MTL - You Have Guts!-Chapter 23 Start reading

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This woman is pretending to be confused with him. Chu Yan looked at her deeply for a long time, and her daughter-in-law felt guilty for a while. The man's eyes were too deep and too bright, like a deep pond that cannot be seen at the bottom, and like a mirror that could see people's hearts. Zi Zou was hiding something in her heart, so she was afraid to photograph him. Therefore, she hurriedly looked down and tried not to look at him. She raised her hand and covered her chest subconsciously, her heart beat like a cymbal drum. Not to mention that she was so happy that she felt the obvious heartbeat across Yan Shen across from her.

Moreover, she still covered her chest like this, and although this woman had not been able to choke her with his angry hatred, she now made Yanshen feel inexplicably better.

He is no stranger to this reaction. Although he has not had a woman for six years, it does not mean that he is a monk who does not eat fireworks. He still remembers certain reactions of women. Is this right? This is normal and development The plot going on, the absurd bridge before, should not have appeared on him.

When Yanshen was in a good mood, other thoughts came out. He reached out and touched her face. Although his movements were soft but ambiguous, "Why find someone, can we try it?"

"Ah ..." Ziyu looked up like a lightning strike and quickly looked up, but fell into the man's deep eyes, and then she watched as the man's face moved closer and closer, until his hand reached out, Covering her eyes, Zi Zhi heard his rather magnetic voice: "I told you, why don't you remember, you should close your eyes and open your mouth ..."

Ziyi's lips were pasted with familiar tenderness, and once Ziyi discovered it, she was familiar with the man's kiss. Moreover, he kissed her this time, and it looked different from last time.

Later, Zizhao concluded that the reason why he did not feel sick or uncomfortable was that the atmosphere in this room was too bewildering. The light burst out from the rhino horn lampshade, the incense scented in the incense burner and the fart in the case of the opposite side. Underneath the stock, it is easy to make imaginative Luo Han couch.

Zi Xi remembered that when she was in college, Shanshan liked to read novels most, and whenever she was free, she used a laptop to read novels on the Internet. Shanshan preferred the ancient ones. Six years ago, Shanshan's biggest dream was to travel, so this kind of The novel is most popular with her. She not only reads it by herself, but also forced herself to read it with her. She also recommended it with great enthusiasm.

Then, she led the girl astray. Things like Luo Hanta and chaise couches in the novel have no purpose in Ziyi ’s view. What are the specific uses? It ’s hard to tell them. So, at this time, Zi I was thinking about a plot that I had seen in a previous novel, and then the ghost had sent himself into it, and then, there was not much resistance, and some investment shared the second kiss between the two with Chu Yanshen.

Maybe not the second one. When the two of them were six years ago, he had never kissed himself, so why did he lose his impression? After six years in my head, my subconscious thought of the pain that still remains in my head. Almost immediately, Zi Zi woke up and pushed him away.

Standing up in a hurry, looking down to tidy up my bathrobe, I was ashamed to find that the belt around her waist had been loosened. Although the robe was still hanging on her, it was basically no different from taking it off, and she even had a corset inside I did n’t wear any, so I wore a small Nene.

It ’s not that she did n’t want to wear it, but she did n’t have to wear it. Yesterday ’s clothes got wet. She asked the housekeeper ’s aunt and said that she took it out for washing. She could get it back tomorrow at the earliest. I found that she bought a suit fortunately, there was a bathrobe. The bathrobe was a bit large, not like a woman's style, she wanted to come to Chu Yanshen.

Under the premise of no choice, Ziyi can only wear his bathrobe. According to what he said, he can stay here as a family member for a few days, and he can't go out when he is sick. It ’s OK to wear a bathrobe and clothes. Too much difference.

But now Zizi finally knows how stupid she is. The difference between clothes and bathrobes is still quite large. At least if she is wearing clothes now, she will never let him take so much advantage.

Zi Yan quickly pulled up the bathrobe, did not see Chu Yanshen, turned around and went out. Chu Yanshen's good mood instantly turned cloudy. What happened to this woman, twice or twice, was playing him or playing with him? To escape from difficulties, today she has made her speech quite clear and clear, and her response just now should be regarded as approval. Since tacit understanding has been reached, there is no need to waste time.

His style of Chu Yanshen has been going straight to the subject, and his relationship with Feng Zizhen really does not conform to his style. If this woman contradicts him as before, it will be fine. Just now, he clearly felt her investment. What does it mean to push him away and run immediately, what does it mean to treat him like a monkey?

