MTL - Xianzun is Collapsing Every Day-Chapter 50 meandering water

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Ye Tingjiang stopped. He is not unfamiliar with the master of that male voice. Whenever Yunze can drink, there must be such a person.

Return to a sword repair, Geng Qingyang.

Now, the two major factions in the world of immortality are standing side by side.

As a cultivator, Geng Qingyang always wanted to compete with the Linxian Sect, so he often came to provoke Ye Tingjiang, who was also a sword cultivator.

They used to have similar cultivation bases, and Geng Qingyang often couldn't get anything good from Ye Tingjiang. This time, Ye Tingjiang broke through the late stage of the questioning state of mind. Geng Qingyang knew that he was no match, but when he met, he was still unhappy when the words came to his lips.

He saw the young man dressed in gauze leaning timidly against Ye Tingjiang's arms, with light golden ornaments faintly revealing between his ankles, and the sound of bells as he walked, and he was immediately interested.

Would an old-fashioned person like Ye Tingjiang bring a furnace to Yunze to drink?

It seems that those rumors are somewhat credible.

Ye Tingjiang was about to refute lightly, but he felt that the corner of his clothes was being pulled heavily by the younger disciple.

Mu Chuihan's eyes widened. Although he couldn't focus on Ye Tingjiang's face accurately, Ye Tingjiang felt his expectation.

He opened his mouth excitedly: "Xianjun, what other toys did you bring? Did you bring them for me?"

Ye Tingjiang burst into laughter, and Fuyan actually automatically understood the plaything as a toy, and took himself out directly.

So Ben complacently mocked Ye Tingjiang's Geng Qingyang, and found to his dejection that the two had ignored him.

Not only that, Ye Tingjiang's dead face, which has remained unchanged for thousands of years, also showed a very gentle smile.

Geng Qingyang rubbed his eyes, suspecting that there was a fake Lord Tingyun in front of him.

At this moment, Ye Tingjiang turned his head to face Geng Qingyang, his smile narrowed, and he said to him in an extremely indifferent tone: "Qingyang-Jun speaks carefully."

Geng Qingyang was actually somewhat satisfied. Look, this is what Ting Yun-jun should look like.

When he touched Ye Tingjiang's cold eyes, he realized how hopeless this idea was, coughed, and returned to a frivolous tone: "Ting Yun-kun dares to do it, don't let people say it? Tsk, such a Little beauty, I still feel pity... Tingyun-kun, don't play with things and lose your mind."

Geng Qingyang has no interest in men at all, and he just said these words to anger Ye Tingjiang.

Unexpectedly, Ye Tingjiang hadn't said anything, when he saw the boy with low eyebrows and pleasing eyes suddenly raised his head, his expression sneering, and his lips moved quickly.

He didn't hear a word.

At that moment, Geng Qingyang suspected that he had lost his hearing and was at a loss.

It wasn't until he called out the spirit sword in his hand and confirmed that he could clearly hear the sound of the sword, and then he was surprised to find that it was not him that was deaf, but the young man who was dumb.

Mu Chuihan had not spoken for a long time, let alone quarreled. Now that he met Geng Qingyang who came to the door, he couldn't hold back his restless heart, and a series of counterattacks came, citing classics, elegant words, and murderous hearts.

It's a pity that Geng Qingyang didn't understand a word.

Ye Tingjiang explained: "He can't understand."

Mu Chuihan agreed with an "oh", and suggested again: "Xianjun translate it."

This opponent's quality is not very good, and he can't even do the most basic communication.

Ye Tingjiang really understood every word, but only felt that Fuyan's words were too sinister. It was difficult for Ye Tingjiang to repeat sentence by sentence. He couldn't help rubbing Fuyan's head: "You are a junior, so it's not good to scold seniors like this."

Geng Qingyang and his spirit sword were both shocked. Although he didn't understand it just now, after Ye Tingjiang said this, he already knew that this young man was scolding him!

He opened his mouth reluctantly, and before he said anything, he saw Ye Tingjiang Lingjian, who had never been angry, unsheathed, and the tip of the sword pointed at him.

Ye Tingjiang repeated: "Jun Qingyang speaks carefully."

Geng Qingyang laughed: "Jun Tingyun is really obsessed with sex, and now he even pulls out his sword in order to play with his pet. Oh... yes, he is not ordinary, five yin melts the heart, how can Jun Tingyun continue to break through the realm without him Woolen cloth?"

As soon as Ye Tingjiang's sword light flourished, he slashed directly at Geng Qingyang.

The juniors scold the seniors for being unreasonable, so I just leave them all to him.

Geng Qingyang never expected that he would really make a move, so he hurriedly raised his sword to block the separation, and the spiritual powers of the two sides converged, and they were separated at the touch of a button.

They are all monks who ask about their state of mind, and it would be a loss of identity to fight this way. Geng Qingyang used to be sure that Ye Tingjiang would not fight back, and his words were wanton.

