MTL - Wukong Teaches Me To Build A Kingdom While I Teach Him To Create A Universe-v900 Chapter 153 Hongjun is in a hurry! The secret of Journey to the West! Chapterel of astonishment!

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【Wukong helps me farm, I teach him to open up the universe】【】

In the chaos, when the Wu Clan and the two Western Saints were fighting hard.

Inside Hongmeng Farm, a group of tenants also watched with gusto.

Previously, they were a little worried when they saw that the two Western Saints obtained the magic weapon and countered the Twelve Patriarchal Witches.

Worried that the Twelve Ancestral Witches really lost to the Second Saints of the West and were about to lose.

Fortunately, this was just a false alarm, and Houtu's dojo once again suppressed the situation.

At this time, the tenants were all happy to see the Second Saint of the West falling down again.

Yang Jian couldn't help applauding:

"Okay, great fight!"

"Buddhism has been arrogant and domineering in the prehistoric for so many years, and it is all supported by the two saints of the West!"

"Today I finally saw them deflated!"

Hearing this, the others nodded in agreement.

Although their original position, they are not enemies with Buddhism.

But now that he has joined Hongmeng Farm, that's it.

The Buddhist and Western Saints can be said to be the number one enemy of Hongmeng Farm.

There is no other reason, because they have been calculating Monkey King, and even want to beat Monkey King back to his original form.

And Sun Wukong is the big brother of Hongmeng Farm, how can he allow others to control him?

Six-eared macaque relieves airway:

"It seems that this time, the Second Saint of the West has no help."

"Facing the siege of the Wu Clan formation and the Houtu Saints, they will definitely lose this time!"

"In this way, not only will his Buddhism fail to prosper, but I'm afraid he will be expelled from the prehistoric world!"

Hearing this, the other tenants all burst into laughter, wanting to see this scene.

But at this moment, Zhou Yu, who had been sitting all this time, shook his head and said:

"I'm afraid I won't be able to see this scene."

Hearing this, a group of tenants stopped laughing, a little puzzled.

I don't understand, why did Zhou Yu say that?

Is it possible that the second sage of the West still has some tricks that have not been used, or is there really another reinforcement?

The six-eared macaque immediately asked:

"Sir, why is this?"

Zhou Yu explained:

"Don't forget, the Second Western Sage is Na Hongjun's disciple."

"However, Houtu has nothing to do with the Wu Clan, or Hongjun."

"Even if the Wu Clan and Houtu really want to kill the Second Saint of the West, how can Hongjun let it go?"

As soon as this remark came out, all the tenants present were stunned.

They just patronized to watch the battle and ignored this point.

However, they still couldn't figure it out.

Yang Jian asked:

"But Immortal Chief, this matter was originally a battle provoked by the two Western Saints themselves. Even if they were killed, it was their own fault."

"The defeat of Buddhism is also the trend of the times. Even Dao Patriarch is not easy to make a move?"

Hearing this, Zhou Yu still shook his head:

"If it's as you said, Hongjun really has no reason to make a move."

"However, the great prosperity of Buddhism was planned by him alone, and one of the important purposes is to end one of his own karma."

"How could he watch his plan fall apart?"

Hearing what Zhou Yu said, the tenants were stunned again.

They have always thought that the great prosperity of Buddhism is really just like the rumors say, the general trend of heaven.

Unexpectedly, it was planned by Daozu?

In this way, it is indeed impossible for him to watch the Second Saint of the West be killed.

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【Wukong helps me farm, I teach him to open up the universe】【】

"However, Immortal Chief, what is the cause and effect that Daozu designed the Daxing of Buddhism?"

Yang Chan asked.

This time, without waiting for Zhou Yu to speak, the six-eared macaque answered first:

"Probably because of the battle between Taoism and demons back then."

The tenants present were not very clear about this matter, and when they heard what the six-eared macaque said, they all looked at him, ready to listen to him.

The six-eared macaque looked at Zhou Yu, and after seeing Zhou Yu nodded slightly, he said:

"The prehistoric times were extremely chaotic, and all the powerhouses were ambitious."

