MTL - Year of Herbs-Chapter 19 trouble

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The day Hua Rongyue joined Six Doors was the third month she came to Baicaotang.

She thought she had to wear a black official uniform like Yan Sheng, and take an official knife to go around the street, and even imagined what it meant to wear an official uniform, but Yan Sheng told her, no need Put on.

What to wear?

Hua Rongyue thought she had to go to the yamen to report and meet with the local arresters or something, but Yan Sheng also said no.

—No need to wear official uniforms, no need to go to the yamen, and then Hua Rongyue doesn't know what to do.

She is still helping Doctor Qi to cook medicine in the Baicaotang every day, and then writing the medical records. Everything is exactly the same as it was in the first three months, no difference.

"Master Yan...isn't he lying to me?" Finally, Hua Rongyue couldn't help but say something during dinner one day.

"It would be great if he lied to you." Wan Fulian also smiled beside him, "Then you can lie in the room and get the money."

"No no." Hua Rongyue shook her head, "I'm unlikely to lie in bed to get money... I just want to know what I need to do when I enter the six doors, and now I am There is no bottom in my heart.”

There is no news of Lin Qiya, even though she has been patrolling the streets for the past few days, she has not found any trace of her. Hua Rongyue also didn't see her portrait plastered in the streets and alleys, followed by three big arrows - this person is a lunatic.

The picture that appeared in her dream for several days has never happened in reality, Lin Qiya seemed to melt into the air and disappeared completely.

Hua Rongyue was not sure about Lin Qiya's condition, could she be seriously injured or dead? Why else would she have no news at all?

But at present, Hua Rongyue can't hold this idea and everything will be fine, she has to do some preparations in advance.

—On the fifth day Hua Rongyue waited, Yan Sheng finally came to look for her. Even Hua Rongyue couldn't help but get excited in her heart at this time.

"Master Yan, when will I report?" Hua Rongyue asked.

Yan Sheng's expression looked a little tired, he said: "I've been busy these days, I'm sorry I didn't take the time, I found so many people this time to set up a special organization, but Accidentally happened..."

"Accident?" Hua Rongyue said.

"One person died." Yan Sheng didn't hide it, "Originally he was a very important person, but after he died like this, there are many things that can't go on, so I've been busy these days. headache."

He glanced at Hua Rongyue again and said, "But it's okay, you pack up, I'll take you to meet others tonight."

"Tonight?" Hua Rongyue said, "Do you want to leave at night?"

"Yes, you may often go out at night in the future." Yan Sheng said, "You have to get used to it."

Hua Rongyue went back to pack after listening to this. Yan Sheng sat outside and drank a cup of tea. Her expression also looked tired, and she looked really tired.

How could she be so tired? Did you find Lin Qiya's whereabouts? Yi Linglong had never seen Yan Sheng's appearance when he was handling the case. He didn't expect the work of Six Doors to be so tiring.

"Actually, Mr. Rongyue, I'm really worried about you, because you are a serious and good person." Yan Sheng who was sitting there suddenly said.

Hua Rongyue's figure paused, and Yan Sheng continued, "So if Mr. Rongyue has any discomfort, you must tell me immediately, it doesn't matter if you want to quit."

The month is empty.

Hua Rongyue and Yan Sheng entered a large and winding house. There were not many lights in the house, and she and Yan Sheng always felt an inexplicable aura of a ghost movie when they walked in the house.

She followed Yan Sheng completely and didn't see anyone else.

It didn't seem that there were people inside until I entered the innermost part of the house, where a room was lit.

"Come in." Yan Sheng said, and opened the door.

Hua Rongyue entered the room a little nervously. As soon as she saw the furnishings in the room, she heard Yan Sheng say, "This is the last person left."

"It looks good." The humane behind the curtain, "It fits the requirements."

"But I don't think he's actually... not suitable." Yan Sheng said, "So I want him to take the position of another person, and choose the most suitable one from those people."

"Huh? Why? I think he's pretty good." The person behind the curtain said again.

Hua Rongyue tried to find something related to the scene in front of her from her memory, but she really couldn't find it.

In the memory of Yi Linglong for the past 20 years, there is no information related to this.

When she listened to the conversation between the two, she was at a loss. She always felt that the two seemed to be discussing how to sell her, and how to sell her at a high price.

"Since it's already here, let's try it first." The man opposite sat behind the curtain and took a sip of tea. He said, "Put on the clothes over there."

After these words came out, Hua Rongyue instantly...tiger body shook.

… eh?


Wait, wait a minute, Hua Rongyue is in a hurry, what do you want to do?

The content of the interview is... change clothes?

She looked in the direction the man indicated, there was a tall hanger with a very wide clothes hanging on it.

Hua Rongyue had already seen it when she entered the door just now. After all, it was so big, but Hua Rongyue thought it was an ornament, and its function was the same as a vase with famous calligraphy and painting.

