MTL - Why Did You Summon Me?-Chapter 22 Do you actually want to make this idea?

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With such a reminder from the magician, Bai also noticed that his thinking was distorted by the unreliable group of guys. Isn't the fundamental purpose of making money to help Miya to buy equipment and win the college exam? When those guys got into a lot of trouble, they always wanted to use it as a startup capital to make a lot of money, but others set 50 gold coins, which is an innumerable number, and just can't do anything ...

If you use it to buy some materials, it is the best choice to make some magic equipment for Miya yourself. Although 50 gold coins can not create any magic weapon, but think about other ways to find money is to compare the students anyway. , There will never be such legendary things as Ashbringer, Monarch Butterfly, Fire of Joy?

So Bai also continued to maintain this weird outfit, first slipped into a magical material store, bought a bunch of cheap materials, and then went back to the jewelry store next to it, and used the remaining change to buy two or three pieces of cheap jewelry. This was before the city defense team came to question and slipped back to Xiansai College.

This time, I did n’t spend too much time. The students had n’t finished class yet. Bai Yi hid the cloak made of stolen curtains and returned to the girl's dormitory. There was a sound of super-sounding sounds from the Lich killing, and all kinds of rampant went on, and it seemed that the games of those guys were almost over.

It's just that a group of people actually killed a lich like this. How much do you have? Look at the crystal maid who is still dying of butterflies, and the prophet who has six battle axes? No wonder your justice camp will lose so ugly ... Even if you lose, you will be brazen and ask for the courage to continue.

"We disagree! There is another kind of game! Justice will never give up!"

Are you planning to call someone a good brother? Don't jeopardize your justice, Lord, I do n’t have that much energy to build a game battlefield for you with consciousness! Put your mind on the business! Bai Yi shouted loudly.

"Okay, the game is over now, and now we have to do business." A wizard with a satisfied tone also followed, saying that he should have got a great game experience just now. There is a kind of addict just satisfied Tune? And he also whispered to Bai Yi and said, "I just used 3000 spar to draw 3 ssr. How about it? I am a great teacher, right?"

Are you the king of a country or the chief of a prairie tribe? I don't want a black coke teacher like you at all!

After agreeing to play another game with other game items every other day, the discussion of the Voidwalkers finally entered the due professional and high-end fields, and began to combine the materials bought by Bai Yi and the current status of Miya, and started an in-depth discussion. Explore.

"I plan to solidify a charged fire protection enchantment on this bracelet first. From the current standard of students, the lethal fire magic should be their most common attack method." Bai Yi Playing with the wooden bracelet that he bought for two silver coins, he spoke seriously to the void walkers.

"Then this bow-issuing card, I intend to solidify a simple tracking magic, which will allow me to grasp the position and status of Miya at any time, so that I can take measures in time." He picked up another rotten big red card, Go on.

"The last is this necklace. My plan is to make an amulet with short-range disorderly transmission, so that Mia can save her life if it is fatally attacked. With the previous bow card issue, I can also quickly Find her again. "Bai Yi put down the ordinary copper necklace on hand and ended his speech.

A group of Netherwalkers were silent for a while ... After a while, the Ninth Row, the blacksmith, said a little awkwardly, and said, "Hope you, I am not questioning your judgment, but you This plan ... is it a little conservative? "

"How can it be conservative?" Bai Yi asked in a puzzled way. "Protecting Miya's life is our number one priority, isn't it? If she had an accident, everything would be complete!"

He said this reasonably, because throughout the experience of this group of void walkers, most people consider their own life safety as the first consideration. When choosing magic equipment, they also give priority to satisfying the defense attributes as much as possible. There is output.

As for the increase in output, it is mainly provided by the weapon and its own powerful magic. This is not only the equipment selection ideas of the Voidwalkers, but also the mainstream equipment selection ideas of most mages. These are in the latest academic Similar articles have been published in journals.

"This is the most orthodox and most decent idea of ​​equipment selection. Although it cannot be said that it is wrong, I have to remind you that you are only two months away from the semester exam. If this mode is still used to cultivate Miya, I am worried It's too late, "said a void walker who rarely spoke, usually codenamed Shadow.

