MTL - Zhui Xu-v6 Chapter 1145 Spring (middle)

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In the second month of the lunar calendar, the ice and snow in Jindi have not completely melted, but the basic production activities near several major towns have already started one after another.

Industrial production had already started a few days before the first lunar month, and commercial facilities were running accordingly. Some convoys braved the ice and snow to go to the countryside to deliver supplies to people at the end of the new year, and at the same time preached the virtues of women. The military doctor saved the lives of many villagers in the middle of winter.

Political activities didn't stop either. Weisheng and Dongcheng took advantage of the weather and held a few year-end celebrations. After the fifteenth day, Yu Yulin led the army to hold a lively military parade outside Weisheng City.

Organizing collective activities in spare time is not only a test of organizational ability, but also can improve collective organization through actual combat. This is the method used by Ning Yi in the southwest, and Lou Shuwan is also learning it bit by bit, and now that she has a little surplus food, she is also excited about it.

Taken together, the effect is excellent.

Many aristocratic families or merchants in the Central Plains who still have property, most of them felt the breath of Jin's imminent take-off. As for February, many people from all over the world gathered near Weisheng, and some directly proposed to the Jin court. Instead of requests for meetings and cooperation, more of them are to send invitations to powerful figures in Jindi through various channels, hoping to cooperate and share a share of the pie after the next development. Even some big merchants who were originally active in Jindi secretly sent envoys to this side at this moment.

The situation in the Central Plains is currently at a wonderful moment that is most favorable to Jin.

Looking south across the Yellow River, the situation in Bianliang gradually stabilized. The territory originally controlled by Yin Zong, Chen Shiquan and other small landowners who were short-sighted and inextricably linked with the Jurchens was now controlled by the talented and bold Zou Xu Take over, after defeating Liu Guangshi, today's sage Dai Mengwei made up for Zou Xu's moral shortcomings. At this moment, in terms of the ability of those in power, they are becoming the most anticipated pair of partners in troubled times. In time, everyone will know The two of them will do something extraordinary—after all, their target is the colossal monster lying in the southwest.

However, benchmarking against Southwest is a reflection of their expectations, and it is also their biggest negative factor. I don't know when the Southwest Huaxia Army will come out of the mountain, and they will definitely deal a thunderous blow to Zou Xu and Dai Mengwei. If an invincible hero like Nianhan Xiyin is no match for the Southwest Huaxia Army, how many will Zou Xu and Dai Mengwei have? The chance to survive the wrath of that Mr. Ning.

On the other hand, Mr. Southwest Ning is also nicknamed the Heart Demon. Even if the army does not come out, he reveals some will in private, or sends some troublesome troops to Bianliang, it is enough for this side to have a solid drink. pot. Therefore, even though they have expectations for the short-term stability near Bianliang, most people are still worried about its long-term fate.

Looking north across the land of Jin, on the territory of the Kingdom of Jin, which was originally the biggest threat, news has spread that Xi Yin's family has been imprisoned and Gao Qingyi is yet to be investigated after the New Year's Eve. A deputy and an important minister had accidents one after another. Nianhanxi Mansion, which originally supported half of the Jin Kingdom, was already in jeopardy. Some big merchants who had been walking in the north turned their attention to it, which also showed the fact that the pressure on the north of Jin was greatly reduced.

As for the east, the Huaxia Army and the Guangwu Army, which had suffered extremely hard in the past due to lack of supplies, are now getting a little respite in Liangshan. With the support of past achievements, Jurchen East Road still dare not act rashly now, and it is also a fact that the female minister has supported Liangshan a lot in the past two years.

And to the west, the northwest is almost white land. After the surrender of the Jurchens, Zhe Keqiu's family was wiped out, and only a few gangs of horse bandits and some wandering people who licked blood were left in this barren land. It is impossible for the world to pose much threat to the great forces in the world.

The east, west, north, and south are fixed on all sides, and the land is extending in all directions. Not to mention the close relationship with the major forces in the world, at least they can maintain peaceful exchanges. There is no other family for such a force, except for the land of Jin. . And after Ning Yi's point, the woman's attitude towards the outside world is friendly and open, Dongcheng has taken over various technologies from the Huaxia Army, and now many businesses in the Southwest have been put into production in Jindi, even though the output is not too large , but if you want to make a fortune, where in the whole world can you find so many opportunities in Jindi.

With a slight expression of the will to expand, the interests of all parties have already gathered. For a while, the bustle of Jindi almost reproduced the conference held in Southwest China two years ago.

In February, after the situation in Bianliang was settled, Zou Xu even personally led the envoys across Hebei to Weisheng. Lou Shuwan discusses more cooperation opportunities. Including the event that Dai Mengwei will set up the so-called Chinese Martial Arts Association this summer, he also extended an invitation to Lou Shuwan.

