MTL - Why Did You Summon Me?-Chapter 19 . Invisible loading, most deadly

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This silent confrontation did not last long, and soon a guard could not stand it. After winking his companion, he quickly turned back and ran into the beautiful three-story bungalow, but his companion was difficult. He swallowed and said to Bai Yi: "Mr. Andrew, he's going to call the housekeeper, please wait a moment ..."

Bai Yi didn't say anything, but adjusted his camouflage secrets so that his momentum is no longer as exaggerated as before, and the guard immediately felt the overwhelming invisible pressure before him. And empty, a burst of hot sweat suddenly emerged from the back, soaking the clothes under the armor, he secretly sighed with relief, and even revealed the look of the rest of the life after the disaster?

He had no doubt that if he had any further disrespectful actions, he would have to say goodbye to his wife and children at home. This guy who claimed to be a wandering mage was completely incapable of his existence, so he left the problem to the housekeeper to solve it.

Bai Yi didn't wait too long, and soon saw that the previous guard came back with a middle-aged man trotting. The man was wearing a standard housekeeper uniform, and his body was faintly showing his smart and capable temperament. It has a similar taste to the high-end gold collar on the planet.

The housekeeper looked at Bai Yi's eyes slightly, and immediately bowed slightly, politely without losing his politeness: "Master Andrew, fortunately, I'm the housekeeper Morus here. Welcome to the Dole's manor, please follow I'm coming. "Said Ba Zai very elegantly made a please gesture.

"Huh ~" Bai Yi also made a proud hum, followed the steps of the housekeeper, strolled in the extraordinarily elegant garden, and even looked at the various flowers and gardens with high prices with great interest. The potted plant said in a slightly agreeable tone: "It's a beautiful little garden and it's extravagant."

"Only high-end people can see the charm and value here. Master Andre really has a vision." The steward said with a little pride, but did not forget to quietly look at Bai Yi's every move, even walking The details such as the pace and the frequency were all in his eyes, and the details revealed through this ordinary movement were enough for him to establish a preliminary understanding of this cloak monster.

At first, when he heard the guard ’s description of adding fuel and jealousy, butler Morus was still a little skeptical, but for the sake of caution and etiquette, he decided to personally meet Andrew, the wandering mage who could frighten two senior soldiers After all, these two people are doing things in the Dole family, and various people have seen many, and their vision should not be too bad.

However, when he saw this man at first glance, his doubts disappeared a lot. Although the wandering mage Andrew did not have the kind of real coercion as described by the guard, he naturally revealed something. This kind of inscrutable mystery, in simple terms, is extremely mastery.

This temperament is not unfamiliar to Morus. He has seen similar feelings in many strong men. This is something that cannot be disguised basically. He also doesn't think that someone can cheat by just pretending to be. His eyes.

Obviously, he did not know the story of the scammer, nor could he think that there would be another scam that has been lost for thousands of years, and he successfully deceived him with his eyes.

Bai Yi, who noticed the changes in the steward's eyes, couldn't help but say to the scammer: "Your tricks really work, just a few simple tricks will work, and you won't need those high-end illusions. . "

"That is of course. I successfully deceived the king, the prime minister, the archbishop, etc., let alone a noble steward." The deceiver said with some complacency, "After all, it is invisible and the most deadly. "

In the end, he is a guy who confuses the Void Walker by deception. Of course, his method is not convincing by the Morus butler. When the two walked through the garden so quietly and stepped into the small mansion, the doubts of the butler's heart were It has disappeared, especially when he saw the leather gloves accidentally exposed under Bai Yi's cloak. Instead of raising doubts, he completely dispelled his doubts.

Gloves are a very common piece of clothing, but this common thing can often reveal a lot of information-people who try to hide their identity will not reveal their hands, because it is easy to expose their occupation and approximate age; As for the types of gloves, the most common leather gloves are the most suitable choice for Bai Yi's current identity. They are cheap, solid, and wear-resistant. When dealing with some corrosive magic materials or doing rough work by themselves, it is better than Cloth or silk gloves are more convenient and easy to use, perfect for a poor wandering mage.

