MTL - Wife is Not Divorced-Chapter 49 (1)

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Seeing Chu Chisi holding a wine glass, swaying in the air, her cheeks reddened, Tang Li knew that she must be drunk.

She sighed like a laugh, "Chi Si, you're drunk."

Chu Chisi shook his head: "I'm not drunk."

Tang Li hugged her arms, leaned against the wall, and raised her eyebrows with a smile: "Are you sure?"

Chu Chisi's work requires her to maintain absolute sobriety and rationality. If something goes wrong, let alone her laboratory, the entire Beimeng Academy of Sciences may be blown up.

And those alcohols that can weaken the function of the prefrontal cortex and inhibit rationality and logic, she usually never touches them.

In short, Chu Chisi couldn't drink, not even a little bit, he was drunk when he touched it, and he couldn't wake up for most of the day.

Previously, Chu Chisi took the scientific expedition team to the remote snow-capped mountains of Beimeng to collect data on the temperature and the movement speed of conscious particles, and also brought Tang Li with him.

The snow-capped mountains are rich in all kinds of handmade chocolates, which are fragrant and mellow, sweet but not greasy. When the scientific examination is halfway through, there is a chocolate market that will display all kinds of chocolates.

Seeing Chu Chisi staring at the market's promotional poster, her eyes wide open and looking longing, Tang Li found a reason and dragged her along.

Chu Chi thought of a little hamster and bought a lot of chocolates. Anyway, she had money, and this was just a trifle.

Tang Li was in charge of helping her carry her bags, just like a chocolate wholesaler, with her blond hair scattered in the wind, and a child who came to ask her if she sold chocolate.

Tang Li just bent down and said seriously, "I don't sell it, I don't sell it, all the chocolates are for my wife."

The two walked happily for a long time, until Chu Chisi, out of curiosity, took over a wine-hearted chocolate given to her by the shop owner.

Then I fell drunk on someone's table, held a box of chocolates, and told the shop owner seriously, the pattern of your chocolate is Fermat spiral, and the square of r is equal to the square of a multiplied by the corner...

Hearing the shop owner looked bewildered.

As a result, Major General Tang could only walk back with his wife while carrying large and small bags of chocolate. He was forced to listen to his wife's ramble and talk about a lot of gravitational field, particle motion, heat and so on.

If it wasn't for her concentration, the wife moved around with her neck wrapped around her neck, and rubbed her earlobe with a steady breath, Tang Li would definitely have fallen asleep when she heard Boltzmann. .

The lively banquet was isolated in the door, boundless, and the night sky was as clean as it was washed by water, revealing a few twinkling stars.

The silence of the two of them alone.

"Time" for the two of them alone.

That small glass was held in Chu Chisi's hand, half of the liquid in it was drank, and the remaining half was shaking, like her restless heart.

The evening wind blew quietly, blowing away the overflowing wine smell. The cool, cool, steam-melting wind, intertwined through the fluttering long hair, dyed the ends of their hair.

Tang Li stretched out his hand to catch it, but the soft hair slipped away from his knuckles, leaving only a hint of cool water.

Chu Chisi held the small cup and raised his head, his eyes were covered with a thin layer of red like smoke and fog, which made his eyes darker and brighter.

It is a star adorned on the apex of Tang Li's heart.

The star was flashing, flashing, as if it was about to flash into her arms, but when Chu Chisi lowered her eyelashes sleepily, the star was covered and hidden again, trapped in the dark night.

The fine rain, the quiet wind, and the quiet fragrance were all hazy, and it seemed that someone was whispering something in her ear. She clearly didn't say a word, but she seemed to be asking herself a question.

She asked: [Are you excited? 】

【Do you like me a little bit? 】

Tang Li looked at her with boundless tenderness in her eyes, and even the two words she whispered were light and light: "Chi Si..."

