MTL - You Have Guts!-Chapter 29 Start reading

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Jiuzhuang encourages people to talk about this kind of woman. Zizi's twenty-four years, let alone drunk, there are not many opportunities to drink, and only a few times, but only a taste of it, like a glass like today Then it is strange that a cup of drink is not drunk.

And the drunk son-in-law is very addictive. If Chu Yanshen, who has been hungry for six years, can still carry it, it is not a man, let alone, it has always been Chu Yanshen's purpose.

Chu Yanshen is definitely not a villain, but he can't reach the height of a gentleman, so in the face of drunk Feng Zizhen, Chu Yanshen smiled quite politely.

The process, from Chu Yanshen got up early in the morning to a good look, Qin Fei knew that this man who had been thirsty for six years finally quenched his thirst.

Qin Fei's manor is very beautiful, and the beauty of the four seasons can be found here, and now it is late spring, there is no sun in June, there is no depression in late autumn, and there is no coldness in the harsh winter. At a glance, you can see the vibrant green. Layers and layers spread and spread, accompanied by morning dew and grass and wood fragrance, Chu Yanshen finally understood why Qin Fei made such a thing here.

Going to the garden, Qin Fei, a medical doctor who studied abroad, is an authentic Chinese in his bones, perhaps the inheritance of the Qin family. Even if the two brothers Qin Fei received the best Western education, their ideas are still stubborn and traditional. Qin Yue's antique shop, Qin Fei's manor, and Qin's real estate are the two brothers' hearts.

And himself, for so many years, he has learned from the business that he took over from his father. From the beginning, it was like walking on thin ice to the later. He now sits on the throne of the King of the Chu Kingdom. I didn't feel lonely before yesterday, but suddenly I feel that having a company may be good.

Qin Fei elbowed him with bad intentions: "I said buddy, your expression is too obvious, okay, let's converge a bit, how about it, this time, brothers are fun."

Chu Yanshen showed a rare smile and patted his shoulder: "Thank you."

Qin Fei's old tears almost came down. After years of intersecting, it was not easy to say a thank-you word from Chu Yanshen's mouth, but he was curious: "Hey, buddy, let me know, yesterday I was powerless, you What's wrong, everything is fine, and also, how is this beauty better than the one in your dream? "

This is why Chu Yanshen is so satisfied that he wants to be a companion. His son-in-law is very jerky. Even with a five-year-old son, in bed, things are still jerky enough to surprise Chu Yanshen.

All men in the world are the same. No man wants his woman to be more experienced in this kind of thing. The more jerky, the more satisfied the man is. In this almost perverted heart, Chu Yanshen, who is deeply clean, is especially serious.

Before, Chu Yanshen really felt that this woman's ridiculous reason for dreading pain was to fool herself, but she was really painful when she got it last night. When she thought of last night, Chu Yanshen's eyes couldn't help softening.

Qin Fei quit, and stretched out his hand and waved on his face: "You talk, you are a beautiful lady with Furong in this evening, brother and I can help you take the child all night."

When it comes to children, Chu Yan deeply looks at him. He likes Feng Yi very much, but Feng Yi is not his son after all. If Feng Zizhen has no son, maybe he can ...

Thinking of this, Chu Yanshen couldn't help frowning, when did he use it if he thought about it, and it was only one night, what did he want to do.

He had to admit that he was very harmonious. Even if it wasn't harmonious at first, the second half was absolutely extreme, and her response clearly told him that she liked it, that was enough, and she would never treat her ill. As for the six-year spring, the woman in the dream, Chu Yanshen, suddenly said, "Qin Fei, believe it or not?"

"Ah ..." Qin Fei froze, and suddenly smiled: "Yanshen, don't scare me. I have known you for thirty years, and I don't know if you are a fatalist."

Chu Yan shook her head deeply: "I don't believe this, but now ..."

"Now you believe it, it's only one night, what's the matter, our ruthless President Chu has fainted the beauty." Qin Fei both stared.

Chu Yanshen looked at him sideways: "Now I don't believe it, but I do have a relationship with Ziyi. Isn't it, why don't I explain her dream for six years?"

Qin Feiran: "You, you mean, she is the woman in your dream?"

Chu Yanshen nodded: "I'm pretty sure that feeling can't be wrong. If I didn't know Ziyu at all before, I have to doubt that the dream of the past six years has really happened. Using fate to explain, I may have been too sensible before. There are actually many things in the world that cannot be explained by scientific rationality. "

After a while, Qin Fei was trying to say, "You don't want to marry Feng Ziyu, she can bring her son."

