MTL - With the Famous Name of the Three Kingdoms-Chapter 730 Ultimate 1 battle

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The European and American countries are undoubtedly right, and Qin Xiaobai, who led the rise of the Eastern Empire, has done all kinds of investigations and studies. ?

However, people in Europe and the United States, even if they are Chinese players, do not understand how many cards are in the hands of Qin Xiaobai.

The world only knows that Qin Xiaobai can scatter beans into soldiers and summon 100,000 ten-class special forces yellow towel Lux.

However, few people know that Qin Xiaobai can also summon five million troops through the copy world of Chu and Han.

This army is the Qin army Zhili Department, which Qin Xiaobai has been leaving after he went to the copy world of Chu and Han.

It stands to reason that the five million army disappeared out of thin air, which should be a very interesting loss.

However, China’s population is full of troops, and the total number of troops is more than 200 million. The fact that five million people are missing is not very conspicuous.

What's more, in the later five major wars and the Eight-Power Allied Forces, Qin Xiaobai only occasionally summoned the special forces of Yandang and other special forces. The Qin army Zhili Department did not formally participate in the war.

Therefore, it is normal for the Zhili army, which has disappeared for so long and has disappeared for so long.

However, being ignored, it does not mean that the Qin army is very weak. On the contrary, this military department with the most special forces may be the most capable of the Qin army.

If the five million Zhili Department is invested in the battlefield of Dongchuan City, with the addition of this new force, the situation will be improved to a certain extent, but the role will not be too great.

And if you leave the five million army outside, the effect can be quite large.

Into the attack can kill the enemy, retreat to break the grain and disturb the enemy, and Dongchuan City is a corner of each other, to the country's coalition forces to insert a thorn in the back, the role of the battle is undoubtedly greater.

Therefore, Qin Xiaobai summoned the five million Zhili army all the time when he came to the city of the world.

However, because they did not understand the specific situation of Dongchuan City at that time, Qin Xiaobai did not let them expose in advance, but first let Mulan, Long and other direct military generals lead the army to lurk behind the enemy and stand by.

Huaxia is the country that opened the conditions of the world city, and rewarded the detailed map of the city of Qin Xiaobai.

The city of the world is also extremely complex in terrain. If Qin Xiaobai wants to hide an army, as long as the national coalition forces are not all over the scouts and carry out carpet-type searches, it is difficult to find them, so there is no need to worry about exposure.

At the same time, in order to add strength to the Zhili army, Qin Xiaobai also specially gave them the 12 gold people who were made by the public losers.

With such a high-end configuration of the war machine, the force of the Zhili army will rise to another level.

In this way, the secret squad that lurks behind the allied nations and has a strong combat power will become a sharp dagger.

As long as Qin Xiaobai is on time, and launching the Zhili army behind the allied coalition forces, it is entirely possible to give the allied coalition forces a heavy blow.


Then, when Qin Xiaobai came to the battlefield of Dongchuan City, he found that the allied coalition forces were really strong. It was worthy of the army of the European and American war gods. The various soldiers and horses marched in an orderly manner and did not let him discover. What are the opportunities for flaws?

However, there is no chance to create an opportunity. Qin Xiaobai’s best at this product is undoubtedly digging.

The tools that can best dig holes, of course, are counted as military strategists.

Although Qin Xiaobai came here this time, he did not bring Zhang Liang and Chen Ping’s think tanks, but the three-country era advisers in the World City Theater were also strong.

For example, Wolong, Fengchu, Qihu, ghost, poison, and Zhou Zhoulang are not vegetarian.

Coupled with Qin Xiaobai's goods, possessing the anti-day intelligence, although the offensive aspect is not too powerful, but the defense is invincible.

This makes them join forces with the countries, and the tricks of the military divisions are invincible.

It is completely impossible to regenerate a plan, and it is always possible to annihilate the group of wise men in the coalition forces of the countries.

However, I don’t know if it’s good luck, or because of the top three advisors of the Three Kingdoms, such as Wolong and Fenghuang, and only succeeded in letting all the coalition forces fall into the pit with a single plan.

Let the Allied Coalition forces mistakenly believe that Qin Xiaobai should lead the army to counterattack, so he dispatched the army of the old nest to the Dongchuan City to participate in the war.

In fact, Qin Xiaobai let Mulan, Long and other generals lead the Zhili army to four roads, and attacked the four cities of Beihuang, Xiyuan, Nanyang and Zhongmo behind the Allied Forces.

Although the city in the city of the world is very strong and sturdy, after the troops of the Allied Powers, their strength has been extremely emptiness, and even can be said to be no different from the empty city.

In addition, the Zhili army also has two powerful incomparable siege machines, the airborne flying crows, and the twelve gold people of the ground forces.

In this air and land attack, the four cities of the Northern Wilderness, the West Plains, the Nanyang, and the Middle Desert are naturally taken away by the waves in a minute.


"Is even selling cakes..."

All the European and American war gods of the Allied Powers of the United States have seen this scene all dumbfounded.

The old home was copied, although they made the chrysanthemum pain, but in fact there is nothing, at most, some loss of grain and materials.

But the real problem now is that the city of the world cannot be lost.

The Northern Wilderness, the West Plains, the Nanyang, the Middle Desert, and the Dongchuan Five Cities of the World City, once occupied by a country, belong to this country.

Just kidding, this means that they originally wanted to use the city of the world to join the coalition forces to invade China. Now they have to be killed by Huaxia, and this has gotten...

Therefore, seeing this situation, the coalition forces of the countries suddenly became chaotic, and many generals led their respective troops and rushed back.

However, these were stopped by Caesar, Peter, Hannibal, Alexander, etc., but organized a large army to attack again in Dongchuan City.

They are worthy of being the **** of war in Europe and America. Even in this confusing moment, they are also very clear-headed. It is clear that even if they return to the nearest city, it will take several days, and there is no time to rescue.

The only way to stop China now is to win the Dongchuan City.

"This is the ultimate battle, the warriors and I won Dongchuan City!"

So the gods and gods of Europe and the United States, once again organized the coalition forces of the countries, launched a strong and crazy attack on Dongchuan City.

In this last battle, the Allied Coalition Forces were completely killed. The God of Wars did not count the casualties, and they used the bodies and heads to pile up in Dongchuan City.

Dongchuan City, which was originally a solid soup, suddenly became stormy under the stormy offensive.

Under the desperate efforts of the gods and gods of Europe and the United States, even the three-dimensional attributes against the sky, Qin Xiaobai, who has always been invincible, feels a huge crisis like never before. (To be continued.)