Thinking of this, Chu Yanshen's face turned black, and she stood up and grabbed her, almost gritted her teeth and said, "Feng Zizhen, do you play me?"

Ziyu pulled him and had to turn around, but didn't dare look up at him: "That, that, it's late, I want to sleep."

Chu Yanshen, just like she didn't hear her, stretched out her hands and pinched her jaw and lifted it up: "Why? Feng Zihuan, if you don't give me an answer that pleases me today, don't want to leave this room, look at me and tell me why. ? "

His voice was not loud, but it seemed to have a powerful power. Feng Zizhang shivered and couldn't help shaking. He was forced to look at him and lowered his eyelids quickly. The man's eyes were too terrible. She was afraid. What do you see for this man? It seems that he will not be given a reason today. This man will not let her go, but what reason can satisfy him.

Feng Zizheng turned quickly in his mind a few times, and didn't think of a response. The man didn't relax at all for a moment, and he was forced to help. Feng Zizheng simply said, "Well, I'm afraid of pain."

Afraid of pain? This is the reason for shit. After living for so many years, there have been several women's Chu Yanshen. It was the first time that I met a woman who rejected him because of pain. It was not a girl of seventeen or eighteen years. Her son was five years old. Tell him that it hurts.

Chu Yanshen looked at her with certainty: "You thought I would believe that you wouldn't want to tell me that you are still an unmanned little girl!" Chu Yanshen's words are quite ironic, resting on any woman, probably understand What he meant, but Feng Ziyi did n’t understand it, and shook his head seriously: "How could it be, my son was born, but it was painful, I was really scared, I didn't lie to you, I swear, if I lie to you, look back Run out of your house and crash the car. "

"What nonsense? Did I say you don't believe me?" Chu Yanshen let go of her, and frowned, and she thought about her unreliable words, and couldn't help thinking in her mind, maybe what she said was true She is painful. If it is true, is it because Feng Yi's father brought her too much experience, so that this woman has a shadow in her heart.

Thinking of this, he calmed down his anger a bit, regardless of anger or desire, the fire, today is doomed to not let out, calm down calmly, and think about how to solve it.

Chu Yan looked up at her deeply. The woman looked at him at this moment as if he was a terrible satyr, bird, beast. She was afraid in her eyes.

In other words, if this can be installed, the woman's acting skills have reached the point where the fire is pure and natural, he waved his hand and motioned her to sit down.

Feng Zizhen blinked and didn't understand what he meant. He believed what he said, or he did n’t believe it. Why did n’t he let go, believe it. It does n’t look like he wants to treat himself.

Feng Zizhen didn't have the courage to resist, so he took a small broken step and sat on the side of Luo Han's couch. Chu Yanshen also sat down and stared at her for a while before he said, "Who is Feng Yi's father? How do you know? Why aren't you together? Isn't he ... "He paused before asking," Did he hurt you? "

Ziyi feels that his care is followed by pumping. Isn't Feng Yi's father the only one? How did he know him? I do n’t know him at all. Why is he not together? Is n’t this nonsense? Stealing his seed Don't run, wait for him to catch it alive, as for the injury, if it hurts, it was indeed hurt by him.

Thinking about this, Feng Ziyi nodded slowly, and Chu Yanshen suddenly felt that she was cruel, and just now she was angry with her indiscriminately, and she never thought that since she was so resistant, there might be a reason, if she did n’t She said she was in pain, she might still think she was playing tricks.

Thinking, I couldn't help feeling a little bit more guilty. Naturally, my tone was a lot softer: "Now, where is he?"

Feng Ziyi looked at the man close to him in a tangled manner, and he didn't understand that he had to ask what he was doing. She could tell him that Feng Yi's father was right opposite him, is that you? Zi Zi felt that if he now said Come out, this man probably won't believe it, maybe he feels crazy.

What's more, she still wanted to live in safety, really letting men know the truth, Shanshan warned her ... Think of this, Zi Xi could not help shrinking.

However, Chu Yanshen obviously misunderstood her thoughts, and thought that her words evoked the painful memories that she tried to forget so much, so she showed such a timid and distressing expression.

He couldn't help but take her in his arms: "Okay, I won't ask, you don't even think about it, it's me wrong, it's because I'm too anxious, let's take it slowly ..."

Feng Zi curled up in his arms, wondering if this is a mess, but what does he mean by taking it slowly, do he have to talk to himself, what ...

Thinking about it, Feng Ziyi hurried out of his arms: "That, Chu, Chu Yanshen, what I just said was true, me, that really isn't working, you should find someone else ..."