MTL - Why Harem Intrigue When You Can Just Raise a Dog Instead-Chapter 86 Extra (one)

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Time is quietly passing, a blink of an eye, a hundred flowers bloom, the spring of the long grass flying has passed, the sun is burning, and the summer of the birds is coming to an end. The war in the north of Hunan has been fascinating from the beginning to the beginning, and the atmosphere on the court has also been relaxed.

Once people relax, they are prone to fever. When the mind is hot, it is easy to cause trouble. The empress has been pregnant for six months, and the emperor has been alone in the emperor for almost a year. There is no intention to call the sister-in-law of the palace. This has caused many new high-ranking mothers to become dissatisfied, secretly inciting the imperial history, and admonishing the emperor’s rain and dew. .

On the early morning of this day, Zhou Wudi entered the Taihe Hall with no expression, and Chang Gui, behind him, held a glimpse of the memorial and looked at the group of ministers. Chang Xi has already died of illness. As a master, he confessed to the apprentices many secrets. The first one is to offend the emperor and not to punish the queen. The emperor is a wife and slave, not a saved wife and slave! Now that the Queen's stomach is getting bigger and bigger, it is the time when the body is weakest. The Emperor is not enough to worry about it. These people are still screaming at the festival, and they are really tired.

"There is something going on, nothing to retreat!" Chang Gui shouted and opened his throat.

"Chen has this opening!" A censor stood out, impassionedly stated the importance of Huangfu to the royal family, and urged the emperor not to indulge in female color and misunderstand the country.

His voice just fell, and several censors and ministers were listed, and the scene was quite lively.

"Indulge in female color, mistaken country and mistaken people. I don't know, it is a sin to love my wife and children." Zhou Wudi slowly opened his mouth, his voice was cold, and he shook his heart.

"When is the matter of the harem, when is it your turn to supervise? Is it a woman who is lucky? Fortunately, which woman wants you to agree? If you take government affairs and advise you, you will be humbly, but the harem is Yin and private, can not be allowed to point to others." The words fell, he paused, sharp eyes like a knife swept across the face of the group of ministers, and continued to speak, "come and not to indecent as well. Since you have to interfere with your personal affairs I also manage your backyard."

The young emperor's mouth rose, and the strange smile called the prince's scalp numb. Seeing that Jun Junwei presented a thick memorial, the ministers who advised them were not good!

"Read them to listen." Zhou Wudi licked his eyelids and handed the score to Chang Gui.

Chang Gui Ying Nuo, spread out the memorial and read aloud, "Xia Gao, the third day of March, the three sacred houses, spend a total of three hundred and forty-seven silver, before and after the placement of a room in Sakai Hutong, a child, now At the age of six; Liu Ren, who squandered his wife, seized the right to marry his wife, and handed over the house to the management of the dilapidated room, causing the scorpion, the scorpion to be poisonous and dying; and Zhang Mingbo, indulging in the room Prostitute, poisoning several pregnant dimples..."

Changgui’s sharp voice continued, and several ministers who stood up and advised were named one by one. The backyard was turned upside down. Many things didn’t even know for themselves. , double-strike battle. The rest of the ministers have buried their heads deeply and are afraid of Jin Yiwei, who is everywhere and pervasive. At this time, they discovered that the Emperor’s confrontation with the court and the degree of control of the courtiers had reached a level. It was not an exaggeration to say that it was raining over the clouds.

However, the emperor usually does not arbitrarily monopolize. If these people do not touch his anti-scale, he must have closed his eyes on these things.

The minister who did not stand up and advised could not help but secretly rejoice. Meng Yanzhou is even more admired by his brother-in-law. This hand is too smart! This is a true hero, a real man! Like the father, the person who was forced to be jealous by the grandmother could not compare with the emperor!

After Chang’s remarks, Zhou Wu’s slow-moving opening, “The backyard is not flat, why is it to the world? I really doubt if you are qualified to continue to be an official in the DPRK.”

Several ministers could no longer stand it, and they yelled and yelled, and the girl shouted, "The court is guilty and asks the emperor to forgive!"

