MTL - Zombie: Awaken Green Lotus Earth Heart Fire at the Beginning-Chapter 3

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Soon, a warning sound entered Ling Xiao's mind.

"Sure enough, it is Qinglian Earth Heart Fire. I didn't expect that the first strange fire was actually this one!"

Hearing Ling Xiao's introduction, he also laughed. Although Qinglian's Earth Heart Fire was not a top-notch strange fire in previous life novels, it was definitely the most famous.

But even if it wasn't top-notch doubt, Ling Xiao smacked his tongue secretly when he saw the melting ground beneath his feet.

"Such a terrifying temperature, I'm afraid even my senior brother can't bear it, wouldn't it be very simple to use my fire-attribute peach wood sword and Da Yan Zhu Xie Slash to kill Lu Zong or something?

I just don't know how fast it burns. "

Thinking of this, Ling Xiao directly looked at the houses.

There is not the slightest bit of life in these houses.

"This village has been slaughtered, so let's set it on fire, otherwise, if there is a lot of resentment, I'm afraid that some evil ghosts will be born in the future!

Just in time to experiment with my Qinglian Earth Heart Fire! "

Ling Xiao frowned.

He said that these are not excuses for setting fire to the village, but the flame itself has restraint on resentment and yin.

This is also the reason why some bandits from ancient times to the present will set fire to the village after burning, killing and looting.

Because in this way, there will be no evil spirits born to trouble them.

Thinking of this, Ling Xiao carried the bridegroom, and then came to the square in the center of the village.


The next moment, following Ling Xiao's right hand, he slightly grabbed towards the void.

A cyan flame condensed in his hand.

"It's cool to have a different fire, you don't need a link seal!".

Chapter 5: Soaring Strength! Tenth Heaven of Teachers!

Ling Xiao smiled slightly, and then he waved his hand.

"Sweep brush brush!!"

In an instant, the blossoming flames flew directly in all directions.

Soon, the whole village was instantly ignited by the many blue flames from house to house.

The fire spread so fast that in just one minute, the entire village was enveloped in a raging fire. Even other villages within a radius of several kilometers could clearly see the fire on this side.

"Dust returns to dust, earth returns to earth, folks and fathers, I have helped you to avenge your revenge. On the road to Huangquan, go all the way!"

Ling Xiao, who was in the center of the village and was enveloped by the sky-high blue flames, looked at the burning village and slowly opened his mouth.

"Ding...Congratulations to the host, burning items, burning point +10"

"Ding...Congratulations to the host, burning items, burning point +10"

"Ding...Congratulations to the host, burning items, burning point +10"

"Ding...Congratulations to the host, burning items, burning point +10"



At the same time, a beeping sound also entered Ling Xiao's mind.

The temperature of the Qinglian Earth Core Fire was extremely high, and in just a few minutes, all the houses in the village were burnt to ashes.

Even the earth was burned and melted to a small layer.

At this time, Ling Xiao had already obtained a full 1300 Burning Points.

"Ding...Congratulations to the host, burning a village! Get the Taoist reward: Yanlongbu (low-grade

"Flame Dragon Step: A middle-grade Taoist technique that can condense fire dragons on the feet, greatly increasing the movement speed of practitioners!

Cultivation needs: 1000 burning points. "

And just after Ling Xiao waved his big hand and took back all the flames in the entire village, a sound from the system reached his mind at this moment.

At the same time, there is also a Taoist method called Yanlongbu in his system space.

"Is there a way to increase speed? I should be useful now!"

Ling Xiao nodded slightly when he thought of this.

It’s just that I don’t have to study. Even if I add the 1300 Burning Points I just obtained, I only have 2300 Burning Points left!

He is also ready to upgrade the realm.

It takes 1000 to burn from the eighth level to the ninth level, and 1000 to reach the tenth level.

With more than 300 Burning Points left, Ling Xiao decided to use it to upgrade his Spirit Fire Slash. It took exactly 300 Burning Points to be able to upgrade to the top human-level!

"System, upgrade my realm to the tenth level of human masters, and upgrade my Spirit Fire Slash to the best human-level!"

Thinking of this, Ling Xiao spoke directly to the system.

"Ding... Accept the order and start upgrading the host realm!"

A beep sounded instantly.


The next moment, terrifying forces circulated wildly in Ling Xiao's body.

Soon, Ling Xiao's realm had risen to the ninth level of a teacher. At this moment, his power had increased several times compared to when he was in the eighth level.

After transmigrating to this world, Ling Xiao discovered that the practitioners in this world were extremely powerful.

Even the weakest person, Shi Yizhongtian, has more than 100 kilograms of strength.

After reaching the ninth level of human division, Ling Xiao's power even increased to a terrifying number of tons.

That's right, it's several tons, thousands of kilograms.

