My Civil Servant Life Reborn in the Strange World-Chapter 281.

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Chapter 281.

Bloody led the Black Water Buffalo knights, and as his horse galloped to their destination, he asked, "Are you guys Den's subordinates? You look like you’d be pretty fun to fight!"

Bors was riding an alchemic lifeform horse, and he yelled, "You give off such a refreshing vibe that it makes me want to fight! I like it!"

On the way to the battlefield, Bloody freely released his martial aura and hit aside an arrow that flew at him. "Then, let's have a fight later!"

A rebuke came from the communicator before Bors could answer.

- Make small talk later. I'll direct you. If you turn to the left and go straight ahead, you'll find the knights who seem to be the enemy’s key forces on the left battlefield. Destroy them.

At Den's message, Bloody laughed and shouted, "Good! Turn left!"

The Black Water Buffalo knights turned at Bloody's instructions.

The 8811th Cavalry Regiment following behind the Black Water Buffalo knights along with the musket-wielding 98th Sniper Unit continued to travel in their original direction as if they had received different orders. The Black Water Buffalo knights turned to the left and wandered through the enemy camp, meeting the enemy knights.

"Lance Charging!"

At Bloody's cry, the Black Buffalo knights rushed toward their foes, readying their lances in unison. Surprised by the Black Water Buffalo knights’ sudden appearance, the enemy knights tried to endure, but the battle line collapsed due to their late response.

"We’ll go around and destroy them!" Bloody called out.



The leaders shouted with Bloody and directed their horses in a circle. The Black Water Buffalo knights once again lanced the enemy's knights and threw them off their horses. A few of the enemy knights managed to persist, and they swung their swords, but their necks were soon wound in manrikis, and they were killed.

Right as the enemy's core troops on the left battlefield were defeated, an order came from Den.

- The Black Water Buffalo knights are to continue heading in that direction towards the center of the region!

Following Den's instructions, Bloody inquired, "I haven't destroyed the left battlefield’s command yet. Is that all right?"

- The 98th Sniper Unit cleared the left battlefield’s command after the 8811th Cavalry Regiment caused disruption and broke through the rear. The Black Water Buffalo knights’ next target is the enemy's central command post. Caradoc will guide you.

At Den's reply, Bloody laughed and exclaimed, "Come! The next target is the enemy's central command!"

The Black Water Buffalo knights followed Caradoc's directions through the chaotic enemy ranks and burrowed straight into the center.

* * *

While Uncle Bloody faced the enemy knights, the main force of the enemy's left command, the 8811th Cavalry Regiment and the 98th Sniper Unit made a major detour and raided the left battlefield’s rear.

It was too difficult to reach the heart of the enemy with a regiment-level cavalry unit. However, they were successful in delivering the 98th Sniper Unit directly to the enemy's left command. The enemy command felt safe from long-range attacks due to their full-body armor, yet they were destroyed by a shower of bullets. The 98th Sniper Unit was only able to succeed because the enemy was focusing on the right side of the wall.

"Command headquarters speaking. We have successfully wiped out the enemy’s left command post and their knights. 14th Army, come out and deal with the remnants of the enemy's left army!"

At my command, the commander of the 14th Army laughed gleefully and roared.

- Hahaha! All right! Let's go! Open the gates!

As the gates were opened and a force of 10,000 was mobilized, the enemy’s left army that had lost its command post was thrown into disarray.

I communicated with the commander of the 14th Army in private. "14th Army Commander-nim, please preserve your troops as much as possible. This is not the end of the battle."

The 14th army commander replied in a calm voice to my unnecessary worrying.

- I know that as well.

"I'm counting on you, Commander-nim."

- Don't worry.

After hearing his final words, I cut off communications and kicked at the Hunter Tribe member who had crawled up the wall on the right. "Hectopascal Kick!"

The Hunter received my kick with both hands but was pushed away due to insufficient strength. I wanted to command as relaxedly as possible, but I couldn't help myself when I saw the Hunter Tribe people climbing up the wall. Within the imperial army, those who were capable of dealing with battle race members were now stirring the fields outside.

