MTL - Wild Princess: Marrying an Ugly Prince-Chapter 262 : I just want to take a trip.

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After a few days of adaptation, Bai Aoxue slowly adapted to the crutches, and it was barely possible to take a long walk.

Early Bai Ao Xue had already got out of bed. In the past few days, she had nothing to take away. She just waited for Qi and Qi Tian to pack it up and set off.

"You are coming." Bai Aoxue looked at the frost flowing into the door and smiled softly.

"Well, the clothes are ready for you, you can change it. If it is not convenient, I will let you help you." Flow cream handed a man's clothes to Bai Aoxue, slowly said.

Bai Aoxue took the clothes and shook his head. "It's okay, I won't arrive, and I need help in dressing."

It’s like a white arrogance, and it’s a slight glimpse. Yes, the woman in front of me is not someone else. It’s always strong and stubborn.

"I know, I am waiting for you outside the door. If you pack it up, you can leave." Flowing frost looked at Bai Aoxue seriously.

Bai Aoxue nodded and looked at the frosty road: "After going back, will you leave?"

Originally intended to turn around, the frost, when listening to Bai Aoxue's nonsense, the footsteps, the loose palms slightly clenched, and then loosened again, after a few times, Shen Shen said: "For the time being, I don't want to leave, I have not yet from you. Where did you learn gambling, how could I leave?"

In the discourse, although it is a bit easy, but the low voice, it does not make people feel relaxed.

"Still said... Master, you want to play, don't plan to teach me?" The tone of voice turned, and the frost turned and looked at Bai Aoxue, jokingly said.

When Bai Aoxue heard the flow of frost, his eyes were smiling and his eyes were bright.

"Do not leave the best, rest assured, I will teach you slowly in the future, let you win all over the world!" Bai Ao Xue mouth slightly raised, whispered.

When I heard the white arrogant snow, my heart seemed to be a fine stream, but it was warm and incomparable.

"It must not be what Master expects!" The frosty 眨眨 peach blossoms, said with a smile.

After that, he turned and left.

After Bai Aoxue watched the defrosting leave, he began to replace the clothes with her frost.

The people of Qilian song are also searching for her everywhere. Now she must avoid trouble as much as possible. It is best to return to inheritance in the shortest time.

If the person who was sung by the singer found her, then the singer would definitely block it. Even if she returned to the inheritance, she would be afraid of delaying the time.

And if she disguised her as a man, she would never let Qilian Song doubt it.

This can also avoid some troubles.

After all, women’s outings are also a bit of a hassle.

Just dressed clothes, Bai Aoxue looked at the bronze mirror, and looked like a young man, could not help but smile.

In this case, no one will recognize it. She is Bai Baixue who has fallen off the cliff.

Dressed up, you just packed up your good things and watched Bai Aoxue.

Seeing Bai Aoxue men's clothing, I can't help but stay for a long time. It's really beautiful. It's not like a woman's beauty, but a dignity and domineering with a few kings.

At this glance, I don’t think of Bai Aoxue as a woman.

"Ao Xue sister, you are really good! Women's time is beautiful, men's clothing is even more so!" 蒹葭 stunned.

Bai Aoxue smiled softly: "Hey, what should you call me now?"

As soon as I heard Bai Aoxue’s words, I hurriedly said, “Oh! Right! It’s my brother!”

Bai Aoxue nodded lightly: "Remember to go outside, you must not call me Ao Xue sister, do you know?"

Although I don't understand it, I also know the seriousness of the matter and nod my head seriously.

"Is everything packed?" Bai Ao Xue took a cane and slowly got up.

Nodded noddedly, and walked to Bai Aoxue to help Bai Aoxue: "I have already packed up, Master asked me to inform Ao Xue sister, can go."

Bai Aoxue nodded and said slowly: "Hey, if you want to come back later, I will personally send you back."

At this time, I don’t understand the meaning of Bai Aoxue’s words. I nodded lightly: “Ao Xue’s sister is relieved, the life here is very good, but I still want to go outside and do not humiliate Master’s reputation. Yeah!"

Bai Aoxue smiled and said no more. At this moment, the embarrassment is still small. It is a good thing to embrace dreams and ambitions. She will support it no matter what.

"Is it all packed?" The frost came in and saw Bai Aoxue and Yan talk again.

Bai Aoxue nodded and smiled. "I have already packed it up, let's go."

The frost went to Bai Aoxue and slowly squatted down: "Come up, go out of Taohualing and walk on your own, but before you get out of Taohualing, don't force yourself, rely on your apprentice."

After all, he reached out and patted his back.

Bai Aoshen sees the cream like this, smiles lightly, and there is not too much shackles, holding a cane, coming to the front of the flow of frost, on the back of the frost.

