MTL - Worldly Stunning Blade-Chapter 14 Mercenary union

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When I confirmed that Ling Feng did not have a mercenary card, the owner of the store could only say that he must not have so much cash. Only a single account can pay such a large transaction.

In the good question of Ling Feng, the owner of the store explained to Ling Feng what is called a mercenary card with an incredible look. To put it bluntly, it is similar to a bank card on the earth. However, the Taikoo continent does not have such advanced electronic equipment, it uses magic, and the security measures are much stronger than the bank card, and it is convenient to use. Because the material of the mercenary card itself has magical properties, even the swordsman can operate. Individuals and individuals can transfer accounts directly.

At first, it was because of the mercenary profession that people carrying too much cash were too heavy to say, and they were very unsafe, and their tasks were mostly linked to money, and they flowed between countries on the mainland. For example, in the town of Shami, an **** mission was received, and it was only after arriving at the destination that they could get paid at the local mercenary union. The mercenary trade unions in the mainland uniformly issued mercenary cards to mercenaries for the convenience of payment. As a result, they were popular on the mainland because of their simplicity and effectiveness, and were accepted by most people. Even now, as long as it is a large amount of transactions, this simple transfer method is adopted.

Moreover, the mercenary card can withdraw cash in any mercenary union, because all cities in the whole continent have mercenary unions, which is one of the reasons why mercenary cards can be widely popular.

After all, whoever buys things is willing to take a sack of gold coins to the streets.

As for most of the poor, it is still accustomed to trading in cash. At least, the cost of the mercenary card will be several gold coins, not what they can afford.

After Ling Feng knew this, he was very embarrassed about his situation. Of course, the owner of the store was already old-fashioned. Naturally, he would not stimulate the wind at this time, but told him that he was at the mercenary union next to the 'Miaoyuan' **** shop. You can apply for a mercenary card. So, under the leadership of the owner of the store, Ling Feng entered the mercenary union for the first time.

Although this time, the sky has already darkened, the pedestrians on the street have become sparse, but the door of the mercenary union is obviously not affected by the dark. No matter where in a city, no matter when, the mercenary union is always full of excitement. To describe it in a simple sentence, it is open all day.

The main entrance of the union is made up of huge stones that look gloomy and solemn. There are a lot of huge magic spar on both sides, which makes a dazzling light. Ling Feng knows that magic spar is a kind of stone that can store magical power. It can emit dazzling light at night, and people on the mainland often use it to illuminate it. However, although the magic spar is not precious, it is not affordable for the average family, and the huge magic spar is generally only used by the nobility.

Now the mercenary unions are lighting them at the door, showing the wealth of the mercenary union.

Ling Feng followed the store owner into the spacious hall. The hall is very lively, the space is very large, the side is similar to the existence of a bar, feasting, sitting on a lot of mercenaries, three or five groups, there are magicians, there are swordsmen, let Ling Feng have an instant, feel like you It is placed in an alternative wild bar on the earth.

This area is obviously a place to provide rest and adjust mood to the mercenary door.

In the middle, facing the gate, the magic mirror is used to issue some new missions, as well as some of the latest news from the ancient continent. Ling Feng casually glanced at it, and there was news of the orc empire far from the northern part of the ancient continent. It is really sighing that the spread of the world's news is no worse than the modern communication on the earth. The channels of communication are undoubtedly dominated by mercenary trade unions, and all mercenaries are counseling. Every mercenary trade union has daily information exchanges with the mercenary generals of the host country or megacities, thus colliding and blending with the information of various places on the mainland. Therefore, as long as the news is shocking, even if you are in the easternmost part of the mainland today, there will be people in the West who know your story tomorrow.

Of course, if the news is not shocking enough, then the speed of the spread is not so fast.

On the other side of the mercenary union, it seems a bit empty and deserted. Ling Feng saw several windows placed here, which were written in the "Grade Quality Review Office", "Adventurer Registration Office", "Mercury Group Registration Office", "Task Cancellation Office", "Task Reception Office", etc. Typeface. I think the mercenary card is also applied in this direction.

