MTL - Yu-Gi-Oh!: Underworld Boss, Cancerous Creator God-Chapter 286

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°Ishuin Seket laughed: "My turn, multi-lane, activates the magic card "sp Godsend Treasure Card", until both players draw 6 cards. "

\"Then, activate the effect of the field magic "High Speed ​​World 2", remove 4 high speed counters, and deal damage equal to the number of high speed magic cards in your hand X800. "

Three high-speed magic cards are displayed.

- A beam of light shot towards You Feng.

Health plummeted to 1600!

\"Why are you okay?"

Looking at You Feng who was indifferent, Ijiin Sekter was extremely shocked.

This is a duel in the dark. You Feng is not affected. The power of this Taiyi organization is fake, right?

"District black \" B sound; n

\"You Fengchu's eyes glow with a faint star color, so that you can see what a real dark duel is!\"

Dark game, start!

You Feng waved his hand and used the ability given by the system for the first time.

You Feng must deal with Ijiin Sekter as soon as possible, because he sensed that the dueling robot was chasing after him.

This little guy has to be stimulated before the real trump card can be summoned.

In an instant, a dark curtain descended.

The "00\" symbol covering the field was swallowed by darkness.

Above the sky, a giant eye appeared, like a demon from another world staring at the world, as long as someone failed in a duel, they would harvest their souls.

\"This is You Feng's dark duel o...what are you kidding?!"

Ijiin Sekter shivered with fear.

He felt that this dark power was more than ten times more terrifying than the power given to him by the Taiyi Organization.

\"I give up this duel."

The matter is beyond Ijiin Sekter's control, and he doesn't want to take this risk.

You Feng sneered: \"What's the matter? I want to give up now, it's over! The dark duel can't end without a winner or loser."

\"Then You Feng, I will defeat you completely."

Ijuin Sekett throws it out: \"Activate the magic card "sp-acceleration", this turn, my high-speed counters will increase to 10, and after 2 turns, I will not add any high-speed counters. "

The Devil Skull's D wheel spewed out a flame, and the speed skyrocketed, far away from You Feng's D wheel.

°This speed made You Feng astonished.

When I was young, I was a drag racing party. At this speed, sooner or later, the car will overturn one day.

Or remind children, people are small, don't drive big cars.

Ijuin Sect: "I activate the magic card "sp-Night Shot", destroy one of your cover cards, and activate the card's effect without competing for this effect. "

You Feng's face stiffened.

Oh god!

This guy actually had this card in his deck.

A "Crystal Clever Melee" was ruthlessly destroyed.

There is one cover card left.

Ijiin Sekter's eyes narrowed: "You Feng, in this round, I will kill you!"

Then, quickly end this dark duel.

\"Activate another "sp-Night Shot" to destroy your cover card. "

What the hell!

This guy has two more.

[sp-star change] Destroyed O

Ijiin Seket was a little surprised, this guy also brought this magic card O that changed the level

After that, he shouted: \"Activate the magic card "sp-Storm End", you can only activate it if you have 10 or more high-speed counters, and destroy all the monsters on the opponent's field! \"

A magic card blew a hurricane on the field, covering You Feng instantly.

You Feng opens a cover card: "Activate the trap card "Darkness of Sacrifice", you can activate it only when the effect of the opponent's spell/trap/monster that is destroyed by the card on the field is activated, and the effect is negated. After that, remove 1 Dark Attribute monster below 3 stars from the deck [Turn off Maureen I"

Q Youfeng sends the monsters in the deck to the graveyard.

Pure water machine card group, how is it possible? !

310 You must know that the system and deployment axis of the water purifier are excellent, but the self-defense is too serious. After the effect is activated, only the Synchro monsters of the machine type can be specially recruited.

There is no terminal big brother in the Synchro monsters of the machine type.

Why is he doing this?

"Damn [11]

Seeing the monsters destroying You Feng with acne, and seeing the fact that there is no cover card on the field, the group of You Feng who are still calm?

Could it be that there is a hand pit to increase the attack?

The purpose is to lure me to attack and kill me?

Ijiin Sect has only 1000 health points, and just in case, he has to call for the ultimate trump card.

\"Special Summons the effect of the "Pushing Warrior" in my hand by summoning the star tuner monster "Harmony Gum" when there is a modifier on the field. "

A gleam suddenly appeared in the eyes of Ijiin Sekter.

The little hand pointed to the sky.

\"1-star "Blend Gum", 8-star "Demon Dragon-Lord of the Flies", and 1-star "Propulsion Warrior"! \"

"The dragon in the dark abyss, break the shackles and come to the world!"

"Synchronous Summon! "Demon King Super Dragon - Lord of the Flies"! "

- The roar of the dragon resounded.

A dark dragon with a huge head in the middle, a pair of scarlet eyes, and two heads shaking from the left and the right, appeared on the highway.

