MTL - When the Little Milk Dog Decided To Break Up with Zha Shou-Chapter 25

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Ran Qiu vaguely guessed something in his heart, his face turned blue immediately, but he forced himself to calm down, "What exactly do you want to say, speak clearly in one breath."

"That drama was the first film that Wen Yuanyu invested in since he established his studio. It can be said that he invested all his wealth in it. Although Wen Yuanyu was already somewhat famous at that time, it was not so easy to get so A large investment, you think, who would throw such a large sum of money at him for no reason? Naturally, there will be strings attached."

It is self-evident what this additional condition is.

Ran Qiu closed his eyes, his mind was like a typhoon, blowing a violent storm.

For the past three years, he has been completely kept in the dark. He thought about what Ran Yiming would do, but he never thought that Wen Yuanyu would do the same to him.

He always thought that Wen Yuanyu did those annoying things just because he didn't love him, but it turned out that there were traces to follow. Of course Wen Yuanyu would stand by Fang Lan's side, and of course he would ignore his feelings, because these three years, from the beginning to the end, were nothing but a scam made of lies and deceit. This deception blinded his heart, but Wen Yuanyu stayed out of it and kept watching his jokes.

He's such a fool, to be tricked by a man's tricks into the applause. No wonder Wen Yuanyu has been so active these days, pestering him every day. It turned out that it was because of a guilty conscience, thinking that through this method, he could be with him again, and then continued to deceive him.

He originally thought that he would no longer be angry with Wen Yuanyu, but at this moment, his chest was filled with anger, desperately trying to break through the shackles of his brain, venting on the man who is still trying to deceive even now. On his people!

Ran Qiu's hands were tightly clenched into fists, and his face couldn't help being hot. He lowered his head, unable to see his expression clearly, and his entire face was covered by thick shadows.

He has never had such a strong hatred for Wen Yuanyu at a moment like now.

"What does this have to do with me?" Ran Qiu's eyelashes trembled slightly, he tried his best to contain his emotions, and said almost calmly.

Qiu He smiled, and took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket, which was a pack of Ruan Yuxi, and he picked up two of them with his fingers, and handed them to Ran Qiu, "I saw you smoked when you left during the interview. Coincidentally, I also smoke Yuxi."

Ran Qiu didn't look at the cigarette in his hand, "I don't want to smoke while filming the show, it's smelly." Besides, what's the point of smoking now, does he still need a cigarette to calm his shock.

"No kissing scene today." Qiu He stretched out the hand that held out the cigarette, "But if you are willing, of course I will ask for it."

Qiu He's eyes were very straightforward, Ran Qiu hesitated for a moment, but still took the cigarette in his hand.

Although he is not in the mood to flirt with Qiu He now, he is very grateful to Qiu He for telling him the truth, and also very grateful that Qiu He can say these words at this time to distract him.

"Let me tell the program team to postpone it for a while, you are not feeling well, should you rest in the study first?" Qiu He looked at him and said.

"No, I can take pictures now." Ran Qiu squeezed the cigarette on his fingertips, and when he raised his head again, his eyes were clear again.

The first task card for the two is to cooperate to make a lunch together.

Before filming, the program team asked Ran Qiu some basic questions to facilitate their preparation in advance. For example, this time, the program team prepared flour and some meat-filled vegetables in advance, and asked Ran Qiu to make buns.

The first program will be released on the night of Thanksgiving. Director Yu hopes that if the festival can be involved in their interaction, and the festive atmosphere will be icing on the cake.

This villa has two kitchens, one is a closed Chinese-style kitchen, and the other is a western-style kitchen that can be operated on an island. There are two large floor-to-ceiling windows on the side. You can see the fountain in the courtyard when you look up. The scenery is excellent. .

"What can I do for you?" Qiu He asked with a smile while standing beside the island platform.

Ran Qiu was washing his hands in the sink, the sun came in through the window, hit the island platform, and wrapped him up, he looked sideways at Qiu He, "Can you roll the skin?"

Qiu He laughed, "I'm not very good at it, but I can give it a try, are you willing to teach me?"

"Come here, I'll show you."

After Ran Qiu washed his hands, he brought the pre-fermented dough, kneaded it into strips, and cut into small pieces.

Qiu He stood beside him, turned slightly sideways, looked at his nimble fingers without blinking, the bun skin was turning quickly under Ran Qiu's hands, and the thickness was uniform.

"Did you see clearly? While turning the rolling pin, turn the dough at the same time, and the force should be even, so that the skin will be thinner." Ran Qiu spoke slowly and clearly, while talking, he was doing the movement of rolling the dough.

