group, congratulations!"

There was a burst of applause in the recording hall.

At this time, Qi Mo suddenly said: "But now, I don't want to choose this song."

Everyone: ? ? ?

Lan Muzhou frowned suddenly, and clenched the hands hanging by his sides tightly.

This little guy...wouldn't have given up on his own initiative because of someone.

"I think the song "Elephant" is good."

After Qi Mo finished speaking, he suddenly realized that he was becoming arbitrary again.

Completely ignored the thoughts of teammates, no good no.

Realizing her problem, she looked at her teammates, "Let's choose "Elephant", can we?"

Jiang Ning seemed a little flattered, and quickly waved his hands, "I can do it, "Elephant" is very popular."

Feng Yuan looked at Lan Muzhou and then at Qi Mo.

After all, it's the second time to cooperate with Qi Mo, so I trust Qi Mo more.

So he also nodded, "I'm fine."

"Heh." Lan Muzhou laughed mockingly.

He looked at Qi Mo with a calm expression, and a nameless anger surged into his heart.

Why can you say such words as if you are saying "what are you eating today"?

Isn't the song "Lover" chosen because everyone likes it and has a better chance of winning.

This is a competition, a team competition.

Why change your mind temporarily?

Did they also choose this song because of He Ruilin?

Because of a conflict with them!

"Why do you want to give up the song you got?"

He was the first to say that he would choose "Lover".

Qi Mo agreed to choose this song.

Now when I meet He Ruilin, I have to choose "Lover".

Qi Mo regretted it.

Why should it be like this.

Before the anger could be suppressed, a sour grievance surged like a wave.

Lan Muzhou's lips trembled slightly.

He stared at Qi Mo for several seconds.

Under the surprised eyes of everyone, he stood up and took a deep breath.

The overwhelming emotions were briefly suppressed.

He said, "Come out with me."

Looking at Lan Muzhou's back, the trainees looked at each other in blank dismay.

No one dared to speak.

"Lan Muzhou and I will go out to discuss it, please wait for us for a while."

Qi Mo nodded apologetically at everyone.

As soon as he left the recording room, Lan Muzhou immediately held his shoulders.

"Qi Mo, do you care about him so much? You don't even want the song you got?"

He spoke with a bit of sourness, but more of anger.

"This is a competition, do you know the team competition?"

In the process of grabbing the song, Qi Mo had the strength to absolutely crush He Ruilin's group.

But with a light word, he gave up on the achievement in front of him?

Why should he be so nice to He Ruilin?


Obviously he also chose the song "Lover".

For a moment, Lan Muzhou couldn't tell why he was angry.

Because Qi Mo took this competition as a joke?

Or is it because Qi Mo ranked him behind He Ruilin?

Or, maybe, both.

"The routine of the song "Lover" is somewhat similar to ours when we were in Sangong." Qi Mo said softly, "If you want to continue using this routine after you have tasted the sweetness, you will not be able to beat me."

She will tell He Ruilin that imitating the routine can only be her defeat.


Lan Muzhou blinked, and vaguely understood what Qi Mo meant.

It means... Qi Mo is sure to win He Ruilin's team?

His brows stretched a little, and most of the gloom and anxiety in his heart were smoothed away.

But he was still a little suspicious, "Really? Do you have any thoughts on the song "Elephant"?"

Qi Mo raised an inexplicable smile on his face, "Perhaps... young people nowadays like to be tied up?"

Lan Muzhou: ...?

He subconsciously took a step back.

"Bundle, bundle play??"

He didn't know what to think of, and the tips of his ears burst into red.

"Why should you be afraid of a rope that can be easily broken? Because there are sad memories that have domesticated even the heart..."

Qi Mo recited the gist of the lyrics.

With a little skill, he held Lan Muzhou's wrists together with one hand and pressed them on the top of his head.

She moved closer to the red-eared young man in front of her, with a faint smile still on her lips.

Suddenly there was a sense of guilt for bullying boys.

As a woman, you shouldn't bully boys like this, really.

But when he saw Lan Muzhou blowing his hair, he always wanted to bully him.

She is such a bad person.

Although it was not normal before...

But she will still abide by etiquette when dealing with men.

"First bind, then break free... What do you think?" Qi Mo continued.

It not only fits the meaning of the lyrics, but also can arouse the audience's interest very well.

She feels fine.

What he said seemed to be talking about song selection in a serious manner.

But Lan Muzhou just felt that something was weird, it seemed that Qi Mo was deliberately teasing him!

He stretched his hands in the air, and his sleeves slid down a bit.

The place where the skin touched was warm and numb, and he couldn't help but groan.

"Let's talk about song selection! Don't touch me!"

With blushing cheeks, Lan Muzhou lowered his voice and scolded.

