MTL - With the Famous Name of the Three Kingdoms-Chapter 639 Jin Renbing

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"The Tomb of the Ching Ming Festival is really a scene..."

Mastering the rules of the lottery, and since learning to use the score to point out the prizes of Qin Xiaobai, what is the lottery for him is basically not a problem, the difference is just how many points to spend. [full text reading..]

Therefore, after targeting the ground prizes to the Imperial Emperor's Mausoleum, Qin Xiaobai took it out without much effort.

After the First Emperor's Mausoleum was drawn out, of course, it was impossible to appear directly out of thin air. Otherwise, this Qingming Festival Qin Xiaobai really had to celebrate the festival...

However, the things drawn from the scrolls are different from the past and are summoning scrolls.

Instead, a golden token appeared, with the words of the First Emperor's Mausole engraved on the front and a ‘En-' on the back.

For the scroll is the token, Qin Xiaobai does not care at all, he fell into the eyes of the money, after getting the token, the first time, the two eyes glowed to see, look at the inside of the Mausoleum of the First Emperor How many gold and silver treasures...

As a result, Qin Xiaobai was disappointed to learn that there were not half of the copper plates in the Mausoleum of the First Emperor.

However, there are two functions.

The first function, casting twelve gold people.

There are twelve stone platforms on the Mausoleum of the First Emperor. It is said that after the First Emperor unified the Six Kingdoms, he collected the twelve gold people from the world and placed them on the mausoleum.

Now the gold man is lost, but he can still be recast on the stone platform.

After the successful casting, the Jin Ren will be three feet wide and five feet high. The internal self-contained public transport institution can be used for combat.

The so-called Mohist organs, wood and stone walk, bronze openings, to ask for public losses.

The hegemonic organs of the public transport family have always been strong, and during the contending period of the hundred schools, they have always been the most powerful opponents of the Mohist school.

And their first ancestor is the legendary Luban, which is also evident.

"It's a bad thing!"

When Qin Xiaobai saw this, he turned to be happy, and this was the sorrow of the lost East. Without the small money, he got such a powerful Jinren.

You must know that five feet is 15 meters, but it is as high as three or four floors.

Such a tall organ giant. Moreover, it is still a golden person who cannot get into the battlefield. Once it is put into the battlefield, the combat power is definitely the existence of crushing.

Twelve gold people are side by side, let them be pioneers. Even a strong defense line will be torn apart by a huge mouth.

It’s just the best thing to rush into the city, break through the city, kill people, fire, and travel at home...

But after watching it, Qin Xiaobai suddenly stupid.

Because these twelve gold people must be cast from gold. Every golden person needs three million two gold.

It is said that this is still a friendship price, because there are still many public transport institutions inside. If there is a physical gold man who is three feet wide and five feet high, the price has to be turned up several times...

So it seems that if you want to cast the twelve gold people all at once, Qin Xiaobai will score a minute and go bankrupt...

And these golden people will consume a lot of gold every time they use it, because the durability of the gold man must also be repaired with gold.

These twelve gold people are like the twelve most expensive Ferraris, so people can't afford them, and they can't afford to buy them. Can't afford it...

Of course, even if this is the case, Qin Xiaobai still intends to buy it. After all, Ferrari is still very capable of loading at the crucial moment.

For example, if you want to break through the indestructible fortress of the city, the fire-flying crow is a broken weapon, but it can only be used for raids. If the other party is ready to put a strong bow, or digging the air defense, it will be difficult to screw up. .

The twelve gold people can directly crush it. I believe that there is no city defense, and it can withstand the indiscriminate bombing of twelve gold people of the height of three or four floors.

There is also time to fight the dragon. There are not only pterosaurs in Europe and the United States, but also powerful ground forces.

Although the number of earth dragons is not large, they are all extremely strong, and adult dragons are more than one foot tall. It has always been a powerful warrior in Europe and America.

And if there are twelve gold people, it is estimated that there is no chance for these dragons to be fierce, and these dragons can be directly smashed.

It is estimated that somebody will vomit him to open the time, especially those international friends...

The twelve gold people are obviously very powerful, and the second function of the First Emperor's Mausoleum is even more terrifying, that is the terracotta warriors.

There are millions of terracotta warriors in the Mausoleum of the First Emperor. These terracotta warriors and horses are immortal, sleepless, not hungry and thirsty, and their combat power is equivalent to the ranks of the ten-class special forces. The summoners can open the Mausoleum of the First Emperor at any time, release them, and there is no time limit after the terracotta warriors are released.

"Wow, it's not so powerful."

Qin Xiaobai was so ecstatic when he saw this, and he was joking about the concept of a million-ten class special forces.

If the ten-class special forces use good words, they can use ten thousand, special forces can be used as a million troops.

This is not the most horrible place. The most terrible thing is that this million terracotta warriors and horses are not dead, and they are an army that does not need logistical supplies.

That is the rhythm of super-god in minutes, so that they can go straight to Europe without a problem...

However, the idea of ​​Qin Xiaobai soon shattered, because the millions of terracotta warriors and horses, although various kinds of anti-day, and did not call time limits, but there is a huge shortcoming, that is, uncontrolled.

This million terracotta warriors are in a state of melee, killing all the living objects that you see.

"It’s not a killing machine, it’s just killing the machine..."

Qin Xiaobai couldn’t help but be surprised. After such instability, the unstoppable million special forces were released, and the final result was likely to be burned.

"Unless, I can put the First Emperor's Mausoleum in someone else's home." Qin Xiaobai suddenly thought of a turn, thinking of shameless and wretched, let the emperor boss go to the troubles of others...

However, his idea was immediately after reading the function of the First Emperor's Mausoleum, he realized that it was not the original Emperor's Mausoleum that summoned the drawings, but the token.

To put it simply, it is impossible to create a Mausoleum of the First Emperor in a vacuum. It can only be activated on the basis of the original Mausoleum of the First Emperor.

The Mausoleum of the First Emperor of the Lushan Mountain, in the territory of the Eastern Han Dynasty, and the Guanzhong Division of the Eastern Han Dynasty, once the big killer is released here, it must be killing people first to kill themselves...

"It’s not my style to play with the same, but I can still use it occasionally..."

Although this big killer has a lot of pitfalls, after thinking for a moment, Qin Xiaobai finally decided to use it.

However, it is not used in the Eastern Han Dynasty, but in the Mausoleum of the Chu and Han Dynasty.

In this way, Qin Xiaobai is equivalent to a humanoid nuclear bomb, calling this big killer anytime and anywhere, to a large-scale grass without destroying the destruction of the creatures. (To be continued.)


