MTL - Wife is Not Divorced-Chapter 80 (1)

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There were a lot fewer pedestrians on the street. Recalling the previous situation where people were blocked and unable to move, the two weak people who lacked exercise were very moved.

The two were walking on the street, and Xi Bian was a little curious and asked, "Marriage registrar? Why did you arrange such an NPC?"

"This is part of the 'authorized protection'," Chu Chisi said.

Xibian explained: "I thought that the authorized NPC on No. 5 should be related to Mirare-In, for example, one of the employees, or security personnel."

Chu Chisi looked back, she had a cold appearance, her long black hair was ruffled by the evening wind, and with a few strokes, she outlined an orchid painted on white porcelain.

She said quietly: "The NPCs in Mirare-In are all classified under the debug menu, which is separate from the world NPCs."

Xibian: "But why is it a marriage registrar?"

Chu Chisi: "..."

What else could be the reason?

It wasn't arranged by someone secretly.

Not to mention authorizing NPCs, in Area 8, which was locked and could not be seen, someone directly put together the two buildings of the Academy of Sciences and Armed Forces.

Chu Chisi likes to be sure. She is not good at lying without the choice of redundant variables.

Faced with Xi Bianmao's question, Chu Chisi couldn't help but feel a little guilty: "I grabbed it randomly."

Fortunately, Chu Chisi in Xibian's eyes comes with a 24K pure gold shining "halo of God", what Sister Chi Si said is correct, she is convinced of it: "So it is."

Chu Chisi nodded: "Yes."

The two walked and chatted, most of which were related to work. Xi Bianyan thought that Sister Chi Si would ask about what happened within three months of her disappearance, and about Tang Li's current situation, but she didn't.

Not a single related question.

Now that you have decided to die, why do you ask these questions to increase your nostalgia for reality and unnecessary sadness?

Chu Chisi walked very slowly, and his voice was also slow.

She introduced a lot of scholars in the Beimeng Academy of Sciences to Xibian, who was better to get along with, who had a similar research direction, and so on.

Chu Chisi arranged it properly and took care of everything. Xi Bianxuan was so sad to hear it, and his voice was hoarse: "Sister Chi Si, please don't say anything."

Chu Chisi: "..."

She sighed: "Okay, let's not talk."

The two found a very hidden hotel, and Chu Chisi looked at the name at the door, feeling like a world away.

This hotel happened to be where Tang Li took her (that is, Xiao Chu's conscious body) to live in the last cycle.

Why do you...

Why do you think of her again?

Chu Chisi felt that her throat was dry and the corners of her eyes were astringent. She poured some lemonade provided by the hotel for free, and drank it just like that.

'CO1, you have to focus on your plan, you can't think about her over and over again, you can't be distracted. ’

Chu Chisi warned himself in his heart, 'The more you miss her, the more reluctant you will be, and in the end it will only hurt her. ’

The lemonade was very light, with only a little sour taste, but those small bubbles rushed out of his throat and filled his mouth violently.

It made her nose feel a little sour.

Although it has been confirmed that the SAARC two are dead and one is alive, out of prudence, the two decided to live in one room.

Although their combined combat power is less than 5, the difference between living together and living separately is not that big.

Chu Chisi was packing her things, and Xi Bianyan glanced at the side, lamenting that Sister Chi Si was still obsessive-compulsive as always, and the entire suitcase was divided into categories, and it was extremely tidy.

It was a crooked pink dumpling doll next to it, which made Xi Bianyuan a little confused.

Isn't Sister Chi Si the most hated "decoration" that has no use and no value? Why bring this thing?


Nine times out of ten, it was given by her wife.

Xi Bianyan guessed in his heart, and then saw Chu Chisi's movements paused, and then took out a cute mug with a small white flower, took a small flower toothbrush, and placed it gently beside him.

Don't look at it, these things are nothing but cute and have no extra value. They are definitely bought by her golden retriever wife.

Chu Chisi lowered his head, played with the little flower toothbrush absentmindedly, stared at the little flowers for a long time, and suddenly said, "Bian Ai, let me go out."

Xibian nodded: "Okay, where are you going?"

"Go to the front desk of the hotel and pour a glass of their lemonade," Chu Chisi said, "I don't know why, I suddenly want to drink something sour."

Xibian: "..."