Now he doesn't dare anymore. Today's Ye Tingjiang is several times more crazy than him, as if this young man is the bottom line that cannot be touched.

Geng Qingyang thought about it and backed away abruptly: "Then don't bother Jun Yun, we'll see when we can drink."

Ye Tingjiang retracted his sword, but also restrained his sternness, and continued to help the little apprentice into the room.

Mu Chuanqi's teeth were itchy, he had heard the sound of the sword just now, but he couldn't see Ye Tingjiang's shot!

Speaking of which, he and Ye Tingjiang have known each other for so long, and they have never seen him make a serious sword.

Mu Chuihan thought about the sassy and heroic appearance described by Lin Xu, and suddenly felt that he had missed a million spiritual jade.

The large area of ​​water here is collectively called Yunze, but the location of the rookie Dabi is above a small pavilion in the middle of the lake. Each sect sits in a row around the lake, and each has a seat.

It is obviously a big competition among a group of monks, but the rules are elegant, and they borrowed the method of flowing water in the world. A small canoe carrying a wine glass is staying in the middle of the lake at the moment.

The water in the lake does not flow naturally, so monks from various sects are required to drive the canoe with their spiritual power. In the end, which sect the boat stopped in front of, this sect would send a disciple to the Huxin Pavilion for a test.

The form is similar to the arena, and the final winner will be the top of the rookie list and become famous since then.

Mu Chuihan had never participated in the Yunze Symposium, but Ye Tingjiang competed with his brother in charge and Geng Qingyang for the rookie leader when he was a teenager.

Geng Qingyang defeated the Sect Master at that time. He thought that this was the strongest disciple of Linxian Sect, and he believed that he would win the championship. I don't want Lin Xianzong to kill a little-known Ye Tingjiang in the end. The two fought. He finally lost and was shot down by Yunze.

And when Ye Tingjiang came on the field, Geng Qingyang had already fought several people in a row. Ye Tingjiang didn't want this convenience. He went to the Huxin Pavilion and didn't do anything. He didn't use the sword until he recovered his spiritual power.

This also made Geng Qingyang even more unhappy to see him, and always wanted to regain a city in Yunze Huiyin.

Mu Chuihan's eyes darkened as he sat beside Ye Tingjiang and didn't know anything. Seeing that he was bored, Mingzheng gave him a detailed account of the positions of the various sects and the monks who came back before the big competition started.

Ye Tingjiang spoke restraint, but Mingzheng was not polite at all. After listening to it for a long time, Mu Chuihan could only hear one meaning, this time, apart from returning to the one sect, there was nothing to be afraid of.

Moreover, Guiyi Sect has already won the leader of the last sect. According to Mingzheng, this time, the Great Competition Lin Xianzong is determined to win, and Guiyi Sect must not be reelected.

Mingzheng was talking about the romantic scandal of Geng Qingyang she had heard with a smile, but suddenly stopped talking and sighed: "He is here too."

Mu Chuihan pulled Ye Tingjiang's hand curiously. He has recently developed a tacit understanding with Ye Tingjiang, and Ye Tingjiang understood what he meant and explained: "Senior sister is talking about Leng Hao of Zhufenglou, he is weak, and he didn't expect to come. Watch."

The guest seats for the Yunze Drink are reserved for those monks who do not participate in the competition.

Mu Chuihan had never even heard of the name Zhufenglou. Anyway, he never gave him a present. He asked curiously, "Aren't they participating in the competition?"

"A hundred years ago, there was a chaotic world with the beasts and nine infants," Ye Tingjiang said with a heavy heart: "Zhufenglou has been severely damaged, and now there are few people."

Mingzheng said regretfully: "At that time, his wife, also my old friend, fell into the Nine Infants Rebellion. Later, Zhufenglou collapsed, and the few remaining disciples were unfortunately killed, and Lengchao was also plagued by various diseases ."

Her gaze stayed on Leng Li, the latter's face was clear but solemn, making Ming Zheng recall the high-spirited state when he and his wife borrowed together, and sighed.

Leng Hao seemed to be aware of his gaze, and looked in their direction. He forced a smile, but was covered by the sickness. He nodded slightly as a compliment.

The big game has officially started.

Mingzheng unloaded his heart full of sadness in an instant, and even Mu Chuihan, who could not see her, could feel the change in her aura, so he could only ask Ye Tingjiang, "What's wrong with Shibo?"

Ye Tingjiang smiled: "You will find out later."

Mu Chuihan waited quietly for a while, his hearing became sharper after he could not see it, and soon he heard a rippling sound of water.

This sound of water seems to be accompanied by the fluctuation of spiritual power.

The golden bell on his wrist moved with the wind, and he felt that something was coming with the wave, and it was about to reach their seat.

At this moment, an extremely clear and clear zheng sound rang out in my ears, and the strings were clanging loudly and vigorously, like a war melody.

The gray shadow also gradually disappeared along with the musical symbol.

Mu Chuihan was cautious in the sound of the cracked silk, and the movements of his lips were much smaller: "Who is the master fighting with?"

