MTL - Wukong Teaches Me To Build A Kingdom While I Teach Him To Create A Universe-v900 Chapter 150 Collective resurrection! Zu Wu is a good farmer! Summon the Witch Clan!

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【Wukong helps me farm, I teach him to open up the universe】【】

Inside Hongmeng Farm.

Yang Jian and a group of tenants had stopped eating at this time.

It's not because they are full, but because they are immersed in the shock and can't recover!

You know, just now Houtu opened up a dojo out of the chaos.

The whole process was witnessed by them.

The big method of tearing a hole out of the chaos and forming a field made them extremely shocked!

Although for a saint, such behavior is nothing, as long as a saint can do it.

However, Yang Jian and the others are not saints.

Seeing Houtu's methods, it is naturally impossible not to be excited.

At the same time, they also had a lot of insights.

These sentiments suddenly appeared in their hearts at this moment, like a needle, poking them fiercely.

Let them feel that if they don't go to enlightenment immediately, they will be very uncomfortable!

Immediately, a group of tenants couldn't even bother to eat, and asked Zhou Yu for instructions:

"Xianchang, we want to go back and learn something!"

Hearing this, Zhou Yu could also understand their feelings, nodded and said:


"Thank you Immortal Elder!"

After thanking Zhou Yu, they rushed back to the thatched hut one after another, and began to comprehend.

Here, Zhou Yu was thinking while eating.

To be honest, this observation of the sage's opening of the dojo was not only deeply touched by the tenants.

Even for Zhou Yu, it was not a small gain.

Now, he has become more and more confident about the hurdle of opening up the origin.

I even feel that I can try to split the origin and open up the world!

But before that, he had to arrange some things.

He can't be the same as the tenants, who can directly comprehend when he has insights.

Thinking of this in his heart, Zhou Yu moved his eyes again and looked at Monkey King again.

Zhou Yu was not surprised that Houtu invited Sun Wukong into her dojo.

Before, when Po Meng followed Monkey King back to Huaguo Mountain, Zhou Yu had already noticed it.

The reason why Houtu wanted to get closer to Sun Wukong was to revive the Eleven Patriarchal Witches.

Zhou Yu didn't feel repulsed by this either.

After all, in his mind, it was a matter of time before he resurrected the eleven ancestor witches and made them his tenants.

It would be even better if they could make friends with the underworld by the way.

Within the Houtu Dojo.

At this time, Monkey King and his party followed Houtu and entered here.

However, the scene in this dojo is not as brilliant and sacred as he imagined.

On the contrary, the dojo opened up by Houtu looks like a barren land.

A piece of bare land, scorching sun, with few traces of life.

This surprised Sun Wukong.

Originally, I thought that the dojo opened by this saint would have such a sacred atmosphere.

Didn't expect it to look like this?

On the side, Zhen Yuanzi saw Sun Wukong's puzzled face, so he explained to him:

"The dojo opened by this saint is equivalent to a small world."

"Whether it's the birth of life, or the various things in the wild, it didn't exist from the beginning."

"Some need time to evolve, and some need sages to build themselves."

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【Wukong helps me farm, I teach him to open up the universe】【】

Hearing this, Sun Wukong suddenly realized and nodded again and again.

Just as they were discussing, the back soil in front of them suddenly stopped.


The next moment, there was a loud noise on the ground in front of her, and a big hole was opened from the inside out!

The next moment, a huge palace emerged from it and rose from the ground!

When everyone looked at it, they saw that the palace was resplendent and magnificent!

Everyone was surprised by Houtu's methods.

Houtu turned around and said to Monkey King and the others:

"Everyone, please follow me."

Immediately, he entered the palace gate first.

Seeing this, the rest naturally followed.

Soon, they entered the palace.

The situation inside the palace is naturally more sacred than outside the palace, and everyone was dumbfounded when they saw it.

In the end, they followed Houtu and came to a hall together.

Houtu fell into the first seat, and the others sat on both sides consciously below.

Taoist Qinglian knew that Houtu would definitely have a serious talk with Monkey King next.

In this case, it is not good for outsiders to be present, so he said to Zhao Gongming and other disciples behind him:

"You wait and go to visit."

Hearing this, Zhao Gongming and others bowed and retreated consciously.

Taoist Qinglian herself, however, did not leave, and found a place to sit down.