Sister Chi Si is not sour anymore, she has soaked herself in the vinegar jar, and doesn't even know it. .

On the other side, the two of them took a bath for several hours, and after they got sticky, they had to wash them again.

The little madman curled up on the bed and fell asleep, the water on his long eyelashes was not dry, the corners of his eyes and the tip of his nose were red, and there were a few obvious water marks on his white cheeks.

She was restless when she fell asleep, her arms were wrapped around her waist, she hugged Tang Li tightly, and she refused to let go.

Tang Li racked his brains and finally stuffed a pillow into the little madman's arms as his "substitute", and then sneaked out of the room.

The whole room is like a perfect huge secret room, all windows are sealed, and the door to the outside is locked, which is suitable for a "Blizzard Mountain" mode puzzle.

Tang Li studied the metal ring fastened to the ankle and found that although it could be violently disassembled, the instruments inside would also be destroyed at the same time.

The little madman will surely find out in an instant.

Tang Li thought for a moment, thinking that the shackles wouldn't be too much of a hindrance, so he didn't bother to take them apart. She wandered around downstairs and found her phone in the trash can.

The phone was stabbed with a knife, the body was torn apart, and the screen glass was covered with cobweb-like cracks. After being broken in half, it was thrown into the trash can.

Tang Li: "..."

The mobile phone was shattered into such a state that even if a **** came, it would not be able to save it, and it would be impossible to even turn it on, let alone seeing the string of missed calls from Xi Bianxi.

Tang Li fiddled with the wreckage of the phone, and went around the room a few times, but the little madman was very vigilant. The place where the weapon was hidden in the previous cycle was completely empty in this cycle.

In order to prevent her golden retriever from escaping, the little madman can be described as doing everything he can, using any means.

Tang Li didn't mean to run away, mainly because if she wanted to run away, no one could stop her.

But she was very worried about another Chi Si's situation, and she didn't know how the other party was doing now, whether she was meeting with the little assistant.

" should this be done?"

Tang Li was a little troubled. She turned around the place where she could go in the villa and found that in addition to Chu Chisi's room on the second floor, the study was also locked this time.

I don't know what the little madman is doing inside, it doesn't matter what she does, just don't hurt yourself.

Tang Li rubbed her long hair and sighed.

The living room was quiet, and there was still a faint scent left behind after the petals were crushed. It was slightly sticky and wet around the tip of the nose.

The moonlight outside the window is like water, even if you know that everything is just an "image" simulated by data, it is still very bright and quiet.

Tang Li leaned against the edge of the window, the moonlight spread behind her, and the closed window did not let any wind leak in. She closed her eyes and remembered the second cycle.

that time…

Chu Chisi was wearing a black silk nightdress, holding a full of hydrangea flowers, her skin was covered with a shimmer, and she sat by the window like this, staring at the moonlight absently.

She looked at the false moonlight and held the false flowers. After hearing the sound, she turned to look at her false carrier.

Everything in this world is a false lie, an illusion that deceives the cerebral cortex. In the huge torrent of data, she is smaller than a grain of sand.

Riding the boat against the current, striving forward, and then being pushed back by the rushing waves constantly and constantly, and back to the past, back to the starting point. ①

In her memory, her smile was very vague, like being immersed in the mist, and she couldn't see it clearly, so she walked towards her step by step.

"Tang Li, Tang Li."

The hazy moonlight condensed into a solid body and a small person. She grabbed the corner of her clothes and said in a soft voice, "Tang Li, are you awake?"

The little madman woke up at some point, and the black hair was unkempt from sleep, scattered on her thin white shoulders, softer than broken snow, and threw herself into her arms.

"What's the matter?" Tang Li shook his head, and was hugged by his wife who had just come downstairs. "Why don't you sleep for a while?"

After tossing and turning several times before, the little madman's voice was still hoarse. He put his arms around her waist and refused to let go: "Tang Li, do you want to leave?"

She said, "Do you want to leave me?"

Tang Li did have the idea of ​​leaving the villa, but her heart softened when she was begged by the little madman, and all plans were put aside for the time being.

"No, I'm not leaving."

Tang Li said, rubbing her long soft black hair, tickling the palm of her hand, feeling a little cool.

"I'm just a little thirsty, so I came downstairs to the kitchen to get a glass of water," Tang Li lied without changing her face, "I was just about to go back."