"At that time, Hongjun hadn't become Daoist yet."

"It's just because of the birth of Rahu, the demon race, that he wanted to cholera the entire prehistoric world."

"So, Hongjun joined forces with other strong men at that time to deal with Luo Hu, and at the same time, they were also fighting for the power of heaven."

"The scale of that battle covered the entire Great Desolation, and many strong men who fought against Luo Hu were all dead or wounded."

"Fortunately, Luo Hu died later, and blew himself up on the western land!"

"In this way, Hongjun, as a survivor, has obtained the authority of heaven."

"However, Luo Hu's self-destruction also had a huge impact on Honghuang."

"The entire western land was destroyed because of his self-destruct."

"So far, the spiritual energy of the western land has declined, and all races have been exterminated, and it has become a barren land."

"This west is the territory of Jieyin and Zhunti, so Hongjun owes them karma."

"Originally, I didn't know that the great prosperity of Buddhism was actually designed by Hongjun for the second sage of the West, with the purpose of repaying the cause and effect."

"I just heard from the elder fairy, and now I understand."

When the six-eared macaque said this, since they were a group of tenants, they all knew it in their hearts, and suddenly realized.

I finally understood why Zhou Yu said that Hongjun would intervene in this matter.

At this time, Zu Long snorted coldly and said:

"Although Na Luohu wanted to harm Honghuang, his purpose was to prove the way by killing, in order to gain the authority of heaven."

"The reason why Hongjun and the others stopped him was not because they cared about the prehistoric world, but because they wanted to fight for the authority of heaven."

"In order to achieve their goals, how many powerful people in the prehistoric world have they counted?"

"The reason why our three major races went to war with each other was because of their calculations!"

Hearing this, both Yuanfeng and Shi Qilin nodded.

Obviously, they didn't like Hongjun either.

After listening to this big call, everyone felt like a mirror in their hearts.

Only then did Yang Jian and other people in the Conferred God Age realize that there is such a hidden secret hidden in the great prosperity of Buddhism.

It turned out that the so-called great prosperity of Buddhism was just to repay the karma of Hongjun alone.

For this cause and effect, how many people will be killed and counted?

Their impression of Hongjun suddenly fell to the bottom.

It is even less hopeful that the Second Saint of the West left unscathed.

Immediately, they turned their attention to the battlefield again.

But at this moment, while he was chatting with others, the situation of the battle did not change, and the two Western Saints were still at a disadvantage.

And as time went on, they became more and more unbearable.

The two even wanted to get together again, but there was no chance.

Because at this time, Houtu used a new trump card, the authentic treasure-the book of life and death and the judge's pen!

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【Wukong helps me farm, I teach him to open up the universe】【】

Under the continuous attack of Hou Tu's deity and the ancestor witches, they continued to suffer.

Both of them were very anxious in their hearts, looking forward to Daozu being able to take action and rescue themselves in time!

They didn't know that Tong Tian, ​​who was sent by Hongjun to rescue them, had actually come nearby.

But he didn't show up.

He hid his figure and watched like a spectator.

Seeing that the Second Saint of the West was beaten in unspeakable misery, he was not to mention how happy he was.

In this way, Tongtian watched for a long time, and even forgot the purpose of his visit this time.

At this time, the Second Saint of the West was almost overwhelmed.

All the way to his mind, Hongjun's voice sounded:

"Tongtian, what are you waiting for?"

Only then did he recall that he could only show up.

As soon as Tongtian came out, he immediately attracted the attention of everyone present!

In "Dutian Shensha Great Formation", the Twelve Ancestral Witches and Houtu frowned when they saw Tongtian appear.

In fact, they also thought that the Second Saint of the West might still have reinforcements, so they also paid attention to the surrounding situation to see if anyone else came.

However, after seeing Tongtian, they were startled and uncertain.

Some don't understand, what is Tongtian doing here?

Could it be that he is the rescuer of the Second Saint of the West?

This is unlikely, right?