She stretched out her hand, and her knuckles touched Chu Chisi's cheek, which was extremely hot, and when she touched it lightly, it seemed to melt into water in the palm of her hand.

Chi Si, you don't need to bet on my heart.

You don't need to bet on my liking, you will always, always be the winner of this gamble.

Maybe it was ten years ago, maybe twenty years ago, or maybe even longer.

Chu Chisi was leaning against the fence, holding the small glass tightly, muttering some messy numbers and formulas, but refused to let go.

"Chi Si, you can't drink."

Tang Li patiently persuaded, softly coaxing a child, "Give me the cup, please?"

Chu Chisi frowned, his hand holding the wine glass tightened, and his fingertips glowed a beautiful pale red: "It's not wine."

She said it with a straight face, with a serious expression: "Look, it's a colorless, odorless and transparent liquid, it's obviously just water."

Tang Li: "..."

Chi Si, there is something called liquor.

Chu Chisi was leaning on the balcony, her ink hair was messed up by the wind, and the soup rushed out. Her cheeks were slightly red, like a kitten, and she rubbed Tang Li's palm.

"Your skin is so warm," Chu Chisi drooped her eyelashes and closed her eyes with a light shadow, "Well... the heat is very high, and it's passed on to me."

Tang Li smirked, her fingertips rubbed her cheeks, the skin softly sank at her fingertips, melting into a sweet fragrance.

Anyway, Chu Chisi is completely drunk, she also made a little wicked and pinched her cheek: "Chi Si, you are a little drunk."

She pinched Chu Chisi's cheek, and an invisible blush appeared in her eyes again. She blinked blankly and avoided Tang Li's hand.

"I'm not drunk." Chu Chisi murmured.

Tang Li withdrew her hand, her brows and eyes were curved, and she looked at her calmly, with a smile in her voice: "Really?"

"Alcohol is irritating and can paralyze people's nerves to a certain extent," Chu Chisi frowned and explained in a low voice, "I absolutely cannot drink."

Tang Li raised her hand and tapped the small glass with her fingertips. The end sound was slightly raised, and the little hook hooked her fingertips: "What is this?"

The fingertips tapped on the transparent glass, and there were two small "ding ding" sounds, like a small bell blown by the wind, and Lingling trembled in the evening wind full of water vapor.

"It's water, H2O, dihydrogen monoxide." Chu Chisi looked firm, and then put his lips to the edge of the cup, and said slowly, "I'll give you a drink."

Tang Li froze, hurry up to grab it.

Thanks to the agility and reflexes forged through years of training, Tang Li's hands were quick and quick, and just before the wall of the cup tilted and the liquid flowed, he snatched the small glass over.

Chu Chisi was stunned for a moment, but did not respond.

She squeezed her knuckles. There was originally a small glass with water in it. She drank half of the glass, but was snatched by that person the next moment.

As soon as he looked up, Tang Li was holding a wine glass in a leisurely manner, and smiled sweetly at himself.

Chu Chi Si Ru was struck by lightning, staring at her silently with a pair of dark eyes, and angrily complained: "You stole my things."

"Chi Si, this is wine," Tang Li weighed the glass, shook it in his hand, and smiled helplessly, "It's still high-concentration liquor."

"As I said, this is not liquor."

Chu Chisi had a stubborn temper and said seriously: "It's water, please return it to me quickly, I still have to drink it."

Tang Li, relying on herself to be half a head taller than her, raised her arm and avoided Chu Chisi's hand: "I won't give it to you."

This man could get drunk even after eating a alcoholic chocolate. He dragged the store owner to talk about the Fermat spiral for half an hour. Tang Li was worried that she had drank the whole glass of white wine.

Chu Chisi rushed over and reached out to grab it.

Her hands were empty, but her body was not. She was nestled in a warm and soft embrace, raised her head in a daze, and saw a stiff face.

The light in the corridor was dim, and it fell on Tang Li's side face, tracing out the outline of the eyebrows and eyes. She looked at herself and lost her voice for a moment.