That beautiful face that was so exquisite that it was impossible to distinguish between male and female was right in front of him, and he didn't even dare to look at it.

Abnormal heartbeat, louder and louder.

Before Lan Muzhou exploded completely, Qi Mo suddenly let go of his hand.

Also opened the distance.

"Anyway, it's almost the same idea, do you think it's feasible?"

The dull air around him dissipated, and Lan Muzhou was able to breathe.

He shook his sweater to let off a burst of heat.

Then, he glared at Qi Mo angrily, "Who will be kidnapped? If so, you can consider it."

Qi Mo shrugged, "Let's choose this one at that time. The person who is **** should be the C position."

Lan Muzhou froze for a moment.

The C position is also quite attractive.

In the recording hall, everyone waited for a few minutes.

While everyone was whispering, the two came back.

I saw that Lan Muzhou's ears were red, and his thin lips were pursed lightly.

The expression on his face was ashamed and displeased.

His expression was not very good, but he did not deny Qi Mo's proposal, "Then let's choose "Elephant"."

As he spoke, he glanced at He Ruilin and snorted softly, as if he was angry.

"I'll leave "Lover" to you."

Before leaving the recording room, he still looked angry. In a few minutes, Qi Mo convinced him?

And the ears are so red!

What the **** happened these few minutes!

Everyone was as curious as a kitten that had been killed.

"Hahahahahaha, Qi Mo can control Brother Zhou."

"I must have thought about how to perform on stage."

"Who would refuse a good performance? Lan Muzhou is also a reasonable person."

"But brother Zhou's ears are red with anger, I really want to know what happened."

Jiang Mingchen sat in the middle of the crowd, arms crossed.

No matter how you look on your face, how proud you are.

You don't know what happened, do you?

But he can guess!

The brokerage contract between Qi Mo and Qing Ning has officially come into effect.

She is now a signed artist of Lime, and all the work is handed over to professional personnel.

The new issue of "Do you have many question marks" was updated on the same day as "Actor's New Life".

One at 6:00 p.m. and one at 8:00 p.m.

The publicists in charge of Qi Mo had watched the finished films of the two variety shows in advance.

So they made preparations and waited for the hot search to go online—

If this doesn't even make it to the top searches, there probably aren't many artists who will be on the top searches.

Previous episodes of "Do You Have Many Question Marks" usually have no tidbits.

When the audience saw the end of the new episode, they found that there was still a section in the progress bar that hadn't finished.

Not knowing what will happen next, everyone continued to watch.

In the compartment of that same bus, several black shadows swayed.

The makeup on the face of every variety show actor is extremely scary.

[Looking at their makeup again, I still think it's scary, **** it]

[If I accidentally get into this car, I can show everyone a death on the spot [狗头]]

【It's a big night, if I have to have nightmares for several days in a row...】

[The car stopped, the car stopped! 】

[The tidbit is someone else? Shouldn't it be the big brother just now? 】

[This time this person is so tight, he doesn't look like a good person! 】

On the screen, a person in a fluffy padded jacket got into the car.

The huge hat covered half of his face, and the blue mask covered his palm-sized face.

Under the padded jacket is a pair of straight and long legs.

[Although I can't see the face, the legs are too cute! Long and thin! 】

【Hehe, girls are really superficial】

[No wonder it was treated as a tidbit, covered up so that you can't see your expression! boring! 】

Regardless of whether the person coming has covered his entire face or not, the staff in the carriage are still very competent. As long as the director doesn't say stop, they play their roles seriously, swaying and slowly approaching the entrance of the carriage. The man goes.

The bus played eerie music, which looked extremely scary under the dim headlights.

But the person standing at the door didn't seem to be the slightest bit nervous.

Instead, he slowly raised his hand and gently lifted the wide hat on top of his head.

A pair of phoenix eyes were revealed.

Dark, smiling, and oppressive.

【Hey, why do these eyes look familiar to me? ? 】

[Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! No way! 】

[This, this, this... can't be me again, Mr. Mo, right? ! 】

Only a pair of eyes were exposed, and the bullet screen exploded instantly, and a piece of white text brushed past.

In the video, the man slowly took off the mask on his face.

A playful and charming smile rippled on his face.

Qi Mo's neutral voice sounded, "Hi everyone, unfortunately, it's me again."

Obviously, everyone in the carriage froze.

No one moved on.

There was even a big brother who took a sneaky step back.

【Pfft ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha did you see that big brother took a step back? ? ? 】

[Brother: Gan! You hit me last time, so why not hit someone else this time? 】

[Wait, what's going on, I just made up the last two episodes, who is this person? What's the point? ? 】

【Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Damn it's so handsome, woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo]]

[It was because of Mr. Mo that I got into this show! 】

【I'm so happy that Mr. Mo is in the two variety shows I'm chasing today, today is a complete success! 】

[Wait for the sisters in front! Two variety shows? ? Which one is there? 】

["Rebirth of an Actor"! 】

[It's the actor's show, the replacement lineup was just announced half an hour ago, hurry up and watch it! 】

There are many fans who became fans of Qi Mo in "Do You Have Many Question Marks", and many fans fell in love with this show because of Qi Mo. Seeing Qi Mo again on the show, let alone how happy they are.

