MTL - Wonderful Life After Exchanging Fate-Chapter 29

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On the day of Lidong, Jiang Yunzhu didn't care about thinking about new meals, so he made meat pancakes and sold them well.

At noon, they are going to sell dumplings, there are two kinds of mutton and cabbage fillings and pork and cabbage fillings. The regular customers believe in her craftsmanship, and eating dumplings today is also in celebration of the festival. Many people have ordered dumplings.

When Jiang Yunzhu returned to Changshi Village, it happened that Gu Yanzhou was coming from there.

"Ms. Jiang, I'm afraid I don't have time to teach you how to read today. The teacher asked me to meet him in the afternoon and told me to introduce some of his friends to me. I may not be able to come back until later." Gu Yanzhou said.

Jiang Yunzhu pursed her lips, her heart came to her mind. Gu Yanzhou was going to the county and would not come back until very late. Or, he didn't come back tonight. After all, the city gates in the county will be closed in the next hour. If he can't make it in time, he might stay at his teacher's house.

So in the dream he escaped the catastrophe tonight.

But I don't know if this is lucky or unfortunate for him.

It seemed that everything was consistent with the dream. After Jiang Yunzhu was nervous, she slowly relaxed. This is good. She was afraid that because she changed her fate with Jiang Yunxiu, it would affect today's affairs. Now it seems that it will not.

"Miss Jiang?" Seeing Jiang Yunzhu's serious face, Gu Yanzhou explained apologetically, "The teacher said it was some of his important friends, so I must go."

"It's okay, you can just go, we are not in a hurry to learn characters." Jiang Yunzhu smiled.

Gu Yanzhou also smiled, turned away and left.

Jiang Yunzhu looked at his back, thinking of Xu Qingshan, in his dream he also escaped the catastrophe at night, but he didn't know why.

It was almost time to apply, Xu Qingshan finished pulling a guest to Mengjia Village, and wanted to hurry to the direction of the mine. It was almost time for the miners to get off work, and he had to go back and pull his feet.

At this time, a person suddenly rushed out from a nearby house, "Come on, help!" It was a man, who stood there yelling in a panic.

"What's going on?" Xu Qingshan asked enthusiastically as he got off the donkey cart.

The man grabbed his hand and said, "My daughter-in-law, she couldn't give birth, she bleeds a lot. The midwife said her, said her..." The man burst into tears before he finished speaking.

It's dystocia, "Hurry up and send it to the town, no, send it to the county, there are good doctors in the county, maybe it can save your life." Mengjia Village belongs to Changling Town, but it is on the edge of Changling Town, and there are all mountain roads. Send it to the town, it is better to send it directly to the county seat, although it is a bit farther, but the road is flat, and the mother is afraid that she will not be able to withstand the bumps, so Xu Qingshan said so.

The man seemed to grasp at straws, and repeated, "Go to the county seat, yes, go to the county seat."

But how to get to the county seat?

"I'll take you there." Xu Qingshan said immediately. This will definitely delay his business, but he can't just ignore it.

"Thank you, thank you." The man grabbed his hand and wanted to kneel down for him.

Xu Qingshan quickly grabbed him, and together with him carefully carried the pregnant woman onto the donkey cart, and hurried to the county town.

Jiang Yunzhu naturally didn't know what happened to him, she was only staring at the western sky at the moment.

In Youshi, the miners got off work, today is Lidong, and the family eats dumplings. Thinking of the family sitting together eating dumplings, everyone had a smile on their faces, wishing they could fly back home immediately.

It gets dark early in winter, and the surroundings are already dark at this time.

The last batch of miners were about to leave, at this moment, someone suddenly pointed to the west and said, "What is that?"

Everyone looked in the direction the man was pointing at, only to see a fireball descending from mid-air and landing on a mountain peak.

"It's Xifeng Mountain." Someone who knew said that the peak was Xifeng Mountain.

Everyone was attracted by this vision.

At this time, people outside Changshi Village also saw the fireball, and immediately shouted to the people inside, "Come out and look, there is a fireball over there."

After hearing this, the people in the room put down their things and came out to watch.

Nothing, no, another fireball landed from mid-air.

"What's going on?" Fireballs fell from the sky, is this a catastrophe approaching? For those who are timid, immediately pray to God for blessing.

The bold one also murmured in his heart, nothing will happen.

Everyone gathered together unconsciously, discussing in low voices while looking west.

"Village chief, what's going on?" Someone quietly asked Gu Yongde.

Where did Gu Yongde know, he just frowned and said nothing.

"Would you like to go and see, there seems to be a temple on Xifeng Mountain, and there are still people living in it." Someone said again.

Everyone, look at me, I look at you, go, or not?

At this moment, three more big fireballs fell, and then in the bright light, a five-foot-tall red-clothed goddess suddenly appeared, fluttering as if she was stepping on auspicious clouds, towering like a vast expanse of stars.

Everyone was stunned. Although the scene just appeared for a moment, it seemed real and unreal, but they did see it, Goddess, a manifestation!