Seeing this, Houtu didn't say anything, but only looked at Monkey King.

Seeing this, Monkey King was not polite anymore, and said straight to the point:

"The Houtu sage invited me in as a guest. He must have something to tell me, right?"

Seeing Sun Wukong speak clearly, Zhen Yuanzi and Taoist Qinglian also looked at Houtu.

Hearing this, Houtu didn't hide anything, and said bluntly:

"I heard that the Monkey King has opened up a farm in the Beiju Luzhou."

"Although my dojo is barren now, it will soon become the top blessed place in the Three Realms."

"I also want to invite the Monkey King to open a dojo here."

"It's absolutely safe here, the Monkey King doesn't need to worry too much."

"Coming here will also make the environment of my dojo better."

"I don't know what the Monkey King wants?"

As soon as these words came out, Taoist Qinglian was not only stunned.

The Houtu asked Sun Wukong to come in, so that he could open up a farm in the dojo?

Is this farm really so attractive?

What on earth is this Houtu planning?

Taoist Qinglian had many doubts in her heart.

He had been farming in Huaguoshan Farm for a long time, and he also knew that the Monkey King Farm was peculiar.

If it is developed in one place, it can indeed optimize the environment of this place.

However, Houtu is a sage, if he only wants to optimize the environment, there are too many ways.

Why invite Monkey King to come to her dojo and open up a farm?

Could it be that there are some secrets in Monkey King's farm that he doesn't know?

Taoist Qinglian pondered.

As a saint and good corpse, he has an extremely keen mind, and he has already guessed the reason in the blink of an eye.

For a moment, his heart not only floated.

On the opposite side, Zhen Yuanzi was not surprised by Houtu's actions.

He began to recall that Houtu had just opened the dojo, so he invited Monkey King to come in and talk about it.

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【Wukong helps me farm, I teach him to open up the universe】【】

Could it be that she suddenly opened up a dojo just to find a place suitable for developing a farm, and then let Monkey King develop the farm?

After all, Houtu had always wanted to resurrect the Eleven Patriarchal Witches through Monkey King.

Thinking about coming to her underworld, there is no suitable place to open up a farm. That's why they acted like this.

Thinking of this, Zhen Yuanzi couldn't help being shocked.

This Houtu sage is really generous.

However, when he thought that this was to revive the Eleventh Ancestral Witch and the relationship between the Twelve Ancestral Witches, he didn't think it was strange.

Above, Houtu just kept looking at Sun Wukong, waiting for his answer.

At this time, Sun Wukong was also very restless.

Although, he has always known that Po Meng's intention to get close to him.

But he always thought that Po Meng would discuss this matter with him.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be Houtu himself!

You know, this is a strong sage, who is so polite and interested in his farm.

For a moment, Sun Wukong was excited and proud.

It seems that I went to Beiju Luzhou to open up a farm this time, and I was right!

However, he didn't know how to answer Houtu's question.

This kind of thing is not up to him.

Before, the immortal head gave himself an order to only open up farms in Beiju Luzhou and Wuzhuangguan.

But it didn't say that it would be opened in Houtu's dojo.

He could only ponder, and at the same time secretly contacted Zhou Yu, asking himself how to answer.

Zhou Yu was already prepared in his heart for Houtu's sudden performance, and told Monkey King:

"Don't promise her for now, let her tell her real purpose."

Hearing this, Monkey King immediately replied:

"Okay, Elder Immortal!"

He also saw that Houtu wanted him to open a farm in his dojo, which was not the real purpose of inviting him this time.

Immediately said to Houtu:

"The Houtu sage invited me this time, it shouldn't be as simple as asking me to open up a farm, right?"

This time, it was Houtu's turn to be surprised.

A feeling suddenly arose in her heart that her purpose had been seen through by Monkey King.

Could it be, he already knew that the purpose of asking him to open up the farm was actually to revive his brothers and sisters, right?

Thinking of this, Houtu no longer intends to hide it any longer.

Anyway, no matter what, I have to bring this matter up with Monkey King in the end.

Said frankly:

"I heard that in the hands of the Monkey King, there is a supernatural power that can revive the ancient strong."

"I hope the Monkey King can bring back the eleven ancestor witches who have passed away to me."

"Of course, after they are resurrected, they can be ordered by the Monkey King, or they can be the stewards of the farm just like that Emperor Jun and Tai Yi."

