MTL - When the Empress Dresses Up As a Female Trainee-Chapter 59 Clean it up and apologize. ...

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/ Mo Baqian

In the venue, everyone present was dumbfounded.

The basketball fell from the hoop, bounced a few times on the ground, and rolled towards Qi Mo.

Qi Mo hooked the ball with his foot, and the basketball flew up and landed firmly in her hands.

Seeing that everyone was staring at her without speaking, she looked at Lan Muzhou, "Can't you shoot from this position?"

A group of boys: ...

Lan Muzhou: "It is possible."

Just a little scary.

"Oh, that's fine."

Under everyone's gaze, Qi Mo raised his head again and threw the basketball in his hand out—

The basketball landed firmly in the hoop again.

This time Lan Muzhou followed a few steps forward, caught the basketball when it fell, and leapt forward!

The basketball was dunked into the hoop, and he grabbed the hoop with both hands and hung in the air for two seconds before letting go.

He turned around and raised his eyebrows at Qi Mo.

As if to say "look at me, isn't it bad"?

A tall and strong boy stuttered, "Shooting from the midfield did you do it?"

Is it so difficult for others?

Qi Mo caught the ball thrown by Lan Muzhou and dribbled it a few times.

"Hands up, takes aim, and throws it in the hoop." problem.

Who's to say there's something wrong with this process? ? ?

"Damn it, why do I think these two people look familiar..."

A male voice took a picture of Qi Mo, looked at the picture on the Internet, and exclaimed in a low voice.

"These two were ANBOR's brand ambassadors a while ago, and they saw two advertisements in the mall."

One of them is the young master of Blue Ocean Group.

Knowing the identities of the two, the anger of the crowd dissipated immediately.

The mistake was caused by the gymnasium. They have no problem with the people in the gymnasium, but they came here and uttered wild words...

After finishing the calf, did you offend the boss?

"Ahem, that... I was wrong to underestimate you just now, and we are not unreasonable people, but this gymnasium is heavily booked, and other gymnasiums are not close to here, and the journey takes only one or two hours. Book on the same day. Eighty percent of them can’t book…”

The leading boy was a little embarrassed and scratched his nose.

They are usually not so angry, but they suddenly encountered such an annoying thing, which made them have a bad attitude.

Another said: "Our time is also time, so much time is wasted, the gymnasium must come up with a solution."

This guy has a good attitude.

Qi Mo thought for a few seconds, and said, "Maybe you can be an extra performer? Then play basketball with us. Let's see if you can reach a consensus with the director and the brand."

The boy exchanged a glance with the director of the commercial.

After chatting for less than five minutes, the two hit it off.

The boy twirled the basketball on his fingertips, his eyes eager to try.

This guy named Qi Mo, who can shoot directly from the midfield line, looks like an excellent training partner.

Free sparring, who wouldn't want it?

So he said: "Then let's warm up briefly and start?"

Qi Mo nodded, "You warm up first, Lan Muzhou will teach me the rules."

Everyone: ...?

Dare to feel that this is someone who doesn't even know the rules?

I suddenly felt that I might not have the talent to play basketball :)

They came with a total of 8 people, three of them were substitutes, plus Qi Mo and Lan Muzhou, there were exactly 10 people in two teams.

The two teams were separated by the palm of the hand and the back of the hand.

Qi Mo and Lan Muzhou are not on the same team.

Lan Muzhou knew that Qi Mo hadn't watched the game and didn't know some routines.

He dribbled the ball twice, swayed his body to the front left twice in a row, and made a fake move.

Immediately afterwards, before everyone could react, they suddenly took a big step to the right to bypass the person in front of them!

He raised his body upwards, the moment he shot the basketball...

Qi Mo brushed past him, caught the basketball with one hand, and with a little effort, the ball passed directly to his teammates!

Grass! This cap is perfect!

With the ball in front of him, his teammates reacted instinctively and caught the pass.

The opponent's players didn't even catch their breath, and Qi Mo and the others had already scored a goal.

"Fuck, brother, your block just now was too awesome!"

"Six six six! Awesome!"