Alcohol fills the brain into a groggy, and those noisy voices and disordered memories are scattered in the wind.

The world seemed to be quiet.

All sounds are silent.

The palm of his hand was attached to the thin shirt, to the fiery heart beating under the flesh and blood, and the scalding temperature rushed over in strands, and some burned her.

Shadows shrouded her hair like a veil. She looked down at herself, her eyes were gentle and powerful, like the one-legged little tin soldier in a fairy tale. ①

Even if it was burned by the fire, it still left a small tin heart, quietly shining in the ashes, in the darkness.

"Chi Si, I really..."

"There's nothing to do with you."

Under the dim light, Tang Li raised his eyebrows and smiled, suddenly raised the wine glass and put it on his lips, breathing hot, and the walls of the glass were instantly dyed with mist.

Just drink it up.

Immediately afterwards, the cup fell to the ground with a "bang", and it fell to pieces. She stepped on the debris on the ground, and suddenly hugged Chu Chisi into her arms, holding her tightly.

Thousands of miles away, through the boundless fog.

"You...what are you doing?" Chu Chisi raised his head, suddenly a little at a loss, "You..."

Tang Li didn't say a word. He wrapped his arms around his shoulders, hugging the refreshing fragrance tightly, hugging her scattered black hair tightly, and hugging her tightly.

"Chi Si, am I a bit bad?"

Tang Li buried her head in her shoulders and neck, and seemed to be laughing and crying: "I knew that I was in danger."

Only when you have a fever, when you are unconscious, or when you are drunk now, can I dare to hug you so openly.

"I not only rob things, I also rob people. Is he an unscrupulous, out-and-out villain?"

There was a slight tremor in the arm that was holding him, Chu Chisi hugged her back in a daze, hugged her shoulders softly, and patted: "It's not sad."

Tang Li smiled and said, "Well, it's not sad."

She hugged her tightly for a while, letting the fragrant fragrance soak through her, the soft falling snow, the pine needles and grasses studded with broken snow, like a forest in winter.

"By the way, that glass of white wine..."

Tang Li's voice was very low and hoarse, and it melted into the eardrum: "Like you, it tastes so sweet."

Her embrace was very warm, in fact, Chu Chisi wanted to hold her for a while, but Tang Li quickly let go of her, knuckles covered the top of her head, and rubbed her soft black hair.

Tang Li asked, "Can you walk?"

"Of course." Chu Chisi nodded, supported his body on the railing, and stood up staggeringly, "I wasn't drunk at all, I just walked a few steps..."

As a result, just two steps away, Chu Chisi stumbled and almost fell, so frightened Tang Li hurried to support her.

"What can I do, I'll carry you."

Tang Li said, and squatted down beside her, her blond hair scattered, outlining her tight and beautiful shoulders and neck.

The light fragrance of pear blossoms, woven into flexible threads, was the piper of Hameln, playing the flute, leading her and walking her step by step. ②

Please take me away.

Please take me out of here. .

A few minutes later, Tang Li's back was soft and soft, like a person sticking to her with milk candy. Chu Chisi's ears were so red that he pressed his knees against his waist and moved inward.

Tang Li sucked in a breath of cold air: "Hi!"

Chu Chisi put her arms around her neck and rubbed her blond hair on her cheeks, but she still looked blank: "Am I too heavy?"

What is the weight? The people I take care of every day have only a little light weight left.

Tang Li turned her head back and saw her lying on her shoulders, her dark eyes covered with mist, and the tip of her nose was a little red, which was soft and made people want to take a bite.

Chu Chisi blinked: "?"

The soft part is against the back, as soft as a cloud. The fabric rustled and scratched into my heart.

Inflicted 10,000 critical hits on Tang Li.

"Cough, cough cough..." Tang Li coughed a few times, trying to hide his charming thoughts, "Let's go, let's go home."