One after another thunder and lightning crashed and asked!

When You Feng saw this monster, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Finally, got hooked.

391o double synchronization, crystal ingenuity ■Central Orochi!

"Demon King Super Dragon - Lord of the Flies"

Dragon/Dark Attribute Gate 0 stars.

2 or more monsters with Dark Attribute Tuning + Non-Tuning monsters.

Attack: 4000 / Defense: 4000.

"Hahaha... You Feng, you are dead, you are buried in the dark duel."

Ijiin Seket laughed wildly: "My "Demon King Super Dragon - Lord of the Flies" will not be destroyed by battle and effects, and then activate his second effect, once per turn, select a monster from the opponent, and the attack power becomes 0, my HP is restored to that monster's original value! \"

"The one I chose was naturally "Crystal Ingenuity - Matrix Amethyst"! "

The moment the attack power of "Crystal Ingenuity - Matrix Amethyst" became 0, Ijiin Sekt recovered his health to 3500 in one breath!

Enter the battle stage!

"Although, the round that uses this effect, the battle damage to you is halved, but---\"

"I activate the quick-attack magic "Dragon Fighting Spirit", and a Dragon-Type monster on my field can be Special Summoned as many monsters on the opponent's field. "

There are 3 Special Summoned Synchro Monsters on the field.

That is 3 attacks!

Ijiin Sekter pointed with a big hand: ""Demon King Super Dragon-Lord of the Flies", attack "Crystal Ingenuity-Matrix Ametrine" and "High Speed ​​Robot-Magic Kendama"! \"

Two explosions.

You Feng's HP first decreased by 2,000, and the moment his HP returned to zero, it increased by 2,000, and then decreased by 900.

The speed of surviving Wushuanglong also slowed down.

"The last blow, "Demon King Super Dragon-Lord of the Flies", attacking "Crystal Skill-Quantum Corundum", everything is over, You Feng, let's be buried in the dark game! "


You Feng clutched his chest and let out a scream.

350 health points left.


Since it is a duel in the dark, it is necessary to pretend to be a little bit like.

It is impossible for people to know that he, the person who started the dark duel, is not affected by the dark duel.

Otherwise, don't hang up with me... Bah, what should I do if the duelist continues to play?

Ijiyuan Sekter: "Hey, You Feng, it seems that the hand pit saved you Ba."

2 monster cards appeared.

【Damage Absorber】

Mechanical family/dark attribute/2 stars.

[Effect: When the opponent attacks, only once, the HP recovers the combat damage to the value]

【Emergency Robot】

Mechanic/Wind Attribute Gate Star.

Attack: o/155/o.

[Effect: When the opponent attacks, only once, the battle damage is halved]


\"Ijiin Sekter, you hurt me, I will never forgive you!\" You Feng's face was hideous, and the second roared: "Activate "Crystal Trick - Quantum Corundum" and "Crystal Trick - Matrix Purple Yellow" "Crystal" effect, when these 2 Synchro Summoned cards are destroyed by an effect/battle, you can Special Summon "Crystal Tricks" other than Synchro Monsters. "

"Resurrection, two crystals are ingenious!"

"Crystal Ingenuity-Central Black Crystal" and "Crystal Ingenuity-Matrix Topaz" appeared on the scene.

After Ijiin Sekter had put on 2 cards, and at the end of the round, You Feng shouted: "My round, multi-way, I will make you pay the price."

You Feng: \"I have 5 high-speed counters now, and I activate the effect of "High-speed World 2", once per turn, it will deal you the damage of the number of high-speed magic cards X800. "

\"I have 3 cards, take 2400 damage!"

Ijuin Seket: "I expected that you would also use the effect of "High Speed ​​World 2" to fight against me, and activate the trap card "Damage Polarizer Shield", which can only be activated when the effect of inflicting damage is activated. The activation and effect are negated, and both players draw 1 card. "

Each of them draws 1 card.

You Feng lowered his head and said dejectedly: "It's a pity, it's a pity, the 2400 points of damage was resolved by him, it seems... it seems... hehe, I lied to you.\"

You Feng made a face.

Ijiin Sekter: "You..."

"Then only, dignifiedly beat you."

Enter the battle stage!

"Activate the effect of "Crystal Artifice-Central Sombra", during the opponent's or allied's main phase and battle phase, negate the effect of the selected monster and Special Summon it, and perform a Synchro Summon of the Machine Type. "

\"Come back! "Crystal Ingenuity - Red Crystal Sparrow"! \"

"The 3-star "Crystal Ingenuity-Central Black Crystal" and the 2-star "Crystal Ingenuity-Matrix Topaz", the 4-star "Crystal Ingenuity-Red Crystal Sparrow", double-tuned stars! \"

\"The ancient power, under the call of the eternal crystal, broke the dusty door of memory, and brought the golden body to the world!"