Hearing Houtu's openness and sincerity, Taoist Qinglian and Zhen Yuanzi on the other side were all sincere.

Houtu's purpose was exactly as he had expected.

Now, she has stated her purpose.

Next, it depends on whether Sun Wukong agrees or not.

Zhen Yuanzi felt that Sun Wukong would most likely agree to Houtu.

After all, I promised him before to let him open up a farm in Wuzhuang Temple at the price of resurrecting Hongyun, and he agreed.

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【Wukong helps me farm, I teach him to open up the universe】【】

[In other words, currently the best app for reading and listening to books, Yeguo Reading, install the latest version of .yeguoyuedu. 】

Now, there is no reason not to agree on Houtu's side, right?

Although it is said that eleven will be resurrected, but for Monkey King, increasing the number should not be a problem?

Under the comment of several pairs of eyes, Sun Wukong didn't hesitate much, and said:

"Since the Houtu sage thinks so, why didn't he say it earlier?"

"During this time, I have been thinking about how to open up more farms."

"It would be great if it could be opened in the dojo of the Houtu sage!"

"As for the resurrection of the ancient powerhouse, as the saint knows, I can do it."

"It's no problem to resurrect the Eleventh Ancestral Witch!"

As soon as this statement came out, everyone present became excited.

In this way, Monkey King and the underworld are equivalent to forming an alliance.

After all, after the resurrection of the Eleventh Ancestral Witch, he was a tenant of the farm.

In this way, Houtu naturally became an ally of Monkey King.

Seeing Sun Wukong getting stronger and stronger, Taoist Qinglian and Zhen Yuanzi were filled with joy.

Zhen Yuanzi was even more looking forward to it, wishing that Sun Wukong would go to Wuzhuang Temple immediately and open up a farm.

Above, when Hou Tu saw that Monkey King had agreed to him so readily, his uneasiness disappeared all of a sudden.

She thought it was a bit difficult to talk about it, so she didn't say it at the beginning.

I just gave Sun Wukong a place to open up a farm, but at the cost of resurrecting the eleven ancestor witches, it was all Sun Wukong's loss.

After all, she didn't know whether Sun Wukong would have to pay a huge price for resurrecting an ancient strongman?

Seeing Monkey King agreeing, she immediately became excited, and immediately felt grateful to Monkey King.

She immediately asked Sun Wukong:

"That's great!"

"It's not too late, let's start now?"

Hearing this, Monkey King had no objection either, and nodded in agreement.

Immediately, several people stood up from their seats and walked outside together.

Soon he left the palace and came to the dojo outside the palace.

But at this time, Zhao Gongming and others were visiting the Daoist Temple, watching the scene of the Daoist Temple.

Although this dojo looks like a barren land, it is wild.

But in fact, this place is the first opening of the world, and all kinds of mysteries are contained in it.

With Zhao Gongming's eyesight, they can naturally see it.

They also benefited a lot from visiting this world.

Helplessly, they are all immortal gods in the heaven, and their true spirits have already been sealed in the list of gods.

If it was the case before, they can completely improve their strength by relying on what they have gained today.

But now, their strength can't be improved at all, and they can only look at the ocean and sigh.

However, at this moment—"Boom!"

Suddenly, a loud noise came from under the ground.

The entire dojo began to vibrate!

Seeing this, a group of Jiejiao disciples were all surprised, they all turned their heads and looked to the other side.

But in front of the palace, a mysterious force emerged from Hou Tu, manipulating the entire ashram, as if changing something.

The earth, which was originally hard and cold as a stone, suddenly began to change.

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【Wukong helps me farm, I teach him to open up the universe】【】

It becomes like ripples on the surface of water, flowing around.

Immediately, a piece of neatly distributed fields were quickly formed.

Seeing this scene, the disciples who developed the Qunjiejiao were both shocked and puzzled.

What did the Houtu sages do with so many fields?

Seeing Monkey King next to Houtu, they suddenly felt a move in their hearts.

Could it be that it was for the stone monkey to open up a farm here?

They observed the field below and found that the scale was so huge that it almost occupied the entire dojo!

Suddenly, a guess arose in their minds.

The reason why the Houtu sage opened up the farm was to open up a farm for the stone monkeys!

The idea was born in their minds and they were stunned.

