MTL - You Practice Immortality, I Farm-Chapter 59 Misty Maze

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  Chapter 59 Misty Maze

   "In the past two days, I have occasionally gained some income as a monk, and I am lucky to step into the ranks of mid-level Qi training monks."

   Lu Xuan said with a self-confident smile.

   "You boy is not bad."

  The thin old man sighed in admiration and changed the topic.

   "If you practice qi at the fourth level, the spiritual power in your body can still grow more firefly grass."

   "At that time, I will help you to mention it, so that you can get more spirit firefly grass or other spiritual plant seeds."

   "Thank you, Mr. He."

   Lu Xuan smiled and expressed his gratitude to the thin old man.

   "That's based on your own ability. If you don't have the ability to cultivate high-quality spiritual plants, if you don't have an intermediate level of cultivation, I say that there is nothing you can do."

   "However, your growth is indeed a bit beyond my expectation."

"I remember that when you first entered Baicao Hall, you were just a casual cultivator on the second level of Qi training. After breaking through to the third level of Qi training, your talent in cultivating spiritual plants has also been revealed, and now you have become a middle-level Qi training practitioner." rank monk."

  He Guanshi didn't know what to think of, and his expression was upright.

"Your breakthrough in cultivation is so fast, which shows that your talent in cultivation is not bad, and with your current cultivation level of middle-level qi training, you also have the confidence to venture into those low-level secret realms, and the safety can still be greatly improved. Assure."

   "In that case, maybe it is possible to get some chance and soar into the sky."

   "So, do you want to continue to be a spiritual planter willingly, or do you want to not waste this talent, practice hard, and compete for opportunities?"

   Lu Xuan smiled wryly.

   "Guan He, I still have self-knowledge."

   "Being able to quickly break through to the fourth level of Qi training does not mean that my cultivation talent is good, I just took a chance."

   "In order to make my body full of spiritual power, and be able to cast more spells to cultivate spiritual plants, I used all the spiritual stones I bought from selling spiritual plants to buy first-grade pills that can speed up my practice."

   "It took a long time to break through to the fourth level of Qi training."

   "The higher you go, the worse the effect of the first-grade elixir, and the speed of cultivation will slow down in the future."

   "Besides, I have no spiritual power in my body. First, I am not good at spells, and second, I don't have a powerful magic weapon. I don't have the means to compete with others for opportunities when I go to the secret realm."

  The white light group involved too much, it was difficult to explain clearly, so even though he had great trust in Guanshi He, he did not tell the truth about his true strength.

   "That would be a pity."

   "I thought you were young, and you couldn't see the end of the road ahead at a glance. It's not bad to go out and see the world."

   "Now it seems that it is a good choice to cultivate Lingzhi honestly and live a stable life."

  He Guanshi heard the words, sighed, and felt sorry for Lu Xuan.

   Lu Xuan kept the old man's concern for him in mind, sat for a while, and then left.

  On the streets of Fangshi.

  The buildings on both sides are row upon row, and there are all kinds of shops, which is very lively.

  Lu Xuan came to one of the tallest buildings.

  The building is four stories high, built with towering spiritual wood, the roof is covered with blue glazed tiles, and in the middle are written three big characters: Wanbaolou.

   This is the most famous shop in Fang City. There are all kinds of cultivation treasures in it. As long as you have enough spirit stones, you can buy even what a foundation-building monk needs.

  Lu Xuan followed the monk in front into the building.

  There are 20 or 30 monks in the hall, and the counters are full of beautiful things, such as magical instruments, talismans, elixir, etc., which are dazzling.

  Seeing Lu Xuan coming in and looking around, a handsome young girl came up to him.

   "My fellow daoist, but fellow daoist doesn't come to Wanbao building very often? Tell me if you need anything, and I'll take you to have a look, fellow daoist."

   "Okay, please, take me to the counter of formations."

   Lu Xuan nodded, it was indeed his first time entering the Wanbao Building.

   In the past, when I was a small casual cultivator on the second floor of Qi training, I was in distress, and I never thought about entering Wanbao Building to buy things.

Later, the miraculous white light group appeared in the Lingtian, and the net worth was also ups and downs. The most in-demand spiritual seeds are also supplied by Baicaotang. Unknown spiritual species will not appear in Wanbao Building. Therefore, until now, if you want to buy a better protective formation, Just entered Wanbao Building.

   "Fellow Daoist, this is the formation counter in the lobby on the first floor. There are dozens of formations with different functions, such as attack formations, maze formations, concealment formations, defense formations, etc."

  The delicate girl brought Lu Xuan to a relatively remote location with an eager smile.

   "Introduce me to a few defensive formations."

  Lu Xuan said.

   "Defensive formation, may I ask you, do you need a first-grade or a second-grade one?"

   "Second product."

  First-rank formations are good for low-level Qi-training monks, but if you encounter mid-level Qi-training monks, it’s so-so. If the monks still have array-breaking talismans, magic tools, etc., they will be even more fragile.


  The delicate girl smiled even more. For monks, the demand for formations is not very great. If she can sell a second-grade formation, she can get a lot of commission.

   "This is a rock formation, known for its defense. If a monk invades, you can also control the boulders in the formation to attack the opponent."

   "This is a wooden cage array, which needs to be placed in an environment with special spirit trees, which can trap and block monks who enter the array."

   "This is a fog-hidden maze. The defensive power is not bad in the second-grade formation. In addition, there is a maze superimposed. After the monk enters, the spiritual consciousness will be affected by the fog in the formation, and it is easy to be trapped in it."

"this is…"


  The delicate girl pointed to the formation plate and formation flag inside the counter, and introduced it to Lu Xuan in detail.

   "The rock array has a certain offensive ability, but it needs to be actively controlled by the monks behind it, while the wooden cage array has high requirements on the environment, so it is not suitable to be placed outside the yard."

   Lu Xuan weighed it, and pointed to one of the foggy arrays and asked.

   "How much does this maze of fog cost?"

   "One hundred and sixty-five spirit stones."

   "How about one hundred and thirty spirit stones?" Lu Xuan knew that this price was quite affordable, but his long-standing personality made him habitually cut off a lot.

  The pretty girl smiled and shook her head, expressing her refusal.

  Finally, Lu Xuan broke his lips, and then he cut off ten spirit stones with great difficulty, and bought the fog-hidden maze with one hundred and fifty-five spirit stones.

   "Fortunately, the masked monk sent more than 80 spirit stones in time, otherwise the net worth would have shrunk by more than half."

  Lu Xuan glanced at the nearly 200 spirit stones left in the storage bag, and expressed his gratitude to the masked monk who had merged with the spirit soil.

   "By the way, do you have the blood of snakes or dragons? It's best to be fresh."

   After paying the spirit stone, Lu Xuan asked the delicate girl.

"Wonder beast blood... usually only those monster species with strange existence in their blood. The materials that can be sold on snake monsters are basically snake skin, scale armor, snake venom, etc. I don't think there is any snake monster blood. .”

  The pretty girl thought about it for a while, and showed apology.

   "Fellow Daoist, wait a minute. If you need it urgently, you can reserve some spirit stones in the Wanbao Building. The building will mobilize resources from other cities and squares to see if you can find what you need."

   "It's just that the spirit stones paid in this way will be 10 to 20% higher than direct purchases."

   "If there is no agreed time limit, all the spirit stones will be returned to fellow daoists."

  Seeing that Lu Xuan was about to leave, the delicate girl called out to stop him, and made a suggestion for Lu Xuan to choose.

  (end of this chapter)

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