MTL - Zombie Evolution-~ New book "Immortal Doctor" uploaded for support

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You Taoists should see that the zombie is nearing completion and is about to finish. Thank you friends for your support all the way, it is you who gave Xiao Zhouzhou the motivation and struggle so far!

Xiao Zhou Zhou loves you! I will try to make a better story for you.

Today, Xiao Zhouzhou's new book "Immortal Doctor" is officially uploaded. The urban power can guarantee cool text and ambiguous.

There is a link at the bottom of this page, which is the title to the right of the yellow shoulder. Click the title to enter.

Xiao Zhou Wang Tian is eager for your visit! Dear friends, the new book area is waiting for you! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to subscribe to this site, give rewards, and your support is my greatest motivation.)