MTL - Zhui Xu-v2 Chapter 12 Water stop poetry

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Panfu Turtle Crane Park, the water stop poetry has also entered a climax.

The sound of the music rang, and a piece of crepe paper was uploaded and sent by everyone. The voice of the singer was singing the excellent poems tonight. The atmosphere here is relatively more serious than the poetry of the garden, because there are many heavyweights, but the various performances still make the atmosphere lively and quaint.

Turtle Crane Park is a garden with beautiful layout and ancient charm. It is a variety of rocky waterways and pavilions. At this time, during the layout of lanterns with riddles, everyone will open a banquet in the garden. Women live on one side and students. Living on the side, the master and the famous and well-known place are both on the side and there is no special stage. However, the song and dance performances occasionally appearing between the gardens are indeed very natural and impressive. They can come to this poetry. It is a well-known head card and the like, and obviously has spent a lot of thoughts on it.

Naturally, there are also riddles, performances, and moon-watching sessions in the poetry. There are even many people’s speeches, such as Pan Guangyan, who is the master. Even at the beginning, Jiangning’s prefects have come and said After saying that "all of you are the talents of the country," this is enough to explain the status of the water-stopping poetry. Of course, one night tonight, in order to avoid the situation of the city, the prefect is to always sit on the door, he Can't stay for a long time, and hurried away.

If there is a masterpiece in the poetry meeting, many will rise up and evaluate with others. Every once in a while, someone will send a few poems of good quality. The paper will be circulated in the hands of everyone, if the poem is really Well, or if there are other opinions, some people will start to talk and discuss with others. Pan Guangyan and others will naturally make comments.

Qin Lao sat on the side of the banquet. Next to him was Kang Xian, who was still very expensive. It was Kang Lao, who was fighting with Ning Yi. His words were Ming Yun, so many people also called him Ming Gong. His background is very complicated, and wealth is not lacking, but even if it is only in literature and Confucianism, it is enough to be called a public statement. Two or three of the dozens of talents present have received his teachings. It is called a teacher, but Kang Lao has always been strict, and everyone is afraid of him. However, he has not criticized anyone tonight. In fact, the quality of this water-stopping poetry tonight is still satisfactory to him.

At this time, he was talking to Qin Lao on the low-key side. In fact, time is here. Generally speaking, the real good poetry has already come out. At this time, the two are discussing these.

"...the autumn equinox stops overnight, and the haze is the most crystal-clear. It is good to eat the sea, Xu is watching the meditation. The layer is empty and suspected to wash the color, and it is strange to think of the latent shape. He has no similarity, the morning chicken can not be heard...Qin Gong Li Chuan's poetry Li Feng's this Mid-Autumn Festival is really talented. Although the text is not the first, but as I see it, I am afraid that this poem is the most popular tonight."

"It is a ghost and a ghost. It can be regarded as a sword and a slant, but it gives people a feeling of the atmosphere. It only makes people think and stir, and there is no sorrow. This poem has the legacy of Tang Shi, Li Pin, Li Dexin, is indeed a login. Everyone is listed, but Ming Gong has always been strict with his own laws. Today, there are actually a few good poems in the water. Hey, for example, this one."

Qin Lao smiled and picked up one of the songs: "Bitian is like water, Zhanyinhuang is light and clear, and Jinbo is clear. Suspicion is that it will be treasured, and the high-hanging Guanghan Palace. Lin Yeqiuqiu, the curtains are picturesque, Dangui fragrance Every year and now, the tower is so clear... can you not be eccentric?"

"Haha, you and I are not judges, just appreciate it, how can it be eccentric? Hey, this word is really good..."

"As I see it, the two best ones tonight are among them."

Qin Lao has always been low-key, and there is almost no public comment tonight. He only talks about this between friends and friends. In fact, Cao Guan Cao Chen of the Shushui Poetry Association and Li Pin Li Dexin of the Lichuan Poetry Association are indeed the most negative at this time. One of the famous talents, the people below, are also comparing the poems of the two of them, although the text is not the first, but the momentum on the verbal is always to fight.

Everyone praised the poems. Pan Guangyan was laughing and talking to Cao Guan at this time. In a short while, some people sent new poems to come in and divided them into three copies.

Really good poetry, can enter the room, until this time will basically not come out again, but the good is still there, everyone laughs and talks while passing a page. One page was passed to Qin Lao and Kang Lao. Qin Lao took it and looked at it, but he laughed.

“Hey? How?” Kang Xian asked.

"Oh, I just didn't expect that there would be a good one at the time of Gion, and you can see."

"Oh? Gion." Kang Lao also laughed, looked at it with poetry, and looked at the name "Xue Jin" below, shaking his head and letting go, "Zhongping, can be eye-catching, but it doesn't make people Novel."

At this time, some people were stunned: "Junjun, I can't think of Lichuan's good words at this time. According to the next view, this one is really good."

Someone who knows him smiled and said: "Let's read it." The man nodded. After a while, he began to read the poem: "This word is used in the water, and everyone listens: Qiu Yu is like water, month. The mirror is not safe. The stagnation is high, Zhang Le, the language is laughter and disappointing..."