"Lan Muzhou's feint just now was also awesome, it's a pity."

"Grass, keep going, we won't believe it!"

Excitement appeared in the eyes of several boys in the field, and they clapped and returned to their positions while applauding.

Lan Muzhou: ...he pretended to be lonely.

The little dwarf is indeed not good at everything, but she can learn everything quickly!

What a strong reflex it must be.

Qi Mo observed other people while playing, and quickly corrected his own movement methods, learning extremely quickly.

The two teams played a game, and the director of the commercial had so many shots that he couldn't run out.

During their intermission, the director said: "The material is almost enough. After you finish this game, you can shoot some scenes of two people alone. The basketball part can be called off today."

"Shooting a shot alone, what else?" Lan Muzhou wiped off his sweat, "Shooting an aerial connection?"

After communicating the connection line, the director quickly found the angle and used two machines to shoot at the same time.

Qi Mo dribbled the ball on the midfield line, raised one hand, and the basketball crossed a parabola in the air.

Lan Muzhou jumped up in the restricted area, turned around the moment he caught the basketball in the air, and dunked it directly!

The cooperation between the two was seamless, there was no error of half a second.

"Absolutely, as expected of a combination, such a tacit understanding!"

"I'll go! This dunk is beautiful!"

"It's really amazing! It's a pity that you don't play ball!"

Boys' friendship is sometimes simple.

After playing a game, they immediately became acquainted, and they almost started calling each other brothers.

The filming of the commercial will soon be over.

A boy came to Qi Mo and the others with a mobile phone, "Brothers, brothers, you are so awesome, can you take a photo together?"

"Yes, yes, let's take a photo together? Is that okay?" Several other people also followed suit.

"Yes." Qi Mo nodded.

Lan Muzhou moved closer to her and put a hand on her shoulder.

Ten people took the photo together.

It's been a long time since I played happily, and Lan Muzhou was in a great mood this time.

He lifted up his shirt and wiped the sweat from his brow with it.

The waist and abdominal muscles are clearly defined, and the mermaid line feels invisible.

After wiping off his sweat, he raised his head and saw Qi Mo looking at him from the side.

He smiled "tsk" and pressed his abs rather narcissistically.

"Just allow you to poke twice."

Qi Mo leaned closer and whispered in his ear: "Wait until you get back and wash it clean."

Being ridiculed, Lan Muzhou's face became so red that it exploded.

He threw off his shirt all of a sudden, and even put his hands around his waist.

He gritted his teeth and said in a voice that only the two of them could hear: "Why don't you look like a girl!"

Qi Mo paused, and glanced at Lan Muzhou with the corner of his eye.

He said casually: "What does the girl look like?"


Lan Muzhou knew he had said something wrong.

"Sorry, I…"

"Forget it, it's okay."

Qi Mo threw down two words, turned and left.

I was sweating and wanted to wash my face.

This gymnasium is relatively high-end, and the fees are high.

So there are not too many people.

Qi Mo washed his face in front of the sink outside the bathroom.

"What a coincidence, Miss Qi."

A hoarse male voice sounded.

Qi Mo caught a glimpse of the person coming from the mirror, lowered his eyes again, and said nothing.

Squeeze out some hand sanitizer and knead a rich lather.

Hands were also washed carefully.

"Mr. Qi." Shi Yun came to her side, "Mr. Qi, is it okay to call him like this?"

After washing his hands, Qi Mo took out a paper and wiped his hands.

Throw it away, and fall firmly into the trash can.

She said: "Mr. Shi is bothering you, but unfortunately, I have no right to intervene in my family's affairs."

"Mr. Xiao Qi becomes the real Mr. Qi, and it's not just a matter of talking."

Shi Yun smiled lightly and narrowed his eyes slightly, as if staring at his prey.

The limited group is only for one year, so it's a blink of an eye.

"After thinking about it, I was indeed a little rude at the banquet. This time I came here with sincerity."

Before Qi Mo could answer, he continued: "Perhaps Xiao Qi is very displeased with Kechen Culture's repeated attacks on Young Master Lan for money, right? Their company is not clean, and there is still something to it."