Who knows, Chu Chisi shook her head and said, "Go home? But my home is not here."

She put her arms around Tang Li, raised her hand, and flicked her fingertips in the night sky, pointing to the few scattered stars:

"My home is there, far away."

Tang Li was stunned for a moment, a bit of bitterness welling up in his throat. Even after being drunk, did she still remember those hard and long memories?

"Go slowly, you will arrive one day." Tang Li carried her on his back and walked along the sidewalk step by step, stepping on each step very gently and steadily.

Chu Chisi hugged her neck, rubbed the tip of her nose against the beautiful blonde hair, and said dumbly, "Oh."

Their car was parked at the Tang family's side. Fortunately, it was not very far from the Beimeng Restaurant, and they could collapse after walking a few blocks.

The street lamp cast a warm orange light, Chu Chisi lay on her shoulders, her knuckles picked up a strand of long hair, and tugged it naughty a few times.

"Your hair is fluffy and the color is so beautiful," Chu Chisi whispered, rubbing her hair, "It looks like a golden retriever puppy."


"This is the first time I've heard you say that," Tang Li smiled. "That's why you always like to tie my braids?"

In fact, before falling in love, Chu Chisi was still very restrained. She treated herself politely and politely. After the official relationship was established, she completely "released" herself.

For example, bring an ultraviolet spectrophotometer to analyze the metal composition of the white star on her Major General rank;

Another example is to secretly tug at the blond hair on the comb, and take it to the next biological laboratory to test the ingredients, wondering why it is this color.

Inexplicably weird and cute, anyway Tang Li likes it how she sees it, whatever she does is good.

"It's not called a braid, it's called a double-stranded helix structure," Chu Chisi corrected in a straight-forward manner, and at the end was still very melancholy, "I haven't raised a puppy yet."

Tang Li teased her: "Then do you want to keep one?"

Chu Chi Si nestled behind her, nodded, shook his head again, and said, "No, I seem to have raised it."

"It was a long time ago. It should have been when I was studying for a Ph.D. at Beike University... I seem to have picked up one, a puppy that was about to freeze from a snowy mountain."

She rested on her shoulders, and her breath spread in through the gaps in her hair, and she was still slightly drunk with the smell of alcohol.

"At that time, I had a lot of things, but the puppy was covered in blood and looked so pitiful. The snow was heavy... I threw the machine away and walked slowly with her on my back..."

As Chu Chisi was talking, he suddenly became a little confused. He grabbed a small strand of Tang Li's blond hair with his fingertips and wrapped it around a few times, fiddling around.

"Strange, since I saved the puppy, I must keep her," she asked with some doubts. "Where did my puppy go?"

Tang Li smiled: "Guess what?"

Chu Chisi thought about it for a long time, but unfortunately, the smart brain that was swept away by the liquor suddenly crashed.

Deflated, she lay on her shoulders and murmured, "I don't know, is my puppy missing?"

Tang Li just smiled, her voice as steady as: "Don't worry, your puppy knows the way."

"She'll find it herself."

Chi Si, you once rescued a lowly and lowly dog ​​hog, a beast that only knew how to bite.

So, you have to be responsible for her to the end. .

The two quickly returned to the car and saw that Chu Chisi's cheeks were slightly red, and he looked like he was drunk, and he was definitely not allowed to drive.

The housekeeper was called by Tang Li to drive, and sat in the driver's seat dutifully. Tang Li glanced at her and pulled down the small curtain between the front and rear seats to isolate them.

Tang Li put Chu Chisi on the right seat, reached out to help her fasten the seat belt, Chu Chisi tilted her head to look at the window, turned her head again, and looked at her silently.

The black hair was scattered, the neckline was untied twice, and the thin collar was blown lightly by the air conditioner, and it fell on the thin white and slender neck.

On the porcelain-white skin, there is a shallow water mark that has long been dried up, and the wine droplets have slipped through, all the way down, and disappeared between the triangle collars.

