MTL - Wife is Not Divorced-Chapter 72

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In reality, in two places that were far apart, Chu Chisi put them together with a little selfishness in the mirror.

That way, they'll be closer.

Xiao Chu opened her mouth, but she was a little speechless. Those emotions were hazy and unfamiliar to her, which made her a little overwhelmed.

Just like fog, you clearly know its existence and you can see it obscuring your vision, but it is difficult to feel or touch it concretely.

The countdown was still on, and they were running out of time.

[Countdown: 3706 seconds]

The No. 8 area was filled with fog, and it was gray everywhere. Except for the two buildings behind it, the most conspicuous ones were the sentry towers around the dozen or so walls.

The red light shuttles through the fog, staggered and layered. Once touched, the alarm will be sounded immediately, making the entire area enter a state of high alert.

The North Alliance consists of five stars in total, namely, Star Administration, Academy of Sciences, Armed Forces, Law, and Infrastructure. Two to five stars are all under the first star.

The Academy of Sciences and the Armed Forces are the second and three-star. Whether it is the Academy of Sciences or the Armed Forces, they are all well-secured and heavily guarded. Ordinary people can't even get close to them if they break in.

However, for Tang Li, these two areas—

It's like returning to a happy home.

Needless to say, the Beimeng Armed Forces, Tang Li's star rank is high, and his authority is second only to the general. He has searched for it several times, inside and out, and in order to chase his wife or skip work to find his wife, the Academy of Sciences is basically Touched by her.

In other words, no one is more familiar with the internal structure of these two buildings than Tang Li, and no one is more familiar with the shortcuts, flaws, and loopholes inside than she is.

Yin can't do it, and neither can Chu Chisi.

Only Tang Li can.

She was the only turnaround.

The fog was surging, obscuring a little sight. This was also one of the protection mechanisms set up by Chu Chisi, but it was useless to Tang Li.

She opened the trunk of the car and fully equipped herself with skill. Xiao Chu, carrying a black bag and holding a jellyfish, stood beside her obediently.

【mission target】

1: Bring Xiaochu into the Beimeng Academy of Sciences office

2: Set enough explosives within the time limit to blow up both buildings as much as possible.

Tang Li put on black gloves and quickly fastened her boots. Xiao Chu was watching and couldn't help but sigh, "Sister, you look so professional."

Tang Li smiled: "That's not true, Alpha who has no professional skills can't find a wife."

Xiao Chu laughed: "Really?"

Tang Li straightened up and pinched Xiao Chu's soft cheeks, the dark gloves lining the milky white skin, pinching the little guy a little dissatisfied, and glared watery.

Xiao Chu said, "Why are you pinching me?"

"Because it looks soft and easy to knead," Tang Li teased her, "like a little dough."

Xiao Chu looked puzzled, and reached out and squeezed himself.

It's really soft, but it doesn't feel like it.

Thanks to Chu Chisi's perfect preparation, the trunk of the car can be said to have everything in it, and there are even many military equipment that Tang Li is familiar with, which relieves her pressure.

The long brown-blond hair was tied into a high ponytail and swayed down behind him. Tang Li buckled the metal around his waist, then took out a few bundles of ropes and weighed them in his hands.

"Wait for me here, I need to stop the No. 9 tower first, and then we enter through the No. 6 side door."

Tang Li has enough experience and training, and there is a smart brain next to him that can be used to count, and the two quickly figured out the rules of the red light.

Holding the white jellyfish, Xiao Chu looked at the towering sentry tower from a distance. In the gray fog, the red light shining directly on the ground flickered a few times and disappeared suddenly.

The rope was thrown down, the metal buckle turned "crashing", and the long brown-blond hair was blown away by the strong wind. Tang Li easily jumped back to the ground and reached out to Xiao Chu.

"Follow me," she said.

Xiao Chu clenched her tightly, the dark gloves had just rubbed against the rope, with a hint of spark-like temperature, the leather pressed against the skin, a little numb and a little itchy.

"Sister, you are amazing," Xiao Chu whispered. "You were so cute when you were a child, like a fluffy puppy."

Tang Li took a little guy and avoided the red light of the alarm in an orderly manner. While removing the door lock, he still had the energy to chat with her: "Am I not cute now?"

Xiao Chu is very honest: "it's not cute anymore."

Tang Li was aggrieved: "Woo, Chi Si thinks I'm not cute anymore, I won't divorce, I won't divorce if I die."

Xiao Chu: "..."

