My Lady, To Defeat Scumbags You Must Start Early-Chapter 91 - Business Banquet (2) Fox Couple

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Chapter 91: Chapter 91 Business Banquet (2) Fox Couple

Translator: 549690339

They left the shopping center and arrived at the designated location for the evening party.

As night fell, the banquet was held at a luxurious resort a bit far from the downtown area. Surrounded by darkness, the only illumination came from the flickering lights of the resort building, making it look like a shining castle from a fairy tale.

The car stopped at the main entrance.

A staff member respectfully opened the car door and invited Song Zhizhi to step out. Song Zhizhi exited the car and told Luo Xiaolang, “Give them the car keys, and come in with me.”

Luo Xiaolang complied obediently.

Song Zhizhi took Luo Xiaolang inside.

At this point, the hall was crowded with people, all of them wearing splendid gowns and suits, working their way through introductions, acquaintances, conversations, and displays of their status. Song Zhizhi just entered the hall.

And she saw Ji Baijian.

He was wearing a silver-grey suit that was strikingly eye-catching.

Ji Baijian also saw her.

He walked towards her.

Song Zhizhi happily looped her arm around Ji Baijian’s.

Before leaving, she told Luo Xiaolang, “You can get something to eat at the buffet area. If anyone asks you anything, just smile and don’t say anything.”

Luo Xiaolang was always obedient.

Looking towards the far-off buffet area, he walked straight there.

Just as he picked out a few vegetarian dishes he liked, a somewhat familiar voice rang by his ear, “Aren’t you Gao Dazhuang’s pet dog, Xiaolang?” Luo Xiaolang looked at Yin Qin.

Yin Qin was also dressed in a formal black suit today, making him look much more steady and mature.

“Damn, it really is you. Are you insane? Look at the way you’re dressed.” Yin Qin was blunt as he spoke.

Deep down, however, he actually thought it suited Luo Xiaolang pretty well.

Dishes in hand, Luo Xiaolang brushed past Yin Qin without a word.

“Hey, getting angry just because I said something? You sure are quite fierce, puppy.” Yin Qin muttered.

Afterwards, he didn’t pay any more attention and just focused on eating what he liked.

He casually looked around.

Yeah, he’ll avoid looking at Ji Baixin.

That woman wasn’t even the most beautiful in the world.

Now, that girl over there was quite attractive.

Wait a moment.

Isn’t that Song Zhizhi?

And isn’t the guy Song Zhizhi’s with, none other than Ji Baijian?

Didn’t Ji Baijian say he was too busy to accompany him? Now he has been once again ensnared by that vixen Song Zhizhi!

Thinking about it, this “fox” family…

Song Zhizhi and Ji Baijian greeted Song Shan and Nie Wenzhi, and then greeted Ji Yunlei and Zhang Qingmei. After this, they were busy greeting people coming and going in the grand hall.

After making one round, Song Zhizhi felt a bit tired. “I’ll take you to get something to eat,” Ji Baijian said.

“Mmm.” Song Zhizhi nodded.

The two of them headed towards the pastry selection.

And there, they came face-to-face with Mu Cidian, Xin Group’s CEO, and his fiancée, Wu Qianyuan. The couple looked very loving.

Song Zhizhi didn’t greet them.

But it was Mu Cidian who took the initiative to speak first, “Young Master Ji, Miss Song.”

Ji Baijian nodded, “Hmm.”

Then, the two of them started chatting.

Seeing that they were discussing business matters, Song Zhizhi, who wasn’t particularly interested, walked off on her own.

From a distance, she spotted the Chairman of Xin Group, Xin He.

She hesitated for a moment, then walked over.

“Uncle Xin.” Song Zhizhi took the initiative, “I’m Song Shan’s daughter, Song Zhizhi. ” f reewe bnovel

“Zhizhi, your uncle recognizes you.” Xin He was very friendly, “I’ve heard you’ve joined a commercial management organization. You are really ambitious for your age.”

“Uncle Xin, you flatter me.” Song Zhizhi said modestly. “It’s just a job, and my father is getting older. I thought I might be able to help him somehow.” Xin He laughed, “If I had such an obedient daughter, I’d laugh in my sleep.”

“Zaozao is pretty good as well.”

“It’s a shame she’s so far away.” Xin He sighed.

“Did she say when she will come back?” Song Zhizhi asked, concerned.

“No. She doesn’t even call much.”

“Oh.” Song Zhizhi nodded.

When Xin Zaozao left, her heart must have been heavy.

Song Zhizhi didn’t press further. She casually asked, “Why didn’t aunt come with you?”

“Your aunt isn’t feeling well and is resting at home. She finds these formal banquets to be rather boring. She would get bored if she came.”

“Uncle treats aunt really well.”

“Well, after all, we’ve been a married couple for a long time.” Xin He replied with a slight smile.

Song Zhizhi returned the smile, exchanged a few pleasantries, and then excused herself to leave.

As she was leaving, she suddenly remembered something.

Xin Zaozao’s father died in a car accident. She couldn’t exactly remember when, but she had seen it on the news and vaguely recalled that it was shortly after attending a banquet. Aside from the driver, he was the only one in the car at the time. The timing was about the same as now, so…

Song Zhizhi turned her gaze back to Xin He.

Without a true reason, there was no way for her to want to reach out to help.

She thought, if fate has allowed her to be reborn, she must be meant to make an impact.

Back in the still lavish banquet hall…

Yin Qin was bored beyond measure. He’d just tagged along with his father to meet and greet a bunch of people. At this moment, unable to stand it anymore, he loosened his tie and headed to the back garden.

He really hated the formalities of the business world. It was absolutely, definitely not because he saw Ji Baixin that he decided to do this.

He emerged into the back garden.

Ji Baixin was sitting in a somewhat dark corner. There was a swing there, and she was moving back and forth on it.

Yin Qin pretended not to notice her, and upon entering the garden, he just happened to run into a few friends, sons of the upper-class society. One of them called out to Yin Qin, “Young Master Yin, come and have a smoke.”

Yin Qin went over.

A few of them gathered together.

“Hey, I heard you’re getting married?”

“Who?” Yin Qin took a drag on his cigarette, feeling quite suave.

“Your marriage with the young mistress of the Ji family.”

“Enough.” Yin Qin looked disdainful, “Who would like that second-hand item.” “Wow, wow, wow, you’re quite picky.” A friend teased, “As if you’re so pure.” “Can you compare men and women?” Yin Qin retorted.

“Quite the chauvinist. But didn’t you really like Ji Baixin? You were fond of her since school.” A friend unveiled the truth. “Didn’t you even ask me to deliver a love letter… ‘

“That was hundreds of years ago, why are you still bringing that up!” Yin Qin said, slightly blushing and flustered. “We were just young and didn’t know any better! Not that I’ll hide it from you, but I already have a new love interest now.”

“Oh, really?”

“Of course it’s true, she’s also at the banquet.”

“I don’t believe you.” One of them said, sounding very certain.

Everyone in their circle knew that Yin Qin liked Ji Baixin, from heaven and earth to heart and mind!

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