"It's Empress Tiannu, everyone, hurry up and pay respects to Empress Tiannu!" A clear and clear child's voice came out, and after that, everyone ran towards Xifeng Mountain.

Wang Bin in the mine naturally also saw this scene, and immediately frowned, but he didn't know whether it was a blessing or a curse.

No, he suddenly remembered, the villagers are all going to Xifeng Mountain, what about his plan?

Fearing that the Qilin Guard would find out, the people he selected had already gone down the mountain two days ago disguised as miners. At this time, they should be in Qinglongao, sixty miles away, and they will start when the time comes.

what to do? Changed the plan, but after tonight, he didn't know if he would have another chance to fight again in the future.

But if you don't change it, the bait is gone, how can you kill Qilinwei's people?

He fell on the chair, God will kill him!

Yang Sheng and Shen Fengming also saw the scene just now. Yang Sheng has been paying attention to Jiang Yunzhu these days, knowing that she goes to the Tiannv Niangniang Temple every day, and seems to help the temple regain incense.

Seeing this vision at this time, he immediately guessed that it was Jiang Yunzhu's work, and clapped his hands immediately, "Wonderful, I said she was so clever that she was able to do this, forget about the fireball, how did the goddess respond?" Something? I must ask her another day, and I will play with it too."

Surprise also flashed in Shen Fengming's eyes, and then he asked, "Does anyone know that this vision is caused by her?"

"It should be just a few people from our Qilin Guard, what?" Yang Sheng asked.

"Tell those few people that no one is allowed to say a word about this matter to outsiders. You too." Shen Fengming looked at Yang Sheng and said.

"Why..." Yang Sheng wanted to ask why, but suddenly understood Shen Fengming's worry, a tree is as beautiful as a forest, but the wind will destroy it. Moreover, doing so is more or less suspected of bewitching people's hearts, and it will be bad if someone with a heart catches him.

Although, no one should pay attention to an ordinary person.

"Don't worry, none of our Qilin Guards will say a word." After Yang Sheng finished speaking, he looked Shen Fengming up and down, with a teasing expression on his face. He was so considerate of others, wasn't he?

Shen Fengming looked at him coldly.

Yang Sheng coughed, what should he do?

Qinglongao, sixty miles away, Zhu Liang took people to hide here. It is too far away from Xifeng Mountain, and this is a mountain depression, and the surrounding mountains block the view. Zhu Liang and others did not see the abnormality in the west.

At Xushi, Zhu Liang gritted his teeth, got on his horse, and led his men straight to Changshi Village.

There were five or six hundred of them, and they were all dressed as bandits, wearing all kinds of variegated clothes, with turbans wrapped around their faces, and holding big knives in their hands.

There were so many people passing by on horseback, and there was a lot of noise. Some villagers in the middle heard the noise outside, opened the door to look out, and closed the door immediately in fright. Mother, bandits, so many bandits!

Thirty miles away from Changshi Village, the secret whistle of the Qilin Guard spotted them and immediately blew a short and three long warning whistle.

Not long after, Yang Sheng got the news, and hurried to tell Shen Fengming, "A group of bandits, about five or six hundred people, are riding towards us with knives on horseback."

"Bandits?" Shen Fengming's voice was hoarse. Is there such a well-equipped bandit in Wuling County?

"What should we do?" Yang Sheng asked, not in a hurry, the people in the main village had all gone to Xifeng Mountain, and they were the Qilin Guards left, not to mention the bandits, they wouldn't be afraid if there were twice as many.

Shen Fengming walked forward quickly, stood on the hill and looked down.

At this time, Zhu Liang and the others were only twenty miles away from here. According to their traveling route, it was easy to judge that they were heading for Changshi Village.

His phoenix eyes immediately became extremely cold.

"Could it be that they are going to attack Changshi Village?" Yang Sheng stood beside him and asked in surprise. Changshi Village is just an ordinary village, is it worth it? Still... He thought a lot, for example, if they really wanted to attack the people of Changshi Village, what would they do?

Surely you can't just watch the villagers being killed, go down and save them, how much can you save?

Protecting people is much more difficult than killing people, especially when protecting unarmed people.

Moreover, this group of people came at a strange time. Do they have any backup? If so...Yang Sheng has experienced many lives and deaths, so he couldn't help but feel a little nervous at this moment. Fortunately, the people of Changshi Village have all gone to Xifeng Mountain, otherwise they would be absolutely passive tonight.

What he could think of, Shen Fengming had already thought of it, and even thought of more.

Shen Fengming took out a token from his waist and handed it to Yang Sheng, "Go to Hushan camp and call the defenders there."

"Yes!" Speaking of official business, Yang Sheng was Shen Fengming's subordinate, he immediately handed over his hand, took the token solemnly, got on his horse, and headed for the Hushan camp stationed in Luzhou.

Shen Fengming looked into the distance, and pulled out a knife from his waist with a trembling hand.