At the same time, in Hongmeng Farm.

Seeing what happened in Houtu Daochang, Zhou Yu didn't delay any longer.

He stood up and immediately cast the "Hehua Freedom Method" to summon the Eleven Patriarchal Witches!

Soon, the Eleventh Ancestral Witch appeared on the farm.

Coming out again made them feel very confused.

Surprised in their hearts, they first took in a lot of the surrounding scene.

After confirming that it was not as big a scene as last time in Beihai, they were a little disappointed again.

Immediately, Di Jiang looked at Zhou Yu again, and asked doubtfully:

"Summoner, why did you summon me to wait out this time?"

Zhu Rong asked:

"Could it be that they came out to fight again?"

As soon as this remark came out, the other ancestral witches were all eager to try.

After all, the last time they played on Beihai, they were only spectators, and they hadn't made a move yet.

Because of this incident, when they disappeared last time, they felt very dissatisfied.

Unexpectedly, Zhou Yu shook his head when he heard Di Jiang's question:


"This time I called you out to let you farm."

Hearing this, the Eleventh Ancestral Witch, who was a little lost because he couldn't fight, was stunned.

They all spoke in unison, as if they suspected that they heard it wrong:

"What, farming?"

I can't believe that the summoner spent mana to summon himself just to farm?

Hearing this, Zhou Yu nodded solemnly:


The Eleventh Patriarch Wu no longer had any doubts in his heart.

They didn't know what farming meant.

I only understood the last time Sun Wukong captured Buddhist disciples and asked them to farm in Huaguo Mountain.

Therefore, farming is a very hard work in their view.

Otherwise, why would Sun Wukong let Buddhists do it?

But now, the summoner wants to do this kind of thing by himself?

For a moment, there was resistance and resistance in their hearts.

Di Jiang looked unhappy, and said to Zhou Yu:

"Although we were summoned by you, how can we do such a lowly thing?"

The other ancestral witches also nodded.


As soon as these words came out, it was Zhou Yu's turn to be puzzled.

You know, it's not a cheap thing to be a tenant for yourself.

He also thought that the reason why the Eleventh Patriarch Witch felt inferior was probably because he saw Monkey King punishing Buddhist disciples in this way on the battlefield last time.

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【Wukong helps me farm, I teach him to open up the universe】【】

He immediately explained:

"This kind of field is not a lowly thing, and it does not mean that you have become my slaves."

"Besides, you are not farming for me, but for your sisters, who will cultivate the soil."

Hearing this, the Eleventh Patriarch Wu felt a little relieved, but still asked in doubt:

"Planting for Houtu?"

They didn't understand why Houtu would do such a thing, and he had to go by himself?

Zhou Yu nodded, and summoned a light curtain to reveal the situation in Houtu Dojo.

However, in the huge dojo of Houtu, countless fields have appeared, empty, as if waiting for people to cultivate them.

Seeing this scene, Eleven Patriarch Wu was surprised again.

Xuan Ming said in surprise:

"Houtu actually opened up a dojo?"

After some observation, Di Jiang was a little puzzled:

"Why are there so many fields in her dojo?"

"Could it be that she opened up the dojo just to let us come back to farm?"

At this time, the resistance in the Eleventh Ancestral Witch's heart was also dispelled a lot.

They are still willing to believe in Houtu.

Since Hou Tu did this, there must be her reasons, and she just needs to cooperate.

But immediately, they thought of a problem.

Gonggong said:

"But we don't know how to farm!"

The other ancestral witches were also stunned, and they looked at Zhou Yu one after another.

Zhou Yu said decisively:

"No way to learn!"

The Eleventh Patriarch Wu rejoiced and said:

"It's so good, hurry up and teach us!"

Unexpectedly, Zhou Yu shook his head when he heard this:

"I can find someone to teach you how to farm, but you have to pay accordingly."

Hearing this, the Eleventh Patriarch Wu all frowned.

I originally thought that learning to farm is free, but I didn't expect to need to exchange things.

But after thinking about it, they felt that Zhou Yu's request was not too much.

After all, they are cultivating the back soil.

Zhou Yu summoned them to help them.

So Di Jiang asked:

"In that case, what do you want us to exchange?"

Zhou Yu:

"I want you to give me the layout method of the "Dutian Shensha Great Formation!"