"Last time it was a green wolf, this time it’s a striped cat?” I wondered.

The striped cat hollered, "I’m a tiger! How dare you compare me to a cat!"

"Aha! No wonder. You do seem like a big cat with round ears."

"I’m a tiger!"

It's very cat-like to get all worked up over nothing. Still, despite me calling him a cat, he was the strongest of the Hunters who were climbing up one after another.

"Master! How could you act without me, Master’s shield? I can't protect you if I’m not there!"

"Right! It's too much to go by yourself, Den!"

Gwalchavad and Lancelot complained.

"Oh, what’s this? It's the Hunter Tribe that I’ve only heard stories about, Youngest Master!" Mac hyung laughed cheerfully and shot an arrow at the striped cat without warning.

The Hunter, barely escaping the swift arrow, raised the fur on his entire body. "Krrrrrrr!"

"It was worth waiting! I'll deal with the cat brother here!”

"I said I’m a tiger!" The striped cat ignored me and immediately attacked Mac hyung.

"I’m Gentamet, a red-striped great warrior!"

"I am Mac, vice-captain of the warrior unit!"

Mac hyung continued to release arrows, and the striped cat quickly dodged, stepping on one of the wall’s watchtowers while surrounding his claws with strong aura.

Brother Mac yelled, infusing strong aura into his arrows, "Youngest Master, don't interfere! It's been a while since I had fun!"

Mac hyung laughed excitedly. After competing in strength with the much larger striped cat, Mac hyung stepped on the cat's knee and kicked his solar plexus and chin one after another.

Getting struck in the chin, the cat took two steps back and laughed, "Kuhuhu! That's funny! I can't believe a man like this is not the captain but the vice-captain. The captain must be stronger, right?"

"Haha, Sir Captain is not here right now, so be satisfied with me!” Mac hyung fired an arrow as he retreated, and the striped cat chased Mac hyung, leaving a gash on the wall with its claws.

Well, if it’s Mac hyung, he won’t lose. I spoke to Gwalchavad and Lancelot. "You two, please deal with the guys climbing here. Go after the fox and the wolf-like dog that look like they’d be good for fur."

The fox and the dog that just crawled up the wall flew into a rage.

"Fur! You wicked person!"

"I’m not a dog that looks like a wolf; I’m unquestionably a wolf!"

At that instant, Lancelot displayed his flying swordsmanship and hurled daggers at the two enraged Hunters’ blindspots. The fox and the dog narrowly dodged the unexpected daggers and got poised to fight. Lancelot and Gwalchavad also pulled out their swords and hollered,

"If Den says you’re a dog, you’re a dog! I'll engrave that in your bones, you pup!"

"I'll present Master with a nice fur pelt as a gift!"

No, I was just trying to provoke them, so I don't need fur. No matter how much they look like animals, I'm not crazy enough to wear human skin.

Before I could correct myself, Lancelot and the Gwalchavad entered battle with the Hunters.

- Commander-in-Chief, the enemy’s left army has collapsed.

Caradoc reported, and as he shared Horus’s clairvoyance with me, I looked at the battlefield. As Caradoc said, the enemy’s left line had collapsed, and at some point, Uncle Bloody's Black Water Buffalo knights wrecked the central command post.

"Command headquarters announcing to the entire army! The enemy’s left battle line has collapsed completely, and we have succeeded in destroying the enemy's central command post."

At my announcement, cheers could be heard from place to place over the radio. I corrected them and said, "It's still too early to cheer! 14th Army, suppress the rear of the enemy's central army. The 8th Army is to attack the enemy's central army!"

- This is the 14th Army; we will follow the directions from the headquarters.

- This is the 8th Army. We will attack. Open the gates!

While I was looking at the battlefield, I intercepted the Hunters crawling up the wall with magic bullets. This time, the Hunters arriving late were far weaker than the three Hunters who showed up earlier. Of course, being far weaker was still much stronger than the knights fighting on the wall.