"Go back and clean up your backyard!" Throw the memorial to a few people, and the young emperor has a cold face.

The next early dynasty ended in a gloomy atmosphere, waiting for the emperor to retreat, and the named ministers fled in the laughter of the crowd, and hated not to go home immediately to smash those women who caused trouble. The embarrassing mothers who incited the imperial court to persuade the emperor did not dare to make any difference.

Since then, the atmosphere of the temple has been clear. As the so-called upside effect, because the emperor loves his wife, his wife’s status in the big week has been greatly improved. Of course, the case of the wife is harsh and the case of the child is greatly reduced. If the officials are not over forty years old, if they are not particularly difficult, they generally do not dare to marry more than three people. These are all after-sales, and for the time being, they are not.

Emperor Zhou Wu went out of the Hall of Supreme Harmony and hurriedly walked toward Kunning Palace. At this time, Mulberry had not yet got up, and he could still hold her back to sleep. Passing through the Imperial Garden, I saw the figure of Dina hidden behind the bushes. He stepped forward and immediately turned his direction.

"In the future, I will retreat to the DPRK and seal this road. No one can wait for it!" He ordered the voice, and Chang Gui quickly promised.

He is really annoyed with the entanglement of these women. Knowing that they have been promoted to a position will help their ambitions, and he should veto one when the mother proposed it. In his mouth, he confided his love for himself, but his eyes showed his desire for power. When he saw this expression, he would think of Shen Huiru, and then he was inexplicably disgusted!

Only mulberry, consider how easy it is to spend the day. If the power hinders her, she will give up without considering it. If power helps her, she will actively fight for it. It's simple and straightforward!

Thinking of this, he shook his head and laughed, speeding up his pace.


It was night, in the Kunning Palace, Zhou Wudi looked at the woman with her eyes closed and could not sleep. He tentatively reached out, wrapped around the woman's shoulder, and put her in her arms. The other hand untied her trousers and sneaked into the trail.

Meng Sangqi woke up from the heat and saw the man who buried his head in his neck and kissed him impatiently. "Go away, it's hot!"

"Mulberry, let me hold it up? We haven't been intimate for a long time." The man's voice was hoarse, short of breath, and the hard-hard-thick-large object was gently rubbed between the woman's legs.

"Don't! You go away!" At the end of August, the ice basin in the temple had already melted. Meng Sangzhen felt that the baby was kicking his belly and pushed the man away with impatience.

The man wrapped her neck around and gasped, and did not hesitate to bite her auricle.

"You can't stand it anymore? Can't help but go find someone else, don't bother me!" The sticky sticky on the ear is very uncomfortable, plus it is pregnant, the temper is angry, and Meng Sang's chest seems to have an evil. The fire is burning, and I don’t know what I said.

The man froze, his head buried in her neck for a long time, and he got up after half a squatting and approved an outer shirt. Anyone who has tried hard to protect a person but receives such treatment will feel uncomfortable in his heart.

Meng Sangqi still had some confusion. He stood up and asked the man’s back. "Where are you going?"

"As you said, go find someone to sleep." The man's footsteps were stunned and cold.

The word "serving the bed" finally made Meng Sangqi wake up, but the evil fire on his chest was also burning more vigorously. He didn't want to shout, "Gu Shaoze, you dare to go, don't come back when you leave!"

When the voice just fell, her mouth was a pumping, and her heart regretted not falling. Nima! This threat is too classic and too vulgar! According to expert statistics, the man who heard this sentence, 99.99 percent will go! Before going, the threshold will be pinged to show the momentum.

Sure enough, the man’s footsteps accelerated, and soon disappeared at the door. She is glad that the door of Kunning Palace is big enough and heavy, can't the man hold it?

Meng Sang lingered for a long time, slowly sitting up and half, covering his face with his hands. It should have been expected for a long time, how can a fairy tale of a lifetime and a double happen to oneself? I haven't been able to get it in the past life. This world is still delusional. I really can't learn it! Going away!

Thinking of this, the tears in her eyes gradually dried up, and a touch of frost hangs on the corners of the mouth.