Therefore, Morus's guess on Bai Yi's true identity is also settled. A wandering mage with good strength but limited money, he has seen a lot of this kind of goods, and has rich experience in dealing with it.

At this point, the two had passed through a narrow corridor and came to the outside of the living room on the second floor. On the wall of the corridor with simple and luxurious makeup, Bai also saw four portraits and stopped for a while, carefully Have a look.

"Sherlock, Abagaon, Grande, and Preuchin, these are the four ancestors who have made outstanding contributions to the family, and it is because of their efforts that the Dole family can develop to this day. To the point where it is, "said the housekeeper Morus softly.

"Well, these four names ... I know why your family is so rich." Bai Yi asked the merchant walker consciously, "Who are you?"

"I'm the Grande ... er, no, I mean my name is Grande ... It's just a misunderstanding, it's just a coincidence." The merchant explained quickly, "Our family is very Generous."

Entering the living room, Bai Yi immediately politely found a bench to sit down, and naturally stretched his limbs. It seemed that he was like the owner here, without the slightest restraint, indicating that he was very used to this style. At the same time, I also made a rough investigation with my mental strength. Sure enough, two power reactions were found in the next room.

"A master-level warrior, a master-level mage, huh, this steward is still very careful." Bai Yi said to the void walkers.

"Uh ... this is a necessary precautionary measure, please forgive me." The businessman quickly explained that it seemed awkward for a while. It would be okay to put two legendary sit-ins, and only rely on two master-class goods. To deal with a void walker? This arrangement seemed stingy and ridiculous, making him feel dull.

However, the butler who could not understand the details and was very satisfied was naturally very satisfied with his layout and performance. After asking the maid to serve two cups of precious black tea from the plane of Mas, he opened his eyes and asked: "I do n’t know if Andrew is currently What rank? I don't mean anything else, just thinking how much funding we should provide to you? "

Bai Yi took the tea cup from the maid and did not answer directly, but asked instead: "Do you think I would take the boring level test?" While talking, he did not open up as the steward wished. The hood covering your face goes to taste this cup of fragrant black tea, but instead uses magic to control the hot tea that is still flowing out of the cup, and condenses into a brown ball in the air.

Next, he divided the magic into tiny strands, and divided the ball into a prototype sheet of exactly the same size and size, which looked like a brown coin. Finally, he wrapped each sheet with magic. Let them fall back into the tea cup while maintaining this shape, and make a crisp sound of metal hitting the ceramic.

With the surprised look of butler Morus, a hot cup of black tea has been turned into a cup of brown coins by him. He then used his magic to pass the tea cup into the hands of the housekeeper sitting opposite him, and then he opened his mouth. "I need some money, and I'll pay it back if I remember it later."

The steward looked down at the tea cup in his hand. He could still feel the temperature of the tea across the wall of the cup, and even see the brown liquid slightly rippled due to shaking, but they still lay like coins. In the tea cup, he challenged the housekeeper Morus's thoughts and knowledge.

He had to admit that he had never seen such a trick, although it was just a trick, but the strength contained in it was enough to convince him. He nodded his head immediately, and found a money in his arms. Handed the bag respectfully.

Bai also took the money bag with magic power, and calmly put it into his arms, but still cursed in his consciousness: "Some 50 gold coins? What about sending a flower?"

To be fair, 50 gold coins is about half a year's income for a middle-class family. It's not small, but it's not enough for an empty walker to perform this wonderful acrobatics.

Even if it is used as start-up capital, it is still a little less, which will greatly limit the subsequent speed of collecting money.

No way, who told him his current identity was Andrew Wanderer? In this capacity, this number is really quite a lot.

"Thank you for your generosity, goodbye." Bai Yi also had to say this, saying, then stood up, left without looking back, without saying a word, the whole process is so simple and neat.

Steward Morus also quickly saw off, but he didn't say a word on the road.

He didn't need to say anything. The number of 50 gold coins was very delicately designed. Although he could not buy a real strong man, it was enough to show the generosity of the family and also meet the current needs of a wandering mage. For more expenses in the future, this person is likely to come to the door again, and that is when the two parties will discuss further.