Hearing this, the Eleven Patriarchal Witches fell silent and hesitated.

You know, this "Dutian Shensha Great Formation" is the bottom-of-the-box formation of the Wu Clan.

If there was no such a large formation back then, it would have been impossible for them to fight against the Yaozu.

Now, they are asked to hand over this thing.

The Eleven Patriarchal Witches began to transmit voices secretly to discuss this matter with each other.

Seeing this, Zhou Yu was not in a hurry and began to wait patiently.

In this way, after the Eleven Patriarchal Witches discussed for a while, Di Jiang said:

"Okay, we can teach you!"

From their point of view, the Wu Clan is already in decline, even with this great formation.

If after teaching it to Zhou Yu, he can make his reputation resound throughout the prehistoric era, which is not bad.

Seeing that the Eleventh Patriarch Wu agreed, Zhou Yu was also delighted.

Immediately, he called Ying Zheng and told him:

"Yingzheng, from today onwards, you will teach them how to farm."

"As a price, they will teach you the method of arranging the Dutian Shensha formation."

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【Wukong helps me farm, I teach him to open up the universe】【】

Hearing this, Ying Zheng was overjoyed.

Recently, because he obtained the Hetu Luoshu, he has perfected the "Emperor's Conferring the Gods Art" and successfully transformed it into the "Human Emperor's Conferring the Gods Art".

Therefore, his cultivation has also reached the peak of the Golden Immortal, and he can enter the Taiyi Golden Immortal with just one step.

Although the "Dutian Shensha Formation" of the twelve ancestral witches is a formation of the Wu clan, it is also applicable to other races.

He suddenly thought that he could use the Twelve Golden Men of Great Qin to arrange this formation!

At that time, what kind of scene will it be when the twelve golden people plus the luck of the human race merge with this formation?

Although, today's Twelve Gold people are nothing more than Xuanxian's strength.

But it can be improved.

As long as you continue to temper with "Incense Fire Shinto", you can continue to become stronger in the future!

In the future, when the Twelve Golden People grow to the level of Da Luo Jinxian, or even the quasi-sage, and then perform the "Dutian Shensha Great Formation", the power is probably similar to that of the Twelve Ancestral Witches, right?

Immediately, Ying Zheng nodded solemnly:

"Yes, Immortal Elder!"

Seeing that both parties agreed, Zhou Yu confirmed to Eleventh Ancestral Witch again:

"Are you going to be tenants on the farm?"

The Eleventh Ancestral Witch did not hesitate, and nodded solemnly:

"We do!"

Immediately, their bodies were wrapped in a mysterious breath, and they began to escape from the body of death!

Here, the area of ​​the farm has also started to skyrocket!

Within the huge farm, more than 100 acres of fields suddenly appeared!

In Zhou Yu's mind, system prompts sounded one after another, all about the new tenants.

In this way, the eleven ancestral witches are also tenants of the farm.

Zhou Yu was very satisfied.

Above, the eleventh ancestor witch felt that he had been resurrected, and he was extremely shocked!

Unexpectedly, there are such benefits to being a tenant?

If I knew this was the case, the hesitation just now was completely unnecessary!

"Yingzheng, take them to plow the fields, just to plow the newly added fields."

Zhou Yu ordered.

Hearing this, Ying Zheng nodded and led the Twelve Ancestral Witches over.

Zhou Yu calculated in his mind, one day in the sky and one year in the earth.

As long as the Eleven Ancestral Witches had been farming in their own farm for two months, it took only two hours for Houtu Daochang to pass.

After the development of the Houtu Farm is completed, the Eleventh Ancestral Witch has learned about the same, and it will be over by then!


In Zixiao Palace.

At this time, Hongjun was still attracted by Houtu's dojo.

Seeing that Houtu invited Sun Wukong into her dojo, Hongjun also felt very puzzled.

Just after Hou Tu opened up the dojo, he invited the stone monkey in. What was his plan?

You know, this Monkey King is the key figure in this calamity.

In addition, he is also the key figure in Honghuang's recent changes.

Hongjun felt that Houtu's move must be planning something.

It is very possible that it has something to do with the manipulator behind the scenes, who even I can't know who it is!

Thinking of this, Hongjun felt an urge to investigate the situation in Houtu Dojo.

However, this is the Saint Dojo after all.