The little madman looked at her, her eyes were extremely black and white, she was like a glass of moonlight in a glass, swaying, swaying, almost overflowing.

Tang Li was a little stunned for a while.

The hand around his waist loosened, pressing Tang Li against the transparent window, the little madman stood on tiptoe, his lips were slightly cool, and he kissed her cheek softly.

The mind floats gently, and the night is transparent.

"Chi Si," Tang Li squeezed her cheek softly, "what are you doing, are you still sleepy so late?"

Tang Li's carrier has adjusted values, almost perfectly replicating her body in reality. After years of training and accumulation, her quality is excellent.

"Tang Li, don't go."

The little madman muttered to himself, his eyes were wet, and he whispered to her, "Tang Li, I'm really scared."

"Tang Li, when I woke up... I was alone in the whole room. It was dark outside the window, and it was cold inside the quilt."

The little madman lowered his head, and handed himself into Tang Li's arms, between her palms, the cloth rubbed, and there was a rustling sound.

She said softly, almost begging, her voice all melted into her auricle: "Tang Li, I'm so sad."

Tang Li could no longer refuse her.

There are so many people and so many different roses in this world, but she has only one Chi Si, unique and no one can replace her.

She stroked the little madman's black hair, held up the other's cheek, slipped her fingertips across her skin, touched the reddish lips, traced the edge lightly, and pressed it in.

The fingertips were warm and moist, and were tightly wrapped by the tip of the tongue, smashing the originally smooth breathing and overflowing from the corners of the lips.

Tang Li slowly kissed the corner of her eye, with a very soft voice: "I... just looked out the window and thought of someone."

"There was once a person who sat by the window like this. She held a lot of beautiful flowers and looked at the moon quietly."

"Since then, I can't help thinking of her every time I see the surging and bulged curtains; every time I see the moonlight leaking in through the gaps."

[I've been thinking about her all the time]

【From late at night until the sky is twilight】

At the time of separation, Tang Li's fingers were covered with a thin layer of water light, which was crystal clear and beautiful. When they touched the skin, they left some wet marks, filled with moonlight, and implanted into the bottom of my heart one inch by one.

The little madman hadn't reacted yet, she was dizzy from the stirring, and her voice was still vague: "Who?"

She was a little dissatisfied: "Who do you think of?"

Tang Li kissed her cheek and said teasingly, "Who else do you think there is? This one who holds me tightly in his arms."

The little madman's ears turned red.

The moonlight tonight is extraordinarily gentle, flowing slowly along the blood, reflecting the gap that was originally tightly closed but quietly opened.

Moonlight streamed in through the gap.

Tang Li kissed the gap in her hair, and the heat slid down her black hair, wrapping around the tips of her red ears: "Chi Si, Chi Si."

The little madman held her on tiptoe, very tight.

The vase by the window was knocked over, and the slender bottle mouth fell to the ground, spilling a little dense and transparent dew.

The dew slid down the soft edge, drop by drop, and sprinkled on the white porcelain floor, leaving circular wet marks of star points.

After a while, the two exchanged positions.

The little madman sat on the edge of the window, his back pressed against the glass, his messy black hair pressed like a dried flower pressed between the pages of a book.

She lowered her head, put her hand on top of Tang Li's head, and rubbed her beautiful brown-blond hair into a mess with just a slight rub.

The little madman called her softly: "Tang Li."

Tang Li was beside her, her lips moved, but she did not respond to her.

Most of her body was hidden in the silent moon shadow, hazy, and the expression on her face could not be seen.

Tang Li lowered her head, her breathing was so blocked that only a trace was left, overflowing from the corners of her lips, her long hair swaying with her movements, brushing the soft skin on both sides.

The moonlight outside the window was just right, and through the little madman's body, it fell on her body, and the faint silver, a slight glow, traced an ethereal outline.

The room was very quiet, the air conditioner was a little too cold, and the cool wind was blowing at her, the little madman shivered, wrinkling the clothes on his shoulders.

The long brown-blond hair fell from the auricle, wrapped around the little madman's hand, and wrapped around the skin on both sides of her. It felt like silk and satin, and it was incredibly soft and smooth.

The moonlight was streaming, and she was shaky.

Tang Li gathered her breath, her kiss was silent, long and lingering, her breath was moist and silent: "Be careful, hold me tighter."

