My Lady, To Defeat Scumbags You Must Start Early-Chapter 86 - : Ji Baijian, the man of steel, conservative and paranoid

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Chapter 86: Chapter 86: Ji Baijian, the man of steel, conservative and paranoid

Translator: 549690339

At the front gate of the Ji Family mansion.

Song Zhizhi was looking at a man and his dog.

She just never imagined Ji Baijian to be a dog person.

โ€œIs this your dog?โ€ Song Zhizhi asked.

โ€œNameโ€™s Tank. Male, half a year old. Samoyed breed, purebred,โ€ Ji Baijian said, listing off its particulars.

Song Zhizhi was perplexed, but nodded anyway, โ€œOh!โ€

โ€œLetโ€™s go.โ€ Ji Baijian stepped forward to take her hand.

Just then, the Samoyed named Tank began to misbehave, tugging on Ji Baijian.

Ji Baijian frowned slightly, turned around, and called, โ€œYin Qin.โ€

Only then did Song Zhizhi notice Yin Qin smoking in a corner. Upon hearing Ji Baijian call him, he quickly took a few more puffs before extinguishing it and tossing it into a nearby trash bin, โ€œI just began smoking, whatโ€™s up? Ji Baijian handed the dog leash to Yin Qin, โ€œItโ€™s your turn.โ€

โ€œI donโ€™t like dogs,โ€ Yin Qin grumbled.

โ€œYou brought this on me.โ€

โ€œWhat the fuโ€”, wasnโ€™t it you who asked me to buy it? I had to choose for half a month before you agreed on this one! Ji Baijian, youโ€™re just not right. If itโ€™s your dog, you should take care of it,โ€ Yin Qin complained.

Ji Baijian didnโ€™t bother arguing with him and thrust the dog leash into Yin Qinโ€™s hand.

Then, holding Song Zhizhiโ€™s hand, he walked towards the villa, saying as they walked, โ€œYour bodyguard can come along too, Iโ€™ve informed my family.โ€

Song Zhizhi turned to call Luo Xiaolang.

Luo Xiaolang quickly followed.

Song Zhizhi glanced back at Yin Oin who was standing at the entrance.

struggling to control Tank. She couldnโ€™t help but feel sorry for him and asked,

โ€œWhy did you leave your dog with Yin Qin?โ€

It seemed to her that Ji Baijian was bullying Yin Qin terribly.

Normally, Yin Qin was a rather charming scion of the Consortium Group! But in front of Ji Baijian, he seemed rather like a โ€œhenpecked husbandโ€.

โ€œIโ€™m not good with dogs,โ€ Ji Baijian replied.

โ€œThen why did you buy one?โ€ Song Zhizhi muttered.

Ji Baijian paused and whispered into her ear, โ€œDumb.โ€

Youโ€™re the dumb one!

Your whole family is dumb!

With that, Song Zhizhi was pulled by Ji Baijian into the grand hall.

The grandeur of the Ji Family mansion was indeed magnificent. The grand hall was as breathtaking as when she first saw it. It was even more luxurious than the banquet hall of a five-star hotel. With a hall this big and glamorous, wouldnโ€™t people living in this mansion feel a bit lonely?

As Song Zhizhi was thinking about this, she saw Ji Yunlei and Zhang Qingmei, sitting on a high-quality sofa, with Ji Baixin playing with his phone and Ji Baili sitting next to them.

The Ji family must have good manners. Ji Baili and Ji Baixin stood up from the sofa respectfully when they saw Ji Baijian leading Song Zhizhi in. Ji Yunlei also uncrossed his legs, Zhang Qingmei sat up respectfully.

โ€œDad, auntie.โ€ Ji Baijian was also very respectful.

Ji Yunlei nodded.

Song Zhizhi hurriedly greeted, โ€œUncle, auntie.โ€

โ€œHmm. Have a seat.โ€ Ji Yunlei gestured.

