MTL - You Can’t Be Fierce Towards Me!-Chapter 86

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The group of people went to the main hall, and Fu Yi first collected the sacred ideas. When they came out, they were already negotiating the wedding date.

It’s good to have two couples, so two weddings are also to be negotiated. It’s even more unlikely that a pair of children will be together.

Because one south and one north is really far apart, and in front of the annual festival, Zhou’s parents could not come over. Zhou’s parents let Fu Youqin pick for a few days, waiting for him to bring back to let Zhou’s parents pick again.

Of course, after waiting for the year, the two families are still looking for opportunities to meet one side and then discuss the wedding details.

Compared to Zhou, Chu Xiangtian is going to have a lot of trouble. After all, it is the prince, even if the object of becoming a pro is a man, you have to follow the rules of the ancestors.

He can't do the Lord alone, but he has to go back and let the patriarchs see the days. When the wedding process is completed, there are special people who count on the day. He is not happy, but he can't refute it. He can only face the future with a smile. Even blinking.

- Nothing unexpected, the Zhou family wedding must be ahead of him.

In the house, they are happy to talk about their love affairs, but the outside has turned over.

There is a Houye in Sifang Town.

The people who watched the Grand Master’s reading of the imperial edicts were excited. When they went back, everyone would talk about the big scene at that time.

This is how many people can't see it in a lifetime! I did not expect that they actually saw it in the small town of Sifang! This life is enough to blow.

If the ordinary people are amazed and excited, then the other families in the square town are in a complicated mood, especially before the family like Fu Shuyue repented and decided to kiss the other lady.

In fact, Fu Jia originally did not agree to the marriage, they even ordered another lady to pick up the mistakes, but only after Fu Shuyue was broken by dirty water, the discerning eyes are for what. Although Fu did not say anything, it would be embarrassing for the two families to meet again.

However, they dared to do this. They were not afraid of the deterioration of the relationship with Fu, but they are now developed.

The young master Fu Biao sealed the Kang Le Hou, and also booked a pro with the king; Miss Fu Shuyue and Qingyang Zhou Jiading pro, I heard that Zhou Jiagong is very loving, and later the real Zhou family, which two offended Have a drink.

The people who retired at the time secretly regretted it, if they insisted on it at the time, they said that they could not get in touch with Hou. To take a step back, even if the family can't make it, it's better to go to the road and congratulate.

Some people have secretly regretted it, and some people have already moved their minds.

The people who came to Fu’s gift were all inexhaustible. They all heard about the news and later celebrated. Fu Yan did not see anyone. He only secretly put Li Qingnian and his entourage into the door.

The young masters who played together all took gifts, and the look was a little cramped and embarrassed. The young masters were not very old. They played well with Fu Wei and did not mix other thoughts, but now Fu Fu seals Hou Ye. The family is not willing to let go of this good opportunity, it is a good gift to let them come to Lara.

A few people were relatively speechless, and Li Qingnian, who had the most words, didn’t know what to say.

Fu Wei took the person to the house and sat down. Li Qingnian, who had been stunned for a long time, couldn’t help himself. He carefully asked: "Are we going to change our name to Hou Ye?"

Fu Hao waved his hand again and again. "How do you call it now? It’s not outside."

Seeing him is the same as before, Li Qingnian immediately restored his nature, and he interrupted: "I didn't expect that I would be able to be friends with Hou Ye one day."

Someone immediately echoed. "My mother didn't let me go out with you before. I ended up driving me out today..."

When you say a word to me, the atmosphere was slightly relieved before, and Du Fu took the fruit and fruit snacks up, and several people spoke while eating snacks.

Listening to the laughter they came to me, smelling the pastry crumbs on the patted hands, and swallowing: "Speaking, the money you used to buy has bought the land of Xingdong County. I plan to be in the future. East County to open two rice shops, do you want to try?"

The young masters were all stunned, Li Qingnian said: "No one of us will take care of business." They eat and drink all day, and they don't know anything about business.

Fu Wei said: "It is not for you to get started immediately. I have a friend who knows in Xingdong County. When I let him introduce two things, you can learn slowly with the management. After the business is bigger, I will definitely manage it. However, if you are willing, you can experience the experience first."

Suddenly said: "I don't want to be okay, anyway, the shop will pay dividends every year."

Some of the seats here are not the inheritors of the family. They have been spoiled from the ages, but it is impossible to say that there is no ambition. Silence for a while, Li Qingnian said: "I want to try."

