MTL - Within Ten Meters, Fly In Situ-Chapter 53 This wave of blood is not a loss.

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Xie Tingyun taught her well, after a few days, Yunwan was finally able to freely control the "Black Widow" physique.

It's like a vacuum cleaner suddenly turned on the switch, sucking as much as you want, or not sucking if you don't want to, shrinking freely, operating at will, and no longer have to fear that a man will die on her bed.

Even the cultivation base has risen considerably.

This wave of blood is not a loss.

Xie Tingyun also recovered part of her cultivation. It is estimated that she made up too much at one time, and she would have to rest for a while before she woke up. Xie Tingyun covered the quilt, and after finishing all this, he turned around and left the illusion, and continued his martial arts trial.

Speaking of sin, when other disciples were busy with cultivation, she was immersed in drunkenness, dreams, and could not extricate herself, breaking through the first level without doing anything.

It is worthy of being a Powen woman!

Even her cultivation fits perfectly with her setting as a female cultivator of the Hehuan Sect!

Beyond the illusion is a vast and boundless world, and as far as the eye can see, it is deserted, and she has not met acquaintances for a long time, let alone people, not even a ghost.

Yun Wan wandered aimlessly in Xiaoyun Peak for two whole days, she simply took the Bigu Pill beforehand, otherwise she would starve to death now.

When they came in, the sect didn't tell them what the test questions were, and Yun Wan wouldn't naively think that just wandering around here would pass the test.

Just when she didn't know where she was going, signs of life gradually appeared in front of her eyes.

The low houses are scattered around, a few wisps of cooking smoke rise from the sky, and the unknown purple bright flowers at the foot exudes a very attractive fragrance, which penetrates into the heart and the heart, and the mind is peaceful. She is gradually intoxicated by it, unable to extricate herself. There was a very familiar figure in the distance.

That woman was dressed in moon-white attire, with her long hair brushed up, she could be her younger brother Xiang Xiang'er.

Yun Wan's eyes lit up, she woke up immediately, and ran over bouncingly: "Xiang Xiang'er!" She greeted her warmly, patted her on the shoulder, and the woman turned her head and gave her a faint smile.

Yun Wan hadn't seen anyone for a few days, and now she finally met her roommate, and was about to say a few more words happily, when she noticed that she was still supporting an old man.

The old man was thin and thin, with a sallow complexion and a scar on his chest. He couldn't stand steadily, and his thin legs were trembling uncontrollably.

Yun Wan looked at him in confusion: "This is?"

"A seriously injured old man." Xiang Xiang'er said in a thin voice, "I met you on the road, see you off."

Yun Wan raised her eyebrows and remained silent.

The three of them walked side by side. Seeing that the old man was really unable to walk, Xiang Xianger simply carried it on her back, not caring at all about the blood and mud staining her back.

Yun Wan frowned secretly when she saw it, Xiang Xiang'er was usually unruly and willful, arrogant and domineering, if she hadn't been in charge, she wouldn't even bother to carry a bucket of water, how could she suddenly become so kind-hearted, and walk away without saying anything about saving the old man?

She sensed something was wrong, but she didn't startle the snake, and continued to observe the situation.

The old man lying on Xiang Xiang'er's back was probably embarrassed, coughed twice, and said tremblingly: "It's really troublesome two little friends. I will reward you when I go to Nabao Cave."

"Nabao Cave?" Yun Wan's ears twitched, and she immediately found the key point.

"The Lord of Kunlun Peak set up a Nabao Cave in Xiaoyun Peak, and put some Lingshi jewelry. Because of the changeable terrain of Xiaoyun Peak, he gave us the door amulet and asked our family to guard it. My son went there a few days ago. I haven’t returned yet, and I’m worried, so I want to go and have a look.”

Yun Wan suddenly realized.

Nabao Cave is just under a small volcano a few miles away, and the ash smoke from the crater can be seen from a distance.

The volcanic ash choked people, and the old man was seriously injured. The smoke entered his lungs and he coughed continuously.

Finally reaching Nabao Cave, Xiang Xianger carefully put the skinny old man on the ground.

The Nabao Cave in front of me looks ordinary, even the door is decorated without any special features.

Yun Wan was full of doubts: "Do you really have money in it?"

"Yes, if you don't believe me, I'll open it for you to see." The old man was handicapped, trembling for a long time before opening the door, dragging his injured leg, and limping ahead to lead the way.

Nabao Cave is very small, with more than a dozen boxes piled up in a mess in the middle.

Thinking that it might be filled with Lingshi jewels, her eyes straightened instantly, she stared blankly, her heart was full of agitation, and she even had some thoughts that she shouldn't have.

If...all of them are taken...

Her eyes were naked, and the old man didn't know anything about it. He walked over slowly and brought one of them, bent his eyes with a smile, and opened them flamboyantly in front of Yun Wan: "Look, there are a total of 10,000 spirit stones~"

The spirit stones in the box were full.