The frost will turn Bai Aoxue back, and slowly said: "You can be really thin, Master. You can eat more in the future, just like there is no weight."

Bai Aoxue gently said: "Know it! Come on."

He followed his face and smiled, holding something to take away.

When I went out, I saw Qi Tiance waiting for him. Qi Tiance saw Bai Aoxue and his party came out and said: "The Taohualing can only walk. I will take you closer. It will be faster. When I am out of Taohualing, I will hire a carriage. This is also convenient."

Bai Aoxue nodded and said: "The only way to do this is to go out of Taohualing. Will it pass the jurisdiction of Nanyue?"

Qi Tiancai thought for a while: "If you want to hurry up to inherit, you have to go through one. If you don't worry, I can take you on a long way, so that you won't pass."

Bai Aoxue heard the words of Qi Tiance and sighed slightly: "Sure enough, it can't be avoided. After that, after passing, who will stop me who will kill this time!"

The frost immediately appends, and he will never let the last thing happen again.

"We try to be as fast as possible, and we can get out of the jurisdiction of the South Moon today." Qi Tianze slowed down.

Bai Aoxue nodded and turned to look at the swearing: "Hey, if you are tired, you must say, you know?"

I nodded a little: "Ao Xue sister, don't worry about me."

And Bai Aoxue and his party finally set foot on the road back to inheritance.

Leaving Taohualing, I still have some disappointment. I took a few steps and looked back. I thought about it, no matter what happened in the future, she would come back to see it often.

"Hey, can't bear it?" Qi Tiance looked at him and asked softly.

I nodded and said: "Master, when I have not left before, I think again every day, when can I go out, when can I leave Taohualing, now I have to leave, I think again, when can I come back. I am good. Contradictions."

Qi Tiance listened to the words, and said awkwardly: "This is normal. You have lived here for so many years, and you can't bear it. But your life, you can't stop because you can't bear it, you know?"

I didn't know how to nod, but I didn't look back.

This is the place where she grew up. There are too many memories of her. She is reluctant because she is growing up. One day, she will still come back. Whether she is living for a long time or hurriedly staying, she will return here again.

The South Moon and the directly under the jurisdiction of the border crossing, at this moment is the lively, rushing business travel, leisurely walkers, and the rigorous search of officers and soldiers, all constitute the picture of life here every day.

"Boss, are you selling this carriage? If you sell it, we bought it here." A calm male voice interrupted the dream of a sleeping old man.

The old man opened his eyes with some anger, and looked at the person who disturbed his dreams, but he saw a face that fell into the country, and could not help but stay asleep.

"Do you want to buy this old carriage?" The old man asked with some uncertainty.

The man nodded and looked at the old man: "Does the boss sell this carriage?"

The old man hurriedly said: "Selling and selling... Anyway, there is no business in adulthood. If the son wants this carriage, the old man will sell it to the son."

The man handed a piece of silver to the old man: "Thank you for your boss."

After all, regardless of the old man’s stunned appearance, he turned and walked on a cane, and the little **** the side helped him slowly to the carriage.

And around, followed by two handsome and domineering men.

When the carriage drove out, the old man only came back to see a black spot.

"It's a pity that it's a pity... It's a pity that such a hungry son is actually a lame." The old man lamented.

In the words, with a bit of regret and sympathy.

The man on the carriage, that is, Bai Baixue, who walked out of Taohualing, did not know the old man’s sigh.

"If a soldier looks up, know how to say it?" Bai Aoxue looked at him and asked seriously.

The awkward eyes turned slightly and gently said: "Brother is relieved, I know what to say."

Bai Aoxue nodded lightly and knew that the singer was smart and didn't need her to mention too much.

Not long after, Qi Tiance drove the carriage and came to the gate of the city.


Sure enough, as Bai Aoxue thought, the officers and men stopped the carriage and searched.

"Several soldiers, my son has a stubborn illness, it is inconvenient to get off the bus, the army is a large number of adults, search and search can be, do not let my son off the carriage." Qi Tiance face some stiff said.

After all, several officers and men were also given a few silver coins.

The officers and men took over the silver, and after licking the weight, they laughed and said: "Your boy is quite good at the road. Since it is the son of a wealthy family, it would be nice to show up, and the few will not search."

After that, I plan to open the curtain.

"Oh, I remember this! I forgot to tell a few soldiers, my son, I don't know what disease, the whole body has a rash, I watched the panic, and there are signs of infection." Qi Tiance stood aside, cool Said.

But seeing the hand that was originally intended to open the curtain, suddenly stopped.

"How come your kid doesn't say it early, go go, roll it! Don't pass it to the Lord, you want to look good!" The man said with anger, saying that it would be like a plague, and took a few steps. R638