Tang Li's mouth was aggrieved, but his hands were quick and ruthless. With a few clicks, he removed the complicated door lock cleanly, and even cut the wire of the alarm.

Seeing the tangled expression on Xiao Chu's face that he didn't know what to say, Tang Li was very familiar and broke the silence: "I'm curious, what kind of person do you think I am?"

"My sister is very gentle and considerate."

Xiao Chu is honest and straightforward: "But sometimes, you can be scary and make me a little scared."

Tang Li said, "Chi Si, you have to understand that I am your future wife, how can you be afraid of my dear wife?"

She said earnestly: "Don't you care about logic the most? You must be very fond of me before marrying me. How could you be afraid of me? Isn't that the truth?"

Xiao Chu was stunned: "It seems so."

Chu Chisi pays the most attention to logic and cause and effect, while Tang Li is the best at distorting her precise and rigorous logic. After a set of perverted logic, Xiao Chu fell into contemplation.

The brief chat softened the tense and solemn atmosphere. Seeing that Xiao Chu's pale complexion had improved a little, Tang Li was also secretly relieved.

At this time, Xiao Chu was still very immature. She encountered so many things in just a few days. Even if she didn't say anything, Tang Li knew that she was under a lot of psychological pressure.

A little relaxation is also good.

The side door of the building was opened, Tang Li looked inside, put his hand to his waist, took out the metal, and skillfully opened the insurance.

The hand holding the gun was still shaking.

Yesterday's scene flashed by, stinging her retina, Tang Li closed her eyes, suppressed all the surging blood, and pressed it back to the depths of her throat.

Calm, calm, Tang Li took a deep breath, his eyes fell on the dozen or so patrolling NPCs inside, and he frowned.

[Countdown: 2989 seconds]

Xiao Chu stayed outside the door. This was a dead spot for surveillance. The red light shuttled in front of her and would not fall on her, thus triggering the alarm.

The door was gently opened, and Tang Li was clean. She bent down and put a black cloth over Xiao Chu's eyes, wrapping her knuckles around the auricles, tightly wrapping the black cloth.

There was a faint smell of rust on her body.

"Sister, I'm a little scared."

When her eyes fell into the darkness, Xiao Chu felt a little uneasy, but soon, someone held her hand.

"Follow me."

Tang Li's voice sounded beside his ears, far and near, through a screen-like haze. She held herself with one hand, the other on her shoulders.

The two were very close, and she could hear her heart beating in her chest, and her methodical breathing fell on the side of her ears, which was inexplicably reassuring.

Xiao Chu couldn't see anything, so she walked in with her, the smell of rust in the air became heavier and stronger, engulfing people like a swamp to the top, and some of them couldn't breathe.

Tang Li said softly, "Don't be afraid."

Her voice fell softly, and the tip of her nose could smell a faint fragrance of pear blossoms.

Xiao Chu nodded: "I'm not afraid."

"It's amazing," Tang Li put her hand on Xiao Chu's head and gently rubbed her hair with her fingertips, her voice soft, "We'll be there soon."

Holding her hand is slender and strong, and through that layer of leather, it seems to be able to touch her beating heart, one after another.

be delivered into the palm of your hand.

Xiao Chu was a little nervous, but not because of the blindfold, but because Tang Li was a little too close, and his breath blew past the tips of his ears, causing the ends of his hair to sway.

The heart began to beat restlessly again.

It was so quiet all around, and all the patrolling people were gone, as if only the footsteps of two people were left.

I do not know how long it has been.

There was a soft "click", which should be the sound of the door closing. The blindfold was taken off, and Xiao Chu narrowed his eyes to adjust to the light in the room.

This is a large laboratory, surrounded by various instruments and filing cabinets. Although there are many things, they are all neatly arranged and orderly.

Xiao Chu recalled what Chu Chisi had said, and soon found the control instrument in the laboratory and successfully unlocked the operation page.

But the strange thing is that there is a small crooked clay on the neat and clean table.

It can be vaguely seen that it is in the shape of a nautilus, with a crack in the middle, which looks miserable.

"This is your laboratory."

"I'm going out to set up explosives, don't open the door," Tang Li tightened his gloves and sighed, "Otherwise you'll be afraid of me again."

The hallway is really not to be seen.

Very scary.

Xiao Chu nodded earnestly, and Tang Li just went out with her backpack. She rushed across the corridor with a blank expression, turning a blind eye to the surrounding mess, and went back to the car to get the explosives.