After all, Daoist Qinglian, the good corpse of Tongtian, is still watching the battle in the witch world.

Tongtian himself and the two Western Saints also had a lot of enmity.

How could it be possible to help the Second Saint of the West?

Thinking to no avail, they don't want to guess anymore.

They tried their best to kill the Second Saint of the West as soon as possible, so as to avoid more troubles.

Down below, the Second Saint of the West was also extremely confused when he saw the appearance of Tongtian.

It is also unclear why Tongtian came here.

Could it be that he is the rescuer sent by Daozu?

Thinking of this, they had an impulse in their hearts to call for help from Tong Tian.

But he couldn't open his mouth.

After all, their relationship with Tongtian is not so bad.

Although it is an emergency now, it is still difficult for them to bow their heads to Tongtian.

Facing the full attack of the Twelve Ancestral Witches and Houtu, they fell into a difficult resistance again.

"Tongtian, aren't you grounded in Zixiao Palace, why did you come out?"

On Laozi and Yuanshi Tianzun's side, seeing Tongtian coming from behind, Yuanshi Tianzun asked in surprise.

He was surprised, afraid that Tongtian was released by Hongjun.

In this way, the cut-off teaching will definitely be revived, and the life of explaining the teaching will be difficult.

Unexpectedly, when he heard Yuanshi Tianzun's question, Tongtian didn't even look at him directly, but sarcastically said:

"Why, can't I leave Zixiao Palace?"

"Are you afraid that I will come out and hinder the development of your teaching?"

It can be said that Tongtian's words did not save face for Yuanshi Tianzun at all.

And his purpose is to stimulate Yuanshi Tianzun and make him angry.

First, seeing Yuanshi Tianzun angry, he can relieve his anger.

Secondly, maybe this stimulation of my own will make Yuanshi Tianzun unable to bear it and attack him.

In this way, I can justifiably procrastinate for time.

You can let the Second Saint of the West be beaten for a while.

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【Wukong helps me farm, I teach him to open up the universe】【】

Anyway, he has stayed in Zixiao Palace for so many years, and he has never made a move himself, which is very itchy.

The situation was just as he expected, when Yuanshi Tianzun heard his ridicule, his face turned red and his white robe bulged.

He didn't expect Tongtian to be so stingy.

I just asked why he left Zixiao Palace, but mocked myself like this.

He said angrily:

"Tongtian, what do you mean by that?"

"I haven't seen you for so many years, do you want to fight with me as soon as you come out?"

All day cold:

"Hit it, hit it. Do you think that if you suppress me, you can suppress me?"

Facing Tongtian's ridicule again, Yuanshi Tianzun couldn't bear it anymore.

Immediately stand up and confront Tongtian, and want to make a move!

Seeing this, Lao Tzu quickly pulled him back and shouted:

"Second brother, don't be impulsive!"

"The third brother came out this time, he must have received the Taoist's will."

Lao Tzu guessed what the purpose of Tongtian's coming out this time might be, and directly clicked it out.

Hearing this, Yuanshi Tianzun finally realized it, and couldn't help being afraid.

Indeed, Tong Tian has been banned from Zixiao Palace all these years, how could it be such a coincidence that he came out at the time when the Second Saint of the West was being beaten?

It is very possible that Taoist ancestor asked him to come!

If he shot him himself, it would be equivalent to delaying Daozu's affairs.

If Daozu punished him later, it would be miserable!

Thinking of this, Yuanshi Tianzun was silent again, for fear of giving Tongtian an opportunity to succeed.

Seeing this, Tong Tian couldn't help but feel pity.

It was about to succeed, but it was a pity that Lao Tzu blocked it.

Now, I can only go out and stop the fight.

He left Laozi and Yuanshi Tianzun straight away, came near the battlefield, and announced loudly:

"Daozu has an order, don't fight anymore, go to Zixiao Palace together, let Daozu handle this matter!"

As soon as this remark came out, he fell into the big formation and directly disrupted the original situation.

The Twelve Ancestral Witches and Houtu stopped their attacks one after another.

