MTL - Whispering Verse-Chapter 8 Rhodes

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"If this business goes well, maybe I can really try and stay here as a detective. Wait until life is stable before contacting Chaofan, and try to find hope of returning home."

Watching the leisure at the entrance of the club, Xia De couldn't help sighing when the outsider thought of his hometown far away.

He estimated the time again. Since Mr. Lawrence has also entered the club, it is impossible for the two of them to come out within an hour.

"They have something to do, should I find a place to rest?"

Thinking in his heart, he looked around, and then he saw a tavern called "Screaming Hound" at the corner of the street.

This kind of tavern opened on the main road and opened during the day is usually not particularly chaotic, especially now it is only two o'clock in the afternoon. Xia De pinched the tenpence bill in his pocket, licked his chapped lips, confirmed the current time, hesitated for a moment, and then walked over.

Pushing open the door of the tavern, the first thing I saw was a row of gas lamps on the wall, illuminating the dim interior. There was a mixed smell of alcohol and fermented food in the air, which made him a little uncomfortable while he was still hungry.

Xia De now knows that the lamps used in this era are all gas lamps. As for those climbing on the walls, in addition to the gas pipes, there are usually steam pipes. The gas pipes are slightly thinner, and the steam pipes are covered with heat insulation.

The round wooden tables in the tavern are all empty. There are only three customers sitting around a wooden table away from the bar and against the wall to play cards. On the wall beside the table is a picture of a snow mountain Landscape oil painting.

Those were three men who didn't look rich. Although there were no patches on the clothes, the dark clothes were all washed white, and the hats on the table had obviously been used for a long time, and they were wrinkled and piled up together.

Maybe they just wanted to take a rest on this leisurely summer afternoon, Shade didn't bother, and walked to the bar where the bartender was standing, thinking he was just buying a glass of ice water. But I heard one of the people playing cards cheering:

"This time I won again!"

The middle-aged man with a beard and messy hair stood up, and threw the cards in his hand on the table with great air:

"Look, it's exactly 21 o'clock."

As he spoke, he looked around triumphantly, but it was a pity that there was only him and his friends here. Seeing Xia De who just walked in the door, his eyes lit up:

"Give this gentleman a glass of rye!"

The man who won the card but is not rich said to the bartender, Xia De turned around to look at him in surprise, and then nodded slightly to express his gratitude:

"Thanks for the kindness, but I think a glass of ice water would suffice."

He is not good at drinking, and he doesn't know the degree of the so-called "rye wine", and he is still performing detective activities, so there is no need to be contaminated with alcohol.

Obviously, the price of a glass of water is much lower than that of a glass of wine. The three men thought that Xia De was saving money for them, and they immediately took a liking to him. Seeing that Xia De had no companions, he invited him to play cards together.

But Xia De didn't know how to play, he could only watch them play from the sidelines, and the men also enthusiastically taught Xia De the "Lord Card" skills.

The playing cards in this world are very similar to the playing cards in the previous life. There are also four suits, a total of 54 cards, except that the four suits are the sun, the moon, the stars and the flowers.

The mainstream method of playing cards is a rule similar to "21 points", which is called "Rods card". The inventor of the gameplay is Rhodes.

Playing cards are generally made in such a way that the front is a picture, and the suit and number are marked in the upper left corner and upper right corner. Therefore, some series of playing cards with special patterns issued in special times are extremely valuable.

Only 1,000 sets of Rhodes cards were released in a special series recently released, and the name is "Fairy Tale Series".

The three men playing cards are not rich, and they don't know much about the so-called special series of Rhodes cards, so they can only give a general idea.

They only know that some nobles are crazy about those rare cards. In particular, some cards not only have special card patterns, but even contain special game rules.

Those cards were priceless. It was rumored that a special card was sold at Ford's Auction House last year for 12,000 pounds.

Xia De secretly calculated the prices, and thought about the "Sun 3" in the diary. He didn't want to laugh, but deeply doubted whether the card he inherited was genuine.

But if the card on which the woman sits sideways and holds up the silver moon card is genuine, his last worry about his future life will disappear.

After chatting with three men playing cards in the tavern for an hour, Xia De got up to leave. When I returned to the entrance of the newspaper office, the place next to the mailbox was occupied by a young man in a brown vest and glasses.

This was probably a real reporter, so the young detective changed to stand beside the lamppost of the black iron.

The street lamp is generally regarded as a cylinder, and it also uses gas as an energy source. Xia De was standing by the side leisurely, but his eyes accidentally saw the nameplate. The nameplate clearly states that you must never smoke under a lamppost, or you will do so at your own peril.

Xia De imagined what might happen, and subconsciously stayed away from this dangerous place.

The sun was gradually setting to the west, and Shad had been waiting patiently. After the feeling of hunger reached the limit and disappeared in the afternoon, the body obviously felt much better. He planned to wait until around five o'clock, and if Mrs. La Soya didn't show up, he would go to the church of [War and Peace Church] to receive relief food.

By the way, you can also take a look at what is going on with the church in this world. UU reads to confirm whether the church has extraordinary power.

"However, I have that voice in my head, I won't be arrested right after entering, right? And the secrets of outsiders..."

He is also a little worried about this, but without knowing anything about the situation, there are actually not many choices that Xia De can make.

Perhaps because he noticed that Xia De thought of her again, the female voice in his mind sounded again:

[Look at his ring. 】

This sentence appeared at noon, but then the personal pronoun was female, but this time it was male.

Xia De immediately looked up at the door of the club, and sure enough, he saw a young man walking out with a suitcase. On the finger of his right hand was the white pebble ring that he saw on Mrs. La Soya's finger at noon.

Because the shape is too unique, Xia De believes that he will not admit his mistake.

Both of them put the ring on the **** of their right hand, and the voice in their heads made no further prompts.

"It's really interesting, why did the owner of the ring change?"

Xia De thought in his heart, after seeing the man with the ring leave the club, he did not look for an empty carriage, but mixed into the evening crowd, behind a fat man with a briefcase in a hurry, along the street towards the east go.

The fog in the steam city obscured his figure, if he didn't chase, Xia De would soon lose the man's whereabouts.

"Should I catch up? The voice in my head must not be talking nonsense."

Thinking in his mind, he turned around to avoid the direction of the club entrance, unfolded the map in his notebook by one-eighth, and looked for the direction of the Church of War and Peace. The church where the relief food is distributed is in the east of the current location, and it is now very close to five o'clock.