MTL - World Defying Dan God-Chapter 5216 first generation of the earth

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The space on the first floor of Tiangu Purgatory completely collapsed in just a few moments, and now Chen Xiang could only dodge left and right, avoiding the energy waves erupting from various space collapses, and avoid being hit.

"It's too scary!" Sister Xiaojing said, "Brother, we have nowhere to escape now!"

Chen Xiang looked at the stars in the distance, and said: "I don't know if the stars will be affected?"

He hurriedly flew to the star closest to him, and after getting close, he found that the star was spinning rapidly, and there were also strong spatial fluctuations around it, which were shaking away all kinds of energy waves that came over.

Chen Xiang originally planned to hide in this star, but found that there was no way to get in. He wanted to jump in, but was blocked by the power released by the star.

In desperation, sister Xiaojing could only take him to space jump to another star.

The space is shattered everywhere, a large amount of energy waves are impacting, and the star that Chen Xiang went to either has no defense ability and is torn apart by the space wave, or the defense is too strong, even he cannot enter.

Although Chen Xiang could avoid those space wave impacts, he could also resist them, but this was too tiring, and he had to be tense all the time, the best way was to find a star to hide in.

He searched for several days in the void of the collapsing ancient purgatory, went to thousands of stars, and finally found a star that he could enter, and this star could also withstand various space energy shock waves.

After Chen Xiang hid in, the movement outside became louder and louder, and the energy released by that star became stronger and stronger, otherwise the star would also be shattered.

"Before, it was only the second floor of Tiangu Purgatory that collapsed, but now it should be the third floor." Sister Xiaojing said.

The third layer of space was also merged into the first layer, and the movement was also very loud. Chen Xiang was worried because he was worried that this little star would not be able to withstand it.

"The whole process should last for a long time!" Chen Xiang said: "For the earth to appear in the ancient purgatory, it has to absorb a lot of energy. The eighteenth floor of the ancient purgatory alone should not be enough."

"Let's wait patiently. Let's start cultivating when the outside calms down." Sister Xiaojing said, "Brother, you need to become stronger and cultivate more fate, because after the ancient purgatory appeared on the earth, everyone Don't know what will happen."

"Yes! What is certain is that even if there are many people and many creatures, since the ancient purgatory is too big, there won't be any competition, right?"

Just one flame domain is very vast, and there will be land in the nine domains of Tiangu Purgatory. If you want to cross domains, you don't know what monkey year you will go.

"What is certain is that there will be no way to use the space jump for a short time." Xiaojing sister said: "The formation of the ancient purgatory and the earth, the laws of time and space, will definitely undergo earth-shaking changes, and we will not be able to grasp it in a short time."

Chen Xiang hid inside the stars, and waited for several months, the outside finally calmed down, and the eighteen floors of Tiangu Purgatory were completely merged together.

Although the outside is said to be calm, it's just that there is no shock wave of the space collapse like before, and there are still all kinds of violent energy sweeping outside.

Chen Xiang also tried to go out before, and found that the energy was so terrifying that even he couldn't resist it.

The entire flame domain has been shrouded in a thick light mist, like the light domain, full of very strong creative power.

Chen Xiang can only continue to stay inside the star and start to cultivate. Although the energy outside is very violent, this star can absorb it.

Xingchen is also absorbing the creation force to cultivate, Chen Xiang can naturally obtain energy to cultivate in the interior of Xingchen.

"I don't know what will happen to these stars after the earth appears?" Chen Xiang is very curious about this, will the stars continue to float in the sky by then?

Sister Xiaojing said: "No matter what, these stars seem to be eternal. They are so powerful that they will definitely survive."

The stars are getting stronger and stronger, especially in the era of star change, when the stars change, it can be said that most of the energy in the ancient purgatory has been crazily gathered.

"I'd better practice! I hope I can pass quickly!"

Chen Xiang began to fall into a long-term cultivation state. If the earth appeared, he would suffer a great loss because he did not have enough strength.

In the blink of an eye, ten thousand years have passed!

Chen Xiang was still cultivating, and his cultivation had undergone great changes. He hid in the inner space of a star, and he could feel the movement outside through the star, so he didn't go out either.

"Brother, your destiny is all fused, and I don't know if this is the right path!" Sister Xiaojing said.

"It can only be fused first, it can gather the energy of fate!" Chen Xiang closed his eyes, feeling his own fate.

The fate he cultivated before is now all fused by him, and he calls it the six fates.

Six Paths of Fate looks like the mirror of Six Paths, in the depths of his soul, it can provide him with a lot of energy.

His previous fates were many, and they were too scattered. Although they all had their own characteristics, they were all integrated now, and their characteristics had to be preserved.

For example, if you want to use the energy of a certain fate before, you can gather all the power of fate to mobilize it, which is faster and better than before.

"Sister Jing, ten thousand years have passed, what's the situation outside now?" Chen Xiang asked, he couldn't see the outside now, but sister Xiao Jing could.

"The earth has not yet formed, and all kinds of chaotic energies are only now beginning to settle!" Sister Xiaojing said: "However, I feel that if the earth appears, it should appear in an instant."

"Why did it appear in an instant? Didn't it form slowly?" Chen Xiang asked.

"I feel that a lot of energy is gathering in a certain place! It should be that Tiangu Purgatory uses the power of time to condense energy in a certain place, and then releases the energy in an instant to build the earth. Now Tiangu Purgatory is just floating with various creation forces " Sister Xiaojing said: "Wait a little longer, it feels like it's coming soon!"

Chen Xiang has cultivated for ten thousand years in the blink of an eye, so he is not in a hurry now, anyway, what should come will come sooner or later.

As Xiaojing's sister expected, there was a lot of energy deposited in Tiangu Purgatory. Suddenly, the energy surged and then began to solidify. I don't know where to send so much energy. After solidifying the creation force, it gradually formed. earth.

Sister Xiaojing exclaimed: "Brother, the star we are on has moved upwards, maybe... is it going to fly higher?"

If the stars do not fly upward, they may be buried.

The star where Chen Xiang is located has a very fast reaction speed, and can fly upwards in a short period of time, avoiding being sucked by the sudden appearance of the earth.