Tang Li's hand to buckle the seat belt was a little stiff.

However, the "culprit" was ignorant and just looked at her so calmly, with only a dazed look in his pupils, revealing that Chu Chisi was still drunk and not awake.

"Chi Si, are you awake?"

Tang Li observed her expression and asked tentatively, "Are you feeling better?"

Chu Chisi nodded, shook his head again, and his voice was vague: "My head hurts, my body is so hot, I'm very uncomfortable..."

Tang Li rubbed her hair, and a few strands hung on her cheeks, causing Chu Chisi to narrow her eyes and raise her hand to push her: "Don't mess with me, it's itchy."

"Where's the itch?" Tang Li deliberately teased her, rubbed her eyes with her fingertips, and wiped a faint moisture.

Rubbing the pads of the fingers, moist and hot.

"It's itchy everywhere." Chu Chisi lowered his head and unbuttoned another collar. His skin was red and looked extra soft.

Tang Li let out a "cough" and silently helped her fasten another button, and then Chu Chisi untied it again, and glared at her fiercely: "You mess with my button."

Tang Li: "..."

See no ill manners, be pure of heart and have few desires. Tang Li turned her head in thought, silently asking the butler to drive back to the hilltop villa, and silently turning the air conditioner down a little.

The car was driving smoothly, Chu Chisi's head was a little bit, and every time he was about to fall asleep immediately, he suddenly woke up again, staring at Tang Li in a daze.

Tang Li looked out the window and pursed her lips.

Those NPCs didn't know what was going on, so she went out to find the waiter for a few minutes, and then she poured a small half glass of wine for Chu Chisi, who usually does not drink.

Moreover, the high concentration of wine is very choking, and even when he drinks it, he feels pungent and unpalatable, not to mention Chu Chisi, who has never drank much?

Could it be that it was a silver method?


This guy is really haunted. If Tang Li guessed correctly, the first time he saw Silver, it should not have been the time he was an [investor] in the Tang family.

Going back a few days, in the Beimeng Academy of Sciences, when she and Chi Si listened to the lecture, they should have seen Silver's consciousness.

Yin put his own into the body of the "Professor Shu NPC", smiled, and inserted the sharpest blade into Chu Chisi.

If you push the time earlier—

At the charity dinner, Chu Chisi was forcibly drugged, his hands and feet were tied, and the time he was cruelly thrown into the storage room was very similar to Silver's method.

The hand holding the cup wall tensed violently, the finger pads turned slightly white, Tang Li lowered her head, and her long brown-gold hair spread out, covering her expression.

Silver's authority is frighteningly large. She is a political allianceist, a careerist, a high-ranking person in power, and she is also an ambitious woman who will do anything to achieve her goals.

Whether in the mirror world or in reality, she likes to firmly control everything and manipulate power and people's hearts from a high altitude.

What weaknesses does such a person have? .

After finally returning home, Chu Chisi became more and more drunk, and stumbled and swayed, almost tripping over the door.

Tang Li took her into his arms, wrapped Chu Chisi's waist with one hand, and held the door with the other: "Chisi, be careful."

Chu Chisi also leaned back, leaning on Tang Li's shoulder, her knuckles entwined with a strand of blond hair, and said softly, "You are really beautiful."

Tang Li was stunned for a moment, the hand around her waist tightened, and the tips of her ears flushed: "What... what?"

Chu Chisi didn't say a word, just looked at her with fullness, her knuckles wrapped around the strand of hair, and it was tightly wrapped, and then she stood on tiptoe slightly.

The warm breath blew across her chin, like the little fluff on the forehead of a kitten, Chu Chisi kissed her chin, as if dissatisfied, and gave a shallow kiss.

Tang Li couldn't breathe for a moment, her heart was beating like crazy, all the sounds were ringing in her ears, and she said tremblingly, "Chi... Chi Si?"