"I see clearly. I didn't expect you to be so good at it. If I find you, I will be very lucky." Qiu He said the second half of the sentence very lightly, but Ran Qiu still heard it. He looked back and smiled at him slightly. .

The camera gave Ran Qiu a close-up shot.

Ran Qiu didn't wear makeup, not even light makeup, but his skin was still as delicate as porcelain, and there was no flaw under the high-definition close-up of the camera.

The morning breeze squeezed through the gap of the window and blew on the faces of the two, blowing a lock of hair on the forehead.

Director Yu watched intently in front of the monitor.

"Take more close-ups, close-ups, yes, you two interact more."

Ran Qiu's expression was focused and indifferent. After he broke up with Wen Yuanyu, he spent a month making buns to stabilize his mood. He didn't expect to rely on buns to calm his mood now. He and Baozi are really destined.

After rolling out the skin of the buns, he quickly started to chop the stuffing. While chopping the stuffing, he said some festival-related words according to the program group's prior request.

He held the handle of the knife in one hand, and chopped shallots with the other hand on the poured glass. At the end of the speech, he suddenly said: "I am also very grateful to Qiu He. I didn't expect to be able to perform this show with him. I was looking forward to being able to work with him before." He's making a movie."

"Is this the truth?" Qiu He, who had been washing vegetables in the sink, suddenly stood behind Ran Qiu. He surrounded Ran Qiu from behind and put his head on his shoulder.

Ran Qiu paused, but quickly continued, "Of course it's true, you are very good." He really felt that Qiu He's acting skills are still very good.

Qiu He didn't say anything, but from the slight curvature of his mouth, it could be seen that he was quite happy now.

After chopping the stuffing, you still need to squeeze out the water. Thin beads of sweat ooze from Ran Qiu's forehead. He raised his arm and wiped it. His fair skin was slightly flushed due to the warm sun.

The camera captured this scene, and from the monitor, it was the man/wife and the puppy wearing an apron cooking, and the villainous boss lovingly hugged the puppy in his arms.

Director Yu is very satisfied with such a beautiful picture, and the ratings will almost predictably skyrocket before the show is aired.

The filming lasted from morning to two o'clock in the evening, and even Ran Qiu, who thought he had very good physical strength, felt obviously tired.

The two walked out of the gate of the villa and rested by the fountain in the courtyard. It was cold in winter, and Ran Qiu tightened the collar of his coat. Qiu He took the initiative to take off the scarf around his neck, but was stopped by Ran Qiu, "Wear it well, I Not a little girl."

"Why are you so particular about this, you and Wen Yuanyu, are you from above?"

Ran Qiu glanced at him, chuckled lightly, and asked without answering, "Are you above or below?"

"I haven't done the following, but if it's you, I think I can try it." Qiu He looked at him, and the starlight at night was reflected in Ran Qiu's dark pupils, which made his heart move, "That hug today It feels so good."

Ran Qiu didn't speak, and took the initiative to embrace Qiu He's waist, pressed his head with his palms, and hugged him into his arms, "Isn't this better?"

"Yes, I don't know if you believe me or not, but I fell in love with you the first time I saw you three years ago." Qiu He leaned his face against Ran Qiu's neck and whispered, "I remember you first The clothes worn by the crew for the first time, that day, you wore an X fashion brand sweatshirt and a baseball cap backwards, walking from the sun, your whole body was shining."

"Your filter is too heavy." Ran Qiu joked.

He remembered that day, the day he came to see Wen Yuanyu, he changed a dozen sets of clothes repeatedly, and finally chose the sweatshirt.

Thinking of that day, he couldn't help laughing at himself, how stupid he was, it turned out that all of this was in Wen Yuanyu's calculations.

"In fact, I don't think I'm inferior to Wen Yuanyu, but just standing there like a handsome guy around 1.8 meters like me, you didn't even look at me, didn't even give me a look, and you were so close to me , just walked past me, because of this, I lost confidence for a long time."

Ran Qiu knew, because he was about to meet Wen Yuanyu at that time. He had liked and been obsessed with Wen Yuanyu since he was thirteen or fourteen years old. He went to film school and tried to make himself better. Everything is for the opportunity to get close to Wen Yuanyu and become a person worthy of Wen Yuanyu. He didn't want to use false politeness to deny Qiu He, because it was very possible for him at that time.