"Wow. A spotted cat, antler, teddy bear, and a blue piglet. Such diversity.”

The spotted cat and the deer flew into a rage at my assessment.

"Such rudeness! Spotted cat! I’m a leopard!"

"Don't call people those types of names!"

On the other hand, the red bear laughed merrily, and the boar looked curious.

"Hahaha! A teddy bear! It's the first time I've been called something so cute since my grandmother called me that when I was a kid!"

"Wait, then am I the piglet? What's a piglet?"

Observing the battlefield, I could see that, as the central command center was destroyed and the central army was being attacked, the entirety of the enemy army fell into chaos. The enemy's right command post seemed to be attempting to patch things up somehow, but it was already too late.

It was their fault for revealing that they were targeting the right side before the siege even began. I felt a little guilty, but it's the enemy's fault!

"Command headquarters speaking! 14th Army, open up a little wider and surround the central army! 3189th Regiment, 7781st Regiment, take a detour and attack the rear of the enemy’s right forces!"

- This is the 3189th Regiment! Understood! We will take a detour to their rear!

- This is the 7781st Regiment! We will take a detour as well!

My zoo friends saw me giving orders as I stood before them, and they began to emit killing intent.

"How can you command from here as if you can see the whole battlefield?"

"You're the head! It wasn't Bloody!"

I exclaimed in Hunter Tribe language as the Hunters growled and looked as if they would pounce on me at any given point. "That's a lot of talk, hurry up and come at me! I'll let you have breakfast in the cage at the zoo tomorrow!"

At my provocation, the zoo friends attacked simultaneously. I shouted, infusing mana into the Holy Sword, "Command headquarters speaking! 3rd Army, leave a minimum number of people to guard the walls of the castle and destroy the enemy's right army!”

- This is the 3rd Army! If we do that, then the castle will be completely empty! Is that all right?!

At the 3rd army commander’s question, I cut the deer's antlers with the Holy Sword and jumped over the wild boar while replying. "This is command headquarters! I'll be here, so it’ll be fine! If you're nervous, deal with the enemy quickly and return!"

- Ahahaha! Impressive! Understood! Open the gates! The 3rd Army is deploying!

I turned in the air and slashed the boar’s back.


The boar collapsed, spurting blood from its back. As soon as I landed, the red bear and the spotted cat rushed at me from both sides. I dodged the spotted cat’s claws that were covered in strong aura, grabbed his arm, and threw him forcefully at the red bear, who was slamming down with both hands from above.

"Friend Shield!"

"Kuok!" The spotted cat was attacked by a red bear in my place, and it fainted with its back folded over.

I threw away the stunned spotted cat and gathered martial arts to hit the red bear's solar plexus. "Enlightenment! Crushing rocks!"


As the red bear collapsed while vomiting blood, I spoke in a low voice. "That’s the revenge from your friend who collapsed under your attack!"

The red bear dropped to the floor, unable to answer, and the deer with a cut antler looked at me tiredly. "Crazy psycho!"

So, you can show emotions with the face of a deer. Is it because they’re half-human? How fascinating.

"What are you saying, you invaders?! Hand over the remaining antler and go to sleep!"

When I cried out while pointing the Holy Sword, the deer grabbed its remaining antler as if it were precious and put strong aura around his legs, screaming, "I can't let you have my sacred antlers!"

The deer jumped high and kicked with strong aura on his leg. I dodged to the side and cut off the remaining antler.

"My antler!"

I hit the back of the shocked deer’s head with my sword handle.

After dealing with the Hunters, I filled the Holy Sword with mana. Using the blade of the now giant holy sword, which was as large as a house, I swept the enemies climbing up the wall as if I were sweeping a broom.

“Good, the battle should be over before dark." I withdrew the mana in the Holy Sword as I stood on the wall and watched the enemy force’s battle line become surrounded and start to collapse.