MTL - World of Immortality-Chapter 38 burst street

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"Xiao Ye!"

The miserable howls resounded outside the door, and Liu Ye's mother lost her mind and was about to rush into the courtyard after struggling.

"Don't go, it's dangerous!"

"go back!"

The members of the AI ​​inspection team guarding the door reached out and pulled Liu Ye's parents back.

In the courtyard, the inspectors who had been surrounding Zhang Yunxi had already dispersed. They were shooting at Zhang Yunxi with their weapons in their hands, but the beam weapons and hot weapons in their hands could not restrict his movements at all!

"Bang bang bang...!"

Zhang Yunxi pressed Liu Ye on the ground with one hand, and kept waving his right fist. He vented out his recent depression, anger, helplessness and other negative emotions!

Liu Ye's head was smashed, and there was not a single organ in his upper body intact!

Zhang Yunxi stood up, kicked Liu Ye's broken body away, and slowly stood up straight.

"Shoot, shoot him!"



Li Dongming and the leaders who had just arrived from the Metropolitan Police Department all retreated at this moment, yelling and giving orders.

Regardless of whether Zhang Yunxi was the victim or not, he was showing extreme danger and aggression at this moment. It was impossible for the Metropolitan Police Department to watch him continue to hurt people!

The order to fire was issued, and the drones and aircraft in the sky all moved closer at this moment, and lowered their altitude immediately to fire!

"Kill him! Kill him! Pay for my son's life!" Liu Ye's mother pointed at Zhang Yunxi like crazy and shouted.

Liu Zonghui's eyes were extremely sinister, and he cursed at the members of the inspection department with a trembling voice: "What are you doing for food?! You bastards! Taxpayers pay so much money every year! Do you just watch him die at the hands of murderers? ?”

After Zhang Yunxi stood up straight, he rushed to the main entrance immediately. His running speed was already comparable to that of an ordinary family car, and the impact force of his whole body was completely beyond human worries!

"Your child is young, but someone else's child is a wild species if he rides a horse?" Zhang Yunxi roared angrily, and rushed towards the iron gate like a bull: "You beasts are worthy of talking and paying for your life!" ?!"

At this moment, Zhang Yunxi didn't think about anything anymore. He was a student of biology, so he could clearly perceive the changes in his body.

Before today, Zhang Yunxi had never seen a situation similar to his own in any information. The genes mutated rapidly, the body swelled, the cells were so active that the flesh and blood body could not bear it, and a series of enhancements beyond the limits of human beings... These The factors are all indicating that Zhang Yunxi, your body is overdrawn!

It's like a tire is constantly being inflated with gas, and sooner or later it will exceed that critical point and eventually burst!

Zhang Yunxi felt that he would definitely die, and no one in this world could save him. Perhaps in the future, there will be talents in the field of biological sciences who can find a solution, but he can't wait for that day!

die? can die! But can you die in vain?

Zhang Yunxi is thinking about problems with his ass, and he can understand that a student like Liu Ye who is about 20 years old will definitely not be the ultimate mastermind behind the scenes, and the behavior of Liu's father just now, as well as the eye contact between him and his son, all show this. The relationship between the two is a father-son relationship, but also a friend relationship!

But Liu's father did not directly participate in the crime, nor did he kill anyone. Judging from the current situation, he may not be prosecuted in the end!


Why did you do so many things and still get away with it in the end?

I'm going to die anyway, why not do justice for the heavens!

"Boom, boom!"

The thick iron gate of the compound was like cotton candy in front of Zhang Yunxi. He kept running at high speed, and by virtue of his body inertia, the iron gate was instantly deformed and damaged!

Zhang Yunxi flew out and went straight to Liu Zonghui!

"Stop him!" Li Dongming's mentality exploded. He had a premonition that after tonight, his position as Inspector General would definitely be lost, and he would most likely be dismissed.

Six or seven officers from the police department held guns and stopped in front of Liu Zonghui to shoot. The dense rain of bullets and the light beam hitting Zhang Yunxi could cause a certain amount of damage to his body, but they could not restrict his movements!

"Boom, boom!"

"Crack! Crack!"


As soon as Zhang Yunxi walked by, he instantly eliminated the four inspectors, knocked them down or knocked them into the air, but did not kill them!

"Go with your son!"