Chu Chisi tilted his head to look at her, his dark eyes were softened by the alcohol, but his voice was clear and cold: "Why are you calling me?"

Seeing to have tasted the sweetness, Tang Li pursed her lips and shouted again, "Chi Si."

"Well." Chu Chisi leaned on her shoulder and whispered, "Your body is so warm."

Tang Li chuckled and said, "Maybe I'm naturally... hotter? It's like a small stove."

Chu Chisi nodded seriously: "Yes."

She leaned in Tang Li's arms, rustling her fingertips across her clothes, touching the back of Tang Li's drooping hand, and gently clasping her in the palm of her hand.

Tang Li let her play tricks, her long hair rustled between her shoulders, and she bent down slightly to make her feel more comfortable, "What's wrong?"

Chu Chisi turned her head, her fingertips reached into Tang Li's palm, and she rubbed it a few times, rubbing it with some scalding temperature.

"This is called heat transfer," Chu Chisi shook her hand and said seriously, "The heat from your body has been transferred to my hand."

Tang Li smiled helplessly: "Yes, yes."

She dragged and tugged, carried Chu Chisi to the bathroom, put her in the bathtub, soaked the towel in water, and wringed it out.

"If you press a spring to the extreme, the spring is likely to pop off when you let go; you hit the ball on the ground and the ball may bounce and hit you."

Chu Chi muttered, "But the heat is different, the heat is irreversible, this is called the entropy increase theorem."

This is the equation that hides the whole world.

The value of entropy is constantly increasing and can never be decreased irreversibly, so we are walking towards chaos, into a disorderly and noisy future. ③

Chu Chisi leaned against the wall and raised his head. In the small square window, the outside scenery was revealed.

She saw the dark sky.

She saw the future not far away, at the end of the entropy increase, the world would eventually fall and collapse, leaving only a desolate silence.

quiet, deadly,

No one's desolation.

The wet towel was suddenly pressed against his cheek, and he carefully wiped away the sweat slowly. It was cool and comfortable, making Chu Chisi close his eyes.

"Will it be more comfortable?"

A gentle voice fell on his ears, more comfortable than a wet towel, Chu Chisi opened his eyes and nodded: "Well."

Tang Li half-kneeled in front of the bathtub, wiped her face and neck with a towel, and after washing it several times, took her hand and slowly wiped her knuckles and wrists.

As if she was holding some fragile china, she moved very gently and carefully, carefully wiped every little corner, and talked to herself from time to time.

"The purity of that glass of white wine is very high. I'm a bit tired of drinking it. Even if it's only half a glass, you may not be able to stand it."

Tang Li squeezed her cheek and said softly, "You have a good night's sleep today, and I will cook you some soup tomorrow."

Chu Chisi sat obediently, allowing Tang Li to wipe her bare skin, squinting her eyes comfortably: "Okay."

The sticky uncomfortable feeling was slowly wiped away by her, and the wet towel slipped a little on the skin, as if branded with some kind of pious, but indulgent mark.

Unique to her mark. .

After finally wiping Chu Chisi clean, Tang Li just wanted to put her on the sofa, but Chu Chisi suddenly rushed over and wrapped her arms around her waist.

"I don't want to sleep on the sofa, it's small, hard and crowded," Chu Chisi protested, "I want to sleep in the bed."

That's for sure, no matter how good the sofa is, it is definitely not as soft and comfortable as a special mattress.

Tang Li thought for a moment, then discussed with Chu Chisi, "Then can you sleep on my bed? I'll sleep on the sofa."

As a result, Chu Chisi shook his head, his eyes were firm, and said, "You have a high heat, and I want to sleep with you."

【I want to sleep with you】

A few big characters fell heavily, and the hammer made Tang Li faint. While thinking about a bunch of messy things, he silently pushed Chu Chisi away.

Tang Li took a deep breath, as if she could already see Chu Chisi's expression after she woke up tomorrow: "This... you let go first."