"Your sincerity is to give me the clues you originally wanted to give to He Ruilin?"

Qi Mo gave him a funny look and swiped his fingers.

"You're blocking my way."


Shi Yun was slightly taken aback, then burst out laughing.

He just had such an idea, so he can let others know?

"Mr. know everything like a god."

Qi Mo didn't pay much attention to the content in the book that had nothing to do with Lan Muzhou.

After leaving the banquet, it was only then that he realized that being appreciated by Mr. Shi was a great turning point for He Ruilin.

It seems that because of her existence, this turning point came a lot late.

When Qi Mo didn't speak, he said again: "Anyway, I will clean up anything that offends Mr. Qi, how about it?"

"These things I can solve by myself, what kind of sincerity? At least I don't have it."

"Xiao Qi, do you have anything else...?"

"That's not too much." Qi Mo crossed his arms and looked leisurely, "For example, your family's shares."

Shi Yun's face darkened slightly, and he squinted his eyes, revealing a sense of danger.

"President Xiao Qi has quite a appetite."

Even one percent of the shares is more than hundreds of millions of assets.

Qi Mo pulled the corner of his mouth and showed a lazy smile.

"Oh, even if you offer it with both hands, it depends on whether I am willing to take it."


Looking at Qi Mo's back, Shi Yun snorted.

How dare I say it.

Twirling his hands in his pockets, he narrowed his eyes like sharp eagles.

He crawled and rolled all the way, his movements were as fast as thunder—

But before he could get close to Qi Mo, a gust of palm hit him, and a hand stabbed him in front of his eyes like a sharp knife!

His fingertips lightly touched his eyelashes, itching slightly.

A few millimeters forward, you can touch his eyeballs, and with a little more force, you can even gouge out his eyes.

Shi Yun raised his head slightly, lowered his eyes and saw Qi Mo's eyes filled with murderous intent.

If it is an ordinary person, I am afraid that just looking at it will make you feel cold all over your body.

The danger was right in front of him, but he couldn't help laughing, "Hahaha, Xiao Qi has extraordinary skills."

It's more than ordinary, it's just... learned to kill people.

When the limited group is over and Qi Mo comes to manage the company...

It's really exciting.

Qi Mo left the bathroom without meeting anyone, until he came to the stairs, and saw two tall men standing here, most likely Shi Yun's people.

She didn't speak, and returned to the basketball court.

"Where have you been? It's been so long." Lan Muzhou immediately surrounded him.

"Just go to the bathroom."

Lan Muzhou frowned, and moved his nose, "But you smell like perfume."

Very aggressive woody aroma, distinctly masculine.

Qi Mo lowered his head and sniffed, there was some smell.

Lan Muzhou has a good nose.

There are so many people in the basketball hall, it is not a place to talk.

So she responded lightly, "I met someone with a strong perfume."

Lan Muzhou pursed his lips suspiciously.

It's not that he doubted Qi Mo, but Qi Mo probably didn't tell him the truth.

Is it because he said the wrong thing just now, so Qi Mo is upset?

According to the results of the discussion between the director of the commercial and the brand side, they first finished shooting the two single-person clips of running and hip-hop. Next, they found a recent hip-hop event and color run before proceeding to the next shoot.

One day, the filming of the commercial could not be finished, so they returned to the villa and continued to wait for the next announcement.

After running around for a long time, Qi Mo returned to the room and took a comfortable bath first.

Just as he was drying his hair, there was a knock on the door.


The door was opened, and a smell of oranges hit the face.

Fresh and nice smell.

Qi Mo raised his eyebrows, "What's wrong?"

Lan Muzhou lowered his brows and muttered, "Just as you said... wash it up and make amends."

His ears flushed red with shame.

He knew that he had said something wrong, which made Qi Mo unhappy.

But it's not that he doesn't like Qi Mo's current appearance.

He likes Qi Mo like this, but he can't deny that Qi Mo is different from other girls.

Just said that in passing.

Qi Mo turned around and walked into the room.

Dressed in black and loose long-sleeved trousers, she looked very thin.

