My Hermes System-Chapter 324 - 324: Dionysus, Once Again

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Chapter 324 - 324: Dionysus, Once Again

"It's been a long time, King Vanny."

"It's… you?"

"Yes, it is I, Dionysus."

Van's eyes looked at Dionysus from head to toe. And although his height… as well as his weight was more than triple than it was before, there was no mistaking it-- the giant that was being carried towards him by 4 fire giants was none other than Dionysus. Even with all of the fats covering his face, most of his features were still there-- specifically the goblet of wine he was gulping down.

Van did not really mind his height difference that much, as Artemis was capable of becoming as tall as the mountains; his fat, however, was a whole new topic altogether.

"...How?" Van muttered, his eyes not leaving Dionysus for even a single second, "Why… are you with the Fire Giants?"

"I should be the one asking you that question, King Vanny," Dionysus then let out a small giggle, making all the fats that were surrounding his body to wiggle,

"I have been here for six thousand three hundred twenty-three years, but I don't really keep count so I might have lost a number or two."

"5,600 years?" Van could not help but slightly raise an eyebrow. For someone who doesn't keep count, that was an oddly specific number.

"You know of this man, father?" The roots and almost metallic-like vines that were protruding from the ground slowly returned to the ground as Vanya's monotonous voice whispered through the air. Seeing this, the fire giants that were awfully close to the ominous-looking roots could not help but let out a short sigh of relief.

There weren't that many trees growing in Muspelheim, especially not in the cities which were situated underground-- one had to have a tantamount of power just to be able to pull even a hint of a plant from the deepest parts of their Realm, yet this forest giant they almost had the pleasure of fighting was capable of surrounding the whole area with roots.

Perhaps she was who she says she was? The first female forest giant, Vanya.

It has been a long time since they last saw a progenitor since most of them were usually just sleeping and spending their time seemingly waiting for something to happen. Even their own progenitor, Surtr, had just been spending his time lazily sitting on his throne for more than a thousand years now; the last time he emerged from his throne was when one of the Primal Aesir visited Muspelheim.

And so, for a progenitor to suddenly visit them, and unannounced at that, was truly something they could not fathom.

"Father, do you know of this man?" Vanya once again repeated her question, as Van seemed to be somewhat lost in confusion.

"Your… mother did not tell you about her?" Van then finally answered her question as he looked between the two of them, "Wait, don't tell me you haven't met with Artemis all these years?" Van then said as he once again focused his eyes towards Dionysus.

"Who is he, father?" Vanya once again asked.

"...He's sort of your mother's and Athena's… cousin."

"An Olympian!?" Vanya raised her voice as soon as Van's words reached her ears, "Then why have I only seen him now?"

"That's what I would like to ask as well."

"Well…" Seeing Van's inquisitive eyes not leaving him for even a second, Dionysus could only let out a small smile, "...Come with me. This is a talk... discussed somewhere more private..."


"...Over wine!"


Van could not help but roll his eyes in frustration as Dionysus handed him and each of his companions a beverage, still being carried by other giants. Alcohol for the others, and for him, still grape juice. Seeing as it was Dionysus, then he should have expected something like a feast to happen, especially now that he gained some substantial weight.

"Great," Gerald, who quickly grabbed the alcohol and gulped it down, could not help but click his tongue, "We went to the city to have some fun, but we just ended up eating again."

"...You wanted a massacre to happen instead?" Queen Nori, who was sitting beside him, slightly moved her seat away as soon as she heard Gerald's words. Although this was the first time she had seen this man, the things he had been saying ever since they met truly made Queen Nori uncomfortable.

"Not really," Gerald let out a sigh as he took another sip of his wine, "...Maybe a little bit. The humans I've killed a few days ago weren't enough to warm me up."


"Do you know your husband and I fought once?"


"Yeah, quite strong," Gerald once again clicked his tongue, "Maybe even stronger than Magni, still proved too weak in the end though, I guess he went home crying to you?"

"That's…" Queen Nori blinked a couple of times as she heard Gerald's words. There was one time, several years ago that his husband went home bruised and wounded; he didn't tell her what happened to him, but based on his bruises, it was from a much smaller opponent.