They didn't expect that the reinforcements of the Second Saint of the West turned out to be Hongjun!

For a while, some did not dare to make a move.

After all, Hongjun represents the way of heaven, the supreme existence.

Offended him, but no good fruit to eat.

The twelve ancestor witches all looked at Houtu, waiting for Houtu to make up his mind.

On Houtu's side, facing the mountain of Hongjun, they had no choice but to compromise.

Looking at the Second Saint in the West, he snorted coldly:

"Then go and see what Daozu said!"

Down below, the Western Saints, Jade Emperor, Queen Mother, Tathagata and others breathed a sigh of relief when they saw that the Wu Clan finally stopped attacking.

Immediately, they came to Tongtian together.

In their eyes, Tongtian at this time is no longer an enemy, but a life-saving straw!

Tong Tian mockingly glanced at the Second Saint of the West, and returned straight to Zixiao Palace without making a sound.

Seeing this, the Western Second Sage, the Twelve Ancestral Witches, Houtu and others followed immediately.

At the same time, in Hongmeng Farm.

A group of tenants were surprised to see Tongtian appear, calm down the fighting, and take them to Zixiao Palace.

Looking at Zhou Yu, his gaze was full of reverence.

The fairy elder is really good at predicting things!

As he said, Hongjun really came to intervene in this matter!

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【Wukong helps me farm, I teach him to open up the universe】【】

Thinking of the Twelve Ancestral Witches and Houtu, who will face Hongjun next, they couldn't help feeling nervous.

Speaking of which, most of the tenants present had never seen Zixiao Palace.

This time I just got to know each other.

I just don't know, can the fairy elder also manifest the scene in Zixiao Palace?

Thinking of this, they all looked at Zhou Yu.

However, at this time, Zhou Yu was very calm, still looking at the light curtain, and had no intention of canceling it at all.

They looked forward to it even more.

In fact, Zhou Yu also has a question in his mind.

If he showed the scene in Zixiao Palace, would Hongjun notice it?

Immediately, everyone watched silently.

At this time, Ying Zheng suddenly asked a question:

"Then Lao Tzu, Yuanshi Tianzun and the leader of Tongtian sect, aren't they from the same clan and origin, and they are among the Sanqing?"

"Why are Tongtian and Yuanshi Tianzun so incompatible when they meet?"

"What enmity is there between them?"

He was born in the later generations, and he lived among the human race, so he was completely ignorant of the prehistoric situation.

Hearing this, Yang Jian immediately answered:

"This has to start with the Conferred God War."

"At that time, the interception and interpretation of education each chose two hostile human dynasties."

"During the battle between the dynasties of the human race, the disciples who intercepted the teaching and explained the teaching also fought against each other, and many disciples died at the hands of each other."

"In the end, Laozi helped Yuanshi Tianzun and defeated Jiejiao together."

"The relationship between the three Qings broke down."

"Tongtian banned Zixiao Palace, and it is precisely because of this that he hates Yuanshi Tianzun."

After hearing this, Ying Zheng suddenly realized.

Unexpectedly, the matter between the three Qings has something to do with the human race.

It's just that he can also hear that the human race is just a **** in the battle of interception and interpretation.

I can't help but feel lost in my heart.

Although, under his leadership, the current human race is far stronger than before.

But the current human race forces, if they want to completely overthrow the fish and meat of the major forces and be the masters of their own, it is still too early.

Among the current human race, there is no strong person.

Even Ying Zheng himself only relied on the luck of the entire Great Qin to have his current strength.

But even so, the current him is still not very powerful among the prehistoric powerhouses.

Thinking of this, Ying Zheng was in no mood to watch anymore.

He immediately stood up and said to Zhou Yu:

"Immortal Elder, I want to go back to practice first."

As soon as this remark came out, all the tenants present were surprised.

Yang Jian asked:

"Second senior brother, don't you want to continue watching?"

Although the Great War of Saints is now over, they have almost absorbed their combat experience.

But next, the Witch Clan and the two Western Saints will enter Buddhism to confront each other.

