MTL - Xiling Empire-Chapter 1608 good sign

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From the fragment of the world that collided with us this time, Tavel analyzed the information of the hometown world, and determined that our course was correct. This is actually good news-because even now, we are The coordinates of Xing still have to be described as "suspectedly correct", and if you don't know for sure, it will be accurate.

The original coordinates of the hometown world were left by a Protoss sentinel in the ancient times (for the eternal Protoss), since then, times have changed, and even the universe with a life of 100 billion years will die countless times. Although it did not die out, it will change its position during the process of void change. The Protoss side has derived a series of "suspected coordinates" according to the law of void change.

Obviously, the above process is full of uncertainty. There are too many variables in any step. Even if the Protoss delved for months to select coordinates, we still cannot say with certainty that the hometown world must be at the position shown by these coordinates. .

Although Sandora and I were reluctant to admit it, this fleet voyage did have a component of luck, but the situation forced it, and the Void Catastrophe had not given us much time, so even if we had luck, we should come out and see. Now that Tavel analyzes the signal of the hometown world from the world fragments, the big rock in everyone's mind has fallen to the ground: whether or not the hometown is still there, at least it can be determined that the course we finally determined through the exclusion method is OK.

"Can you determine the specific location of the hometown world?" I asked a little greedily, but Tavel was not omnipotent, and she could only shake her head with a little regret in the face of the problem: "Unable to determine. There is very little information, and It is extremely vague, it should be just the trace left by a certain material leak. However, we have three suspected coordinates at hand, which can be found soon after being eliminated in turn. This is the theory. "

I nodded, and I was no longer greedy. In fact, it is quite difficult to determine the information of the home world in such a simple way, because under normal circumstances, one universe does not contain any information of another universe, and even occasionally "crossing" phenomenon will be corrected by the world itself: Depending on the version of the world management system, either the passing object is worn away, or it undergoes a series of complex transformations to completely change to a local account. According to Bingtis, several new versions of the world management system produced by the Pantheon officially support automatic account change.

In summary. Information in other universes detected in one world fragment is quite rare, but the hometown world is special-although the cause is not yet known, the hometown world seems to be constantly experiencing material leakage or large-scale information exchange with other universes. Is something wrong with its world barrier. Anyway, as long as there is something in or near the hometown world. Will be infected with the "breath of hometown".

This statement is a bit strange. But it has to be said that it is a good phenomenon, and we can infer the coordinates of the hometown world today, in fact, there is such a reason.

This violent crash in the void has ended, and only a little bit of splendid light bands in the order field are slowly drifting away. The fragmentation of that world has finally come to an end. Collision with the order field will cause its final stability to be broken. The next is the rapid and painless void assimilation. Now the glory we see in the order field is The last image before the piece had completely evaporated. The little crow also finished the work. She dragged a tail of flame to appear in the order field, and then landed on the transcontinental arm of the empire with a signature 59-style landing method--that is, the mouth shell was inserted On the armor plate, instant! between! Yes! land! Complete single kill.

It is obvious that this landing method was learned by a stupid dragon **** who landed with his mouth all day long, but the little crow has not really even landed like the stupid dragon. The reason for her landing with her mouth is just This is faster. After all, she was carrying heavy equipment. To land normally, she had to circle and decelerate for a long time. It was better to run into it and save trouble. Anyway, the body of the crow **** was stronger than the spacecraft, and she was not afraid of smashing her shell. Given that this novel mouth landing method is now used by more than one person, Qian Qian also used her big brain to give her the name of the landing method 59-I think this number is meaningless, But the shallow reason is that this number can be changed at will. In the future, no matter how many new postures the little crow invents, we can collectively call it 59 style ... I feel that the topic is very strange, so stop here.

Abyss Helen himself drove a work boat to pull the crow off the armor belt, and then sent the equipment on the silly bird to an expert team for analysis. From this, we roughly determined the "direction" of the world debris. However, this "direction" cannot directly determine the world position of the hometown. It can only be used as a reference. Let us adjust the parameters of the Void Engine. Well, it is better than nothing.

This was followed by full speed sailing for several days.

We are now absolutely certain that the fleet has entered the power of the "wave of destruction", and we can be sure that this wave of destruction is still surging. The nearby void is still there, but there are signs that it is becoming increasingly unfriendly, and some kind of "atmosphere" is gradually becoming unfamiliar. The fleet began to encounter a wide range of debris from the universe. Instead of encountering one or two occasionally at first, as long as the Void Radar was turned on, a large area could be scanned casually. As if we were sailing on a field of Shura where there were corpses, the torn universe was lingering outside the fleet's order field, countless world fragments quickly evaporated within the radar's sensing range, and a fierce information tide came from every direction. This is the unconscious convulsion after the destruction of the world, which is embarrassing, but even more headache: the information generated by the evaporation of the world ’s debris has shattered into pieces, almost affecting the navigation system of the spacecraft. They have become a fog in the void, The landscape in the fog became blurred.