Zhang Yunxi pushed his feet hard, his body rose into the air, and he punched Liu Zonghui.

At this moment, Liu Zonghui's expression was dull. The cursing just now, the resentment in his heart, and the sadness and pain over his son's death all disappeared, and what was left was only fear!


Zhang Yunxi soared into the air, Liu Zonghui's crotch was wet, and urine stains flowed down his thighs and trousers!

At this moment, a blue beam of light flashed in the sky, and Zhang Yunxi, who was flying in mid-air, felt his eyes stinging from being shaken!


With the help of the electronic locking function, the beam sniper cannon hit Zhang Yunxi with one shot.

The gray cuticle was penetrated, Zhang Yunxi's shoulders were bleeding, and his body fell back on the ground!

So far, only the high-power beam sniper cannon can effectively injure Zhang Yunxi, and other weapons with weaker kinetic energy can't exert any advantage or effect at all!


Zhang Yunxi fell in the air and fell on his back to the ground!

"Lock him, lock him!"

Li Dongming waved his hands and shouted.

More than a dozen aircraft came from low altitude at high speed, and the inspector controlled the direction, aimed at Zhang Yunxi, and decisively pressed the launch button!

"Bang bang bang...!"

More than 20 alloy chains shot out from the weapon bay under the aircraft, with sharp metal spearheads inserted into the head, and shot at Zhang Yunxi on the ground!

This zip line weapon was originally used to commit crimes against AI people, because the opponent is a mechanical body, which does not know pain at all, and even if the whole body is damaged, before the kinetic energy system and control system are completely burned, the weapons loaded on their bodies will not be destroyed. Maybe all can be used! Therefore, it is a good choice to use alloy chains to restrict the opponent's behavior!

"Pfft, puff...!"

More than 20 chains shot over, and six sets of metal spearheads pierced Zhang Yunxi's body, including the two legs, two arms, and the position near the spine on the back!

"It's over!" Wei Wu looked at what happened to Zhang Yunxi from a safe place, feeling inexplicably sad in his heart: "This... this is definitely not going to survive!"


Zhang Yunxi wailed in pain and got up, his body was pulled by six metal chains in a large font shape, and he was about to be dragged into the air!

"Wrap him and control him!" the thin Inspector shouted.

"I don't want to do evil by riding a horse! But I will definitely take him away today!" Zhang Yunxi roared angrily, and pulled him forward with all his strength.


The six aircraft in the sky lost control instantly after being pulled, shaking and flying!


Zhang Yunxi pulled the six aircraft by force, bought a few steps forward to charge up, and UU Reading finally ran!

Liu's aircraft was dragged and began to slide, and the alarm system made the inspectors in the cockpit completely lose their sense of security!

"You have to die!"

After running for more than ten meters, Zhang Yunxi suddenly raised his leg and kicked a police flying car on the side of the road!


The motorcycle-sized police flying car was kicked into the air like a cannonball!

After gliding for more than ten meters, the flying car landed on Liu Zonghui who was running!

The self-weight of the car combined with the inertial force of the flight is like a truck loaded with several tons, driving at full speed, hitting an innocent pedestrian on the road!

"Boom, boom!"

With a muffled sound, Liu Zonghui took off on the spot, and after floating three or four meters in mid-air, he hit the wall on the side of the road.

Half of Liu Zonghui's head was smashed by the flying car, and his chest and arms were shattered visible to the naked eye!

Mother Liu was completely stunned, staring blankly at her husband, and sat down on the ground with a thud.


Taking advantage of Zhang Yunxi's hard work on Liu Zonghui, three unmanned aerial vehicles that had just lifted off sneaked behind him and shot out more than a dozen sets of auto-injectors containing diazepam.

Zhang Yunxi's back was full of tubes, and the moment the auto-injector pushed the tranquilizer into his body, his brain began to dizzy and his limbs became weak.

In the darkness, Zhang Yunxi stood on a messy street, staring at Liu Zonghui with both eyes: "...Damn...Gan it cool?"


After the words fell, Zhang Yunxi fell straight on the ground.

"Lock him, lock him!"

Shouts resounded all around! ?

The first release of this book comes from 17K Novel Network, so you can read the genuine content for the first time! Author's Note: Recommendation tickets are on the rise! Go on! Bros!