[Countdown: 1489 seconds]

Without the slow Xiao Chu, Tang Li's speed was at least a few grades faster. She found the "load-bearing column" in the building with ease, and set all the explosives.

Time passed minute by minute.

Suddenly, there were a few "swoosh" sounds in her ears, and Tang Li's heart stopped for a few beats. She thought it was Yin who reconnected, but she didn't know—

A familiar voice sounded: "Strange, why did the firewall suddenly disappear? Major General, Major General, can you hear me?"

Who else is there other than Paipai, it seems that Xiaochu's side should have destroyed a lot of protection mechanisms, so that Paipai's side can connect with him.

"I can hear it." Tang Li sneered.

She just said, "Chi Si gave you such a high salary, how can you be connected now? What do you usually do?"

Pai Pai was silent for a moment and said, "Major General, guess who created this instrument?"

Tang Li was puzzled: "My wife."

Pai Pai asked again, "Who is your wife?"

"Chi Si, Chu Chi Si," Tang Li muttered, "Why are you suddenly asking this?"

Pai Pai smiled: "Just kidding, this is the protection mechanism set up by Sister Chi Si, even if I can't crack eight hundred of them, I am thankful that I can even go online, and I can go back to my hometown to burn high incense."

Tang Li: "..."

Time continued to pass, Tang Li was busy setting up explosives, while Pai Pai tried to crack the system panel and wanted to change the data inside.

Tang Li watched the system panel flickering to and fro next to him. The screen changed in a mess. It could be connected for a while, and then the gray screen dropped.

"The No. 8 area is the Resource Center. As the name suggests, all the 'resources' in the entire Mirror World are scheduled, allocated, and released from here."

Pai and Tang Li explained the principle:

"For example, the aquarium you see in the mirror is actually composed of 'fish swimming animation', 'animal modeling', 'architectural modeling', 'sound effects' and other resources."

Tang Li thought about it and asked, "If I blow up this place, what will happen?"

There was silence in the ears for more than ten seconds.

"I...I don't know either," Pai Pai was stunned. "The 8th and the 9th are all set up by Sister Chi Si. It's super complicated, and neither I nor Sister Bian Da dared to move."

Tang Li scorned: "It's still my wife who is amazing, what's the use of you."

Pai: "..."

Has the major general swallowed the explosives? He seems to be very irritable today, the kind of irritability that doesn't stop until a few buildings are demolished.

After Jingfan converts consciousness into data, through the powerful computing power of the computer, 1 second in reality (the first layer) is equal to 64 seconds in the mirror (the second layer) and 4096 in the mirror in the mirror (the third layer). second.

Due to the different relative time flow rates, it is impossible for people in reality to keep up with the computing speed of the machine, so dialogue is possible only when the consciousness of two people is in the mirror range at the same time.

Therefore, in order to synchronize with the time in the mirror, the observer must be connected to the mirror (the second layer) before they can talk to the person in the mirror (the third layer).

Chu Chisi calls it—

【Observer/Observer Mode】

In this "mode", the observer in the mirror (second layer) can freely adjust the time flow rate, data variables, etc. of the mirror (third layer) in the mirror.

"So, where are you now?" Tang Li asked curiously, "Why can you talk to me?"

Speaking of this, Pai Pai immediately became energized.

She proudly showed off: "Sister Chi Si's tattoo mirror (the third floor) is too sophisticated to get in, so I will take the next step and use the temporary tattoo mirror (the second floor) that they have built in SAARC. It was hacked, and I connected my consciousness into it."

Tang Li commented: "Good job."

"Because you suddenly disconnected, the time-travel bureau (second floor) is now a mess, so I secretly found a room and tried to connect to the mirror in the mirror (third floor) where you were."

Paipai was very excited, and talked to Tang Li about the situation, and even called up the data panel in the background, and poured useful information to Tang Li.

While listening, Tang Li came from the Beimeng Academy of Sciences to the Beimeng Armed Forces next door. As soon as he stepped into the building, he felt the pressure of sneaking in.

Different from the Academy of Sciences, most of the patrollers here are high-level Alphas. Tang Li had a hard time coping with them.

She frowned and knocked on the ear: "Papie, can you find a way to adjust the data of my carrier?"

Paipai responded, and after a while of operation, Tang Li instantly felt that the carrier was a little different. The alpha pheromone was even bigger and fiercer, and it was deeply suppressed in the glands.

It can reach 85% of her real life level.

Tang Li squeezed her knuckles, very satisfied. .