Fortunately, Tavier anticipated this before she set off. She installed a large number of modified plug-ins on each spacecraft. A considerable part of these plug-ins is dedicated to improving the strength and accuracy of radar, and it is aimed at the evaporation debris of the world's debris. Wave settings have a powerful filtering and descrambling system, although these settings cannot completely offset the surrounding interference environment. But at least the navigation device can be maintained in a working state, and navigation is better than anything. And to be honest, the fleet does not need to scan too much here. Our target is only three, that is, the last three "suspected coordinates" to be checked. The hometown world must be one of them. The fleet only needs to input the coordinates. Navigation equipment, and then rush straight ahead, it doesn't matter what you hit along the way.

However, our luck was pretty good. The crash that had just entered the wave of destruction did not repeat itself (of course, the collision that day was also because Sandora ordered not to evade. It could have been avoided). The dense fragmentation of the world is only relatively speaking. In the vast void, there is still a way for the fleet to pass safely. We proceeded cautiously and swiftly in this strange environment, while lamenting and mourning the cosmic residues encountered around us, while looking forward to the early appearance of the hometown world. Preferably the first coordinate is.

But there are more than just wrecks along the way. We also encountered some universes that have not yet been destroyed. As the expedition reports. The wave of destruction only increased the number of doomsdays, but it did not really destroy everything like a cataclysm, although its mechanism of action is not yet clear. But some universes have survived. They are particularly striking in the void of this wreckage, and maybe they will become the next victim. Our radar once detected a fairly large information tide, and then the next day we encountered a large "fresh wreck" floating from the direction of the information tide. There is no doubt that this is the end of the world-this is The proof that the wave of destruction is still working.

We ca n’t delay, but we ca n’t just ignore this. After all, in the logic of the Apostles of the Spirit, as long as they belong to the order camp, they are considered comrades or potential comrades. Surviving and civilized worlds will divert some working groups in the past. These working groups are prepared in advance. They carry the sovereign broadcast tower (one of the core components of the sovereign hub) produced during the voyage. Its task is to transfer these The radio tower is set in the surviving universe found along the way. The Sovereign Broadcasting Tower will continue to release signals to the entire world, declaring that this place is already empire territory, and the Sovereign Broadcasting Tower is also connected to the outpost development stations we set up along the way, and it is connected to the data network of the Empire through layers of connections. In this way, these barbaric universes and empires are truly connected into a whole.

This broadcast is of course not a meaningless form of walking. The broadcast tower works with the peculiar energy of a special frequency. Using the principle of the peculiar energy on the staircase in the void and the world, it can change the basic data of a world and make it truly become The "parts" of the empire, thus incorporating them into the asylum of void creatures. The experts have determined that as long as the Nether creatures are mounted on the data network, every node in the network will be immune to various Nether disasters, even if the node is remote and the connection is weak.

This can be considered as a hole in the void. I have known for a long time with Dingdang and a group of unreliable protoss. I find that I have an assimilation tendency with them, and I am more and more good at drilling my own leaks ...

From the beginning of the fleet's departure from the Empire, we finally reached the first coordinate by the fifteenth day.

It is theoretically possible that this is the home of the hometown world, but unfortunately there is only a mess of wreckage here, a dying universe that has entered the dusk. The tide around the information is very strong. Obviously, several large worlds have collapsed not long ago. The convulsions at the time of their death are still washing the void.

Tavel sent an expert team to inspect each piece of debris here and the dying universe, and finally reported to us with a look of great luck: "It is not the hometown world, this coordinate can be ruled out."

Everyone was relieved: when they first arrived at this first coordinate, they saw the hearts of the cosmos everywhere when they saw the wreckage of the universe. Fortunately, I haven't met any bad news.

"But it's not a problem to hang it all day long," said Bettis, sitting dangling in a chair boringly. "I feel depressed, most annoyed by this kind of worrying thing, can't I give you a sword?

Abyss Spirit is floating on the officer's platform like a wandering soul. Her life form is special, and her body cannot leave the abyss area, so what we have is only an interactive interface, and it is clear that her main energy is not here now. Aside. Going up shallowly and boring on the face of Abyss Xiling for a long time, the latter only responded whimpering like sleepwaking: "Ah ?! Something?"

Qian Qian continued to poke the other person's face: "It's okay, poke you twice to relieve boredom."

Abyss Healing thought about it and nodded silently: "Oh, then you poke."

I feel that the boring sailing of this half month is really harmful. You can see that these two brain holes are expanding at the same time!