"I just ended a relationship, and I'm not in the mood to start a new one right now." Ran Qiu let go of his hand and said bluntly, "But you allowed me to participate in this show that day, I really thank you, your long time It is also very in line with my aesthetics, this sentence is not polite."

"Don't worry, I can wait." Qiu He raised his eyes and looked directly at him, "I can feel that you don't feel nothing for me."

Ran Qiu smiled, this was the first time he showed a sincere smile outside the camera today.

"I participated in this show because of the money." Ran Qiu raised his eyebrows freely. He hates cheating the most in his life. River misunderstood.

Qiu He was a little surprised, but he laughed instead, "I thought you were just having a little quarrel with Wen Yuanyu. Even so, I thought about it. I can't give up such a good opportunity easily."

He paused, then said firmly: "Now that I know that you have no chance, it is even more impossible for me to give up."

Ran Qiu looked at him for a while, then looked away, "I have to go back, it's too late."

"Let me send you off. I think we still need to distinguish between the inside and the outside of the play. I'm solemnly saying that now I want to send you back as a suitor."

Just as Ran Qiu was about to say something, a familiar voice suddenly appeared a few meters away, "He doesn't need you to see him."

Ran Qiu slowly turned his head to look, Wen Yuanyu was standing under the streetlight at the door, and the dim streetlight shone on his face.

Wen Yuanyu walked over step by step, his eyes fell on the backs of Ran Qiu and Qiu He's hands, he narrowed his eyes slightly, and said loudly: "Chou He, don't wishful thinking, he won't like you, three years Not before, not even three years from now."

Ran Qiu kept looking at every expression on Wen Yuanyu's face, and swallowed the churning gastric juice. Wen Yuanyu seemed to be jealous, which was really interesting. He didn't ask how Wen Yuanyu found it. Here, he just slightly raised the corners of his mouth, and said to Wen Yuanyu in the most normal tone he could imagine: "Chou He and I are just friends."

He walked towards Wen Yuanyu, stood still in front of him, stretched out his hand to straighten Wen Yuanyu's collar, "Did you come by car? Take me back?"

Wen Yuanyu froze for a moment, his lips moved slightly, "Yes, I stopped at the door, you are tired."

Ran Qiu nodded, and said softly: "I want to say hello to Director Yu first, go to the convenience store and buy me a bottle of milk tea, don't want Yuanqi Forest's sugar-free milk tea, I want Assam, there is no one in the villa that I want to drink of."

Ran Qiu's sudden change of attitude made Wen Yuanyu faintly realize that something was wrong, but under Ran Qiu's earnest gaze, he still couldn't refuse and said: "...Okay, then you wait here for me."

"En." Ran Qiu lowered his eyelids and responded in a low voice.

On the way Wen Yuanyu came, he remembered that there was a convenience store outside the villa area. He quickly started the car, and it was more than a kilometer away from the villa area.

When he drove to the convenience store, bought milk tea, and returned to the gate of the villa, he didn't see Ran Qiu who was supposed to be waiting for him at the same place at the first moment. A bad premonition suddenly rose in his heart.

Wen Yuanyu took out his mobile phone and dialed a number with trembling fingers. As expected, Ran Qiu's mobile phone was turned off.

He clenched his phone tightly and circled around the villa. Not only was Ran Qiu not there, but he didn't even see Qiu He. Just as his heart sank little by little, a staff member who was cleaning up the scene swept across his feet. dust before.

Wen Yuanyu stepped forward, grabbed the staff's arm, and growled in a low voice without regard for impoliteness: "Have you seen Ran Qiu?"

The staff member was taken aback by this sudden movement, he didn't even care who was pulling him, he hurriedly said: "He just left, it seems that he got into Teacher Qiu He's car, listen to what they said, Going to the hotel to soak in the hot springs…”

Hot springs! Go to the hotel's naked hot springs.

A crack finally appeared on Wen Yuanyu's easy-going face. He looked at the bottle of Assam milk tea in his hand, and almost twisted the bottle with his fingers. He gritted his teeth tightly, swung his arms, and slammed the bottle into the trash. The barrel was thrown out.

The author has something to say: If you don’t change your feelings in this article, you definitely won’t change your feelings.

As for Gongqi, why is he still sleeping with Shou, firstly he is not py with Shou, secondly he didn’t take the initiative to sleep with Shou, and secondly he sleeps with others but not being slept with, I don’t know why he is so so in the eyes of some of you Shit, so I don't know how to explain it.

I'm sorry if you feel ex to you after reading this.

But I am at this level now, and I will continue to write as I originally conceived.