"Qi Mo, don't be upset, can't I be wrong?"

Lan Muzhou followed in, not forgetting to close the door.

He went to hold Qi Mo's hand.

Before Lan Muzhou could reach him, Qi Mo suddenly turned around and leaned against the desk in the room.

With a pad on his toes, he sat up easily.

She crossed her arms and said, "It would be better if you remove the "Isn't it okay?" "

Lan Muzhou bulged his cheeks, looking awkward.

Don't even give him a hand, narrow-minded, bad-tempered.

"Don't be upset, I was wrong."

He looked at the person sitting on the table at his level.

The short black hair is extremely neat, and the brows and eyes are lazy but full of vigor.

Much handsomer than most men.

Of course, compared with him, it's still a little bit worse.

He scratched his head, "I always feel like I'm dating a guy... You're so different from other girls."

Walking to the table, he put his hands on the table and approached Qi Mo.

"It's just a slip of the tongue, don't be upset."

Of course she was different from other girls.

She doesn't care about the question of "one is different" at all, she only cares about whether Lan Muzhou agrees that "girls can be like her", or that Lan Muzhou also hopes that she will be what most girls "should be" ".

From the current point of view, Lan Muzhou should really be just a habitual slip of the tongue.

There was no expression on her face, she just said lightly: "Girls can also have short hair, wear cool clothes, and have a very attractive personality, there is nothing "should" about these. "

Lan Muzhou nodded immediately, "Well, you're right."

"Like... if you like wearing a skirt, I'm fine with it."

Lan Muzhou: "...?"

"I don't like little skirts!" Lan Muzhou frowned for a second, and repeated, "I just don't like it!"

Qi Mo didn't hold back that indifferent expression, and burst into a "puchi" laugh.

She smiled and pulled him into her arms, "I don't like it either, it's fine as you are now."

The orange flavor is refreshing and tangy, making people want to bite.

It smells delicious.

Lan Muzhou snorted softly, this person knew how to tease him for fun.

Seeing that it was indeed he who said something wrong, he didn't care about it.

"Aren't you unhappy? Then you can always tell the truth now, you didn't tell the truth in the gym."

"It's just a coincidence." Qi Mo didn't hide it.

Lan Muzhou was taken aback, "Did he recognize you?"

Seeing Qi Mo's expression, he knew he was right.

"Then will he expose..."

If Qi Mo's identity is exposed, it will have a certain impact on the Qi family's property and Qing Ning.

He is a little worried.

Qi Mo shook his head, and reached out to rub Lan Muzhou's soft yellow hair into a mess.

He also raised his hair.

"Smart people never choose to lose both sides, only to win-win."

Within two days, the official blog of "Leaning on the Sword" announced the cast.

The names of Qi Mo and Yan Zhaoyun are all listed.

In the position of Yiyi, Aite clearly named Ye Jinsheng's name.

Qi Mo is second.

On the whole, Ye Jinsheng's team doesn't like dramas such as "Leaning on the Sword" produced at a small and medium cost.

However, her manager fell in love with a famous screenwriter, and felt that "small and beautiful" works are also worth participating in; Ye Jinsheng took a fancy to Qi Mo as the lead actor—Qi Mo has been filming for a long time, and ERA teammates always want to Are you going to visit the class? Even if there is only brother Qi Mo, being able to cooperate together is a success in chasing stars!

So after the official blog announcement, she quickly reposted it on Weibo.

Ye Jinsheng V: I look forward to working with you all! I also look forward to Qi Mo's first play!

Qi Mo himself reposted Weibo and interacted with Ye Jinsheng.

Ye Jinsheng's popularity was high, and with Qi Mo, the item "Leaning on the Sword" quickly became a hot search.

After "National Idol" ended, Mr. Mo finally made another hot search!

Don't mention how happy the fans are, they immediately sent encouragement and thanks to the official Weibo.

[Ah, ah, ah, so happy! Mr. Mo finally has a drama! 】

【Thank the crew for appreciating Mr. Mo! 】

[Ah, ah, in ancient costumes, Mr. Mo must be very handsome in ancient costumes! 】

[Wow, that's great, it's time to cooperate with such an excellent senior as Sheng Shengzi! 】

[When will it be turned on! Fast boot, fast forward group! 】

After the official announcement, the film crew has been following the trend on Weibo.