Hearing the shouts in the temple, the vigil of the vigil was shocked. In the big week, the Queen Empress dared to call the name of the emperor. I was stunned, and I saw the emperor’s expressionless, and hurried. Chang Gui hastened to keep up.

When he walked to the gate of Kunning Palace, Zhou Wudi suddenly stopped and almost called Chang Gui to hit his back.

"Emperor, so late, where are you going?" Chang Gui whispered.

"Yeah, besides Kunning Palace, where can you go?" Zhou Wudi whispered, screaming at the gate of the palace. Thinking of the temperament of Mulberry's love for vengeance, if he really left, he would not know how much he should spend in the future to bring her back. For a long while, Zhou Wudi finally gave up the dignity of the man and walked back with his face.

Chang Guifu, fast pace to keep up. Master Chang Xi really said yes, the emperor is a wife and slave!

When I entered the inner hall and saw the mulberry sitting on the bed and rubbing my face with both hands, Zhou Wudi took two steps and opened her hand. It was a cold ice that was too late for her eyes to fade.

"Mulberry, I don't leave. It's all my fault, don't be angry." He slammed the shoulders of Mulberry and muttered apologize. Fortunately, I went back and returned. Otherwise, the effort of this year will be wasted, but the sang will be pushed further! He was afraid of thinking.

Unexpectedly, the man would be an accident of 0.02%. Meng Sang stunned and screamed at his pleading sorrow. The cold face softened and said, "I have to go to the toilet one night. Ten times, the weather is hot, always sweating, legs often cramps, the baby kicks me from time to time! This is the case, you have to come toss me!" She used her fingertips to poke the man's chest, soft tone With a spoiled meaning, the man's heart is soft.

Husband and wife can't always point to the tip of the wheat, and the proper softness can promote each other's feelings. This reason, she understands.

Zhou Wudi sighed with relief, grabbed her shoulder and shook it gently, and said, "It’s all my fault. Why don’t you say the leg cramps, I will help you.”

Meng Sangqi nodded, and naturally placed his legs on the man's lap. Men are either light or heavy, and their expressions are very focused, as if they are doing something big. The feeling of pain was faded, and a whistling sound was heard in the temple. Meng Sang’s ear tip quickly became congested.

"Hungry? What do you want to eat? I ask people to do it." The man is not too annoying, scratching the woman's nose and joking.

"I want to drink sesame oil and want to eat stinky tofu." Meng Sang licked his lips and his face was coveted.

"Drinking sesame oil? Drinking directly from the bottle? Stinky tofu, stinky tofu?" Zhou Wudi's forehead has some convulsions, and can't understand the taste of his wife.

"Yes, I want to drink sesame oil! If you don't have sesame oil and stinky tofu, you can do it!" Meng Sang slammed the man's arm and shook it gently. The little girl who loved Jiao said that the man could not resist.

"Commanded the royal chef to make a fragrant oil and stinky tofu." Zhou Wudi waved at the door.

This is hard to die for the royal chef, smashed the fragrant oil and fried tofu, and personally came to Kunning Palace to plead guilty. Zhou Wudi cried and laughed, and put the stinky tofu, even if the royal chef would do it, he would not dare to let the mulberry eat it, would not do better!

Dismissed the royal chef, he took the chopsticks, and fed the fried tofu to the rather dissatisfied mulberry mouth, so it was a lure of warm words.

"Thank you, the emperor." After eating the nightingale, Meng Sangyu satisfies his stomach and took the initiative to climb the man's shoulder and kissed him on his lips.

"The mouth is full of sesame oil!" Zhou Wudi shunned his head, but his eyes were full of smiles.

"The emperor, full of warmth and lust, you come, gentle." Opened the smock, revealing half of the white round shoulders and deep grooves in the chest, Meng Sang squinted at the man, the charm of full open.

"Little Fairy!" The man took a breath and hugged her from behind, eagerly embracing the shiny lips.

Although the tender tofu is good, it is not bad to change the taste of oil tofu occasionally! The young emperor blinked.