There is only one narrow edge of the window, and the little madman can't sit still at all. She wants to close it, but she can't close it at all: "What if I can't sit still and fall?"

"That's okay,"

"Because I will catch you."

That person's voice was as beautiful as a dream. In the dream, there were a little bit of fireflies and stars in the sky. The night was so clean and transparent that day, she forgot a lot of things.

In this fake world simulated by computers, in the second layer of mirrors separated from reality, "time" is slowed down by 64 times, and everything is slowed down.

They have so much time.

So don't think about it, don't think about it, just immerse yourself here, immersed in her side, immersed in her tenderness.

In the endless cycle of 30,000 times, a small habitat was found. .

The moonlight fell down the treetops, and soon it was the next morning. The windows were locked, but the bright sunlight and the dense pale green foliage could still be seen outside.

Sunshine, branches and leaves, and birds, this beautiful scene is actually just a short hologram, Chu Chisi recorded it and imported it into the tattoo mirror by the way.

After reading the camera, the mirror will automatically disassemble it and enter it into the database of the system. If the "weather function" is sunny, it will be automatically delivered.

The consequences of the little madman's unscrupulous efforts and hard work in order to achieve his goals were quickly manifested the next day.

She slept until dawn, her body was like a stuck machine, every gear was dry, her mind was stunned for a while, and it took a long time to recover.

The little madman was stunned for a while.

The bed under her was very soft, her pajamas were clean, and there was a faint scent of pear, and silk threads were generally wrapped around the tip of her nose.

Tang... Where's Tang Li...?

In the chaotic mind, among the 30,000 memories of chaos and disorder, Tang Li is the only clear existence.

The little madman suddenly panicked, she barely straightened up, and was panting to look around when a faint voice fell beside her: "Chi Si."

To be honest, the little madman was taken aback.

Tang Li had already finished washing up, and changed her clothes by the way. She sat lazily on the edge of the bed with her long legs bent, not showing any signs of fatigue.

"You're exhausted," Tang Li sighed, not knowing whether to laugh or cry, "It's twelve o'clock at noon now, so it's time for lunch."

Little madman: "..."

The pear juice was squeezed dry, and her plan to prevent her from escaping was a big failure, and the person who was squeezed dumb and thirsty became a little madman himself.

The housekeeper was kicked out of the villa because of the juicing plan, so Tang Li made the lunch. She even made breakfast, but it was already cold and she was put aside.

The little madman was drinking millet porridge, feeling a little better, and asked in disbelief, "Aren't you tired?"

Tang Li felt guilty: "Yes... a little bit."

In fact, Tang Li was really not tired at all, on the contrary, he was in good spirits. With such a little amount of exercise, even less than one-tenth of the training amount prescribed by the Beimeng Armed Forces.

But Tang Li didn't dare to say it, because he was afraid that his wife would suddenly despair, so he could only put on a guise, and pretended to yawn: "I'm really tired."

The little madman is refreshed: "Are you really tired? Let's go out today, and then come back and continue to rest, okay?"

Tang Li said, "Okay, where are you going?"

She leaned over halfway, her long brown-blond hair fluttered brightly, and her light-colored pupils contained a shimmer of light, like a small goldfish swimming in a glass tank.

The little madman was full of expectations: "Let's go to Area 5 and go to the Civil Affairs Bureau to get a certificate, okay? Just like before."

as before? Tang Li recalled what happened in the previous cycle: he had a contractual marriage contract with Chu Chisi under the status of "Scum A".

It always feels like a long time ago.

The little madman remembered it clearly.

"Okay," Tang Li promised, "You can go anywhere, according to your arrangement."

The little madman burst into a big smile, the dimples on his cheeks were very sweet, and the lips kissed her with the aroma of millet porridge.

"Tang Li, Tang Li," she rubbed against her lips, her voice was waxy and close, "Tang Li, you are so kind."

Tang Li was dizzy when she kissed her, with the aroma of millet porridge between her lips and teeth, she asked in a mysterious way, "Chi Si, are you feeling better?"

The little madman said, "Not good."

Tang Li: "…"

She refused swiftly and without any hesitation. Tang Li silently swallowed her thoughts and said, "When do we leave?"

After the little madman drank the porridge, he stumbled away. Tang Li sat at the dining table for a while, watching her close the door of the study, with a black belt in her hand.

Tang Li raised her eyebrows: "This is?"