When I set off, the feeling of nervousness and excitement with a sense of blood and enthusiasm gradually subsided. After half a month sailing in this desolate and empty area full of decay, in the end everyone had only a little peace and a little bit of peace. Expectation and restlessness. The increasing number of debris on the journey finally made people feel numb, but Tavel and her researchers still maintain a high morale: they will not be tired of the cosmic debris everywhere, here are Endless secrets can be discovered. For researchers. Here are new phenomena and data worthy of reference. While others have slowly taken this kind of voyage as a daily routine, doing their own things like home every day, the initial excitement and boredom in the middle have passed, and the rest is to wait quietly. My elder sister is busy teaching little crows to write these days. Lin Xue holding a crystal ball every day to go to the streets of the ship's city for divination. Bingtis led the Protoss sliver quintessential team to walk around the edge of the order field every three to five. I occasionally take a walk in the debris of the world I pass by, and I am exploring an isolated island at sea, but she claims that she is collecting data to improve the world management terminal. The most interesting is shallow. She has been busy knitting my neckband for a while, saying that she has found the feeling of becoming a lady and a good housewife. At present, her neckband is enough to tie my ankle and hang me from Nicaragua Falls ... this efficiency It's terrible. I have every reason to believe that this girl has accelerated time in strange places, and I'm sure she doesn't know how to close the needle ...

The Apostles and Protoss are both able to withstand loneliness. Our family is even more indifferent. The greatest advantage of the longevity is finally manifested: once the boring life reaches a certain level, we quickly organize a new one. Everyday.

But the boring voyage always had an end point. Ten days later (25 days after leaving the Empire), we arrived at the second coordinate. This time, a clear signal appeared on the radar.

A scream of a system reminder first rang through every battleship, and then the onboard radio broadcast echoed in all corners of the entire fleet. It was exactly one morning that no one in the family who kept the earth's daily routine got up, but the radio rang Afterwards, everyone rushed out of their respective cabins at the fastest speed. I was still a little bit agitated in the noise, but the repeat of the broadcast several times finally made sure that this was not a dream: "A large-scale information source was detected , The mode is determined to be the native universe, and it is determined to be the homeland world. A large-scale information source is detected, and the mode is determined to be the native universe, and it is determined to be the homeland world ... "

I came out of the living cabin and stood on the edge of the ecological zone to look at the distant scenery. I listened to the broadcast repeatedly with a surprised expression on my face. The simulated dome on my head was gradually brightening, and the city inside the ship under the dome was visible to the naked eye. Speed ​​is lively. A large number of Teijin are starting to act in groups. According to the predetermined process, they will enter the job site and prepare for the next landing. There are high-speed aircraft passing through the sky. This is the group of experts who are heading to the engineering fleet.

The whole city wakes up at dawn, and we also find our hometown world at dawn-whether or not it makes sense, I think it is a good sign.

While my heart was surging, a burst of beautiful but breathtaking cheers suddenly came from the side: "I finally found it."

As soon as I turned my head, I saw Bingtis screaming at the city center in excitement, and behind her were the protoss slivers who were preparing to cheer but were deterred by the elder sister's coercion and did not dare to speak. In addition, there was a small voice mixed with the cheers of Bingtis: "Hey, I finally found it ..."

This is Ding Dong. The little girl is not afraid of coercion. She even jumped with a leash on Bingtis' head, but unfortunately there was basically no sense of movement.

I felt that excitement in my heart was suddenly tormented by this group of guys: "How do you look more excited than the Spirit apostle?"

Bingtis shook his head (by the way, Ding-Dong), his voice was Ling Ran: "Nonsense, what the apostles of the spirit are sullen one after another, and they do n’t know how to cheer and celebrate when they encounter a big thing. Speak for them. "


Whatever it is ~ ~ This is also a good sign!

(Speaking of a very important thing—the Schilling Empire is about to end soon. Basically, the big pits have been filled, the small pits ... Well, these issues should not be taken care of, so in conclusion, they are about to end soon. This should be the monthly ticket for the last month of this book.

Ask for monthly tickets, subscriptions, and rewards here. The data for the last month seems to be of great significance. Give this book a very powerful closing data and it will be smoother to open a new book.

After the end, there should be some things, such as a new sub-volume, some new plots, etc. In addition, the physical book news and surrounding news will be announced here, of which physical books should be listed next month, so please Stay tuned here and don't miss out on significant intelligence.

There will be new content in the physical book and the surroundings. I hope everyone supports it, and we will see relevant information in the near future.

In the end, I repeat-monthly passes, subscriptions, rewards, not forced, but if you have something on hand, support it! In the true sense, this village has no shop, let the Spirit Empire have a good result in the last month! ) (To be continued ...)