"Let go and leave," Chu Chisi hugged her tighter, her dark eyes covered with mist, and asked pitifully, "Why don't you want to sleep with me?"

Tang Lixin said, how could I not want to, I almost want to go crazy, but because of this, I can't stay with you for too long.

She is not a saint, but she has only received hundreds of times more training than normal people, but after dawdling like this, it is really difficult for her to control herself.

In addition, Chu Chisi in front of her is not someone else, she is the wife she has been thinking about for four months (one month on a business trip and three months disappearing), how can she bear it.

Chu Chisi held her tighter and looked up at her.

The wet black hair was attached to his cheek, and a drop of water slid down his neck and spread over his collarbone, leaving a trail of water that glowed with broken light.

"Okay," Tang Li was defeated, stroked her smooth black hair, and persuaded softly, "I'll take a bath and come back, you wait for me."

Chu Chisi looked at her a few times, seeing Tang Li's serious expression, not like she was lying, so he let go of her graciously and let her go.

Tang Li took a shower and dried her long brown-blond hair slightly. When she came back, Chu Chisi was already hugging a pillow and nestled on the inside of the bed.

A small one, like a glutinous rice dumpling.

Tang Li looked at her, the itch in her bones was causing trouble, she couldn't hold back, she wanted to tease her, to bully her.

"You talked to me for half an hour before, what... the stress response of humans? All in all, the conclusion is that sleeping on the edge of the bed can better respond to potential crises."

Tang Li sat down on the edge of the bed, her body pressed a small depression on the mattress, and laughed to tease her: "Why did you rush to sleep in it this time?"

"This time is different," Chu Chisi hugged the pillow, her long eyelashes drooped a little, and the dense shadows gathered, "Last time you were a bad person and might torture me. I have to be ready to run away at any time."

Saying that, she raised her head: "This time you should be a good person. If I sleep inside, what will you do to me?"

Tang Li shook her head: "How is it possible, as long as I am awake, I will never do anything against your wishes."

Chu Chisi was relieved, opened the quilt in half, and patted the seat next to him generously: "Come, you sleep here."

Tang Li: "…"

The gesture of her invitation was very grand. It was obviously not the bed in her own room, but she felt like she was in charge of the house.

No matter how you look at it, it's all a "Hongmen Banquet". Tang Li bit her head and lay down and turned off the light in the room.

The room fell into darkness, but after a while of silence, there was a little rustling of the sheets beside him, and someone quietly leaned over.

Chu Chisi pressed her shoulders, poked her chin with her fingers, and asked quietly, "Are you still awake?"

Tang Li was a little itchy by her, and laughed.

She tilted her head and said softly, "It's been less than two minutes since we lay down. I'm definitely still awake."

"Seeing is true and hearing is false," Chu Chisi said earnestly, "It must be proved through repeated experiments before the final conclusion can be drawn."

Seeing Chu Chisi approaching, Tang Li also turned over.

The two were lying face to face, the light pheromones intertwined, and a few white pear blossoms seemed to be hidden in the thinly falling snowflakes.

Tang Li raised his eyebrows invisibly, and in the darkness, he looked at Chu Chisi's outline: "Then have you come to a conclusion?"

"The conclusion is that you didn't fall asleep," Chu Chisi said solemnly, "You can talk to me."

Tang Li smirked: "Okay."

"It's just, don't say any physical words," Tang Li shrugged helplessly, her voice lazily, "If you speak again, I'll be able to fall asleep in a second."

Chu Chisi was wronged: "How do you know."

That's because I know you too well. Tang Li frowned and reached out to touch her cheek.

Soft, warm, and rubbed by himself like a marshmallow, there will be a small dimple when you poke it.

"I don't care, I still have to say it," Chu Chisi rubbed her palm, "If this world, if I become chaotic and chaotic—"

She gestured: "Irreversibly chaotic, messy and disorderly, will you still like me?"