Anyway, it's not an official program, but a tidbit, so fans are not welcome.

The barrage turned into a large Amway scene.

"Actor's New Life" was also cueed crazily in the barrage.

The fans and the staff of the Propaganda Department worked hard, and the actors in the carriage saw that Qi Mo's expression was too funny. It didn't take long for many marketing accounts to post Weibo in response to the popularity, bringing another A lot of traffic.

#很不奇,是我# topped the Weibo hot search list, climbing steadily.

With publicity, it is natural that hot searches cannot be made in vain.

The staff asked the big V, who bought it with money, to bring the news of Qi Mo's joining "The New Life of an Actor" when it was released.

Click into the hot search, the first blog post you can see is this one.

Many of the barrage in the program "Do You Have Many Question Marks" are fans, and the trend is very good.

However, it is not the case on Weibo.

As soon as Qi Mo joined "The Actor's New Life" as a replacement, many people with natural malice towards the idol industry flocked to it, and the comment area quickly became a mess.

[I laughed, a little idol who hasn't debuted yet, is starting to think about earning money as an actor? ? 】

[The entertainment industry is really getting less and less threshold, mullet roe]

[If you want to make quick money, you shouldn't be in such a hurry, right? What's the matter, did you expect that you won't be popular for long? ? 】

[If "Actor's New Life" allows him to advance, I will give up this show]

[Are you going to see the staring and pouting tricks again? ? 】

[Idols will honestly spend money from fans, so don't harm the actors' circle, okay? 】

[I looked it up, it's a sissy idol who knows how to sell fried CP, I'd like to respect it first! [Hold fist]]

[I'm really ptsd, please stop letting idols act? 】

[Is this program called "Actor's New Life"? Can the show crew not let a mouse **** ruin the pot? 】

It's no wonder that netizens now boycott idol acting.

In the past, some idols came to act, and their acting skills in the drama were astonishing. They starred in some dramas with a good cast, and the salary was not low, which squeezed the living space of many good actors, and also " "ruined" a good IP in the eyes of some fans of the original book, it has been criticized for a long time.

Even if some idols have online acting skills, they still can't stop the stereotype.

The staff of the Lime Propaganda Department did not respond to this, but quietly waited for the program to go live.

Now how fierce the netizens are scolding, when the show is broadcast, the backlash will be huge.

Both the staff and Qi Mo could sit still.

But Lan Muzhou couldn't sit still.

Now he searched for Qi Mo on Weibo as many times as he searched for himself.

He even paid close attention to Qi Mo's public opinion trend.

During the training interval, he immediately saw the trending searches.

Click in, too many negative reviews.

Especially the comments about Qi Mo's rottenness and sissy made his heart twitch.

Qi Mo looks a little softer, because he has a CP with him.

But anyone who knows more about Qi Mo won't use such words to attack him!

"Qi Mo, you signed Lime, why is it like you didn't sign?"

Lan Muzhou asked, but didn't say the second half of the sentence—

Is it because Lime sees that you have no background, so he wants to use you to make some quick money.

Why don't you sign a company with me?

Qi Mo moved closer to Lan Muzhou, and glanced at the contents of his phone.

"Well, just wait until the show goes online."

As soon as the program was launched, these doubts and abuse naturally disappeared.

Lan Muzhou let out a "tss", "You are too confident."


Qi Mo raised his voice and rolled his eyes, as if he was thinking of something.

"I'll play it for you again, you see?"

Lan Muzhou immediately recalled the voice he heard in the dormitory that day.

Qi Mo said in a suppressed voice - I love you, I really love you, I love you crazily.

The tone of voice seems to be clearly reproduced in the ears.

It gave him goosebumps.

Gently roll your throat.

He heard himself say: "Then you...act out the part you said in the dormitory again?"

After all, breathing became a little heavier.

Qi Mo was right beside him, he only needed to rub a little bit to the side to touch his shoulder.

In fact, he did.

Shoulders touched, Lan Muzhou turned to look at Qi Mo.

The soft and delicate face is close at hand, and he can even see the small fluff on the face.

Those phoenix eyes were slightly raised, as if a little surprised by his actions.

Qi Mo raised his brows, taking a panoramic view of everything.

She bent her mouth, and said as if on purpose: "You said... I love you, I really love you?"

Lan Muzhou's eyes fell on the bright red lips.

The lips opened and closed, glowing in the light.

For a moment, my heart beat like a drum.