[Countdown: 347 seconds]

When Tang Li finally finished setting all the parts and hurried back to the laboratory, there were less than 6 minutes left in the countdown.

As soon as the door was opened, a little guy rushed over.

Tang Li didn't dodge, and was hugged by her. Xiao Chu's soft one will rub against his arms a little, and raise his head like a hamster.

"What's wrong?" Tang Li smiled and patted Xiaochu's head, "I've set everything up and can start it at any time."

Xiao Chu didn't have much strength, but he hugged her tightly, his arms wrapped around his waist, and the ink spread on his cheeks, making his skin soft and white.

"elder sister…"

She spoke numbly and handed a photo to Tang Li: "I was just looking through my backpack and found this."

Tang Li was stunned when she saw the photo, and some bitterness slowly poured out of her throat. She smiled, her voice hoarse: "This is..."

This is the photo taken when she and Xiao Chu were taken on the roller coaster before. Tang Li looked sleepy, but Xiao Chu was screaming excitedly.

Because Xiao Chu disliked the bad photos, Tang Li didn't buy it, and this photo, which should have been deleted along with other data, appeared in Chu Chisi's backpack.

She was secretly hidden in the mezzanine.

The heart seemed to have been pricked by a tiny needle. Those pains were not severe, but slow and scorching. They were stuck in the throat like fishbone. Every breath and every heartbeat carried an inescapable pain.

"I...I'm such a jerk."

Tang Li took the photo and pressed the edges of her fingers into folds. She bowed slightly, her voice trembling: "I..."

Something touched the top of her head, and then, someone hugged her in his arms, his movements were a little rusty, and softly comforted: "Don't say that."

Xiao Chu's palms were slightly cold, and her skin was as soft as jelly. She held up Tang Li's cheeks. Those dark eyes looked into the depths of her heart seriously.

"Sister, we will meet again."

She stood on tiptoe a little and wrapped Tang Li's drooping neck, her voice softly blending into her auricle: "Isn't it right?"

Tang Li's eyes were already red, her brows were slightly curved, and a very shallow smile spread out: "Of course, I will definitely come to you."

She bent down and hugged Xiao Chu tightly, "It will definitely be."

The long brown-blond hair fell on her shoulders, scattered with the ink hair, and two different fragrances were intertwined and entangled into a flexible thread.


"I... I'm a little scared," Xiao Chu lay on her shoulders, her nose rubbing against her ear, her voice was small, "I'm a little scared of flames and explosions."

This reminded her of the "accident" in the research institute. The explosion destroyed the building and the flames were burning, engulfing many familiar figures in an instant.

"Don't be afraid." Tang Li comforted softly, "It's just a momentary thing, it will end soon."

Xiao Chu grabbed her shirt and buried it in Tang Li's arms. The ink was swaying, and Tang Li could feel her shoulder blades trembling slightly.


Xiao Chu hesitated and raised his head: "Can the elder sister kiss me? That way I won't be afraid."

Tang Li stroked her cheek, knuckles rubbed against the soft skin, her eyebrows were slightly curved, and she nodded: "Anything is fine."

Xiao Chu closed his eyes: "Well."

Her kiss fell on her forehead, soft and wispy, the faint scent of pear blossoms spread out, like a fluffy scarf, bringing a little warmth within reach.

With a pressure of the finger, the detonation switch was pressed.

His ears were covered, and Tang Li's palm was warm and soft, isolating those noisy roars from the outside.

Leave her a reassuring silence.

"What do you mean by 'like'?"

When asked this question, Chu Chisi was stunned for a moment, but he soon laughed, his eyebrows curved like the moon reflected in the stream.

"I like that when you see her, all theories will collapse, all laws will be broken, all formulas will be overturned - you will keep reporting errors, and your mind will be filled with endless loopholes."

"Sounds terrible."

Xiao Chu commented.

Chu Chisi "puchi" smiled, her long eyelashes drooped slightly, her voice was very low, but the end tone couldn't stop rising, and she couldn't hide the smile that came from the bottom of her heart.

"Yeah, very scary,"

"But... also very powerful."

Chu Chisi murmured.

"She's your fuel, your battery, your power source. As long as she's around, your screws will never rust and your engines will never stop."

"You will become braver than anyone else."

"Because you want to protect her at any cost."

4096 seconds of mirror-in-mirror,

64 seconds of mirror tattoo, 1 second of reality.

The violent and huge explosion engulfed the two buildings in an instant. The death was exactly as she said, but it just happened in an instant.