Such scenes are also rare.

They were very puzzled that Ying Zheng was about to leave suddenly.

Hearing this, Ying Zheng shook his head and said:

"It is still important to seize the time to improve our strength."

Looking at his solemn appearance, several people could guess what Ying Zheng was thinking, so they didn't say any more.

Zhou Yu naturally had no reason to refuse Ying Zheng's request, nodded and said:


Immediately, Ying Zheng left the crowd and went back to practice in thatched hut.

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【Wukong helps me farm, I teach him to open up the universe】【】

After he entered the hut, everyone shook their heads.

Among the many tenants of Hongmeng Farm, Yingzheng is very unique.

After all, the human race he led was a weak race in the prehistoric world, and was calculated by various forces.

However, he himself took the mission of leading the human race to overthrow other forces and return to the peak.

This mission is too stressful.

Nezha suddenly said to Yang Chan:

"Second senior brother is really working hard."

"We have to be prepared in the future and help the human race when necessary."

Hearing this, both Yang Jian and Yang Chan nodded:

"Of course, we are all part of the human race after all!"

During the Conferred God War, they were just pawns, they were favored by Chanjiao, so they had no choice.

But now, after entering the Hongmeng Farm, they have regained their freedom, and naturally want to fight for the human race again!

After a small episode, everyone moved their eyes again and looked towards the light curtain.

But at this time, Tongtian and the others had already arrived at Zixiao Palace.

The tenants quickly widened their eyes and watched!

But I saw that Zixiao Palace stood upright in the chaos, exuding a soft light.

The whole building reveals the atmosphere of loneliness, vastness, broadness and supremacy!

Let people just look at it, and reverence will be born in their hearts.

The entire building area is much larger than that of the saint's ashram.

A group of tenants had never seen such a battle before, and they were amazed.

Under their surprised eyes, Tong Tian and his party entered Zixiao Palace.

Immediately, they came to Zixiao Hall.

Hongjun's figure also appeared in their eyes, and everyone couldn't help holding their breath.

Even Zhou Yu narrowed his eyes slightly.

Obviously, Zhou Yu was also a little nervous.

Probably, I am the only one in Honghuang now who dares to continue to investigate the situation, right?

Other powerhouses in the prehistoric world, even saints, probably wouldn't dare to put their spiritual thoughts in the Zixiao Palace.

At this moment, Zhou Yu wanted to see if this Taoist ancestor could find himself?

In this way, as Tongtian and others entered the hall, Hongjun's figure also appeared in the light curtain.

But at this moment, Hongjun's eyes were slightly closed, and he didn't say or do anything.

Seeing this, Zhou Yu couldn't help being satisfied, and a smile appeared on his face.

From the present point of view, Hongjun seems to have not discovered his investigation.

As expected of a system!

Even an existence like Hongjun couldn't detect his own investigation?

Although he wasn't completely sure whether Hongjun really didn't notice him, or he did and pretended not to notice.

But his style of acting can be bolder!

Thinking of this, Zhou Yu's heart suddenly moved.

Next, you can watch it unscrupulously!

And in the current situation, the attention of the second sage of the West, Hongjun, and most of the prehistoric powerhouses are in Zixiao Palace, which is a rare good opportunity.

Wouldn't it be a waste if you didn't take the opportunity to do something about it?

Then take the opportunity to test Hongjun again!

Immediately, he began to secretly transmit voices to Monkey King who was in the witch world.

In the witch world.

At this time, Monkey King has fallen into boredom.

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【Wukong helps me farm, I teach him to open up the universe】【】

Now, the Witch Clan and the Western Second Saints have entered Zixiao Palace.

Although his Delusion-breaking Golden Boy is powerful, he cannot detect the situation in Zixiao Palace.

Moreover, even if he had the ability, he would not dare to do so.

After all, that was Hongjun's territory, and if he probed casually, he might be discovered.

At that time, maybe he will be severely punished for this.

After all, my third junior brother, the six-eared macaque, had this kind of encounter back then.