There are too many things about traffic fans tearing up fan positions, which film studio would be willing to see this kind of thing?

Qi Mo has a lot of traffic and is out of the circle, but the cafe is there, and he can't surpass Ye Jinsheng.

They were very afraid that all Qi Mo's fans would come and tear up their positions.

But the result was quite unexpected, not a single high praise comment was tearing up the fan position.

It is said that fans follow the owner, and the film crew can't help but have a good impression of Qi Mo.

There was a harmonious jubilation on Weibo. The official Weibo of the "Actor's New Life" program reposted the official announcement. Zhang Yiyi, ERA members, Xu Ziwen, Jiang Ning, Jiang Mingchen and other artists who got along well with Qi Mo also reposted or commented to congratulate Qi Mo. Song Xinru gave a thumbs up.

It can be seen that the popularity is high and the popularity is good.

Qi Mo never flattered or said flattering words.

It stands to reason that such a person should not be easy to mix in the entertainment industry.

But Qi Mo got along well with most of the people.

This may show that no matter which circle is the place where strength comes first.

As long as they are not too arrogant, the strong are easy to be liked.

Everything in the hot search fell into Xia Xi's eyes.

Both Qi Mo and her had only aired one episode of the show, and now Qi Mo, a pure newcomer to acting, has gotten the lead role in a star drama, but she has only received an invitation to a variety show, and she is not a resident guest!

She is the one who won the best actress.

How come there is not even a play that you actively invite?

Could it be that she was allowed to lower herself and audition with other young actors?

It's really the flow of traffic, and maybe there is also the handwriting of the Lime platform.

Xia Xi thought bitterly.

With a soft voice on WeChat, manager Zhang Qi sent a link to the online disk.

Zhang Qi: The new episode will air tomorrow.

Zhang Qi: I see that there are a few scenes of you frowning, and the physical feeling is not very good.

Zhang Qi: I have communicated with the program team, they said it was the effect of the program, and they did not agree to delete it.

Zhang Qi: Would you like to find Mr. Shi?

These four WeChat messages gave Xia Xi a headache and annoyance.

She opened the link on the online disk and found several shots that Zhang Qi mentioned.

It's not just that the body feels bad!

In the camera, Qi Mo was greeting her, but she just pretended not to see it.

There is also the look of her frowning at the makeup artist.

How can this lens not be deleted? !

Zhang Qi forwarded all the conversations she had with the staff of the "Actor's New Life" program team to Xia Xi.

Xia Xi felt suffocated for a while, and her breathing became a lot heavier.

She knows that some controversial content is often cut into the show.

But why cut her several bad faces in?

She is still in the comeback stage, these things will make her road even more difficult!

It was definitely because of Qi Mo and Lu Qingqing that she was treated like this by the program crew.

The more she thought about it, the more angry she took a deep breath and dialed the phone.


After the call was connected, Xia Xi's voice became as gentle as water.

He specially called Shi Yun's name softly.

Shi Yun was in a pretty good mood, and didn't care about the title.

Just said: "What's the matter?"

Xia Xi gave a wry smile helplessly, her voice was as soft as it could be.

"It's like this. When I participated in Qingning's variety show recently, I accidentally had a little misunderstanding with Qingning's boss's daughter, Lu Qingqing, and Qingning's newly signed artist, Qi Mo..."

Shi Yun suddenly interjected, "Are you in conflict with Lu Qingqing and Qi Mo?"

I don't know if it was an illusion, Xia Xi suddenly felt... Shi Yun's voice was much colder?

She pursed her lips, pretending to be guilty, and said, "It's all my fault, I didn't recognize their identities in time... Now when Qing Ning edited, I was cut into several negative scenes, for Ah It's troublesome..."

Before she could finish speaking, a colder voice came from the receiver.

"You mean, did Lu Qingqing and Qi Mo deliberately make things difficult for you?"