Sure enough, the owner of the store first went to a window and shouted at an old man inside: "Old man, I can bring you business, help me to apply for a mercenary card."

"Oh, you old guy, actually will bring someone to handle the mercenary card?" The window is an old man who is about the same size as the owner of the store. The two are obviously familiar.

"What's strange about this, this is a big customer." The store owner said with exaggeration.

The old man looked at Ling Feng and apparently still did not believe it. But after the store owner whispered something in his ear, his eyes stared at Ling Feng and began to flash a curious light.

Ling Feng can completely hear what the store owner said, and once again sighed the charm of the magic core, so in the very polite attitude of the old man, he got his own mercenary card. Very light and very simple, with the icon of the mercenary union. The owner of the store asked Ling Feng to drop a small drop of blood onto the mercenary card, so the card became a mercenary card that can only be used by Ling Feng.

Ling Feng entered a trace of infuriating and found that the card is full of prohibitions, can only be broken, can not be unlocked. If it is not forcibly broken by the user himself, the card will be useless. At that time, you can rely on your identity to go to the mercenary union to make one. This should be the security measure for the mercenary card.

Next, the owner of the store carefully drew a hundred and fifty crystal coins to Ling Feng's card from his own card, and then chilled a few words, then left. He needs to report this cost-effective deal to the East.

Ling Feng took the cash of a crystal coin from the old man and converted it into some gold, silver and copper coins, and then gave the old five gold coins, which is the money for applying for the mercenary card.

Later, the old man heard that Ling Feng was not a mercenary. He was amazed and very enthusiastic invited him to register as a mercenary. Because every mercenary can get some free news at any mercenary union. Of course, in addition to spreading a wide range of public information, many messages are distributed according to the level. For example, you are a B-level mercenary, you You can get any information below level B for free. To get A-level news, you can only pay for it.

The rank of the mercenary and the strength level of the warrior are determined by the points of the mercenary's completion of the mission. From high to low, it is S level, A level, B level, C level, D level, E level, F level, and G level. The points are determined according to the difficulty of the tasks you undertake. The more you complete the task, the more points you accumulate. On the contrary, if the task fails, you need to deduct the corresponding points. When your points accumulate to be upgradeable, you can advance.

The difference between a mercenary group and a mercenary is only a large number of people. It is a group. In the eyes of some senior mercenaries, single or several people's mercenaries are called adventurers. Only a few dozen or more teams of the highest level are qualified mercenary groups.

The mercenary's mission is also issued in eight levels. The corresponding level can only be received by the corresponding level of mercenaries. For example, the B-level mission can only be received by the mercenary of the B-level or above.

Of course, if the employer is willing, the low-level mercenaries can also pick up.

Ling Feng thought about it. He thought that registering a mercenary number at least had a lot of convenience for his own actions. So he went to the 'Adventurer Registry' with great pleasure. As a result, the aunt of the registration office asked him for a professional level. At the time of the proof, Ling Feng once again realized the embarrassing mood. I am reminded that there is a window for the ‘Class Appraisal Department’. Ling Feng spent five silver coins on the evaluation fee and got a grade certificate with the words “first-order trainee swordsman”.

The aunt of the registration office looked at Ling Feng's eyes very strangely, full of pity and love, and pondered: such a big man, but also a first-order swordsman, there is not even a sword on the body, it is really difficult.

It is no wonder that the aunt of the registration office wants to marry. Although it is a town-level mercenary union in the town of Shami, it can at least assess all levels of swordsmen below the sixth level. The people on the mainland are all respected by the strong, and they often try their best when assessing. Therefore, the aunt would never have thought that Ling Feng had just dealt with the junior swordsman who had assessed him. He hurried back, and even the parents did not notice anything.

Then, because Lingfeng was the lowest-order first-order strength in the swordsman, he only paid a fee and got a red mercenary certificate, which officially became a G-level adventurer.