Using his innate supernatural powers to eavesdrop on the sermons in Zixiao Palace, Hongjun abolished his cultivation, and even established a six-ear ban on not teaching the law.

If I hadn't met the fairy elder, I still don't know where I am now.

Speaking of which, Sun Wukong was also very dissatisfied with Hongjun's meddling.

He had been waiting for the Witch Clan and Houtu to kill the Second Saint of the West, and then it would be over.

Once Hongjun came out, there was really nothing he could do.

Although it is said that Hongjun handles the matter fairly in name, anyone with a brain knows that he is not here to handle things fairly at all, but to save the Second Saint of the West.

This time, it may be impossible to get rid of the Second Saint of the West.

However, even so, he was still very curious about the situation in Zixiao Palace.

After waiting for a while, I became a little anxious.

Dangjiu looked aside, the good corpse Meng Po of Houtu, and Taoist Qinglian.

I want to know the situation in Zixiao Palace through them.

However, before he could ask, Zhou Yu's voice was heard in his mind:

"Wukong, I will give you another task."

Hearing this, Monkey King immediately stopped thinking about asking, and immediately replied to Zhou Yu:

"Sir, what is the mission?"

Zhou Yu:

"Houtu and the others have already gone to Zixiao Palace, and they won't be back in a short time."

"Don't waste this time, tell Granny Meng to lead the members of the Wu clan to start farming as soon as possible."

After all, the farms in the witch world are very large.

If you want to cultivate and plant, you have to spend a lot of time.

This time, although the battle between the Wu Clan and the West did not go to the end, the Wu Clan had already won.

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Zhou Yu never expected that they could really kill the Second Saint of the West.

What's more, the saint can be resurrected with the help of heaven after being beheaded, and the twelve ancestor witches can't completely kill the two saints of the West!

Therefore, I don't care so much about the latter situation.

In contrast, it is more reliable to immediately develop the Wujie Farm and grow the crops.

For this reason, Zhou Yu deliberately passed on a large number of crop seeds and agricultural tools to Sun Wukong for him to arrange.

When Sun Wukong heard Zhou Yu's order, he naturally chose to obey.

Immediately, he said to Po Meng:

"Fellow Daoist Meng Po, let's not delay, let's start farming quickly."

Hearing Sun Wukong's words, Po Meng was puzzled.

She couldn't understand why Sun Wukong was in such a hurry to farm?

Now, the deity and the eleven ancestor witches are still in Zixiao Palace.

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【Wukong helps me farm, I teach him to open up the universe】【】

Does Monkey King not care about their situation at all?

Or, was the ending already foreseen?

She was puzzled, but she didn't say it out.

After all, the Wujie farm has now been developed.

Sooner or later, you have to start farming, and it’s okay to be earlier.

Immediately issued an order to the Wu clan:

"All Wu clans, start preparing for farming now!"

All of a sudden, the entire wizarding world became busy.

After Sun Wukong distributed the crop seeds and agricultural tools to the Wu clan, he saw that Zhen Yuanzi and Taoist Qinglian were still idle, so he leaned over and asked with a smile:

"Don't you two also want to open up a farm?"

"Why don't you go to a place with me and study, how about that?"

As soon as these words came out, the two people who were still paying attention to the situation in Zixiao Palace, whether it was Zhen Yuanzi or Taoist Qinglian, suddenly came back to their senses, and their hearts moved.

They realized that the place that Monkey King mysteriously said that he would take the two of them to is definitely not an ordinary place.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for Sun Wukong to pick this moment, when the Second Saints of the West are no longer there, and all the powerful people in the prehistoric period are in Zixiao Palace, so they have to go by themselves.

In the minds of both of them, a guess emerged.

Perhaps this place is what I have always wanted to know, the location of the mysterious strong man behind the scenes!

Standing opposite each other, both of them were looking forward to it.

Zhen Yuanzi replied immediately:

"Where is it, I would like to go!"

Taoist Qinglian called the Holy Mother of Wudang, Zhao Gongming and other disciples, and ordered:

"I'm going to leave for a while, you should get familiar with farming in this witch world first."

