MTL - You Call This the Black Man Behind the Scenes?-Chapter 41 Mellen flipped the table

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The banquet hall, which had been noisy before, changed suddenly, but as Mellen took out the wand, the noise instantly weakened by a layer.

"What's the matter?" Someone was surprised.

"Did you fight?"

"what happened?"

Not all onlookers can see the specific situation in the venue clearly.

As the group of people in the innermost layer suddenly lost their voices, the young wizards who joined in the fun all tugged their necks and looked inward, full of curiosity.

Then, some of them saw the wand in Merron's hand, and their eyes widened because of this, while others were still inexplicable and hurriedly asked others.

"His wand... doesn't seem like a wizard apprentice can use it?"

Kevin on the second floor didn't believe it, or didn't want to believe his eyes, so he looked at his friend beside him hesitantly.

"You obviously know better than me what's going on here," Jim replied subconsciously.

The two looked at each other and remained silent, suddenly not knowing what to say.

Normally, a wizard's wand iteration speed is very fast, especially in the early stage of wizard practice.

Because of high-level wizards, it is difficult to use low-level wands to exert their strongest abilities.

Correspondingly, it is of course impossible for low-level wizards to use high-level magic wands.

Because it is completely "unusable".

Like a young child who can't lift a wagon with both hands.

However, now, a wizard apprentice carries a wand that can only be "used" by a full-fledged wizard...

What can be explained?

Bastards are bluffing?

A fool would think so!

The magic wand is the most important tool for wizards in the early and middle stages of practice, just like the firearms in the hands of soldiers on the battlefield.

No one's going to make a bluff in this regard.

Because this is usually about whether the wizard can cast magic, and whether there will be a way to fight back in the event of an accident.

In other words, since the illegitimate child has taken out that magic wand, he completely wants to use it to deal with the next challenge.


What's the challenge?

Being able to cast magic with a formal wizard's wand during the apprenticeship period proves that the apprentice's talent must be amazing, basically representing the top wizarding talent.

Kevin himself belongs to this type of person. After the third hand gets into the magic wand used by the official wizard, he can barely drive it. Although it cannot exert the full efficiency of the magic wand, it is enough to crush other apprentices.

So he clearly knew his weight, so he didn't pay much attention to the short guy who was touted by his friends to be good at dueling.

The two sides are not at the same level at all. No matter how badly you blow him, I won't look at him.

It is also based on this mentality that when he found out that his "half-father" brother also had a top-level wizard talent, he would irrationally hold a fluke mentality and be unwilling to believe it.

However, the truth is not something that can be avoided by chance...

"Are you sure, he is really your mother's illegitimate child?"

Looking at the hall below, the short wizard who froze in place and didn't know whether to continue challenging Meren, Jim asked suspiciously:

"How can a mixed-race **** have top talent?"


Kevin was also at a loss at this time, opened his mouth, but didn't know what to say.

So in the end, he choked out a word.

"But if he's not my mother's illegitimate child, how could my mother write to him every once in a while?"

This question is really elusive.

The two couldn't help but look at each other again, feeling confused.

However, it didn't confuse them for long, as the **** below suddenly walked up to the short wizard and whispered something, the duel between the two actually continued again.

"What's the situation?"

Seeing this, Kevin looked at his friend in surprise, "Is something wrong?"

On the other side, hiding in the utility room where Jim hid before, the waiter who was watching the scene with a crystal ball and looking forward to Mellon's humiliation, was also in disbelief—

He was not worried about surprises, because Jim of the Ernest family was very careful.

And Martha, who seemed to be on Jim's side, was actually one of them, and she was even more cautious.

So as long as there is a little push in the dark, things must eventually get worse enough for them to appear.

The beginning was indeed as he expected, Jim was very smart to send a girl who was weak and sympathetic to start the beginning of this matter.

During the period, their people shot and knocked off the mask on the face of the unlucky mixed-race.