The aunt and nephew had some discussions in the Qing Palace, and they lived in harmony.

Regarding this matter, Zhan Wu and Xue Guangcheng of the Huaxia Army have protested several times. It is said that they are very angry, but there is nothing they can do. Lou Shuwan consciously gained the upper hand and was quite happy.

On the day of the discussion, Zou Xu led the people out of the palace, and before they entered the street, someone lifted his cloak and fired several shots at Zou Xu. Zou Xu was also on guard, and ran away immediately Going to the back of the carriage, he escaped the attack by the iron plates inside the carriage and the shields of the entourage.

On such an occasion, the Jin area attaches great importance to the security of the guests, but perhaps it is because they have not enough understanding of the will of the Huaxia Army during the long-term and harmonious dealings, or because the assassination organized by Xue Guangcheng really took out the housekeeper With the ability, the hiding place of the members of the Huaxia Army was not discovered in advance. If Zou Xu himself was not alert enough, the first few shots would have beaten him to pieces.

But the further assassination failed to continue. The masters of the female minister's bodyguards had already moved, including bows and arrows, guns, and Zou Xu's own guard team, and surrounded the assassins. The grenade was not thrown, Xue Guangcheng stood in the lead, looking down on everyone, while Zhan Wu, another person in charge, stood on the street farther away, leading a group of people to watch the development of the matter.

After a while, Lou Shuwan, who hadn't turned around after seeing off the guests, also appeared from the other side, with a livid face, she walked slowly to the middle of the group of people, even if Shi Jin tried to stop her, she swung her away vigorously .

The situation is extremely embarrassing and complicated.

As Lou Shuwan's side, I think that Xue Guangcheng and others will not use this method against Zou Xu. After all, the dividends from the last business have not been paid out-in fact, Jindi is too far away from the southwest, and it will not be lucky if it is given for a while. Go back—but Xue Guangcheng did it like this. The assassination arrangement may not be perfect, but as long as Zou Xu himself reacts a little slower, he has actually become a sieve.

Although the assassination attempt failed now, several people were surrounded and carried grenades, but they still acted like they were not stingy. The question was immediately thrown back to Lou Shuwan and everyone in Jindi. Southwest sent a working group to support Jindi, Lou Shuwan certainly thought that they would not leave easily, Xue Guangcheng Zhan Wuyi was always joking, and seemed to be kind to others, and even knew the general situation, but at this moment, Lou Shuwan realized that Zou Xu certainly could not die, How could Xue Guangcheng and others die?

If Xue Guangcheng, who once saved a whole city of people in Bianliang, died like this, Lou Shuwan would not want to bear Ning Yi's anger in the southwest.

Surrounding several assassins, no one dared to step forward, even Lou Shuwan waved her hand and gave an order in the first moment of anger: "Protect - General Zou and the others!"

The soldiers from Jindi quickly dispatched a group of people to surround Zou Xu and the others. On both sides were desperadoes from the Huaxia Army. Zou Xu, who was talking one by one, suddenly came out and shot, killing several members of the Huaxia Army here.

Perhaps it was Lou Shuwan's instant determination to please Zou Xu, the man who hid behind the car, the originally kind and humble man suddenly laughed out loud, with a willful and unrestrained attitude.

Lou Shuwan walked towards Xue Guangcheng and the others with a livid face. She opened her arms without saying anything, as if she wanted to hug her. She has been in charge of Jindi for many years, and she is wearing a long black dress at this time, which seems to have a casual atmosphere at home, but when she opens her hands, she has a very strong aura, and her steps are also fast. Such movements make the resolute Xue Guangcheng subconsciously took a step back.

"Lou Xiang, you..."

"Come on, blow me up—"

Xue Guangcheng reached out and touched his lips.

"This is the grievance of the Huaxia Army."

"Ning Yi asked you to do this!?"

"This is our business."

"You are committing crimes in Jin!"

"The Huaxia Army has long protested!"

"—You can either blow me up or catch me without a fight!"

The snow on the long street had not cleared, and the harsh words were confronted and exploded on the street. Shi Jin stretched out a hand, and also approached Xue Guangcheng and the others, shaking his head while speaking admonishing words, and the army belonging to the Jin area gathered together. Putting on a stance, "Ah—" a threatening stance, and around the long street, I don't know how many eyes are watching this iron-blooded scene.

Zou Xu laughed wantonly for a while behind the carriage, and then fell silent. At this moment, he suddenly yelled: "Xue Guangcheng, Zhan Wu, since you can't kill me today—talk! There are too many intersections. Zou Xu came out of the first phase of Ning Yi's training class. Among the many students, he even belonged to the senior brother's generation. Fear is an extremely iron-blooded character, at this time Zhan Wu was standing in the distance, Xue Guangcheng faced the carriage over there, and said loudly: "You know what you did! "

"I know-"

Zou Xu's answer came immediately.