Ye Tingjiang said calmly, "Geng Qingyang."

Mu Chuihan was amazed, he was really everywhere.

Ye Tingjiang is not surprised, this has become a reserved item every time Yunze will drink.

Whenever Geng Qingyang provokes, Mingzheng's temperament is not soft, and he will never swallow his voice. So who will drink the first cup of wine in this big competition depends on the result of Mingzheng and Geng Qingyang's fighting.

Since it is a ring, everyone does not want to be the one who appeared early. So both sides vigorously pushed the canoe towards the other's sect, whichever faction finally drank this glass of wine, it was considered a half loss.

As for the other sects, they did not dare to rashly interfere with the struggle between the great powers. They were all wise to protect themselves. Only when the two parties saw a truce would they dare to call in the boat and let their disciples come to the stage and go through the motions.

Now the eyes of hundreds of cultivators in Quan Yunze are focused on the seats between their two factions.

Although the original intention was to watch the fight, but when he looked at it, his eyes could not help but stop at the person beside Mingzheng... Mu Chuihan.

The seats of each sect are located in the small terraces near the water, and in the Linxian sect, not only are the two elders Mingzheng and Ye Tingjiang sitting in the front row, but there is also a young man who has never seen before. .

It is not difficult to guess the identity of the young man, but it can only be the newly recruited disciple of Jun Tingyun, or Luding and Fuyan.

But unlike the rumors, the boy's eyes were covered with a layer of cloth, and he seemed to have an eye disease. According to the news from Gui Yi Zong, he was also dumb and speechless.

The monks took a deep breath.

Few people knew about Fuyan's trials at the Linxian Sect's outer gate. At that time, there was nothing, but now he suddenly has two physical illnesses, which is really fascinating.

Among the disciples of Lord Tingyun, who else dares to move except Lord Tingyun?

Luding has always had little status in the world of immortal cultivation. They thought that Linxian Sect was famous and would never make it too obvious. Now it seems that, in order to have a more well-behaved partner, Ting Yun-Jun actually used a ruthless hand to seal Fuyan's eyes and voice.

Several monks who were soaked in the wind and moon showed tacit smiles one after another. This blind beauty has a different taste. She clearly couldn't bear it during the double cultivation, but she couldn't make a sound, and her expression was even more fragile...

They were ashamed, but they never thought that Jun Tingyun would be quiet on weekdays, but when he saw this teaching method, he was actually a veteran of Fengyue.

Mu Chuihan was leaning on Jun Tingyun at this moment, listening to the soundtrack of Mingzheng, and struggling with Guazi. It used to be easy, but now he sweeps down a large amount of melon seeds at every turn, and after finally nibbling them off, the kernels of the melon seeds still fall out.

Ye Tingjiang couldn't see it, so he took the initiative to peel the sunflower seeds for him, and put the kernels of the sunflower seeds in his palm.

Mu Chuihan simply gave up doing it himself, and waited lazily for Ye Tingjiang to feed him.

This scene undoubtedly attracted the attention of more monks. They couldn't help but think that Jun Tingyun was a bit ruthless, but pampering was also really pampering.

Mingzheng was busy fighting, Mu Chuihan couldn't see anything, only Ye Tingjiang was sitting on pins and needles in these scrutiny.

He finally couldn't sit still, raised his head and cast a faint glance at the surroundings, and countless cultivators hurriedly looked away.

Mu Chuihan even listened to Tingzheng eating melon seeds with peace of mind, and became the most leisurely person in all of Yunze.

However, at this moment, the sound of Mingzheng's violin was suddenly rapid and even sharp, and the final tone made Mu Chuhuihan want to cover his ears.

After a sharp sound, the sound of the zheng stopped, the two fighting spirit power disappeared, and the wooden boat supporting the spirit wine slowly floated to the front of the Immortal Sect, and finally stopped quietly.

This one is a victory.

Mingzheng frowned, it wasn't that she lost her spiritual power to Geng Qingyang just now, but Hu Xin suddenly joined the third spiritual power to help Geng Qingyang push the spiritual power here, and she lost her defense for a while.

The monks here should all know the rules... Where does this spiritual power come from?

Mu Chuihan didn't know anything, and was asking Ye Tingjiang with his mouth shape, "What's wrong?"

Immediately, I heard an unbearable scolding: "In broad daylight, what a formality!"

Sober tone, childish voice.

Mu Chuihan snapped away from Ye Tingjiang's body and sat up straight.

He couldn't hear it wrong.

Sword Spirit Suixing, who he has been away for a few months... How come he is here?

The author has something to say: Xianzun (Erkang hand): Suixing, I miss you, I miss you, and I bought you a lot of gifts

Suixing (face expressionless): I see that you are reluctant to think about Shu.

Thank you to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-02-2023:28:19~2021-02-2123:26:33~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 5003799014 bottles; 4 bottles of Lala La La La La Lala; 2 bottles of Huang Yue; With my support, I will continue to work hard!