They are all middle-level products, which are rare treasures for outer disciples.


Yun Wan's greed and anticipation all turned into disgust following the phrase "10,000 spirit stones", her eyes faded, and the demons lingering in her heart dissipated, making it difficult to give birth to any desire.

The old man didn't realize it, and continued to whisper: "The entire Nabao Cave may add up to more than 100,000. Little friend, I didn't lie to you, did I? There are really treasures in my cave, there are so many!"

Yun Wan was not moved.

Suddenly, Xiang Xiang'er, who was standing by her side, changed her nature and drew out her long sword to touch the old man's neck. With a fierce look in her eyes, she gritted her teeth and ordered to Yun Wan, "Hurry up and get the spirit stone, Wanwan! Anyway, there is no one here. After taking it, we will kill him, so the Kunlun Sect will not find out."

Yunwan's expression was indifferent, and he even wanted to laugh.

Seeing her standing there motionless, Xiang Xiang'er was puzzled: "What are you doing in a daze late at night? Take it quickly, don't you love Lingshi the most? With these, we can easily pass the trial and walk out of Xiaoyun peak."

Yun Wan took a deep breath and finally said, "How many did he say there are here?"

Xiang Xiang'er didn't understand why she asked such a question, but she still replied, "One hundred thousand."

Yun Wan curled her lips into a smile: "Then do you know how much I earn every day?"

Xiang Xianger froze, shaking her head.

Yun Wan compared the numbers: "One hundred thousand, high-grade spirit stones."

That's right, the cooperation with Baodanmen can make her a net profit of 100,000 a day, not including Jing Yu's delivery, if the two are added together, the profit of 150,000 a day is less.

She is 150,000 yuan a day, can she be tempted by this small 10,000 yuan?

Oh, a joke.

In the past, she might have been caught, but now... tsk, no.

"The seriously injured old man, right?" Yun Wan looked over, and the moment the old man nodded, she took out a dagger, the white knife went in, the red knife came out, and the stabbing was so crisp and smooth.

The old man fell to the ground in an instant, and Yun Wan set his sights on Xiang Xiang'er again.

Facing Xiang Xiang'er who was stunned, Yun Wan didn't move the knife, but raised her hand to grab the slender neck in front of her eyes, with a half-smile and a slow tone: "I smelled a strange fragrance before I came here, you say... all this is an illusion, Or a trial?"

After the words fell, the finger bones tightened forcefully, Xiang Xiang'er and the old man in front of him turned into green smoke and dissipated into the dust, even the surrounding scenes were hidden together.

She was standing in a wasteland, and even though the illusion was dispelled, the crisis still lingered beside her.

Yun Wan's ears were so sensitive that she heard a slight sound, and raised her palm to call out the teleportation talisman, but this time her luck was not as good as the previous few times, before the talisman paper was ignited, her wrist fell into a big hard and cold palm .

Every phalanx of his was exceptionally strong, holding Yun Wan was like being imprisoned by a branding iron, no matter how hard he tried he couldn't break free.

"Let go—!"

"I told you to let go, do you hear me?"

"Are you sick?!"

He was not letting go, Yun Wan scolded more and more vigorously, and wanted to drive Qi Ling out of desperation, but before Qi Ling could do it, he was interrupted by the man in the blink of an eye, and his hands were restrained behind his back at the same time.

He grasped it firmly, and Yun Wan was like an ant in comparison. The absolute suppression made her feel no fear, only anger burning in her chest.

She raised her head and stared fiercely.

The man lowered his eyes, one eye was dark and menacing, so indifferent that there was no light at all.


Yun Wan gritted her teeth and cursed out two words.

Yu Wuya completely ignored her words and eyes, raised his hand to call out the Scarlet Shadow Sword, and stood up with Yun Wan in his arms.

The divine sword soared into the sky, and the place it was headed for was the exit of Xiaoyunfeng.

Seeing this situation, Yun Wan's heart skipped a beat—

Is this **** trying to eliminate her directly? !

"Are you sick!" Yun Wan yelled, "You are engaging in malpractice for personal gain, which is against the rules! If you don't let me leave, I will report it to Your Majesty when I get back, so we both won't have a good time!"

Yun Wan wondered what happened just now.

Yu Wuya, the dog thief who dared to love, set up a trick to lure her in from the very beginning, and deliberately lured her to make a big mistake by taking advantage of her love for money, so that she could be eliminated logically and prevent her from entering the inside Door.

He is really an expert in fishing law enforcement.

If Yunwan hadn't woken up in time, or if there were more spirit stones in the phantom, then she would have been 100% right.

After thinking it over, Yun Wan became even angrier—

"Scumbag!" She was impotently furious, turned her head and spat fiercely in his face.

Yu Wuya tilted his head to the side to avoid the little spittle, it was not affected at all, his face was still cold, let alone words, he didn't even bother to look at him.

With the door to the secret realm approaching, Yun Wan's mood turned from anger to despair.

never mind.


I love it.