"I'll put it on for you," said the little madman, leaning his knees against the soft chair, between her legs, "Tang Li, okay?"

Tang Li smiled: "Okay."

She raised her head meekly, her knuckles rolled up like waterfalls of blond hair, revealing a slender, white neck.

Tang Li's skin is very white, and it fits the fingertips like jelly, and you can vaguely see the light blue veins, down, down, hidden between the fastened collars.

The belt looped around the neck, one section, two sections, and then slowly buckled after the "click". The lines were black and white, and the silver chain shook with a faint sound, which was held by the little madman in the palm of his hand.

Tang Li let go of her hand, and her long brown blond hair fell down, slightly covering her neck and belt. She leaned halfway on the chair and raised her head lazily.

Light-colored eyelashes lifted slightly, looking at her and smiling.

The little madman stroked the jet-black collar, inch by inch, and his heartbeat gradually and gradually accelerated.

God, her God.

locked under a silver chain.

The silver chain was held in the palm of the little madman's hand, and the metal was a little painful, but she didn't realize it, she just held the chain tighter.

"Don't go and don't run away."

The little madman leaned on Tang Li, his voice soft, "You have to follow me closely, you know?"

Tang Li just smiled, her eyelashes drooped slightly, she stood up and kissed the little madman's forehead: "Okay, of course."

The two went out one after the other, Tang Li was properly placed in the co-pilot, and she was also happy to relax, watching the scenery outside the window comfortably.

The car left No. 2 and soon came to the city center of No. 5. It was still lively here, except that Mirare-In was blocked.

The Civil Affairs Bureau is very lively, there are many NPCs coming and going, but it is a pity that the person who wrote the choice statement (Xi Bianxi) is too honest and kind, and did not take into account:

If one day, a strange and outrageous thing happens in the tattoo mirror: "A woman leads another woman who is tied by a belt to her neck to get a marriage certificate"-

How should the NPC react to this.

So the NPCs looked at each other, searched the code for a long time and couldn't find it, and finally returned to their respective fixed programs, silently ignoring this strange picture.

The marriage registrar NPC moved very quickly. The little madman held the little red book and smiled with crooked brows, with little stars in his eyes.

The little madman kept staring at Xiaohongben, and he couldn't take care of Tang Li next to him. The dimples looked so sweet that Tang Li stretched out his hand and poked the small depression.

"Just so happy?" Tang Li poked her little dimple, soft and waxy, and couldn't help poking it again, "Look at you smiling all the time."

When Chu Chisi married her back then, although she was always teasing her, her ears were red, but in the vast majority—just in the vast majority of cases, they were calm and self-controlled, and would not show such obvious emotions.

The little madman raised his head, and Xiao Hongben leaned on her reddish lips and rubbed it into Tang Li's arms: "Well, I'm very happy."

She put the small notebooks of the two of them in place, then held Tang Li's hand, walked across the crowd, and walked out.

The two intertwined their fingers and clasped each other tightly. She was holding her sweet dream, holding the elusive wind and light, and her heart was full of joy that was almost impossible to contain.


The sky breaks,

Sweet dreams will wake up eventually.

The wind would slip away between his fingers, and the light could not be retained after all. The little madman froze in place, watching Tang Li widen his eyes and set his eyes on another person.

"Late, Chi Si?!"

Tang Li cried out: "Why are you here?"

Chu Chisi was also taken aback, her face was pale and pale, she stared at Tang Li for two seconds, and suddenly noticed the neckband around her neck.

"W-what's the matter?"

Chu Chisi was so shocked that she couldn't speak, she subconsciously reached to the side of the backpack, trying to find something.

The little madman won't give her this chance.

She jumped up suddenly, extremely fast and extremely violent, the silver light was pulled out from her waist, the blade was shining brightly, and it pierced the man's eyes.

Chu Chisi was caught off guard, and the little madman rushed over and hit her with her backpack on the ground.

There was a muffled sound of "dong", and Chu Chisi's shoulder hurt when he hit it, "his", he took a breath of cold air, and the corners of his eyes were red.

The little madman stood on top of her condescendingly, her dark eyes were deep and terrifying, she held the knife, aimed it at her eyes, and stabbed it down without any hesitation—

"Wait-wait! Calm down!"