This approach is naturally to pave the way for someone to "recognize" that the unlucky guy is actually a mixed race.

According to the expectations of "Waiter", this scene will appear when the unlucky one fails for the first time, and attracts a lot of rejection, laying a foreshadowing for his next humiliation.

However, just as he used special communication means to order his men to prepare, things took a 180-degree turn—

That half-blood actually has the top wizard talent!

The waiter had a gloomy expression on his face.

So what's the point of this duel?

In other words, the whole thing can no longer continue!

Because even if the bastard's dueling skills are poorly practiced, even if he exposes his mixed-race identity, no one would be foolish enough to humiliate a wizard apprentice with top talent—

Pure bloods do exclude mixed blood, but mixed blood and mixed blood are not the same thing.

Ordinary hybrids are looked down upon with contempt, and hybrids with certain potential will be suppressed.

And seeing the appearance of a mixed-race with top talent, the pure-blood families will scramble to end the game and win over!

Because top-level talented wizards, and ordinary wizards, are not a "species" at all!

This can be seen from the current situation on the scene.

Among the onlookers, those who despised the savageness of the half-bloods shut their mouths, and those who stood on the half-blood's side to defend him also stopped talking.

The girl in the blue skirt who was crying before, turned pale now, and hid herself behind the crowd.

And her group of flower guardians have long since disappeared!

"A bunch of trash!"

The waiter couldn't help but scolded, "I don't know the most basic information, what kind of plan is this!?"

Putting a rag on the crystal ball, he turned around and walked a few steps in a hurry, and instantly turned into a distorted light and shadow and disappeared into the utility room.

When he reappeared, he had already arrived in the hall of the scene.

"Things are getting worse."

Seeing the "waiter" appear, someone approached and whispered, "Those two guys have officially started their duel now, but..."

Without reporting it, the waiter has already discovered the current situation in the venue—

The two young wizards stood in the open space in the center of the crowd, about ten meters apart, raising their wands at the same time to demarcate the boundary.

A layer of translucent protective cover began to appear out of thin air in the air, in the shape of a circle, slowly spreading around as the wand swiped.

In this way, one person is in charge of half, and there is no sound of incantation, and it is silently revealed that these two have reached a very superb level of practice in the "Basic Wizard Dueling Technique".

In the end, a huge protective barrier was born.

Then I saw the two guys standing on both sides of the "dueling arena", with their wands standing in front of their chests, in a standard wizard duel pose.

The gist of a duel is simple, use the Bounce Spell to attack the enemy while avoiding the enemy's Bounce Spell.

Therefore, in a duel state, wizards are either motionless, or move as fast as lightning, and basically the winner will be divided in an instant.

It's all about reaction speed.

That short boy named Mike has a reputation for being good at dueling.

And since he can have top-level talent, it will not be easy for Meren to play against him.

Therefore, everyone held their breaths, waiting for the next two to decide the winner.

Wait, five minutes have passed.

However, this kind of thing is actually quite normal in a duel situation, so no one is urging it.

In other words, unlike the previous random pointing, as Melun revealed his talent, the attitude of the onlookers has become very formal.

"We've been preparing for so long, and if the plan can't even be implemented, we can't explain it to the nun at all."

The waiter in the dark stood on the sidelines for a while, and then whispered to the subordinate beside him: "Go on, if the short guy is defeated next, we will attack."


The subordinates were stunned when they heard the words, "But in this way, aren't we directly exposed?"

"Strike is a backup plan."

The waiter sneered and said, "Don't forget, according to the standards customized by those pure-blooded executives, we are also mixed blood."

"After this incident was exposed, I don't believe that pure bloods can be generous enough to continue to maintain that so-called friendly attitude towards Graham's half-blood!"

When speaking, both sides of the venue suddenly moved.

All parties were eagerly awaiting this, waiting for the winner to be born.

However, what surprised them was that the duel that should have been divided in an instant turned into a... tug of war!