It is true that no matter whether he teaches the Miya Methodology or the choice of equipment, Bai is also the most orthodox and the most royal way. In this way, the Miya cultivated in the end is naturally the standard and powerful method without flaws. The role, just like Bai Yi ’s teacher, existed like a magical walker known as the demon god, and this is an undoubtedly the most perfect and safest route.

In fact, before accepting the knowledge and experience of other practitioners, Bai also followed this path when studying with the magician. Now when it is Miya's turn, he still chooses this way of course without any problems.

It's just that the questions raised by shadowwalkers are also very specific. This line is the slowest growing. Voidwalkers are okay. Most of them have enough patience to wait for Miya's growth, but they are specific to the semester two months later. Examination, this method is not so reliable.

"We can try to strengthen Miya's staff to make up for her inadequacy in terms of lethality." The scholar named code scholar suggested that there is no doubt that he is also a strong person who has come out of this way. For Bai Yi's way Naturally supported.

"Her staff is just a decorative hardwood stick, isn't it? Reinforcing is useless. Do you think she is holding the staff of your great sage?" The Lichwalker said slightly ironically, "I I know that many of us have gone through this slow growth path, and you also prefer this method. However, this time, I think it is more reliable to choose our method. For example, curing a soul burning magic can be calm. Kill those opponents ... "

"It is the best way to add some additional materials and directly summon an abyss demon to fight for Mia. Those poor elementary school students cannot be demon opponents," said the demon walker. "Slavery demon is no longer a prohibition. Right? "

"Although this type of spell was lifted two hundred years ago, after all, it is still a taboo and exclusion trick, and the academy will not teach this magic. If it is used rashly, Mia will be very sad in the future." Apprentices said this Objection.

Objectively speaking, there is nothing wrong with the Lich and Demon's views. The weapon that Miya now holds is not the soul slaves of the year, the book of the Book of Submission of All Realms, and look at the magic she has. Lighting? Basic element conversion? Basic forensics? It's all innocuous ...

According to the teaching policy of Xiansai College, even the first-level killing spells such as fireball and water archery are not taught until the third grade. It is certainly for the consideration of students' development prospects that they lay a good foundation for them. However, those students with outstanding family backgrounds and noble backgrounds can naturally learn more and more powerful magic through other channels; or those who are bright and talented can also find ways to study by themselves ...

A student like Mia, who is ordinary in all aspects except cuteness, will naturally be at a disadvantage in such an exam, and it can even be said that she has no power to fight back if she does not meet Bai Yi.

So after some discussions, Bai also gave up the idea of ​​full flow prevention before, reducing the strength of other protection spells as much as possible, and pulling out a part from various magic materials, intending to give Miya a solid name The forgiving ice-based attack magic of the goddess of dawn is a magic developed by an explorer code-named Explorer during his lifetime. Although the intensity is not that great, it is measured by the void walker. It is used between students. This magic is definitely quite enough to serve as a hole card and a killer card.

The point is that this magic is currently the best choice that can be cured with the materials at hand. It does not need to output a huge amount of magic power at one time to form it, but it has stricter requirements for the continuous output of magic power. This kind of guidance spell is just right for the current power limit is not enough, but the total amount is almost unlimited, Bai Yi, slightly weaken the magic effect, reduce the output, you can successfully solidify on the props.

With this magic backing, Miya does n’t worry about not having to fight back when facing powerful opponents, and then let the boring old guys temporarily develop some simple and easy-to-use rune magic to cooperate, Xiao Mi Ya's combat effectiveness was barely able to watch, and then Bai Yi continued to go out to find a way to get some money, and further strengthened, and finally the confidence of winning was much greater.

But the problem now is that Bai Yi currently only has three props suitable for the carrier, such as a card, a bracelet, and a necklace. One thing is missing to carry the forgiveness of the goddess of dawn, and those rough ordinary props cannot carry two at the same time. A magic ...

So Bai Yi's eyes glanced around the room of Miya and stopped on the hammerhead shark puppet on the bed ...