Even he, without Houtu's permission, couldn't investigate if he wanted to.

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【Wukong helps me farm, I teach him to open up the universe】【】

Of course, that doesn't mean he can't.

As soon as Hongjun thought about it, he began to use the power of heaven, and infiltrated invisible into Houtu's dojo.

As soon as this force approached Houtu Dojo, it encountered a strong repulsive force, trying to block it out.

Hongjun held his breath, using the power of heaven, while suppressing this repulsive force, he continued to infiltrate into the dojo.

In this way, after working hard for a while, he finally got a glimpse of the scene in the dojo.

But at this time, there is only one huge palace in Houtu's dojo.

In addition, there are a lot of fields.

At this time, Monkey King is pointing the back soil and perfecting these fields.

Soon, there were canals near the farmland, and the things inside the Lingquan looked very regular.

Seeing this, Hongjun couldn't help being shocked.

What are the back earth and stone monkeys doing?

Why are there so many fields farmed within the dojo?

Shouldn't it be farming?

You must know that farming is something only the lowest-level farmers in the human race do.

Why would a sage like Houtu farm?

I have never heard of it. The Wu people have the habit of planting.

This Houtu was willing to turn his huge dojo into farmland, and asked the stone monkey to guide him.

Hongjun has now confirmed what the purpose of Houtu's invitation to Monkey King to enter his dojo is.

However, this made him even more confused and even more unclear.

Why are the back soil and stone monkeys so obsessed with opening up farmland?

Among them, what is the secret?

Hongjun intends to continue to investigate, but unfortunately he can't do anything.

He used the power of heaven to investigate the situation in Houtu Daochang, and he could only glimpse it for a moment.

If you want to watch for longer, of course you can do it.

But in this way, there is a risk of being discovered by Houtu.

It is not a glorious thing to be a dignified Taoist ancestor and spy on the saint's dojo.

If found out, wouldn't his image as the Dao ancestor collapse immediately?

Therefore, he had no choice but to stop the investigation and became puzzled.

At the same time, another place in Zixiao Palace.

At this time, Tongtian was also paying attention to the scene in Houtu Dojo.

After all, his good corpse, Taoist Qinglian, is in Houtu Dojo.

He wanted to investigate the situation in the dojo, so naturally he didn't have to work as hard as Hongjun.

At this time, he already knew that Sun Wukong could truly resurrect the ancient strongman.

The reason why Houtu suddenly opened a dojo is to invite Monkey King to open up a farm.

The purpose is to let Monkey King resurrect the Eleven Ancestral Witches.

Tong Tian was also very surprised that Sun Wukong had such a means.

Even he couldn't do such a thing as resurrecting a dead person.

What's more, is it the resurrection of a strong man who died in ancient times?

He quickly guessed that Monkey King himself did not have this ability.

Most likely, it was the means of the people behind him.

Monkey King does these things, it seems to be his own decision.

But in fact, it must be that mysterious person who is manipulating everything.

At this time, Tongtian suddenly remembered that he had heard the news from Zhao Gongming and the others.

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【Wukong helps me farm, I teach him to open up the universe】【】

Nezha in the court that day, I heard that he also opened a farm in his mansion.

Moreover, as long as you work in this farm, you will be able to increase the strength of the immortal gods who have been sealed in the list of gods!

This made him feel incredible.

You must know that the immortal gods whose true spirits are enshrined in the list of gods cannot improve their strength.

Why can Nezha's farm do this?

What is the mystery in his farm?

What is the connection between Tianting's sub-farm and Monkey King's sub-farm?

Tongtian himself could not think of an answer to these questions.

However, since such a farm can allow immortal gods with limited true spirits to continue to improve their strength.

He felt that he could also let Taoist Qinglian open up such a farm on Golden Turtle Island, and then let the immortal gods who cut off the teaching in the heavenly court to practice.

In this way, the strength of Jiejiao disciples can continue to improve.

In addition, he is also very interested in the means by which the person behind Monkey King can resurrect the ancient strong.

Not only has Emperor Shun Taiyi been resurrected, but now even the eleventh ancestor witch is about to be resurrected.

He began to think, should he ask Sun Wukong himself to get rid of the current state of the Jiejiao disciples and truly resurrect them?

Within the Dojo of Houtu.

Under the guidance of Monkey King, Houtu built a brand new farm.