Chu Yanshen's eyes fell on Feng Yi, who was running in the field. Most of the time, the child was like an adult. Regardless of thinking or talking, when facing him, Chu Yanshen could not treat him as a five-year-old child, but At this time, Feng Yi was an out-of-the-ordinary child. He drew a kite from somewhere and ran in the wind. The shallow green grass in the field shook him. Behind him, he ran very fast, even if separated a little far away, Yan Shen could feel the simple joy of him.

He didn't want to like Feng Yi, but he couldn't help it. This is a very cute child. He likes Feng Yi. It can also be said that he likes the woman who is sleeping in his bed now, but when he thinks that Feng Yi is a son-in-law Chu Yanshen couldn't help frowning for the son of another man, not to mention he never considered marriage.

He glanced at Qin Fei: "You think too much."

Qin Feixin said, "I think too much, why don't I think about it, but think about it, too, President Dian Chu playing and talking about love are all justified. If the real Ba Ba Jing marries home, don't say The door is right, it ca n’t be a child. Besides, who wants to get married today, they are together, they slap their butts down, who cares, and what to do is to get a piece of paper to trap the two together. Marriage is really the most meaningless thing in the world.

Thinking of this, Qin Fei laughed: "In short, you are a beautiful woman and very satisfied. It ’s okay to be entangled with the hidden diseases for six years. It is gratifying. No matter how you plan, today is always worth celebrating, how about, drink at noon A cup of ravioli. "

It was said that he had a drink at noon, and Qin Fei left shortly after. There was something urgent in his clinic. Others couldn't handle it. Qin Fei could only leave unwillingly.

Yanshen changed his clothes and went out for a jog. When he returned, Feng Yi had taken a bath and sat at the breakfast table for breakfast. When he saw him in, he put down his chopsticks and said politely, "Good morning, Uncle Chu."

Yan Shen nodded, responded, and looked upstairs. Feng said, "Don't wait for me. If it's okay, I won't get up until nine in the morning. I called her yesterday morning. Ten times before she was dragged up. "

Yan Shen frowned, and finally went upstairs. The reason why this villa was built near Qin Fei ’s manor was for his own convenience. There are several parties in the year. Although there are guest rooms in the manor, Yan Shen does not like it. A villa was built next to it, and Feng Zizhen was the first woman to live here.

At this time, the daughter-in-law did not feel honored at all. She felt that she might as well die, drink disorder, and this kind of thing appeared to her. What did she do yesterday, daughter-in-law? Sitting on the big bed, rubbing his temples, trying hard to think about yesterday.

I went to decorate the city with Chu Yanshen's man, and then agreed to his proposal for dinner, ran here with my son, and then ate, drank, and then again, she was drunk. After she was drunk ...

She vaguely remembered that he kissed her, and then the two of them rolled together. With the power of wine, she forgot the pain, and even if it hurts at first, she was really comfortable later.

Thought of this. Ziyu couldn't help but knock on himself and murmured, "I still think about this, is this the time to think about this? Now I need to think about how to deal with Chu Yanshen's trouble. If he remembers what happened six years ago, he himself What to do, if he still doesn't think about it, is he even confused ... "

But he didn't think about it, he was tangled. Chu Yanshen walked in from outside. When he came in, Lingzi was really surprised. A man in sportswear was young and energetic. Two people, tall, young, and handsome. This man combines all the advantages of a man. Ziyu, a dull woman, can't help but be foolish.

Her small, straight-eyed eyes pleased Yan Shen to a certain extent. She was a little dissatisfied, her face softened a lot, and the idiot's idiot just maintained it for a while, and thought of the cruel reality. Before making sure that this man thought about it, Zi Xi's heart fluttered like a heart attack, holding the quilt, unconsciously looking at Chu Yanshen with a kind of forgiveness.

Yan Shen's eyes darkened. When he came over, the closer he approached, Zi Zi's heart became more and more fierce. When he got to the bedside, Zi Zi just output a word for you, and his lips were blocked ...

This man is very close, at least his son-in-law thinks that, she thought, he must not have had such a close relationship six years ago. Otherwise, he would not be able to remember it, and it would be so out of hand today.

When Chu Yanshen let go of her, she was a bit dissatisfied with her delusion: "The next time I kiss you, don't you think about anything else?"

"Huh ..." Ziyu said a subconsciously, immediately felt wrong, looked up at him: "You, are you angry?"

Chu Yan raised her eyebrows, "This is a strange question, why am I angry?"

Ziyi blinked, looked at him for a while, his eyes stretched, and he was in a very good mood. If he knew that, it would never be such a fine weather. I ’m afraid that thunder and lightning have already been added, so she To be sure, the man didn't remember it, and he was confused.

Thinking of this, Zi Xi finally breathed a sigh of relief. Before this sigh of relief, Chu Yanshen scared back: "Today we will live for another day today. I will take you back tomorrow morning. Let Zhao Dong go to help you move in the afternoon ... "