Among them, Li Qingnian is the most likely to come. Fu Biao also hopes that Li Qingnian can stand up. Although Li Qingnian is always stupid, looking silly, but in fact, he is very careful, if he can help. Fu Hao can be a lot easier later.

After Li Qingnian, two other people took the initiative to say that they wanted to try it. Fu Xiaoxi wrote down the notes and prepared to let them go to Xingdong County to work for themselves after waiting for years.

The gift was delivered, and the newly harvested young masters left for a while and slowly ate the last piece of red bean cake. Fu Yan got up and strolled to find Chu Xiangtian.

Chu Xiangtian met with officials from Nanming County in the study.

After the day of the marriage, Chu Xiangtian finally took off the disguise of the bandits and became the king of the wind and the light. The news of Yu Wang in Sifang Town spread quickly, and the officials of Nanming County could not sit still and rushed to meet.

Chu Xiangtian was annoyed, and he was able to cope with a few tempers. He saw the shadow of the window, and he was impatient and waved his hands.

The officials looked at his fierce and sullen expression, and he rushed out with a sigh of relief. At the door, he just hit the Fu, who was about to come in.

Fu Wei is now a happy candidate. The officials sorted their expressions and said hello to each other. When Fu Hao nodded and responded, he left in a hurry.

Looking at the figure that hastily left, Fu said: "They see how you met the ghost?"

Chu Xiangtian touched his chin and went to Fu’s side, especially the shameless way: “I don’t know, obviously I’m still handsome.”

Fu Yan held his cheek meat and pulled it on both sides. "No, harm, swear."

Chu Xiangtian took advantage of him to kiss him, and he stretched his hand into his arms. "Are you over there?"

When I said this, I was happy. Fu Wei told him the small abacus in his heart. He said: "When Li Qingnian learned it, he could help a few more people."

Chu Xiangtian felt very reasonable and took the initiative to make suggestions. "It is best to find someone to teach and teach faster."

Back to home, Li Qingnian shuddered and touched the cold back neck, and his expression was inexplicable.

On the eighth day of the twelfth lunar month, after Fu Jia had drunk the Laba porridge, Zhou Chuanqing was going to return with his relatives.

Men and women are different, although the family has already been fixed, but he can not be like Chu Xiangtian, no skin and no face in Fu family, even if he does not care about the reputation, but also have to consider for Fu Shuyue, so even if you do not want to, he still let People packed up and prepared to go back to Qingyang.

This time, Fu Shuyue got up early and made a cake of cakes to go straight to the line. The top three layers of the four-layer food box were all different flavors of snacks, and the bottom was a warm pot of wine.

I booked a pro, no longer need to avoid the suspicion as before, but both are introverted personality, silently watching the moment, Zhou Chuanqing Wen said: "It’s cold outside, you go in earlier."

Fu Shuyue's cheeks were reddish, and he licked the broken hair of the horns. He whispered: "This is going to the cold road, and I hope that the treasure will be heavy."

Zhou Chuanqing smiled and nodded, turning over the horse.

Fu Shuyue reflected his figure in his eyes, hesitating a moment to step forward, "Those papers... I have all collected it, waiting for you, waiting for you to come back, it should almost be finished."

She is talking about the paper-filled papers that Zhou Chuanqing hangs. The above verses are improvised by Zhou Chuanqing when he thinks of Fu Shuyue. One sentence and two sentences are incomplete. After returning from Qingyang, those paper baskets were gone. He thought that he was cleaned up by the next person. He did not expect that Fu Shuyue had collected it.

"Good." Zhou Chuanqing smiled and said, his lips moved, but did not make a sound, said two words silently to her, "wait for me."

The horse team gradually left, already in the eighth day, they had to rush back to Qingyang as soon as possible, so there was no more delay, no heavy dowry, and the group quickly left.

Chu Xiangtian stood next to Fu Wei, biting his ear with Fu Yan, and his face was sour. "Sour, what can't you say?"

Fu glanced at him. "Do you think that it is the same as you?" Without a face and skin, the real bandits must be self-proclaimed.

Chu Xiangtian used his sleeves to cover his fingers. Suddenly they remembered that they were twins. Fu Shuyue liked this set of sour literati. Doesn’t the young master like it?

The more he thought about it, the more he felt, the more he asked, and he whispered, "Do you like Zhou Chuanqing?"