MTL - Whispering Verse-Chapter 16 Invitation for Admission to Correspondence Education

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"Detective, now that you have solved the accident caused by the poet-level relic and helped you solve the trouble of the former detective's death, then, let's go back to the original topic."

The blue-eyed doctor on the armchair looked at Shad:

"What do you think of St. Byrence Comprehensive now?

Because the awakening time of ring warlocks is only 72 hours, the main training methods of Zhengshen Church and the three major colleges are actually recruiting from core believers and affiliated industries of the colleges, which is also more convenient to observe. But both parties don't mind recruiting fresh blood that has nothing to do with their own forces, but the training is different from those trustworthy talents. "

"Then can you give an example of the treatment of us ordinary people who have nothing to do with mystery after joining the church or academy?"

Xia De thought for a while, chewing on the meaning of the words, and felt that it was reasonable not to be fully trusted.

"Of course, for the Orthodox Church, those ring magicians who are not devout believers are not allowed to leave the diocese within ten years of their successful inauguration, and their support from the church will also be restricted. It will take at least 20 years to be fully trusted.

As for the three colleges, the conditions are more complicated. We use the method of correspondence to train talented people who do not belong to the mysterious world.

All foreign students are taught by correspondence, and cannot directly contact the college itself, let alone enter the college. According to the region, the correspondence ring warlocks are divided into different groups, with 3 to 7 people in each group. When there are at least one six-ring warlock, one five-ring warlock, and one four-ring warlock in the group, and more than 5 people meet the conditions, the group as a whole can pass the test and enter the academy. It must be the whole group, and no one person can be abandoned, so as to ensure that the whole group supervises and guarantees each other. "

According to the doctor, this made Xia De raise his eyebrows:

"If I join St. Byrence Comprehensive..."

Dr. Schneider nodded, approved of Xia De's guess, and he pointed to himself:

"Then my group has five ring warlocks again. Now we have four of them, and it is inconvenient to disclose the specific information of the others before you join. But I promise, at least wait until you meet the third ring before formally enrolling." The test. After all, we are still far behind in other conditions.”

That's why Bill Schneider was so enthusiastic about guiding Shad to join the academy. "Wild" talents are really hard to find, probably only a little less difficult than finding a needle in a haystack.

Seeing that Xia De was still thinking, the doctor said again:

"Mr. Hamilton, I am very satisfied with you, your background, your origin, and your attitude in the face of mystery. A few hours ago, when we saw the tragic situation together, your unbearable and pretended calmness, These are quite good. Please consider my offer carefully, the conditions here are very good."

"I don't understand why the Orthodox Church and the academy are so... vigilant towards people like us?"

Xia De is still hesitant. It is difficult for outsiders to trust others easily when they enter this world.

"You haven't become a ring warlock yet, so you don't know how dangerous this world is. The world is like a crazy ocean. The world of normal people is just a small isolated island. And ring warlocks can go deep into the deep sea, get more, and Therefore, it is easier to be crazy, and it is easier to be distorted by whispers from evil things and malice from nature. Even if we have "another me" to resist those distortions and weirdness together, but without the ring magician cultivated since childhood, it is easier to make a wrong step. The whole People get out of control, and that's a pretty scary thing."

The doctor gave a brief introduction, as if he dared not speak too clearly. Xia De feels that maybe the world view of this world is not only steam and mysticism, but also contains the rules of agnosticism or Cthulhu culture.

"So, is it possible, without guidance and training, to become a Ring Warlock naturally?"

Xia De asked again.

"It's impossible, you don't know ring warlocks, and you don't know what it is. We mentioned in the morning that within 72 hours of the awakening of ring warlock talent, if you don't guide it, many things will happen. Most of the cases are crazy , A small part of the situation is death, and with a very small probability, it will turn into strange things, monsters piled up with flesh and blood, and spirits howling crazily. It is probably what you can imagine, a terrifying existence that will cause nightmares at a glance. "

Hearing what the doctor said, Xia De fully understood the current situation. He sat up straight and concluded:

"I'm running out of time and I have to make my choice as soon as possible. And, if I don't agree to join St. Byrence Comprehensive, then you will never let me leave with the memory of today."