Only then did Ji Baijian take Song Zhizhi to sit on a sofa at one side, and only then did Ji Baili and Ji Baixin sit back down.

Luo Xiaolang stood dutifully by Song Zhizhiโ€™s side.

A moment later, Yin Qin, looking relieved after having managed Tank, entered the hall.

Song Zhizhi was, in fact, surprised as to why Yin Qin was here. Then she remembered that Ji Baixin was engaged to Yin Qinโ€ฆ from her previous lifeโ€™s memory, she seemed to remember that the two never did marry. Of course, she never did pay attention to these people in her previous life, so she wasnโ€™t sure about their relationship.

After sitting on the sofa for a bit and making small talk about daily life, they proceeded to have dinner.

Everyone gathered around a large, lavish table.

Song Zhizhi naturally sat next to Ji Baijian. At that moment, she saw Yin Qin preparing to sit next to Ji Baixin, only for Ji Baixin to grab Ji Baili and sit next to him instead.

Yin Qin seemed to glance at Ji Baixin.

Ji Baixin didnโ€™t return his gaze.

Yin Qin merely shrugged it off and sat off to the side, appearing nonchalant.

At dinner, Zhang Qingmei said gently, โ€œZhizhi, feel at home. Eat whatever you like, donโ€™t be polite.โ€

โ€œThank you, Auntie.โ€ Song Zhizhi replied with a polite smile.

Ever since encountering Nie Wenzhiโ€™s antics, Song Zhizhi had developed an instinctual wariness towards everyone, even if Zhang Qingmei seemed very friendly.

โ€œIโ€™ve heard about your engagement from old Song. Although itโ€™s a bit abrupt, considering your familyโ€™s specific situation, I support it.โ€ Ji Yunlei also added.

โ€œThank you for understanding, Uncle.โ€

โ€œBut since youโ€™re about to be married, Baijian, you should take Zhizhi home more often, let her get used to it.โ€

โ€œYes.โ€ Ji Baijian respectfully agreed.

Yin Qin wiped his mouth, โ€œUncle.โ€

โ€œYour marriage to Baixin will have to wait until after Baijianโ€™s wedding. As per tradition, the eldest son should be the first to marry.โ€

โ€œAlright.โ€ Yin Qin seemed unbothered, even smiling and saying, โ€œWho knows, someone might not want to marry.โ€

Ji Yunlei turned to look at Ji Baixin.

Seeing her husbandโ€™s expression, Zhang Qingmei quickly chimed in with a smile, โ€œMarriages are arranged by parents and agreed upon by matchmakers.

Just spend more time together to cultivate feelings.โ€

โ€œIn any case, I donโ€™t want a repetition of what happened before.โ€ Ji Yunlei said, his expression darkening.

Zhang Qingmei tried to soothe him, โ€œIt wonโ€™t happen, darling.โ€

Ji Yunlei didnโ€™t say anything further. free(w)

The dinner was quiet overall. The Ji family, although wealthy, seemed to have stricter etiquette than the high-class Song family.

After dinner, Ji Baijian led Song Zhizhi back to his room.

It was obviously a straight manโ€™s room, with shades of black, white, and gray. It was modern, clean, and tidy.

โ€œDo you want to take a nap?โ€ Ji Baijian asked.

โ€œOn your bed?โ€ Song Zhizhi asked back.

โ€œThereโ€™s a guest room.โ€ Ji Baijian replied.

โ€œI think Iโ€™d rather sleep on your bed.โ€

Then, Song Zhizhi climbed onto Ji Baijianโ€™s bed and wrapped herself in the covers. It smelled distinctly of Ji Baijianโ€ฆ

Ji Baijian looked at Song Zhizhiโ€™s contented face, his lips tugged into a faint smile. He then walked out of the room and closed the door.

Song Zhizhi was watching where the door was.

This squarely old-fashioned and obsessive man!

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