MTL - World Destroying Demonic Emperor-Chapter 5 Wang Cheng, I am coming.

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After looking at the body of Sauron's skinned skin, Lan Ling shuddered and said: "What about the skin of the original body?"

"It was stripped off, so you became him. There is no evidence of complete death. I must change my face without any flaws." Mysterious Warlock.

Lan Ling breathed a sigh of relief, as long as this face is not made with Sauron's face.

He lay up, and the warlock gently picked up the mysterious crystal mask and gently placed it on Lan Ling's face.

Then he felt a itch because the mask was flowing and infiltrating.

Yes, it completely penetrated into the face of Lanling. Because it is mobile, it changes the face of Lanling little by little. This mysterious mask is really alive.

The nose is a little higher, the contours of the lips are more delicate, the corners of the eyes are even more picking, the eyebrows are more handsome, and the eyelids are more full of teasing charm.

The flow of the phantom mask persisted for a quarter of an hour, even longer, so that Lan Ling was so fascinated that it seemed to fall asleep.

In the end everything stopped, Lan Ling had no feeling on his face. He couldn't help but reach out and touch his face. In addition to feeling that the skin became delicate, there was no diaphragm feeling at all. The touch was still very clear and sharp, and even every beard was still there. It was like no mask, as if It is your own face.

He even has some doubts, is it a failure? How can you not feel the presence of a mask?

But when I saw the shocked expression of the sisters of the night, I knew that the change of appearance had been successful.

The warlock placed a mirror in his hand in front of Lan Ling.

This mirror is made of crystal, almost catching up with the mirror of the earth.

When I saw myself in the mirror, Lan Ling was shocked.


Lan Ling found that she completely changed her appearance, although she was still similar to her own. Now this face, handsome and three-pointed, completely the same as Sauron, no flaws, and even this temperament is not bad.

On a simple face, no one can find a flaw.

This is really mysterious, and it can be exactly the same. Although the price of this warlock is very high, she is really a godsend.

Lanling Road: "What if I want to change my face back in a few years?"

Warlock Road: "I still come to me, or a thousand gold coins. But once this phantom mask is removed, it will be completely destroyed and cannot be restored."

Then the warlock pointed to the night horror: "This gimmick stays, let's go."

The night was scared and the red circle said: "I, I am going to send my sister and him, can I?"

The warlock nodded.


Night horror holding my sister, not moving for a long time, although not crying, but always sobbing. The night was not crying, but the eyes were red.

The two men did not say anything. They are twins and have a spiritual connection. Therefore, the words of farewell and entrustment do not need to be said at all.

After releasing the night feathers, the night horror clung to Lanling, saying: "Lanling, you are our little master in the future, should you revitalize the Soo family? Do you want to protect the lady, okay?"

Lanling's eyes are red. If it is not this pure and kind girl, she has long been killed by the night, and she is her own savior. Moreover, in order to revitalize the Soo family, she promised to stay in this terrible manor for three years, she never left her sister.

Suddenly, Lan Ling felt a heavy sense of responsibility.

"Three years later, I will pick you up." Lan Ling whispered.

"A word is fixed." The night was shocking, and a small hand was extended.

"A word is fixed." Lan Ling and her little finger pulled a hook.

"Well, let's go, Miss must wait." The night was shocking, then she turned and walked into the castle, and it was running.

In this way, the martial arts are strong, but the innocent and timid night horror stays in this castle, accompanying the strange and mysterious mysterious warlock.


With an incomparable sadness, the night horror and Lan Ling left the manor of the mysterious warlock.

Sauron’s body could not be brought back, because it was completely destroyed and the skin of the whole body was peeled off. On the road, it will be spoiled, so burn it and bring the ashes back.

Night horror put Soren's body on a flat slate, then took out a bottle of red liquid and poured it on the body, then handed the torch to Lanling Road: "Now you are the master, you are the only family. Man, you come."

Lan Ling took a glimpse of the torch and suddenly felt heavy. It was not that the torch was heavy, but the words of the night were heavy.

Looking at the body of Sauron on the slate, Lan Ling whispered: "I don't know if I can do it well, but I will do my best."

Then he lit the body of Sauron.

"Boom..." In an instant, the blue flame rushed up. Under the help of mysterious liquids, Sauron’s corpse was swallowed by flames and burned.

After burning for less than a quarter of an hour, the flames went out, and Sauron’s body was completely ruined, leaving only a layer of burnt ashes.

Night horror feathers carefully sweep all the ashes above and put them in a box.

"Let's go back to the Earl of Wangcheng." The night was finally glanced at the direction of the Warlock Manor, taking a deep breath and then jumping on the horse.

Lanling got on the carriage, riding a horse at night, controlling the carriage, and heading northwest, heading for Wangcheng, the capital of the Wrath Kingdom!


On the fifth day after leaving the Warlock Manor, the carriage entered the city of the Wrath Kingdom.

Seeing these cities through the window, Lan Ling clearly felt a word, that is, the combination of Chinese and Western. There are both ancient and Eastern styles of carved jade, pavilions, and western castles, battlefields, sculptures, etc. These cities are very prosperous, and the closer they are to Wangcheng, the more prosperous they are.

On the tenth day, a gorgeous and huge city stood in front of Lanling, and the king city of the Wrath Country arrived.

The Kingdom of the Wrath, the southern hegemon of the Middle-earth, is thousands of miles across the territory, with a population of more than 30 million.

The capital city of Wangcheng, also known as the capital, has a population of one million. It is not only the first city of the Wrath Kingdom, but also one of the world's five famous cities.

The walls of the capital city are six or seventy miles away, standing in front of it, completely shocked by its majestic magnificence.

Whether it is on the wall or under the wall, there are sergeants wearing bright armor everywhere.

Even Lan Ling is still in the sky, seeing dozens of shadows.

At a closer look, it turned out to be a samurai riding a lion and beast, patrolling the sky. This world is even the same as the Beast Air Force.

The three gates that were open in the front were big enough, but there were still countless crowds waiting in front of the door to enter the city. Moreover, Lanling found that all kinds of people have, most of them are yellow, and a small number of white people, brown people and so on.

After the night horror showed a jade card, the horse went straight into the city from the middle gate, and did not even have any communication with the officer. This is the privilege of the nobility.

After entering the city, a huge city and crowds came to the surface.

"Wangcheng, I am coming!" Lanling could not help but whisper.

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