The knife was shining brightly and coldly, beeping slightly under the moonlight, as if it couldn't wait to kill and drink blood.

At this time, Zhu Liang stopped, and the person sent by Wang Bin to deliver the letter arrived.

"There is a vision in the sky, and the people of Changshi Village have all gone to Xifeng Mountain?" Zhu Liang thought to himself, what a coincidence. He didn't suspect that someone was in the way, but immediately thought that God had opened his eyes, and it seemed that he couldn't bear to see innocent people being killed, so there was this vision.

He didn't quite agree with tonight's actions, but now that something like this happened, he immediately thought of retreating.

"General Wang said, keep going. If you meet someone from Qilinwei, he will arrive after a while. If you don't meet him, leave as soon as possible." This was Wang Bin's final decision.

After hearing this, Zhu Liang cursed inwardly, those common people were originally bait and his umbrella, but now they are not here, if he met someone from Qilinwei, wouldn't he be delivering food?

General Wang has come, what's the use of coming, he is now a bandit, no matter who he is, he can be killed.

Is Wang Bin using him as bait?

He doesn't do it. This is clearly not possible today.

"Go, go back." He turned the horse's head and said.

The sender was stunned for a moment, "Aren't you going to move on?"

Ass fart forward, Zhu Liang ignored him and took him away.

Changshi Village was quiet, but Xifeng Mountain was very lively at the moment. Everyone knelt down in front of the goddess statue and prayed sincerely, and then asked the old monk what happened to the goddess.

The old monk also had a pious and surprised expression, saying that he didn't know why the goddess suddenly appeared.

Everyone gathered together and chatted, and finally saw that the temple was too dilapidated, and discussed how to pay for the repair of the temple together, and the goddess might bless them.

Too many people is chaos, this chaos, originally simple things are dragged on for a long time. It wasn't until the time of Haishi that everyone remembered, by the way, they haven't eaten dumplings yet, and they are very hungry today in Lidong.

It's getting late, let's go back quickly.

Everyone went down the mountain in twos and threes, talking and laughing.

But the next day when they heard something, they couldn't laugh anymore.

Last night, just last night, hundreds of bandits came towards them.

Bandits, bandits who kill without batting an eyelid, Wuling County hasn't had any trouble with bandits in decades, but when it comes to the ferocity of bandits, everyone is still terrified.

Fortunately, they went to Xifeng Mountain yesterday, otherwise those bandits would definitely not retreat easily, if they were caught by them... I dare not think about it.

Suddenly, they wondered whether the Heavenly Maiden knew there would be bandits, so she appeared to lead them there.

The more I think about it, the more I feel so.

If last night they worshiped Goddess Tiannu on a whim, at this moment they are full of gratitude and awe to Goddess Heaven.

Praying to the Goddess of Heaven, it really can ward off disasters and eliminate disasters, illnesses and disasters.

Yesterday, we discussed about repairing the temple, but after a long time of discussion, there was no result. Today, we must come up with a charter, and we must hurry, otherwise, how can we be worthy of the life-saving grace of the goddess of heaven.

With this kind of mood, this matter will be easy to handle.

Soon, the village heads of several nearby villages discussed who would pay how much and who would do what, and then went up the mountain together to talk to the old monk.

After hearing what they said, the old monk realized that there were bandits last night. He was surprised and worried. The villagers thought that it was the goddess of heaven who rescued them, but he knew that he and Jiang Yunzhu made the fireball and the phantom, what about the bandits?

He hastily negotiated with several village chiefs about repairing the temple, and he went to Changshi Village in person. First, he thanked Jiang Yunzhu and returned the medical fees and medicines she had paid to Yayoi in advance. The bandit thing last night.

Jiang Yunzhu looked surprised, "Could it be that the goddess of heaven really appeared?" She would definitely not admit that she knew in advance that the bandits were coming.

When the old monk saw her like this, he suddenly realized, could it be that everything is really a manifestation of the goddess of heaven? She deliberately asked them to do that thing last night, so as to save the people from the fire?

That's the only way it seems to make sense.

The old monk put his palms together and chanted "Amitabha". He became more devout to the goddess of heaven and more grateful to Jiang Yunzhu.

"Master, God knows all about this matter." Jiang Yunzhu said to the old monk worriedly.

"I know." The old monk replied. If this matter is told, although the result is good, the appearance of the heavenly lady is false, and it will still chill the hearts of the people.

"Don't worry, the benefactor, apart from repairing the temple and worshiping the goddess, if there is any extra money, I will give it to the common people." The old monk said.

Jiang Yunzhu nodded, that's good, the apparitions are fake after all, and the more good deeds are done in the temple, the longer the incense in the temple can be.

Sending off the old monk, I saw a large group of people coming up the official road from the north. It seems that they came to the Wuling Mine.

Jiang Yunzhu turned around and closed the door, it seemed that everything was coming to an end.

The author has something to say:

The next day will be a clip, the update time for these three days is uncertain, and it will be updated every night at 6 o'clock next Wednesday, thank you for your support