MTL - You Call This the Black Man Behind the Scenes?-Chapter 304 voyeur's discovery

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The summoning experiment of the Ransommore family was a failed attempt. This is Athena's assessment of this. Because not only did they fail to summon the mysterious knight, but even Iger Wilson, the heir who was vaguely related to the mysterious knight, failed to find a result. In other words, she wanted to test that night, but she didn't touch Iger's figure at all. Athena was unwilling to do so. I was thinking of looking for it again the next morning, but instead I encountered a strange mist that enveloped Fort St. Grant. In a panic, some of the family members who knew that she had the gift of precognition came to ask, so that she had no time to care about him. Seeing that this busy day was finally over, she was called by the leaders of Fort St. Grant to have a meeting together... "All in all, I think it is necessary to strictly prohibit outsiders from entering and leaving for a period of time." A deputy hospital After Chang gave a speech, he turned his attention to the first Principal Browning. Others in the conference room also looked at him. This meeting was very long, and it not only discussed today's wave of fake magic and the related impact, but also mentioned the disclosure by Destiny Child that was made public. What I am talking about now is to block off the campus and even the entire island outside the campus, and prevent outsiders from entering. This decision is mainly to avoid any unexpected accidents and make the school in a hurry. However, it is unlikely that there will be much substantial effect. After all, those who have the ability to run and make trouble will still be unable to overcome the school's blockade? Therefore, if you really want to carry out an effective blockade, in addition to increasing your strength, you need the cooperation of the heir... Principal Browning is noncommittal. After Athena glanced at the vice president who proposed this matter, she turned her attention to the aunt beside her. Aunt Juliana, like the people around her, wore an old-fashioned black professor's robe, but her slender figure and delicate white appearance made her more present than others, especially those dark and deep eyes, staring at her. Others, very mysterious and opposite-sex charm. It's just that she hasn't paid much attention to the lecture since the meeting, and basically kept her head down, either writing something in the book or using the book of secret words to communicate with people. [Recommended, Yeguo reading and chasing books is really easy to use, download yeguoyuedu here. You can try it soon. 】Occasionally, when she raised her eyes to look at someone, her expression was full of expressionless rigidity and even mean disdain, which very damaged her senses in other people's hearts. However, it is interesting that when someone in the conference room mentions the heir, this absent-minded lady will quickly gather her mind and focus, or seem to not care, but she will actually listen. It's hard for others to notice this kind of small action, but Athena has a keen eye and is always observing secretly, but she can see it clearly. So she came to a conclusion. "The aunt cares about Iger, and may even have fallen in love with him!" This conclusion is shocking. Even Athena, who didn't care about most things, was dazed for a while. She had found out before that her aunt and Iger had a close relationship, but she did not expect that this would be the case... Then, when the meeting was over, she followed Juliana secretly and found that Iger had come over for the first time. The conclusion has been updated again. "Aunt is not unrequited love, the two are already hooked up!" Hiding behind a tree, when the probe looked towards the forest path not far away, the petite girl was expressionless, and her keen eyes could clearly see , the two tall figures who seemed to be walking, looked at each other every time they talked, their eyes were "sticky lakes and lakes". Obviously flirting! This made her feel complicated and thoughtful. Because she has long known that Alyssa, the daughter-in-law of aunt Juliana, has an unusual relationship with Iger. And now, my aunt, who is a mother-in-law, actually... After thinking about it, she turned around and left in a hurry. I was invited to the meeting today, but because Principal Browning knew that Athena's gift of precognition could be useful in many things, she insisted on involving her. She didn't want to pay attention to these mundane things, but she didn't want to find out such a secret. Athena is not going to leak this secret, she has other plans - what is the relationship between the heir Iger and the mysterious knight, she must find out. However, even though she was Iger's auxiliary lecturer, she had no friendship in private, and she had no reason to contact and understand him deeply. So, if the aunt can be developed into her inner responder... "Recently, there are rumors in the family that she has an illegitimate daughter. But this matter is much more serious than the illegitimate daughter." After returning to the residence, Athena began to concentrate on thinking corresponding plan. Although the family intends to marry Mellon, it is okay for her to marry Mellon, but not if Juliana and Melun marry. Because it would anger the ally Felix family. So after this incident was exposed, it was obviously a big trouble for my aunt. But after thinking about it, she rejected the idea of ​​using this to threaten. Not to mention despicable, I will also offend Iger, and the consequences are unknown. And, she has a smarter approach. "Father wants me to have more contact with Iger." She then sent a message to her aunt Juliana. "I thought about it and thought Iger was indeed a good marriage partner, and I fell in love with him a little bit." "What do you think, aunt?" As a client, Juliana didn't know that her niece was currently "provocating" herself. Right now, she was discussing the half-dead skeleton with Meren. "Spirituality is the most direct way, and UU reading is also the most effective means of communication." She said with a sullen expression: "But if there is no magic in that place, and there is no magic material, then we can choose. Not many more." "What do you think?" Merron asked with a wink. Of course he can think of psychics, and he also possesses a powerful psychic ability. But in that "parallel world", his situation is not a real person, and he cannot enter the state of displaying that ability at all. And the other psychic means in his mind, as Juliana said, could not be used at all due to the constraints. So I just ran for help. "You can try visualization and channeling first." Juliana thought about it and said: "Roughly, take the skeleton as the visualization target, carefully feel its breath, touch, bone shape, etc., and then think about it. Outline it. I'll write you the details later." "This method doesn't cost anything. If it doesn't work, you can also try the Langman psychic method, but it will hurt your soul. Although it can be recovered, it is best not to use it." "If Langman's psychic method is not enough, then we can try..." Psychic is not an unpopular subject, but it is not very popular, at least Mellen You know, Juliana usually seldom studies this knowledge. However, once inquired, she was able to eloquently put forward many effective methods, which simply surprised Mellen. Inexplicably, I felt that my understanding of Juliana was not deep enough. "But one thing, you must pay attention." The client did not notice the emotional fluctuations of the little man beside him. She seemed to have thought of something, and then her tone was serious. "That sarcophagus couldn't have been placed in the city hall for no reason. If you did awaken the skeleton with a psychic, it might have some unknown consequences."