Xia De looked at the doctor, and the blue-eyed doctor nodded cautiously:

"I introduced at the beginning that the students of the three colleges will hide their identities in the area where the Orthodox Church exists. Yes, if you refuse, I will use some inconvenient means to erase your memory. I am good at manipulating Emotions, dreams, so you are also good at modifying memories. Of course, this is because you are just an ordinary person, and it is not so easy for ring warlocks."

Xia De will not think that the other party is threatening him because of the doctor's words. These methods are all for self-protection. Xia De understands that no one should accommodate himself.

"If I erase today's memory, I don't know the 72-hour limit..."

his further analysis.

"Yes, I think there may be new guests in the mental sanatorium in Tobesk City. But don't worry, I have familiar staff in all the mental sanatoriums in Tobesk... and You're kidding, detective, we can relax a bit."

The doctor judged very cautiously:

"I won't force you to choose to join the St. Byrence Comprehensive College, which I belong to, but as adults, we all have to pay the price for our own choices. Besides, compared to the church, becoming a correspondence ring magician is actually more free. You Such ordinary people who are not believers, once they enter the church's training system, can be taken care of by the church, but they also cannot move freely.

But the Correspondence Warlock is different. As long as we pass the exam every semester, get enough required credits, complete the practical content, get enough practical credits, and don’t do things like murder and arson, the college doesn’t care what we do.

Now, do you understand the difference between academic ring magicians and church ring magicians? "


Xia De nodded, just listening to the doctor's words, it is true that the academy has more advantages.

"The three major thaumaturgy colleges are St. Byrence Comprehensive College, which is proficient in the containment and utilization of [relics]; Zaras College of Literature, proficient in the thaumaturgy developed by elemental runes, which is the use of magic in the story; Serkses Higher medical school, they know everything, but they are especially good at alchemy.

Mr. Hamilton, this is not only my opportunity, but yours as well. Do you know what a rare opportunity it is to be able to enter the ring warlock training system through formal channels instead of cult organizations and secret societies? "

The doctor said again that his profession made him very good at persuading people.

The hesitant Xia De also nodded again. Although the original owner's head may not work well, he is an outsider in the world. Even though he is only in his twenties, he has his own judgment:

"So, how do you prove that what you have said so far, UU Reading is true? So far, the information I have obtained is all from you."

Xia De asked seriously.

Although he was suspicious of the doctor, Dr. Schneider was very happy instead, which meant that the young man in front of him was moved.

"I can apply to the academy for the poet-level (level 5) [relic] to prove what I said. But once I do, the academy will know that I have discovered a brand new talent. The academy will not You are forced to enroll, but your identity information will definitely be recorded. So, do you want to get in touch with the poet-level relic [Dream of St. Byrence Comprehensive College]?"

"Can I... think about it? Give me two hours? No, one hour. I want to think about what happened today."

The amount of information was too great for Shad to make an immediate decision. But I tend to trust the doctor in my heart, so I asked for some time to think.

"No problem, after all, for ordinary people, this information is too much. You can think about it here, or you can leave here. It just so happens that I also have some small things to deal with, so let's..."

The doctor looked at the clock in the corner of the room, and the pendulum in the glass window had a heart-shaped metal part at the bottom:

"At two o'clock in the afternoon, meet here."

"No problem, I'll be right here."

It doesn't matter where you think, Shad said. If the doctor wants to harm him, there is no need to wait until now. The sanatorium just now is a very good place to kill.

"If you stay here, there are some college admissions materials that are inconvenient to get outside. You can take a look. I will come back after I finish handling the matter. If you need anything, you can ask Mrs. Carla for help."

Mrs. Carla is the middle-aged maid who served tea just now.