Immediately, he came to Monkey King and said to Monkey King:

"Monkey King, let's go."

Sun Wukong grabbed the two of them, and the next moment, the three of them disappeared in place without a trace.

Seeing Zhao Gongming, the disciples of the Holy Mother of Wudang all stared wide-eyed in surprise.

They were very puzzled when they heard Taoist Qinglian's order.

I don't understand why the head of the church needs to wait for others to be familiar with farming affairs?

Could it be that, seeing that Houtu opened up a farm, the head teacher also wanted to open up a farm?

Unexpectedly, Taoist Qinglian left before they even asked.

They were also shocked by the way the Monkey King trio disappeared.

Because they found that after the three of them disappeared, they seemed to evaporate. Not only did they leave no trace, they didn't even know the direction they left.

Realizing this, they all showed horror.

This Sun Wukong actually has such means?

You know, there are quite a few quasi-sages among them, but none of them noticed his whereabouts!


Zhen Yuanzi, Taoist Qinglian's guess is not wrong.

The place Sun Wukong wanted to take them to was Zhou Yu's Hongmeng Farm.

And this order, of course, was also given by Zhou Yu to Sun Wukong - he would not dare to bring a stranger back without Zhou Yu's consent.

At this time, in Hongmeng Farm.

After Zhou Yu gave Sun Wukong the order, he immediately moved his gaze to the side of the light curtain.

He was a little worried, would Hongjun also monitor the situation in the witch world?

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【Wukong helps me farm, I teach him to open up the universe】【】

Fortunately, Hongjun at this time did not show any abnormality.

Seeing this situation, Zhou Yu felt more relieved.

It seems that I think too much about Hongjun.

He didn't discover the ability of Hongmeng Farm.

But even so, Zhou Yu didn't think his actions were superfluous.

After all, careful sailing is the boat of ten thousand years.

In the prehistoric world, he was still not invincible, so he had to pay more attention to his own safety.

He didn't stop observing Hongjun until he noticed that Monkey King and the other three had entered Hongmeng Farm.

He turned his head and looked towards Sun Wukong's cottage.

Seeing this, the other tenants present also turned their heads and looked towards Monkey King's thatched cottage.

They were very puzzled.

Well done, what does the Immortal Chief look at the elder brother's thatched hut?

Could it be that the big brother has come back?

Just thinking about it, Monkey King's thatched cottage was actually opened!

Immediately, Sun Wukong, Taoist Qinglian, and Zhenyuanzi walked out of it one by one.

Suddenly, a group of tenants panicked!

A stranger has actually entered the farm!

You know, the first day they entered Hongmeng Farm, they knew the rules of Hongmeng Farm.

Tenants were not allowed to bring strangers into the farm.

Because of this, Hongmeng Farm is likely to be exposed!

But now, the elder brother actually did this.

Moreover, Taoist Qinglian and Zhen Yuanzi, the two quasi-sages, were brought in!

These two are both well-known figures in the prehistoric world.

For a while, the tenants were very flustered and didn't know what to do.

Seeing this, Zhou Yu immediately comforted them:

"Don't panic, I asked Wukong to bring them in."

As soon as this remark came out, the tenants were immediately relieved.

Thinking of how excited he was just now, he couldn't help but feel a little funny.

It turned out that it was the person who was recruited by the fairy head, so he made a fuss.

Immediately, they became curious again.

What did the immortal chief ask Taoist Qinglian and Zhen Yuanzi to come in?

Could it be that they want to turn them into tenants of the farm?

A group of tenants started remembering.

It seems that people who have entered the farm before have become tenants of the farm later?

Immediately, they were determined.

The Immortal Chief definitely wanted to recruit Zhen Yuanzi and Taoist Qinglian into the farm and become tenants of the farm!

In this way, I can have two more quasi-sage juniors?

A group of tenants are all looking forward to it.

They had no doubts about Zhou Yu's success rate in finding tenants.

After all, with the character of the Immortal Elder, if he is not fully sure, it is impossible to rashly pull them in.