The most terrifying start is the division-level powerhouse.

A year ago, Ling Xiao had seen the ninth uncle of the fourth earth division and a green zombie fight.

Ninth Uncle smashed a boulder with a diameter of seven or eight meters that was equivalent to the height of a two-story building, directly shattering the boulder.

That kind of scene definitely made Ling Xiao remember something fresh.

You must know that this is just pure physical strength, and practitioners can also use Taoism that can improve their strength.

It's hard to imagine how terrifying it will be if the strength is raised to the pinnacle of the Earth Master, or even the Heavenly Master.


And at this moment, Ling Xiao's realm skyrocketed again, and in an instant his realm rose to the tenth level of a teacher!

A powerful force was brewing in Ling Xiao's body.

Not only that, Ling Xiao's mind also quickly surfaced a lot of cultivation methods about Spirit Fire Slash!

In these memories, it was naturally Ling Xiao who was madly cultivating Spirit Fire Slash.

After years of cultivation, Ling Xiao became more and more proficient in Spirit Fire Slash, and he directly cultivated from the entry level to the realm of Great Perfection!

At the same time, some problems with Spirit Fire Slash were also found.

In the end, after improvement, Ling Xiao had raised the power of Spirit Fire Slash to the strength of a master Taoist technique in more than ten years. ,

Memories also came to an abrupt end at this time.

"Ding...Congratulations to the host, your realm has been upgraded to the tenth level of the teacher! Consumption burning point: 2000 points!"

"Ding...Congratulations to the host, the level of your Taoist Spirit Fire Slash has been upgraded to: Human Rank Top Grade! The next upgrade requires burning points: 1000 points!".

Chapter 6: Uncle Nine! Mr. Zombie's story begins!

At this time, two consecutive beeps were heard in Ling Xiao's mind. Ling Xiao also slowly opened his eyes when he heard the beeps.

"Crack Kick!!"

As Ling Xiao moved his body slightly at this time, he instantly heard a bone explosion from his entire body.

"Is this the power of the Tenth Heaven forging Body? It's really powerful!"

Feeling his own powerful strength, Ling Xiao couldn't help but sigh with emotion!

Immediately, Ling Xiao directly opened his own attribute table. At this time, his attribute table was very different from before.


Property sheet!

Name: Ling Xiao

Different Fire: Qinglian Earth Heart Fire! (Need for next fire awakening: 10000 burning points)

Realm: Tenth Heaven of Human Teachers (0/5000)

Occupation: Spellmaster (high-level human-level, 0/1000)

Cultivation method: Taiqing Records of Teachers (Superior Human Rank, 0/700)

Taoism: Spirit Fire Slash (high-level human-level, 0/1000) Da Yan Zhuxie Slash (intermediate-level middle-level, 0/5000)

Item: Hundred-year fire mahogany sword (middle grade, 0/5000)

Burn Point: 45


"It only takes 5,000 burn points to upgrade from the tenth level of the human teacher to the first level of the earth teacher? Is this too little?"

But after seeing that he only needed 5,000 burn points to upgrade from the tenth level of the human teacher to the first level of the earth teacher, Ling Xiao immediately felt that this system was too cool.

What is the concept of five thousand? I just burned the smallest and smallest village, and only a few dozen households have gained more than one thousand burning points.

You must know that in this era, there are many such uninhabited villages.

Of course, burning the village is only a small part of it.

According to the system, burning those living things will get more burning points, such as big trees.

In addition, the higher the life level, or the higher the soul level, the higher the burning point obtained.

In other words, burning zombies and ghosts can also get a lot of burning points.

And the first-level earth division, let alone in Maoshan, even the entire cultivation world is the backbone!

Ordinary practitioners need at least 20 years of practice to go from the first to the tenth level.

But breaking through to a geographer requires at least ten years of penance.

Even for a genius like Ninth Uncle, it took five or six years to go from the tenth level of the teacher to the fifth level.

Ling Xiao estimated that his talent was stronger than Ninth Uncle, but it would be difficult to break through without three or five years.

But now it only needs 5000 burn points! This is indeed very little!

"Let's go here today, go home first, otherwise, it will be difficult for senior brother to wake up and find that I am not here!"

Ling Xiao glanced at the time and realized that it was not too early.

"What about this kid?"

Suddenly Ling Xiao was speechless when he saw the thin young man who was still in a coma at his feet.

I don't know where the other party lives, so it's impossible to guard this kid all night, right?

"Forget it, get it back to Yizhuang first, I'm afraid that if you leave it here, it will be taken away by the wolves, tigers and leopards!"

Ling Xiao was helpless, and then he could only mention this kid and quickly swept in the direction of Renjiazhen.



After half an hour!

Back to a manor that exudes the righteousness of Daoism on the edge of Renjia Town!