The settings that were madly modified within a minute or two of the plane crash bound Chu Chisi's consciousness to Jing Fan's, and protected the core technology in a way that was almost like burning jade.

Therefore, she is the core of the operation of the tattoo mirror.

Therefore, the cycle will be reset only when two conscious bodies named "Chu Chi Si" die at the same time.

The protection mechanism takes effect, all consciousness is forcibly stripped from the mirror, and the divided memories are merged and transmitted back to the body in reality.

There was a violent tearing sensation, and there was a buzzing sound in the ear, which was extremely stinging, and it was unclear whether it was tinnitus or a sharp alarm sound.

Yin frowned and opened his eyes suddenly.

There was chaos all around, and it wasn't the fake "traversing bureau" in the second-layer pattern mirror, but a research base temporarily built on a snowy mountain.

[After Tang Li disconnected, what did she do with 17-year-old Chu Chisi? ! 】

The researcher in the white coat looked flustered, and hurriedly reported to her: "No, it's not good! Something happened!"

In theory, no matter what happens in the mirror, it shouldn't have any effect on reality.

However, when Yin looked in the direction pointed by the researcher, his heart suddenly stopped for a beat, and his face was full of disbelief:

The surging smoke triggered the fire alarm. One of the mirror fans was smoking thick smoke. All the connected instruments were affected, and the screen was beating wildly with error messages.

"This is how the same thing?"

In just a short minute, all the things that were sure of everything suddenly fell out of control and became disintegrating and uncontrollable.

Yin stood up, her long moonlight-like hair fell from her shoulders, her face was gloomy, and her gloves lightly covered the cold instrument.

"This mirror fan has been completely destroyed and cannot be turned on."

A familiar voice sounded and landed in Yin's ear: "Area 8 should be an important place, we were all deceived by Chu Chi Si."

Yin turned his head: "What's going on?"

A woman stood beside her, rubbed her short beige hair, and yawned sleepily: "It's bad."

Yin frowned, his voice suddenly cold: "Ni Xitong, you'd better explain what happened carefully."

Xitong shrugged: "I said it long ago, I only know the basic working principle of Jingfan. God knows what Chu Chisi put in it."

She dragged a chair and sat down with her legs crossed lazily: "When you bail me out of prison, you should have figured this out."

Yin straightened up, she paced a few steps, then grabbed Ni Xitong's collar and picked him up.

The pale eyelashes drooped, and the voice was icy: "How about the other mirror fan, can it still be activated?"

Ni Xitong shook his head and nodded again: "I just checked it. Although it can be activated, there is no way to build a mirror-in-mirror. At most, it can only create a layer of patterned mirrors."

In other words, they can no longer turn on the observer mode. To see the direction of the world in the control mirror, they must—

"You must enter the mirror world yourself."

Ni Xitong concluded: "You can only control one carrier. As long as you die, you will temporarily 'sleep' in the mirror fan, until Chu Chisi dies, and the cycle ends before you can return to reality."

It's all messed up, everything is messed up, all the pieces are out of control, all the trains are off the track, heading in unforeseen directions.

"Is there no other way?"

Yin frowned tightly, glanced at the closed room not far away, and tapped the ground with his toes.

Ni Xitong shook his head: "No."

Above the snow-capped mountains, the wind howled. Because of the forced landing of the plane, the entire research center was set up temporarily, the equipment was not complete, and the documents were a bit messy.

It will take a while for the mirror fan to restart.

The wind and snow blew the windows into bursts, covering up a few weak coughs. As the door rang, she also looked up.

The restraint suit tightly wraps the body, only a small section of the locked wrist is exposed, and a blue vein can be vaguely seen under the soft skin. The thin needle is fixed by tape and connected to a long infusion tube.

"tick", "tick".

Slowly maintained her life.

The long black hair fell down his shoulders, leaving a few sparse shadows. She was pale, her lips were bloodless, and there was only a dull gray in her eyes.

Like a crumpled little ball of paper, thrown in a corner, no one will pick it up.

Chu Chisi's voice was hoarse: "What's wrong?"

Yin Gaoju looked down at her, his expression was flat and he could not see a trace of turbulence. He could only detect a little emotional ups and downs from her tense knuckles.

"I already said that..."

Chu Chisi closed his eyes, his voice was so soft that he could hardly hear it, "Besides two pieces of scrap iron and a corpse, you won't get anything."

Yin suddenly smiled: "Really?"