The quota for the two juniors has been confirmed!

At the same time, within Zixiao Palace.

Just as Zhou Yu guessed, Hongjun was not aware of his probing.

He also didn't know about the existence of Hongmeng Farm.

Now, his attention is all on the group of people in front of him, thinking about how to deal with it.

But at this moment, the Twelve Patriarchal Witches and a group of strong men from Houtu all looked sternly, looking at the two sages of the West.

Obviously, their hatred for the Second Saint of the West has not become indifferent because of their own intervention.

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【Wukong helps me farm, I teach him to open up the universe】【】

If I can't come up with a solution that satisfies them, I'm afraid this matter can't be resolved.

As for the two sages of the West, they were all looking at themselves with bitter faces and grievances in their eyes.

Zhunti was the first to say:

"Teacher, you must decide for us!"

"These twelve ancestor witches attacked us for no reason, and even wanted to kill us!"

"This Houtu, as a sage of heaven, not only did not stop them, but instead helped them to besiege us!"

"I don't want you to act in time, we are afraid that we will die in their hands!"

As soon as this remark came out, the faces of everyone present changed drastically!

Unexpectedly, this Zhunti was so brazen.

I offended the Wu Clan first, but now I still beat him up, saying it was the Wu Clan's fault?

On the side of the Twelve Patriarchal Witches, Gong Gong, Zhu Rong, and Di Jiang were the first to bear it, and cursed angrily:

"Fart, it's obvious that you were the first to investigate my witch world!"

"As a saint, he is so shameless!"

Even Tiantian, after hearing Zhunti's words, felt sick in his heart, with a look of disdain on his face.

The second sage of the West is indeed the same as before, shameless.

It seems that the beatings of the Twelve Ancestral Witches haven't frightened them yet.

But at this moment, he seemed to feel something, his complexion suddenly changed, and his originally leisurely atmosphere became tense!

Such an obvious change in Tongtian's body naturally attracted the attention of other people present.

Everyone looked at Tongtian one after another, wondering in their hearts.

Lao Tzu asked:

"Tongtian, what's wrong with you?"

At this time, Tongtian's face returned to calm, and he said calmly:

"It's nothing, it's just being disgusted by people."

Hearing this, the Second Saint of the West turned dark.

Where can't you hear that Tongtian is talking about himself?

But Tongtian didn't specify, and they didn't want to blame themselves, so they could only suppress their anger.

Jieyin said to Hongjun:

"Teacher, please uphold justice for us!"

Hearing this, several ancestral witches couldn't be more angry, and they stood up one after another, wanting to do something!

Seeing this, Houtu shouted:

"Brothers, don't be impulsive!"

"Right and wrong, UU Reading I think Daozu should understand clearly."

Hearing this, the big witch clan calmed down and looked at Hongjun.

Others also looked at Hongjun one after another.

Houtu's words actually meant to threaten Hongjun: If you dare to favor the two of them, we will not obey!

Seeing this, Hongjun took a deep look at Houtu, but didn't say anything.

He pondered for a moment before slowly opening his mouth and saying:

"This matter is indeed a mistake in the introduction and approval,"

Without waiting for everyone's mood to change, he continued to Houtu:

"However, you are still beating now, and you are getting angry, so just let it go."

Hearing this, the Second Saint of the West was immediately discouraged.

They originally thought of beating them up and seeking compensation from the Wu Clan.

Now it seems that the benefits are gone.

What they didn't expect was that the Wu Clan was completely unconvinced by Hongjun's favoritism.

Zhu Rong stood up and shouted:

"If this is the case, then can't I just go to their Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss to investigate?"

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【Wukong helps me farm, I teach him to open up the universe】【】

"Even if they are discovered, it's a big deal to fight, anyway, they can't beat us!"

Hearing this, the Second Saint of the West suddenly became angry.

Zhunti shouted:

"What else do you want?"

Without waiting for him to say more, Hongjun shouted:

"shut up!"

Immediately turned his eyes to the direction of Houtu, and asked faintly:

"Then what do you want?"