Tang Li moved faster, grabbed the little madman's wrist in a dangerous and dangerous way, stopped the blade abruptly, and stopped a few centimeters in front of Chu Chisi's slightly widened pupils.

"Tang Li, let me go," the little madman struggled, his voice hoarse, "I'm going to kill her!"

The little lunatic had Ling Ran's killing intent, undisguised brutality and viciousness, his eyes were gray, and he couldn't see anything but himself.

Tang Li gritted her teeth, and with a cruel heart, she suppressed the little madman's wrist and used a little strength and skill.

The little madman shuddered suddenly, the blade slipped from the palm of his hand and was thrown far away.

"Tang Li," the little madman's voice was sobbing, hoarse and fragile, "Tang Li, do you hate me?"

Tang Li's heart trembled, "I..."

In her whole life, Chu Chi thought of grievances, and her heart was trembling when she was shouted. She let go of her hand subconsciously, and was caught by the little madman and broke free.

She pushed Tang Li back.

Then, he pressed on Chu Chisi, who had not had time to get up, his long hair was messy, and he was coughing in a low voice.

The little madman's brows twitched, she smiled sweetly, but her actions were extremely arrogant, pinching Chu Chisi's neck tightly, her knuckles turning white with force.

Chu Chisi was not an opponent at all, he had no resistance, he fell on his back and was completely unable to breathe:

"Cough, cough cough—!"

The little madman smiled, his long hair swayed gently with the pressing action, the breathing between his palms gradually became thinner and weaker, and he saw that the man was about to die.

But Tang Li, her Tang Li.

Her Tang Li didn't want her to kill.

The wrist movement was stopped, and it was pulled apart in a few times. Tang Li simply hugged her tightly, suffering unbearably: "Chi Si, calm down first, don't do anything."

"Let go of me!" The little madman couldn't break free, and was pulled back by Tang Li, releasing Chu Chisi who was on the ground.

Tang Li behaved well this time, and let the other party struggle wildly, but she was unwilling to let go.

She shouted desperately: "Chi Si! You can pinch me, kill me, don't pinch yourself!"

Chu Chisi was pinched with several red marks. She stroked her neck and slowly straightened her body. Her long hair was scattered on her shoulders in a messy manner, covering the outline of her eyebrows and eyes.

She coughed lightly, raised her head, her dark eyes were heavy, and she looked at Tang Li from the gap in her long hair: "..."

The little madman was held in Tang Li's arms, but he still struggled desperately, his hair was all messed up, his eyelashes were dyed red, and he stared at Chu Chisi: "You liar!"

"You lied to me that Tang Li would go to No. 2 and asked me to wait for her there, but she didn't show up at all."

The little madman sneered: "It wasn't until I sent the red invitation letter that Tang Li came to find me in area 5."

Chu Chisi looked at her silently, her eyes were dark, and she just slowly tightened the cuff of her sweater.

The two were stalemate, the atmosphere was like a taut string, the smoke of gunpowder was about to burst, and the fire.. the smell of medicine was so strong that it almost overflowed.

Tang Li's mood was extremely desperate.

Although they were temporarily separated by Jingfan, they were both part of Chu Chisi after all. As long as Jingfan was closed, they would immediately merge.

Tang Li was really in a dilemma and miserable. She hugged the little madman and forced out a sentence: "Chi Si, you go first, leave me alone—"

As soon as the voice fell, there was a "click".

The safety device was opened, Chu Chisi stood up, the silver wire flashed, and the metal reflected the cold light, straight to the little madman's forehead.

She chuckled lightly: "Just want to kill me?"

Chu Chisi's voice was very soft, but the words were cruel, deeply embedded in his heart: "Unfortunately, even if you kill me, you won't be able to get back those memories with Tang Li."

The metal pressed against her forehead, and the little madman's eyes turned red in an instant. She clenched her teeth, fierce and aggrieved, staring at Chu Chisi speechless: "You—!"

Tang Li was completely stupid: "Huh?"

She thought that only one wife was hostile to the other, and that she would do her best to stop the one with higher combat power, but after going around, both wives were actually ruthless characters.

Even if they are temporarily separated, they are still essentially the same person. No one in this world knows each other better than them, and knows what the other person wants - because what they want is the same.

They already knew each other well.

It's like a dead game of chess and cards trapped in a mirror, no one is willing to move the pieces, and no one is willing to give up the advantage, and it will go on forever.