However, because she has never done such a thing before, there are many obstacles in implementing it, and the progress is not fast.

Fortunately, at this moment, Po Meng and Zhen Yuanzi stepped forward to help.

Both of them have witnessed it with their own eyes. The people who opened up the farm in Beiju Luzhou, and Zhen Yuanzi also participated in it, so they have a lot of experience.

Soon, with their efforts, a dojo of Monkey King turned into a farm!

Looking around, the size of the farm is more than hundreds of millions of mu!

Seeing such a large farm, Monkey King was also moved with emotion.

The farm in front of me can be said to be the largest among all the farms!

He guided the development of this farm and felt a sense of accomplishment in his heart.

At this time, Houtu came to him, and said with great expectation:

"Monkey King, now that the farm has been developed, can you resurrect my brothers and sisters?"

Hearing this, Monkey King nodded:

"Wait a moment."

Immediately, he closed his eyes, pretending to be performing supernatural powers.

The purpose of doing this is naturally to convince the strong present that he really has the ability to revive the ancient strong.

In order to be realistic enough, he even used the "Great Chaos Technique", which caused the mysterious power to surge.

In fact, they were secretly contacting Zhou Yu.

In Hongmeng Farm.

Just as Zhou Yu expected, the time when Houtu Daochang became a farm happened to be two months past the Lower Realm.

After studying for so long, the Eleventh Ancestral Witch has already learned all the work on the farm.

In addition, the Witch Clan's "Dutian Shensha Formation" was also taught to Ying Zheng.

Zhou Yu called over the Eleven Patriarchal Witches and asked them to hand in all the crops they had cultivated.

At first glance, there are quite a lot, it is a bumper harvest!

He smiled with satisfaction and said:

"As expected, I was not mistaken, you are all good farmers!"

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【Wukong helps me farm, I teach him to open up the universe】【】

Hearing Zhou Yu's praise, the Eleventh Patriarch Witch was also a little happy.

After studying for two months, I was finally approved.

But they felt that they shouldn't be happy for Zhou Yu's praise?

After all, they still have prejudices about farming in their hearts.

Only for the sake of the soil, did he agree to cultivate.

So I didn't say anything.

Zhu Rong couldn't wait to ask:

"Xianchang, we have now fully mastered the farming skills."

"Now, you should be able to go to sister Houtu's dojo, right?"

At this time, Zhou Yu had already heard the protagonist nodding:

"of course can."

"It just so happens that the farm on their side has also been developed, and I'll send you there now!"

Hearing this, the Eleven Patriarchal Witches were all delighted and said in unison:

"Thank you Immortal Elder!"

Zhou Yu nodded, called out the light gate, and said to them:

"Go in, you're right outside the door is Houtu's dojo."

Hearing this, the eleven ancestor witches were all surprised.

Originally, they thought that Zhou Yu would personally send them out of Hongmeng Farm to Houtu's dojo.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be this kind of method?

That's the saint dojo!

For a moment, they admired Zhou Yu more and more in their hearts.

Immediately before the gate of light, they walked in one by one and filed out.

Soon, all the eleven ancestor witches left the farm.

Within the chaos, within the Houtu Dojo.

In the expectant eyes of everyone, the figure of the Eleventh Ancestral Witch suddenly appeared in front of the palace.

Seeing the Eleventh Patriarch Witch come out, Houtu became excited, and immediately went up to greet him, happily saying:

"You guys are here!"

She could also see that the Eleven Ancestral Witch's appearance this time was different from last time.

The aura on his body is the same as that of Di Jun, Tai Yi, Yuan Feng, and Shi Qilin. It is obviously a real resurrection!

Although I had expected it in my heart, but seeing it with my own eyes, I still can't calm down!

The eleventh patriarch witch was also excited when he saw Houtu.

Although not long ago, they met once.

But that time, it was in the name of death.

Now, it is resurrected, and the two are not the same.

Seeing Houtu and a large farm, they felt at ease.

In the past two months, they have been farming in Zhou Yu's farm every day, always thinking that they can finish their studies as soon as possible and come to Houtu to reunite.

Now, this goal has finally been achieved.

On the other side, Zhen Yuanzi and Taoist Qinglian were paying full attention to the Eleven Patriarchal Witches.

They wanted to know if the Eleven Patriarchal Witches really came back to life as promised by Monkey King and Houtu?