"In the next cycle, Major General Tang will enter the world in the mirror desperately for you, right?"

Yin smiled and leaned down slightly: "If Tang Li was behind bars, watching her being tortured and tortured in front of you, would you still be as indifferent as you are now?"


Chu Chisi's eyes turned red instantly, his knuckles were taut, the needle was inserted obliquely into the flesh, and a few drops of bright red blood ooze: "You dare to touch her—cough, cough, cough!"

She coughed violently, trembling all over her body, and the blood dripped on her gown, like tiny flowers one after another, which was especially frightening.

Yin frowned and gestured for a moment, and soon a doctor rushed in. As the door was firmly locked, all the sounds were muffled at the back, and no sound could be heard.

"Start packing and prepare to transfer."

Yin turned over the document in his hand and instructed everyone, "It doesn't matter if Jingfan can take it away, as long as there is Chu Chi thinking."

There are two documents in her hand. The one from "Chu Chi Si" is extremely detailed, and it is densely packed with her life experiences and research projects.

The other is a large blank.

"On the other side, ready to start the next cycle." Yin looked at Ni Xitong, his voice was cold and biting, "Let's enter the tattoo mirror together."

Ni Xitong's eyes lit up: "Okay!"

All the staff were busy, and Yin Jiang called the investigator not far away, his voice suddenly cold: "What's the matter with this document?"

Compared with Chu Chisi's thick stack of documents, this person's information is pitifully small, except for the most basic name and profile, it can be said that he has nothing.

On the entire page, there is only one line of words:

[She graduated from the military academy with excellent grades. After being adopted by Tang Yiqi, she changed her name to Tang Li, and later obtained the rank of major general. 】

"We've done our best," the investigator broke down in cold sweat, his voice trembling slightly, "She... She seems to have just popped out of nowhere and can't find any information."

With a bang, the file fell heavily.

Tang Yiqi looked at the documents in front of him, listened to the heated discussions in the meeting, sighed softly, and rubbed his forehead.

Regarding the question of Academician Chu Chisi, the North Alliance Council has been arguing countless times in the past three months, and there are almost half of those who support and oppose the activation of toxins.

Of course, there is some uncontrollable lunatic.

"...It's not an option for the situation to remain deadlocked, why not let Major General Tang Li lead Team A to set off?"

"No, Major General Tang Li must stay here... If the mad dog No. 63 is still there, can you send that madman over there?"

"The major general has been missing for almost three weeks. Recently, rumors have spread, people are panicking, and the people are expecting her to come forward. Even the North Alliance Armed Forces are a little uneasy..."

The discussions came one after another, and it was very noisy.

However, no matter how controversial the parliament, the woman sitting in the highest position did not speak. She looked calm and looked at everyone with the one eye beside the black blindfold.

Like a goshawk in a treetop.

"I've said a lot." As soon as Tang Yiqi opened his mouth, the conference room fell silent, so silent that the sound of needles falling could be heard.

"All members of the 6th team of the military dog ​​have been killed in the siege operation of the snow mountain, including No. 63. The rest of the teams have also been disbanded, and there is no possibility of reorganization."

Tang Yiqi's voice was extremely cold and quiet, resounding in the small conference room: "Are there any questions?"

The discussion continued for a while, but in the end it was over.

After the meeting, everyone left one after another. Tang Yiqi sorted out the documents in his hand and was the last one to leave.

Boots on the steps.

Footsteps sounded, one, two, and suddenly, the voices suddenly overlapped, and the two became three, and the three became four.

Confused, then stopped abruptly.

Someone quietly approached behind her and pressed a handful of cold metal against the back of Tang Yiqi's head.

With a soft click, the safety was opened.

In the icy darkness, a familiar voice suddenly came, with a somewhat sarcastic smile:

"No. 63 can die, but Major General Tang Li cannot."

Tang Li held the handful of metal until it reached deeper and firmer. She chuckled softly, her voice falling softly in her ear: "Admiral, am I right?"

The author says:

What silver is just a little chicken. Today, let us welcome the grand appearance of the biggest BOSS in this article—

Sweet pear classmates! Clap clap!

Tang Li: Thank you, thank you. In fact, I am able to get to where I am today, thanks to my understanding, smart, cute and lovely... (5,000 words of praise are omitted below) my wife... My wife is really cute (Once again omitting 5000 words of praise)…

Chu Chisi: Focus on the key points.

Tang Li: I will kill all the opponents! The kind that is super cruel! Wife wait for me!