The increase of entropy is always inevitable. This is the law of the universe, but the small and great people are trying to fight against this eternal rule.

Someone once said, "Life depends on negative entropy", and our life is not a life of constant confrontation and constant cancellation of chaos. ④

Even if it becomes empty in the blink of an eye, even if it is flying away.

Chu Chisi rested on the plush pillow, her long hair spread out softly, she looked at the darkness in front of her, tried hard to identify Tang Li's outline, and waited a little nervously for her answer.

What a quirky question.

"Why do you think this way?" Tang Li asked patiently, "Why do you think this way, I won't like you anymore?"

"Because it's irregular, it's chaotic and disorderly." Chu Chi Si half-closed his long eyelashes, his voice getting softer. "Even I wouldn't like myself like this."

As soon as the voice fell, something caught my eye.

Light and clear, the breath blew through the long eyelashes, the heat spread over the thin eyelids, and a gentle kiss fell.

"I would like it."

In the darkness, Tang Li spoke softly, making a promise word by word: "No matter what you are, I will like you."

I don't know why, it was just a simple sentence, but Chu Chisi felt that her cheeks were a little red, and she rubbed over there again: "Really?"

The two were so close to each other that she rubbed some warmth on Tang Li's body as she wished. The soft blond hair was scattered on the pillow, and she picked up a small strand.

Not long after Tang Li had dried her hair, it was still wet with a little water vapor, and it felt a little cool in the palm of her hand.

In the dark night, Chu Chisi couldn't see the color, but she knew what it was. It was the melting sunlight, the overflowing light and fire, cluster after cluster, scorchingly lit up the silent night. ⑤

She tugged at her long hair, tugged it, tugged it again, and made a somewhat helpless voice: "Chi Si, if you pull it further, it will break."

It was clearly a rebuke, but her tone was gentle and doting, as if she would never get angry no matter how much she played tricks on her.

The window was closed, and the view outside could be seen through the thin piece of glass.

When you are drunk, you are like falling into a warm cloud, and everything you see is like a layer of fog, like a dream, like a fantasy, blurry and blurred, not knowing that the sky is at the end of the water, only to feel that the boat is full of dreams and the galaxy is overwhelmed. ⑥

He didn't dare to speak aloud or reach out to touch it, for fear of disturbing Zhuang Zhou's flying butterfly.

Chu Chisi let go of her long hair, but leaned over a little, pressed Tang Li's shoulders, and closed her eyes with peace of mind: "I need your heat."

Tang Li didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Damn it, who did you learn this cheeky technique from?"

Chu Chisi said, "I learned from you."

Tang Li was shocked, funny and helpless: "It's not good for you to learn something else, how can you just learn my shameless character?"

This is one of the top scholars of the Beimeng Academy of Sciences. He has a dazzling resume and a lot of patents. He has always faced everyone with a cold and alienated image.

As a result, being pulled and pulled by himself like this, Gao Leng Bingshan almost collapsed, and gradually became shameless.

Chu Chisi had a clear conscience: "I'm going to study."

Tang Li was very helpless, and sighed silently: "Okay, don't say that you learned from me, or I might be chased and beaten by a bunch of people from the Academy of Sciences."

How cold and serious, how serious a person. It would be strange not to be chased and beaten by Shitiao Street after being harmed by himself like this.

Chu Chisi nodded: "Okay."

She pressed her shoulders, her fingertips crawled over the clothes, and gently hugged Tang Li's waist.

The pajamas were thin, and Chu Chisi held it tightly, rubbing the fabric with his fingertips, pressing the faint aroma into his skin.

Wenxiang nephrite was close to her, Tang Li felt that she was about to burn, and the pears were almost scorched when she went down: "Chi, Chi Si, let go first."

"Don't worry, I won't do anything to you," Chu Chisi leaned against her, her voice soft, "I'll hug for a while, for a while.