This observation, they also quickly discovered.

The Eleventh Patriarch Wu and Nadi Shuntai are both in the same state now.

They really came back to life!

For a moment, the two were shocked and excited again!

At the same time, the thoughts in their hearts became firmer.

If it is said that before, they still had some doubts about Sun Wukong's ability to resurrect the ancient strongman.

Now, all doubts are gone.

All that's left is hope.

I hope that Sun Wukong can also help me to achieve my wish.

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【Wukong helps me farm, I teach him to open up the universe】【】

On the other side, Zhao Gongming and a group of Jiejiao disciples were even more shocked by the appearance of the eleven ancestor witches.

They didn't know about the conversation between Houtu and Monkey King before.

Naturally, he didn't know the agreement between Monkey King and Houtu.

Now, just after Houtu's farm was opened, the Eleventh Ancestral Witch was resurrected, which made them a little unacceptable!

A group of Jiejiao disciples discussed one after another:

"That is, the Eleventh Ancestral Witch?"

"Yes, why did they come out again?"

"No, the aura on their bodies is different. It seems that this time they are not summoned, but really revived!"

"What, real resurrection? Is this possible!"

"Indeed, the aura on their bodies is completely different from last time, as if they have really been resurrected!"

"It turned out to be true!"

"Then the Emperor Jun and Tai Yi we met in the chaos before are also resurrected?"

"Both the ancient monster race and the eleven ancestor witches have been resurrected? This is too outrageous!"

"This time, Honghuang is about to stage another good show."


At the same time, within Zixiao Palace.

Seeing the appearance of these eleven ancestor witches, Hongjun easily noticed their strange state.

When he confirmed that the eleventh ancestor witch was really resurrected, his heart was also shocked.

There was a big wave in his heart, he couldn't calm down, his thoughts were spinning wildly, thinking.

what the **** is it?

These eleven ancestor witches were resurrected!

You know, they are the witch clan, but they don't even have souls.

How could they be resurrected after being dead for so many years?


It should be completely wiped out!

How did this stone monkey do it?

Hongjun really couldn't figure it out.

He felt that even he himself might not be able to resurrect the eleventh ancestor witch.

Why did the stone monkey just use a supernatural power, and it didn't even take long to do it?

Does he really have such strength?

Hongjun felt that the method of resurrecting the Eleventh Ancestral Witch was definitely not something that Monkey King could come up with.

Maybe it's the man behind the scenes manipulating it again!

Thinking of this, he immediately continued to observe.

However, in the dojo of Houtu, the Twelve Ancestral Witches came to Monkey King after being excited.

Houtu solemnly thanked Sun Wukong:

"Thank you Monkey King, thank you Monkey King!"

The Eleventh Ancestral Witch also surrendered to him.

They also knew that Sun Wukong belonged to Zhou Yu. During this period of time, I have been helping Houtu open up the dojo, so I must thank you.

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Hearing this, Monkey King waved his hand:

"You don't have to thank me, this is also a deal."

"You will work hard to farm in the future and hand in more crops, which is the best reward for me."

Hearing this, the Eleventh Patriarchal Witch also knew that Zhou Yu's name could not be spoken out, so they kept silent.

Di Jiang laughed loudly:

"Don't worry, we must cultivate well!"

Zhu Jiuyin even said:

"Not only do we have to farm well, but we also need to gather the remaining witches from the wilderness to farm together!"

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【Wukong helps me farm, I teach him to open up the universe】【】

They have been farming in Hongmeng Farm for two months, and they are fully aware of the various benefits of the farm.

With such benefits, naturally they will not forget the current Wu Clan.

Reviving the Wu Clan is one of the things they want to do after their resurrection.

Hearing this, Houtu also nodded:

"Now that my farm has been developed, it's time to call in the Primordial Witch Clan!"

The next moment, in the calm flood, a voice suddenly sounded:

"Today, my descendants opened up the witch world in the chaos."

"In the prehistoric times, all my witch clan will migrate to the witch world!"

The voice fell from the chaos and resounded throughout the Great Desolation.

Soon, all the Wu tribes on the prehistoric land were excited when they heard the news.

These shamans were all moved and wept bitterly, the ancestral shamans of Houtu did not forget us!

Read Monarch of Time
RomanceReincarnationAdventureMartial Arts