The short wizard over there shook his wand and cast a fluttering spell, but he made a mistake and avoided the translucent "missile" shot by the enemy very keenly.

On this side, while the missile was dodged sideways, Meren squeezed the wand in his hand and threw a blow at the opponent.

The two of them went back and forth to avoid and attack, their footsteps slowly moving around the edge of the duel arena, and the wand in their hands moved quickly.

As a result, the translucent missiles rushed across the duel arena and rushed towards the enemy one after another, and the outer shield of the attack kept emitting ripples.

As the battle continued, the number of missiles leaping back and forth in the field also increased from three or two at first to five or six, and then more and more.

Finally, there is even a dense feeling, which is dazzling.

"It was a rare duel."

Among the lively young wizards, some people were amazed by this.

"I thought that even if the talent was high, it was unlikely that he could compare to Mike. After all, Mike was under the tutelage of the chief dueling master and has rich experience in actual combat. But now it seems..."

He didn't say anything, just sighed.

There are actually quite a few people with the same idea.

There is a specialization in the surgery industry, and the talent and physical fitness must be strong, but the skills acquired the day after tomorrow are as important as the actual combat experience.

So just now, after Merron showed his talent, no one thought that the short wizard named Mike would definitely fail.

But now he didn't win, instead, he was in a stalemate with the genius, which was surprising.

Mellon himself didn't think there was any surprise in this, because it was entirely the result of his "control"—

Although he had never been exposed to dueling practice before, the physical fitness brought by the master-level breathing method actually made him enough to crush the group of young wizards of the same level as him.

It can be said that the speed of the other party is as fast as lightning in the eyes of others, but in his eyes, it is as slow as a snail.

In this case, except for the fact that he was really unfamiliar with this kind of battle at the beginning, and after waiting for a while, he was completely "out of state" for the rest of the time.

In other words, most of the attention was paid to the suspicious figures in the surrounding crowd.

"This way can't be dragged on for too long..."

While observing those people, Mellon pondered to himself.

"And I'm showing my talent now. Of course, I can surprise the guy who is secretly protecting, but it's hard for him to pass the news on the spot. It's less likely to be noticed that things have changed..."

"On the other hand, I really want to destroy the conspiracy of those unknown enemies by myself, won't they follow me later?"

It's okay to save people, but it's not something that people like Mellen can do when saving people and causing big trouble for themselves at the same time.

So he was deftly dodging a missile that came out of nowhere, but when his footsteps slowed down, another missile hit his chest instantly.

It was as if a car slammed into it, and Mellon was instantly knocked out!

And then fell into the crowd of onlookers. UU Reading

The victory and defeat have been decided, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief—

Although the previous battle had nothing to do with them, the fast rhythm made everyone feel tight.

"This duel is bound to be in the newspapers."

Someone started to talk in a low voice.

"I just don't know how many newspapers are tracking reports."

"At least the Wizarding Education will not miss it."

"Guess which school he will go to?"

"Which one other than Fort St. Grant?"

"I think the Imperial Royal Academy is also good..."

Although Merron was defeated, everyone's attention and curiosity were still on him.

After all, compared to the victorious short wizard, his new genius is really mysterious enough—

Basically no one knew him.

Therefore, when Merron, who was supported by a few kind people, sorted out the slightly messy clothes on his body, and walked back to the dueling arena, he raised his hands and pressed down, signaling everyone to be quiet.

The surrounding teenage wizards calmed down with respect.

Then, a sentence that caught everyone off guard suddenly sounded.

"First of all, it needs to be stated that I am a mixed race."

These words made the banquet hall instantly become audible, and everyone looked at each other in dismay, not expecting this.

But before they could carefully ponder what the words meant, Merron broke the news again that something more "amazing" happened.

"Secondly, I came to this banquet this time because of Kevin Felix's invitation."

"His purpose is to trouble me!"

When these words fell, the expressions of all parties changed.