The deeper the metal reached, the colder Chu Chisi's voice became, floating in the air: "Let go of her, she won't do it again."

Tang Li hesitated for a moment, then slowly let go of her.

The little madman really didn't struggle anymore, but the hostility on his body did not diminish, he narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at the other self in front of him.

Chu Chisi looked cold, and the little madman was not afraid at all. The two stood face to face, as if standing on both sides of a mirror.

The two have the exact same body shape and face, and the exact same embarrassment.

"I told you before, the premise of our transaction is that you must not hurt Tang Li."

Chu Chi thought every word, his voice was chilly, trying his best to restrain his anger: "What did you do to her?"

Tang Li said weakly: "Chi Si, calm down first, it's nothing, I..."

Halfway through the words, Chu Chisi looked at Tang Li with a smile, and dropped a few cold words: "Shut up and let her speak."

Tang Li: "...???"

Chu Chisi looked calm, with a hint of coldness in his eyes, and continued to press the metal down: "You explain."

The little madman smiled, and she took a few steps back. Suddenly, as if she had tripped, she fell backwards and fell into a warm embrace.

Tang Li: "…"

I always feel like I'm being used.

The little madman tilted his head, the dimples on his cheeks were shallow, and his voice was soft and soft: "Why, are you jealous?"

Chu Chisi: "..."

Chu Chisi didn't speak, Teeth Bei bit her thin lip white, and her hand holding the metal tightened a little.

"Tang Li is mine. I can do whatever I like. I can let her wear whatever I like, and she will listen to me carefully."

The little madman smiled sweetly and blinked.

"No... No, Tang Li is a person, not your property. You must give her the respect she deserves."

Chu Chisi bit his lip and bled, and there was a tremor in the words: "You can't treat her like this."

Tang Li said weakly again: "Chi Si, actually I..."

Before she finished speaking, another person interrupted her this time. The little madman smiled and hugged Tang Li tighter.

The little madman was lying on Tang Li's shoulders and neck, his voice softly pressed into one, and he said coquettishly, "So what?"

"She is my Tang Li, my little goldfish, my canary, and my fluffy puppy."

"She belongs only to me and is my own thing."

The little madman raised his head and stroked the belt tied around Tang Li's neck. The silver chain fell between her palms, making a crunching sound.

The silver chain was clenched and pulled inward.

Tang Li was forced to lower her head and leaned over. The little madman stood on tiptoe and whispered in her ear, "Is that right, Tang Li?"

Chu Chisi was stunned.

"You... what did you say?" Chu Chisi said in a trembling voice, as if he was collapsing a little bit, "How could you say such things in front of her, you-you..."

The little madman sneered: "What are you? We are the same person, don't I know what you are thinking?"

Chu Chisi's face paled even more.

Tang Li looked at the little madman, at Chu Chisi, and at Xi Bianxi, who was sluggish for a long time in the distance, and had already started to eat melons and watch the play, and was extremely desperate.

Looking at the current, endless and terrifying situation, is it still too late for her to immediately kneel down and admit her mistake, and then cut herself in half (physically)?

Seeing that the two were at a deadlock, Tang Li, who was always interrupted by one of the wives, finally found a space where he could talk.

She hurriedly said: "Chi Si, you two are obviously the same person - put down the gun first and discuss the next move?"

Chu Chisi's face was pale, but his hand holding the gun was steady. After a long silence, he said coldly, "She is the one who broke the agreement first, and she is the one who doesn't want to discuss."

Her voice was extremely alienated, without any ups and downs: "There is nothing to talk about between the two of us."

The little madman looked at her defiantly, his long eyelashes curved and curled up, and he smiled triumphantly: "Yes, because you lost, you were crushed, and there was no chance of winning."

Chu Chisi: "..."

What transaction, area 9, debugging menu, self-cleaning system, authorized NPC, route to avoid conflicts as much as possible, densely written four-page plan—

At this moment, all was forgotten.

Chu Chisi clenched the metal in his hand, and pressed his fingertips on the trigger, his voice suddenly cold: "The deal is cancelled, let me go immediately!"

The little madman replied immediately: "No."

She blinked her long eyelashes, and her eyes suddenly flooded with water, covering her pupils with fog, tears rolling in her eyes, about to fall.

The little madman threw himself into Tang Li's arms, hugged Tang Li weakly, and cried: "Tang Li