—This scene of changing clothes as soon as you come up... What is it for?

Aren't we here for an interview! What kind of weird interview is this? Never heard of it!

Yan Sheng had obviously noticed that Hua Rongyue was starting to get nervous, but just by looking at it, he could tell that the person behind the curtain was bigger than him. He lowered his head, glanced slightly towards Hua Rongyue, and then glanced at the clothes.

Hua Rongyue thought at a loss, does this mean she wants to be obedient and try?

She still had a sense of trust in Yan Sheng, because she felt that Yan Sheng was an inexplicable person, so she walked back to the hanger to get the clothes, and waited until the person holding the clothes in her hands. It was even more confusing at that time, but since Yan Sheng said to try it... then she will try it.

All are black.

She tied the straps of her clothes and turned her head hesitantly.

"Actually...the main reason is that the temperament is not very similar." Yan Sheng said, "It's useless to look like a face, after all, it needs to go deep inside, so the temperament must be very special, otherwise there will be an accident."

Hua Rongyue intuitively felt that Yan Sheng was trying to excuse her, but she couldn't think of any reason why the other party needed to excuse her.

"You seem very nervous." The person behind the curtain did not pay attention to Yan Sheng, but turned to face Hua Rongyue. He smiled and said to Hua Rongyue, Hua Rongyue nodded, "...Yes."

"Don't be nervous."

After the man behind the curtain finished speaking, he said to Yan Sheng, "I think that with such a good character, he is more able to obey orders, and will not kill himself casually like the last person."

When Yan Sheng faced this person, it was not like he was in the Hundred Herbs Hall, he was closer to him in Yi Linglong's memory, and the person behind the curtain just bowed his head and remained silent.

Hua Rongyue was laughing embarrassingly, but she was roaring wildly in her heart.

—Is there a senior in her position? And that senior still killed himself casually? In the end **** the trouble you can tell me in detail!

And she has a good personality...

Okay, it's a compliment, right?

The two had a disagreement on whether Hua Rongyue was suitable or not. The person behind the curtain felt that Hua Rongyue was more suitable because she seemed to be very obedient and would not act easily. die. Yan Sheng felt that Hua Rongyue was not suitable, and he argued that Hua Rongyue's character did not meet the requirements.

Hua Rongyue felt that she was about to become air. At this moment, she felt like a ghost standing here, without any sense of existence.

The person behind the curtain suddenly said, "Bring the medicine."

After a response, a maid came out from a corner of the room. She didn't know where she was hiding before, and she brought a plate.

In the plate was a small plate containing a red powder, and a white cloth with a needle on it.

When Hua Rongyue saw what was on the plate, she was shocked, and countless images flashed in her mind—

Each time is almost a picture of Yi Linglong alone under the candlelight piercing the needle into her eyes at night.

The picture in front of her only flickered for a second, and then suddenly returned to reality, but she was instantly exhausted.

She was so familiar with this set of things that she couldn't let herself pretend she didn't know what it was used for after serving it.

Hua Rongyue almost thought she had been discovered, but she was more restrained and did not choose to act immediately.

A strange and inexplicable smell.

"Try it." Humane behind the curtain.

The maid picked up a little medicine with a needle and stabbed it in the corner of her eye. Hua Rongyue really wanted to ask what it was doing, and she couldn't help but want to run away. But Yan Sheng didn't move, and she didn't move either.

When the needle pierced the corner of Hua Rongyue's eyes, she felt a stinging pain in her eyes and closed her eyes.

"Open your eyes and take a look."

It was the voice of the man behind the curtain.

Hua Rongyue opened her eyes nervously, she was still nervous, but she didn't know that her eyes were already blood red.

—As the painter Wu Ming once said, this kind of red like a flower is really suitable for her, and it is completely different from her current temperament.

When Hua Rongyue opened her eyes, the atmosphere in the whole room seemed to become stagnant for a second, and Yan Sheng's expression on the opposite side became strange. Not sure why Yan Sheng felt strange.

"Oh..." The person behind the curtain sighed, "It's really... amazing. It's completely different from when I first came in."

Hua Rongyue just felt confused.

Can someone tell her what this is for?

After Yan Sheng heard this, he was rarely silent. He looked into Hua Rongyue's eyes, and Hua Rongyue could only look at him.

The position where the maid pierced was not very deep. After a cup of tea, the color of Hua Rongyue's eyes became lighter and lighter, and finally turned directly back to black.

It's such a waste."

Yan Sheng was silent for a while, but finally answered, "Yes."

When she came out, Hua Rongyue still didn't understand what happened just now. She wanted to ask Yan Sheng, but he didn't expect that he suddenly said, "Now you are in trouble."

"Huh? What's the trouble?"