My Crown Prince Consort Is a Firecracker!-Chapter 2691 - Good Deal

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Chapter 2691 - 2691 Good Deal

2691 Good Deal

Caiqi hurriedly entered the room, fetching large wooden armchairs for Mo Lian and Qiao Mu to take their seats.

Once they were settled, their attention turned to Mu Jingfeng, who appeared noticeably pale, almost as if he had aged three to five years overnight.

The question lingered: had all this distress been worth it? Qiao Mu’s lips curved with a hint of disdain.

Stepping forward, Mr. Xi opened the ledger and began to read aloud. “Based on our calculations, the Butterfly Pavilion, Couture House, and the Listless Pavilion alone have generated an annual revenue of over 10 million spirit currency for the past 15 years. With recent business expansions, the Butterfly Pavilion alone amassed 20 million spirit currency last year.”

“If we were to value these assets in terms of standard commodities like gold and silver, their total worth would be even higher.”

“Regarding the fertile fields in the northern district, they yield a yearly income of 800,000 spirit currency. Moving to the three residences in the southern district—excluding the one allocated for Maiden Qiong— the other two rooms have been leased, accumulating an annual rent of about 30,000 spirit currency.”

“Additionally, there are 14 thriving shops situated in the western district and South City. Notably, there are pharmacies and talisman shops in the southern district, contributing potential profits of up to 1,000,000 spirit currency annually.”

“The two fields located on the outskirts of the eastern district bring in a modest income, approximately 50,000 spirit currency annually.”

“Contrastingly, the three northern district fields yield substantial profits, amounting to 300,000 spirit currency per year.”

“Furthermore, the profits have exhibited a consistent upward trajectory each year…”

“In this manner, over the past 15 years…” Mr. Xi efficiently manipulated an abacus. “After accounting for expenses, the total accumulated profits would easily surpass 220 million spirit currency.”

Mu Jingfeng found himself struggling to comprehend the man’s words. It felt as though the man was speaking but the meaning was elusive, akin to a heartrending excavation.

220 million spirit currency?

Assisting Mu Qingya to sit down, the magnitude of the revelation left her feeling dizzy and uncertain, lost in a sea of uncertainty.

Qiao Mu affirmed with a nod. “Did you also factor in the expenditures for Mu Jingfeng’s concubine’s Viscount and their daughter?”

“Yes, Crown Prince Consort, we have accounted for all the details.”

“Consort Mu receives a monthly allowance of 20,000 spirit currency, and similarly, the assertive young woman receives 10,000 spirit currency per month, akin to Young Master Mu.”

“As for Family Head Mu’s four concubines, they each receive a stipend of 3,000 spirit currency, while the three daughters of the concubines are granted 5,000 spirit currency monthly.”

“Within the eldest branch, a total of 74 servants require monthly wages to be paid…”

“That’s enough!” Mu Jingfeng, at the peak of his frustration, interjected with a burst of anger. He felt as if he had lost face in an inexplicable manner today.

What he found particularly infuriating was Capital Cao’s composed demeanor amidst the ensuing chaos, casually sipping his tea.

To think that a domestic matter could escalate to government attention—such an ordeal had stripped him of his dignity and knocked him down from his Viscount position by a huge stagger!

Observing Mu Jingfeng’s crestfallen state, Qiao Mu sneered, her tone laden with disdain. “It appears that Family Head Mu has displayed remarkable generosity in managing his former spouse’s dowry.”

Although the cost of living in the Divine Province was indeed high, generally exceeding that of the Middle Six Prefectures by more than fivefold, a hundred spirit currency per day sufficed for a regular family’s expenses.

Family Head Mu, however, extended a monthly stipend of 100 spirit currency daily to his concubine—an amount excluding the annual investments in clothing, cosmetics, jewelry, and accessories.

/What a display of extravagance!/

Qiao Mu’s voice turned cold as she continued, “Have you compiled the overall total?”

“Over the course of these 15 years, the monthly allowances distributed within the eldest branch alone have accumulated to more than 15 million spirit currency.”