My Cell Prison-Chapter 137 - : Pincer Attack

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Chapter 137: Chapter 137: Pincer Attack

Translator: 549690339

Monk Togu, arranged by Han Dong, appeared on the right side of the crossroads.

He led the clown away from the hallway where the [Exit] was located.

He seized this opportunity.

To release Chen Li again.

First, he used a kitchen knife to cut the ‘rubber rope knot’ wrapped around Han Dong’s hands, then headed to the [Exit] to carry out a covert operation.

The battle broke out.

When Monk Togu lassoed the clown’s neck with an iron chain and pulled it to the side.

The clown immediately turned around and pulled the iron chain in the opposite direction.

Larger in muscular size, the clown seemed superior in strength as it easily pulled Togu over.

Smack! With a strong slap, the clown sent Togu flying.

‘Copper Skin Iron Bones’

Because of this unique ‘Professional punching bag’ trait.

Togu, who was hit head-on and crashed into the wall, seemed to have no issues at all.

However, the clown looked perplexed.

“What happened, your powers and traits haven’t changed, but your overall strength has decreased as if you were downgraded… and besides, you suddenly appeared to help this brat against me?

Were you ‘enslaved’?”

While the clown was pondering.

A powerful plague energy ray attacked from behind.

The four grasshopper-like legs growing on the clown’s back appeared to have self-aware defenses.

They immediately gathered and used their sturdy shells to block the onslaught of the plague directly.

While the clown began smashing Togu’s head into the wall, it also asked out of curiosity:

“Oh… how did you manage to break free?”


The Clown slowly turned its head 180°.

Contemptuously ‘looking’ at Han Dong behind, along with the ‘Plague Arm’ that fused with the Fate Weapon.

It seemed that a 2v1 confrontation like this hardly put pressure on the clown at all.

Most importantly, the clown was perfectly capable of accurately positioning the two despite having destroyed its eyes. This did not hinder its actions at all.

This was a big problem.

“If the Little Demon Eye doesn’t work, we can only resort to a frontal attack with Togu.

The old version of the clown was manageable… but with its current monstrous appearance, both its strength and speed have been upgraded, and it’s really troublesome.

With my physical resilience, if I get hit once, I could possibly lose my mobility or even die.

Sigh… let’s take the risk.

Worst comes to worst, after the end of this incident, I’ll lie in the [Old Sewers] for a few days.”

Faceless Skull has leveled up to LV.2.

It can exert the power of the ‘Little Demon Eye’ more fully.

Given the power of eye pollution isn’t useful, then apply everything to actual combat.

Although Han Dong is unaware of other sensory abilities, the ‘Little Demon Eye’ should be considered top-tier in terms of visual observation among its peers.

“Full throttle!”

He fully utilized the power of the ‘Little Demon Eye’.

Strands of blood began to form on the surface of the eye.

For a moment, Han Dong could see some subtle ‘slow motion’ actions.

He could see the slight fluctuations of the clown’s ‘hairy’ hand and ashes floating in the air.

This state also brought a tremendous mental stress to Han Dong.

Every second, it was rapidly consuming seed energy. A quick battle must be fought.

“Togu, show your mettle!”

As Han Dong issued the command.

Togu, who was still being grabbed by the clown and getting his head smashed into the wall, suddenly turned around!

He fully activated his lava ability and utilized all his strength to forcefully pry open the clown’s fingers, breaking free from the shackles.

The freed Togu mumbled a few phrases in Demon Language, retreated three steps, and put some distance between the clown.

Clang! Clang!

A two-meter long iron chain appeared from the palm of his hands on each side, dragging on the ground.

His muscles bulged, ready for a mid-range chain lash attack.

Every strike left a burn on the surface of the clown’s muscles, branding the flesh.

“It hurts… Togu!!”

The clown turned his head, choosing to focus mainly on Togu.

Even though this monk’s overall level had fallen, he still posed a great threat.

“I’ll take care of you first… so annoying!”

The clown reached out its two fuzzy giant hands, directly grabbing at Togu.


Togu also swung out two iron chains at the same time, coiling them around the clown’s arms.

Using the force, he pulled back.

This made the clown’s body suddenly lose balance, tilting slightly forward.

No matter whether Togu was enslaved by Han Dong or not, he himself deeply hated this clown… seizing the opportunity, he immediately struck!

[Head Hammer]

A skull harder than steel smacked directly into the clown’s face.

Crack! It seemed to have shattered something.

The muscles were enlarged, only the face remained the same… this blow directly broke the clown’s nose, and several teeth were knocked out.

At the same time, it attracted the clown’s attention to a great extent.


Behind the clown.

Han Dong, fully activated by the Little Demon Eye, seized the opportunity and moved in close.

Four adaptive defense and attack grasshopper legs launched sharp and swift attacks.

If not evaded, it would either peel off a layer of skin or sever the body at worst.


At the moment, Han Dong could clearly see the path of each swinging leg.

Even when the legs were retracted, he could roughly estimate the next swing path by the movement of the fur, and the shape variation of the connected muscles.

‘Seeing through’

Han Dong dodged perfectly.

At the same time, he stepped on one of the grasshopper’s legs.

The metallic claw decisively swung out.


Green fluid splashed.

Successfully severed a leg.

While the clown was held tightly by Togu, it did not distract itself to care about the situation behind.

Again, ‘Seeing through’

Han Dong dodged perfectly and slashed down with his claw, another furry grasshopper’s leg was cut off, flinging in the air.

In this way, taking advantage of the moment when the grasshopper’s legs attacked, a perfect counterattack was made.

Han Dong consecutively severed the four legs, exposing the clown’s back completely.

Seizing the opportunity.

Han Dong fiercely jumped onto its undefended back… as long as he could get close and use the Tentacles, it would surely inflict heavy damage on the clown.

Just as Han Dong jumped up.

The ‘Little Demon Eye’ detected a detail.

Something seemed to be squirming under the clown’s clothes at the center of its back.


However, Han Dong had already jumped, and it was impossible to dodge in midair.

Just as he tried to block his chest with the Ghoul Arm.


The squirming thing bulged from the back, tore through the clothes, and grew quickly!

The fifth grasshopper leg.

Compared to the four legs severed by Han Dong, it was sharper and more robust.

The tip aimed straight at Han Dong’s chest, his arms were too late to block.

However… the anticipated scene of his heart being penetrated didn’t happen.

Instead, a ‘ding’ sound of metal clashing was heard.

Han Dong was hit by this piercing attack and slammed down heavily five meters away.


Landing, Han Dong spat out a mouthful of fresh blood mixed with probiotics.

The clothes on his chest had been torn open, revealing a piece of silver soft armor.

It was an equipment given to him by Mrs. Pasha beforehand.

Now it seems, this silver soft armor was not simple. At least in terms of hardness, it was definitely top-notch.

“Phew… I really need to thank Mrs. Pasha when I get back.”

Han Dong’s landing point was right in the center of the crossroad, he immediately looked in the direction of the [Exit].

“Almost ready… Whoa! It seems like my ribs are broken, hang in there!”

Han Dong no longer joined the fight and immediately moved towards the [Exit].