Could it be… that the one who did that to him truly is this man beside him?

"Everyone, listen up!"


With Dionysus's voice reverberating throughout the entirety of the hall, all the others shut their mouths and looked towards him; but the only scene that presented itself to them was Dionysus struggling to stand up from his seat.


But finally, after what seemed like a full minute, his legs had finally successfully stretched themselves as he created a small quake as soon as he took a step forward.

"Everyone, listen up!" Dionysus once again repeated his words, "Let me introduce you to the King of the Olympians, King Vanny!"

"...King of what?"

The fire giants present in the hall could not help but all look at each other from Dionysus's words. For some of them, Dionysus had become the symbol of their city. Even if he was not the chief, his orders were still being followed by all of the soldiers.

And if they were given a choice, they would probably choose Dionysus orders' above their own chief, that's how much they trusted him-- and if that time really does come, then their chief probably would probably even give the position to him; that's how much influence Dionysus had to their city.

And for him to acknowledge and call someone a king… then that person would probably be someone truly special. And so, all of the fire giants were now currently looking at Van, whose eyes could not help but close from Dionysus once again pulling the unnecessary theatrics.

"Dionysus, did Artemis know you were here?" Van then waved his hand, gesturing to Dionysus to stop glorifying him.

"Ah, Artemis…. Yes," Dionysus then let out a long and deep sigh as he turned his head to the side, "No, we didn't really meet even once."

"But you knew she was here?"

"Yes, Athena told me."

"You met with Athena?"

"Once or twice," Dionysus let out a slight chuckle before telling the fire giants to continue the festivities, "She actually came to me a hundred years after I was sent to this place, along with many others that are no longer here with us. Your sister and her lover were with me as well, but the vampire disappeared as soon as Andrea died."


"Oh, don't worry, Andrea died a peaceful death; she lived her life to the fullest, but never once stopped searching for you."

"Where… were they?"

"Midgard, same as many others."

Van could not help but take in a long and deep breath as he heard Andrea's fate. He already knew that there was no way she could be alive when he realized that they were sent here at different intervals; but now that he had finally heard actual confirmation, the only thing he could really do was gulp down his juice.

"Do you know where Sarah might be?"

"No idea, King Vanny."

"What about Athena? Did she try to reach you when… Artemis was killed?"

"I am afraid not. Athena is probably just busy trying to figure out the secrets of this plane. I honestly feel a certain betrayal as she did not even visit me once, I had to find out from someone else that Artemis was killed. Makes you think, if she still hasn't found what she's looking for after ten thousand years; would she even find it?"

"What… exactly is she hoping to find?"

"Your mother."


"I suppose, my memory of our last conversation is somewhat hazy-- been a while, after all. I do remember her mentioning Seraph Azrael; although Evangeline and she are basically the same, like tomato tomato."

"I… see."

Once again, whenever his mother comes into play. Was it really possible that this whole thing, this… time jump, was also part of her plan?

"Since you were also in the New Wall city when the explosion happened, did you also happen to meet Latanya?"

"Latanya? The awfully blessed woman with a large pair of--"

"Yes," Van stopped Dionysus before he could complete what he was going to say, "I am actually in the journey of trying to reach--"

Van, as well, abruptly stopped his words as soon as he realized something. He was so focused on having a conversation with Dionysus, that he failed to quickly notice that the fire giants, which were previously having a feast and letting our joyous cries, were now all quiet.

His eyes quickly scanned the hall, only to find out that each one of them was now staring at him.

"W… what did you put in this!?"

"Wow, you're still awake?"

Van then quickly looked towards Gerald, who flipped his table upside down as he sluggishly walked his way towards him and Dionysus. But before he could even take 3 steps, the four fire giants that were previously carrying Dionysus blocked his path.

"..." Van then looked towards Vanya and Queen Nori, only to find Queen Nori lying unconscious on her table, while Vanya was seemingly struggling to stay awake.

"King Vanny, King Vanny," Dionysus's voice then slithered its way towards Van's ears, "You really are Hermes's son…

...Immune to even the strongest sedative."