When he read this, he suddenly felt like he felt something. He turned to look at Pan Guangyan and other old people on the stage. An old man had already got up, holding a piece of paper in his hand and rushing toward Pan Guangyan. In the past, the fingers bounced on the paper, and there seemed to be words in the mouth. The old man had some friendship with Qin Laokang. When he saw him get up, Pan Guangyan had already come over. He put the crepe paper down and used a not too high voice to talk to several people around him: "You and see this. first."

This is also the water-sounding singer. When several people on the stage noticed other things, the person who was reading the poems below stunned. Pan Guangyan reacted and smiled and raised his hand to him, indicating that he continued, but he did not go to see it now.笺 paper. After the person finished reading, he reminisced and smiled and commented a few words before he picked up the crepe paper. After a while, he was also whispering in the mouth, frowning, and everyone in the audience and even the female guests. Looking over.

"He Weng, if there are any good poems, I will read it quickly. This is a good appetite."

Pan Guangyan’s temper is very good after all. Cao Guan, who is the head of the crowd, said with a smile, and then everyone laughed. The atmosphere relaxed for a while, and Pan Guangyan smiled: “It’s also the water-sounding song, this The first word... I will read it to everyone: When is the moon, I will ask the wine for the sky. I don’t know the heavenly palace, what year is it... I want to go back by the wind, and I’m afraid of Qiulou Yuyu, the height is not cold. Shadow, what seems to be in the world."

The words of the water-sounding singer rang in the courtyard, and the first half of the singer had not finished, and there was no voice of conversation among the people in the room. Pan Guangyan is a literary great Confucianism. At this time, according to the rhythm, he seriously mourns the poetry in his hand. Although he is not quick, he is attached to the artistic conception of the words, but it is in one go.

The people in the room are the people with profound literary skills. Just hearing this, they have already realized the ethereal, atmospheric and distant meaning of this first word. The initial questioning seemed to be simple. At this time, the literary world flourished. Various poetry can't help but pursue complex and exhaustive changes. Some of the arguments also advocated that if it is a poem, it would be better if only one month of the word does not appear. However, at the beginning of the phrase, there was such a question in the moonlight, but with the next sentence, it has naturally unfolded the artistic conception. When it comes to the heavenly palace, the artistic conception of the poetry is naturally and unambiguously fluidized from the brook. In order to flow in the mountains, and then the next "I want to go back to the wind...", I directly turned the mood of the entire upper half into the atmosphere of the Yangtze River and into the sea. At the same time, it was able to be ethereal, without a half point. The atmosphere of the fireworks, a few words, is the heart of the fairyland.

Since the Tang Dynasty, there have been many works of poetry and literature for hundreds of years, and there are many works of far-reaching atmosphere. However, at this time, many poetry works often go to the path of exhaustive rework and dying. If you can come back, you will return to everyone. Naturally, there are also simple or complex, and each has its own characteristics. However, there are very few artistic conceptions that can reach the present level. This artistic conception expands with the change of poetry. The weight of the poetry is extended. The natural beauty is the same as that of the literati when the early Tang Dynasty flourished, but it is unconstrained but unconstrained. The style is similar, only the district is on the raft, and the spirit of the first song of the song has been revealed. Pan Guangyan paused and looked up at the talents below him before he continued to read the squat.

"Turning Zhuge, low tenants, no sleep. There should be no hate, what is going to be a long time... People have joys and sorrows, and there is a lack of gloom in the moon. It is difficult to do this... I hope people will last forever moon."

"...I hope that people will live for a long time, and they will be stunned." After reading the words, Pan Guangyan repeated the last sentence and looked at the crowd, and kept his head in a small position. After a long while, he sighed. A tone, "...good words." At this time, some people in the garden looked at each other, and some people muttered the words quietly abnormal. In fact, if other words are gone, this song of the first water has indeed had the charm that has never faded for thousands of years. In the eyes of poets, there are even "middle-autumn words in the later generations. The comments of the rest of the words are abolished. At this time, everyone in the room used this as a living. They studied poetry for decades, and some even lived for a lifetime. At this time, they listened, and suddenly felt it, perhaps it was like this kind of momentum.

It was also in such an atmosphere, where Kang Lao reached out and took the crepe paper. He first read it and slowly nodded his head. After a while, when I went to see it, I looked like I noticed something, and I blinked my eyes in confusion, "Oh?" Then Emei thought about something, and his face was wonderful. He noticed that he looked like this, and Qin Lao, who was still thinking about this sentence in his heart, turned his head.

"what happened?"

"Oh... look at it."

He handed over the paper, and Qin Lao took a blind eye and looked at it one word at a time. From a few hours in the moon to a thousand miles, he did not find anything wrong. It was indeed a good word. He gave a sigh of relief and gently Shaking his head, then a glimpse of his eyes, a meal.

There are still a few words behind the words, but at this time everyone is still feeling these sentences, and Pan Guangyan has not paid attention to it.

There was a book in the lower left of the paper, and he wrote seven words.

- Su Fu.

- Ning Yi.

- Ning Liheng.

Qin Lao stunned, and then looked at Kang Lao, after a while, dumbfounded.


On the small building of the Sufu, Ning Yi climbed up to drink water, and suddenly sneezed a big sneeze and was almost picked up. He slept back in a sullen way and tightened the quilt.

Hey, the cold won't increase again...